Table of Contents
Welcome to Rice 2.1.3!
Rice 2.1.3 is primarily a bug fix release. If you find a problem with this documentation, please report it in Jira and set the component to Documentation.
Highlights of this release include:
Kuali Rice 2.1.3 can be downloaded from the Rice website at
There are three different distributions of Rice available: source, binary and server. Please read the Installation Guide for more details on each of these distributions.
Applications can also consume Rice from the maven site at|ga|1|org.kuali.rice.
API Documentation can be found at
Formal documentation can be found at This documentation is still in the process of review and update which will continue through subsequent releases, so please follow the notes in each document to report any outdated information.
If you encounter any difficulty, please don't hesitate to contact the Rice team on
our public collaboration mailing list at <>
Please indicate that you are using the 2.1.3 version of Rice.
We recommend backing up your database before performing any upgrade!
MySQL and Oracle scripts for performing these updates are available in the following locations in the Rice distribution downloads:
scripts/upgrades/2.1.2 to
scripts/upgrades/2.1.2 to
[KULRICE-3526] - Fix issue with Document Type XML parser where it isn't properly handling route paths that re-use a node definition
[KULRICE-6479] - org.kuali.rice.kns.UserSession and org.kuali.rice.kew.web.session.UserSession should be using a synchronized map for their objectMap and workflowDocMap
[KULRICE-6771] - KSB integration tests throw exceptions during tearDown
[KULRICE-7292] - Document status field includes types like INITIATED that result in stack trace
[KULRICE-7531] - Action List does not use backdoored user's Action List preferences
[KULRICE-7667] - Decrypting/Encrypting hide fields value that are not set as encrypted when click on custom button on Maintenance Document
[KULRICE-7687] - Docs that go to final status without routing should not display the recall button
[KULRICE-7755] - document not editable when ad hoc routed for completion
[KULRICE-7765] - Issues when using IE9
[KULRICE-7776] - Clicking on role member column in Role Inquiry delegate section results in stack trace
[KULRICE-7842] - Ad Hoc Route for Completion recipient does not have the Approve action available in the Action Requested drop down field
[KULRICE-7848] - Travel Account Document has a NPE on empty subsidized percent
[KULRICE-7857] - ROLE_NAME property in KimConstants seems to have the wrong value
[KULRICE-7864] - CONTRIB: do not ignore validation when ad hoc route for completion request is receiving positive action (complete, approve, blanket approve)
[KULRICE-7930] - Person document is allowing add of role memberships with bad information
[KULRICE-7934] - Wrap KSBClientProxy method.invoke(s, args); call to return actual cause
[KULRICE-8038] - Travel Account Maintenance (New) account number validation broken and validation message nulled
[KULRICE-8077] - PO Quote Limitation of Only 9 Vendors
[KULRICE-8078] - Correct Lookup Help Information
[KULRICE-8089] - Alpha ordering issues within the KualiDocument tab in Routing and Identity Management
[KULRICE-8090] - The Namespace Code and the Name should include "*" as they are required fields.
[KULRICE-8091] - Adhoc routing tab utilizing Groups on all documents missing asterisks
[KULRICE-8092] - Enter key won't return values in Parameter Component
[KULRICE-8093] - Horizontal scrolling for maintenance documents with errors listed
[KULRICE-8096] - Data Mapping Field Definition, Business Object Component Lookup - Namespace Duplications - KFS-PURAP/KFS-PDP
[KULRICE-8135] - Investigate StyleRepositoryServiceImplTest.testGetStyle_valid 's JDK7 failure
[KULRICE-8138] - JDK7 cxf library 2.3.8 hard coded javac param of 1.5 causes SOAPServiceTest.testWsdlGeneration Failure JAXBException: "testcl1" doesnt contain ObjectFactory.class or jaxb.index
[KULRICE-8152] - RouteNodeInstance contract null error
[KULRICE-8176] - KFS Notes/Attachments Tab Functionality for Note Text Error - Visible/Special characters, spaces, or tabs
[KULRICE-8177] - CONTRIB: Identity Mgmt Section listed as "Undefined"
[KULRICE-8182] - JDK7 Bean property 'componentSecurity' is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter?
[KULRICE-8235] - DataDictionaryLazyLoadingTest fails on JDK7 with jdk 1.7.0_06 and lower
[KULRICE-8239] - JDK7 predic8's groovy class extend Exceptions requires recompile.
[KULRICE-8243] - misleading documentation on document operation
[KULRICE-8252] - Permission check for super user tab seems to be using the wrong namespace
[KULRICE-8267] - Inefficiencies in persisting role members in the IdentityManagementRoleDocument (4062)
[KULRICE-8271] - partially masked field can't be masked properly (RQ_PO_0316)
[KULRICE-8277] - Several ITs fail with OJB operation; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00904: "ROUTEHEADERID": invalid identifier
[KULRICE-8285] - delegate rule lookup times out if a huge number of rows are returned, limit search results to 500
[KULRICE-8292] - Timeout issues across servers (3535)
[KULRICE-8294] - SuperUserApproveEvent skips rule validation
[KULRICE-8295] - Null handling in DocumentSearchCriteriaBo.groovy needs work
[KULRICE-8318] - Error on clicking 'return value' in lookup dialog
[KULRICE-8333] - Fix the iframe resizing script so we do not see double scroll bars and at the same time the KRMS screens are not affected.
[KULRICE-8337] - Adding line to group membership on person record causes NPE
[KULRICE-8351] - When a space is populated in any of the date fields a stack trace is thrown
[KULRICE-8354] - WSDL for WorkflowDocumentActionsService has some invalid types
[KULRICE-8367] - Spurious error message in lookup results while sorting by a field
[KULRICE-8369] - error saving person when changing employment info
[KULRICE-8371] - KRMS - Copy rule search parmeter window prepopulates rule id
[KULRICE-8374] - Stack trace when trying to delete an empty proposition without highlighting it.
[KULRICE-8377] - Group KIM Type lookup returning too many results
[KULRICE-8398] - key RuleResponsibility.Builder methods have private access
[KULRICE-8405] - KIM: If Name change date is set on entity name table, that person can not be loaded. (Stack trace)
[KULRICE-8412] - Fields encrypted on URL are not always decrypted when returned to document
[KULRICE-8415] - Large roles cannot be opened or edited in KIM
[KULRICE-8453] - Document Type XML export doesn't contain Application Document Status configuration
[KULRICE-8456] - When the 'Member Identifier' field on Role document is left blank and the 'Type Code' is equal to Group or Role - receive incident report
[KULRICE-8457] - Stack trace in agenda lookup when a * is used in the agendaId field and the inquiry is clicked
[KULRICE-8458] - Shared: System Displays Stack Trace Error Upon User Clicking Save After Entering Invalid Namespace Code
[KULRICE-8460] - OJB-repository incorrect use of jdbc-type DATEs
[KULRICE-8461] - Document Type edit where the doc type has application document statuses routes to exception
[KULRICE-8465] - BasicApplicationIT test.port System property check hard coded to return 8080
[KULRICE-8469] - QuickStartTest.test_quickstart_gen_clean_install_int_tests failing on JDK7
[KULRICE-8493] - Document Specific Doc Search Application Document Status should be inherited
[KULRICE-8499] - Rice version is wrong in installation guide documentation for maven archetype (section 5, maven cli)
[KULRICE-8501] - Fix failing DocumentSearchCriteriaTranslatorTest.testTranslateFieldsToCriteria
[KULRICE-8507] - IdentityCurrentAndArchivedServiceImpl.getPrincipals returns a null list if one of the principals is not found for the list of principalsIds passed in.
[KULRICE-8508] - Unable to add members to Roles with type KUALI : Default
[KULRICE-8510] - Maintenance documents blow up when a property is removed and there are pre-existing documents with that property.
[KULRICE-8512] - Added delegates on roles are not being saved if Delegate Type Code is not set. No error displayed.
[KULRICE-8515] - Paging and sorting does not work together correctly for the role members
[KULRICE-8538] - Responsibility Required routing flag not working unless responsibility defined for exact document
[KULRICE-8543] - Sampleapp Create New Agenda link throws Exception evaluating expression: dataObject eq null
[KULRICE-8553] - IdentityManagementRoleDocument delegations not being properly displayed and protected after RELOAD.
[KULRICE-8555] - DocumentSearchCriteriaTranslatorTest testTranslateFieldsToCriteria fails ApplicationDocumentStatuses are null.
[KULRICE-8559] - When routing a doc with no route path defined, document goes FINAL but PostProcessor is never called
[KULRICE-8572] - document lock is not removed upon acknowledge and return to action list
[KULRICE-8578] - Group document does not render when KFS server is down
[KULRICE-8588] - RoleRouteModuleTests failing in Oracle with ORA-00001: unique constraint (RICEUNT.KRIM_ROLE_TC1) violated
[KULRICE-8591] - KRMS Context: Context name change causes null pointer error
[KULRICE-8594] - Set initial size of easyXDM iframe
[KULRICE-8606] - entity composite name has trailing space
[KULRICE-8607] - KNS KualiDocumentFormBase uses the KRAD Session document service instead of the KNS version.
[KULRICE-8613] - PersonService lookup returned employee status code for employee type
[KULRICE-8615] - Wrong commons-collections version when depending on rice-kim-api
[KULRICE-8616] - Wrong slf4j-log4j12 version resolved when depending on rice-core-impl
[KULRICE-8621] - EncryptionService.isEnabled() is not being used uniformly
[KULRICE-8634] - Overriding session document service prevents any transactional document from being saved.
[KULRICE-8638] - File size limitation on attachments (if more than 500KB file size,)
[KULRICE-8639] - Rice stylesheets use non-web-safe font Arial Narrow
[KULRICE-8647] - Kew Recall Tests fail with user permission errors
[KULRICE-8649] - DocumentTypeXmlExporter NullPointers failing kew tests
[KULRICE-8650] - Kew XmlExporterTests failing on doc ingestion with length = '292' is not facet-valid with respect to maxLength '255' for type 'ShortStringType'.
[KULRICE-8657] - Document search does not handle checkbox criteria
[KULRICE-8658] - KC super user action tab open by default and does not show up until document is reloaded.
[KULRICE-8659] - Address version compatibility issue with DocumentSearchCriteria
[KULRICE-8661] - DocumentTypeTest failures Didn't find resource DoctypeConfig_nestedNodes.xml
[KULRICE-8662] - log action message section in route log missing when running in standalone mode
[KULRICE-8664] - Update KENConfigurer to have the ability to specify a different datasource
[KULRICE-8668] - Parameter search by component throws NPE if there is a parameter with an invalid component
[KULRICE-8672] - Address version compatibility issue with ActionItemType
[KULRICE-8673] - Copy Permission not validating New Copy for duplicate Permission Name
[KULRICE-8679] - Action list refresh button doesn't do anything
[KULRICE-8680] - Question forms prompt the wrong question.
[KULRICE-8682] - Action List exception issues
[KULRICE-8683] - IdentityCurrentAndArchivedServiceImpl.getDefaultNamesForPrincipalId() does not handle missing principals
[KULRICE-8684] - ActionRequestValue is not handling missing Person or Group objects
[KULRICE-8687] - Immediate Action Emails don't work on client applications using KEW in embedded mode
[KULRICE-8689] - Unable to programmatically re-resolve workflow on qualified roles from embedded KEW clients
[KULRICE-8691] - WebUtils is not null safe
[KULRICE-8694] - StyleableEmailContentServiceImpl.generateImmediateReminder blows up if Person passed in is null
[KULRICE-8700] - EmailStyleHelper.generateEmailContent(..) logs input document twice
[KULRICE-8702] - Postal Code is missing the link to it's Inquiry screen.
[KULRICE-8703] - Documents with non-existent initiators can not be opened from document search
[KULRICE-8704] - Identity cache service is not used in two critical methods when retrieving Person objects
[KULRICE-8714] - Bug related to caching used to improve role service performance.
[KULRICE-8717] - Document Search issue with custom attribute date searches
[KULRICE-8721] - County maintenance document, submit without entering info and get errors - worded incorrectly, "code" should be spelled out.
[KULRICE-8728] - BusClientFailureProxy doesn't try all endpoint options
[KULRICE-8730] - Using a lookup from a KFS document in Firefox cause a stacktrace to be thrown
[KULRICE-8731] - easyXDM i frame resizing script does not work with IE8 and IE7
[KULRICE-8733] - identityManagementRoleDocument.jsp refers to non-existent JavaScript file
[KULRICE-8737] - Send Simple Notification and Send Event Notification throwing stack trace
[KULRICE-8753] - Customized new DocumentSearchResultSetConfiguration does not apply to DocumentAttribute
[KULRICE-8758] - Lookup NPEs on Document Operation Screen
[KULRICE-8759] - CONTRIB: Make sure (KR-WKFLW "Ad Hoc Review Document") set up for Adhoc routing for completion
[KULRICE-8760] - CONTRIB: Multiple complete adhoc requests should not be allowed on the same document
[KULRICE-8762] - CONTRIB: "Approve & Blanket Approve" button should be disabled for a person who is doing COMPLETE action and "CANCEL & DISAPPROVE" buttons should be enabled
[KULRICE-8770] - easyXDM issues with Firefox and Tomcat
[KULRICE-8774] - KualiAction does not check for null actionForwards
[KULRICE-8775] - xapool cleanup errors
[KULRICE-8777] - Permission doc won't allow me to change some existing KFS permission names: "The Permission Name (Permission Name) may only consist of letters, digits, spaces, or tabs"
[KULRICE-8783] - Issues with Document Operation Screen
[KULRICE-8796] - LookupDao Ojb and jpa implementations ignoring the caseInsensitive and treatWildcardsAndOperatorsAsLiteral properties passed in
[KULRICE-8802] - Permission details are not saved when new permission goes final
[KULRICE-8816] - Customized DocumentAttribute does not allow for non-text value
[KULRICE-8826] - Back level version of Jetty for Integration Tests configured
[KULRICE-8841] - Bad description of Rice in "Introduction to Kuali Rice 2.2.0" document
[KULRICE-8903] - java.lang.SecurityException: class "javax.servlet.FilterRegistration"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
[KULRICE-8905] - Possible bug in RoleServiceImpl
[KULRICE-8965] - PersonServiceImplTest testResolvePrincipalNamesToPrincipalIds_Nested fails with docTypeName parameter value specified was blank, whitespace, or null
[KULRICE-8966] - RoleRouteModuleTest testRoleRouteModule_AllApprove, testRoleRouteModule_FirstApprove, and testRoleRouteModule_RoleResponsibilityActionUpdate fail
[KULRICE-8985] - Add Index to prevent deadlocks during deletion of KSB entries
[KULRICE-8992] - KIMServiceLocatorInternalTest.testGetKimTypeService_KimType expected:DataDictionaryTypeServiceBase but was:class $Proxy141
[KULRICE-8999] - Windows 2008 IE Resize issue PeopleFlow small size
[KULRICE-4559] - Add Type as a qualifying value for Assign Group permissions
[KULRICE-4956] - Clarify FixedPointValidationPattern Error Message
[KULRICE-6507] - Make it so that the Person seach and inquiry works for historical users
[KULRICE-7556] - DocumentSearchCriteria should support principal ids, right now it only supports specifying principal names
[KULRICE-8179] - Rice KEW considers Maps as 'simple' properties and serializes them and persists them in the database.
[KULRICE-8180] - Need a way to control what properties are serialized in maintenance documents.
[KULRICE-8273] - Add caching to style service to improve EDocLite performance
[KULRICE-8284] - In, recheck the database to see if the message still exists before processing
[KULRICE-8286] - Improve
[KULRICE-8288] - Allow eDocLite form fields to be updateable at all time even after eDocLite is final.
[KULRICE-8289] - Add new document type policy that allows prevention of immediate email notifications when super user actions are taken
[KULRICE-8299] - Create UI for encrypting/decrypting document content
[KULRICE-8301] - In, use RouteNodeUtils to get the getActiveNodeInstances
[KULRICE-8302] - Backdoor Restriction via Permission
[KULRICE-8336] - Poor performance saving routing data
[KULRICE-8340] - Add version of DocumentServiceImpl.getNewDocument which gets a principal explicitly passed in to act as document initiator
[KULRICE-8341] - suppress the OptimisticLockException in PessimisticLockServiceImpl.releaseAllLocksForUser
[KULRICE-8343] - Allow user feedback and exception incidents to be reported in the same way, but to potentially different email lists
[KULRICE-8344] - Change to Mail Service so it will behave differently in production and test environments if so desired
[KULRICE-8355] - Create a new service bus page which displays the cached service endpoints ; give ability to refresh them if needed
[KULRICE-8356] - Change to allow for pessimistic Locking of a document.
[KULRICE-8358] - Set maxLength of bean to length of database field (64)
[KULRICE-8359] - "This document cannot be Saved or Routed because a newer version of the maintenance record already exists." error needs to be reworded
[KULRICE-8360] - Create a new basic authentication service
[KULRICE-8417] - Make it so that you can add link text to the question framework
[KULRICE-8418] - Add ability to ServiceRegistry page to clear application held caches
[KULRICE-8448] - Improve Role Performance
[KULRICE-8466] - Number of classes using Apache CXF StringUtils instead of Apache Commons StringUtils
[KULRICE-8490] - Recall Routing permissions do not work with KC role qualifiers
[KULRICE-8558] - improve error handling in KualiDocumentActionBase.docHandler(..)
[KULRICE-8571] - user friendly view for displaying authorization errors in creating new edocs
[KULRICE-8610] - Make it so that the role qualifiers built in the DocumentTypePermissionService can be configurable by client apps.
[KULRICE-8643] - Person maintenance document missing middle name field.
[KULRICE-8675] - Enhance version compatibility integration tests
[KULRICE-8696] - Some KEW API classes/services are not accessible via any service locator
[KULRICE-8723] - create getPrincipalsByEmployeeId and getPrincipalsByEntityId on the IdentityService
[KULRICE-8734] - Empty Action List - Need a clearer Message
[KULRICE-8789] - Add getApplicationDocumentStatus(String documentId) method to WorkflowDocumentService
[KULRICE-8836] - Person maintenance screen loading very slowly when the person has a lot of roles
[KULRICE-8842] - Add getFetchMoreIterationLimit() and getMaxResultCap(DocumentSearchCriteria criteria) to DocumentSearchService
[KULRICE-8849] - removePrincipalFromRole and getRoleMemberPrincipalId methods very slow
[KULRICE-1826] - Binary-only instructions and sample app
[KULRICE-5109] - Upgrade Apache CXF from 2.3.8 to 2.7.0 and wss4j from 1.5.x to 1.6.7
[KULRICE-6238] - Document CAS Configuration
[KULRICE-6567] - Review and incorporate community install information into IG
[KULRICE-7419] - CONTRIB: prevent the initiator from adding self as "Adhoc Complete" requested person.
[KULRICE-7865] - Get Rice 2.1.x working and tested with Java 7 (JDK7)
[KULRICE-8447] - Apply Backdoor Restriction database scripts to the 2.1 and 2.2 master databases
[KULRICE-8470] - Update with the latest version from KFS
[KULRICE-8472] - Include information on CXF upgrade in release notes
[KULRICE-8479] - Upgrade Jetty from Apache CXF 2.7.0 upgrade
[KULRICE-8552] - Apply populate group database scripts to the 2.1 and 2.2 master databases
[KULRICE-8560] - JaxB Marshalling of QueryByCriteria predicates random and incorrect
[KULRICE-8592] - Apply Completion Action Requested database scripts to the 2.1 master database
[KULRICE-8622] - Fix locking of Agenda Editor View
[KULRICE-8648] - Update maintenance document XML update converters
[KULRICE-8710] - Template Browser Mob tests with freemarker
[KULRICE-8726] - Oracle IT test failures
[KULRICE-8735] - Broken tests as a result of changes for KULRICE-8717 ; Fix tests or fix the code
[KULRICE-8846] - Update JUnit to 4.11 to be able to specify the order the test run in, since JDK7 randomizes order
[KULRICE-8904] - Add Document Type Authorizer column to KREW_DOC_TYP_T table
[KULRICE-8983] - Resizing testing
Apache CXF has been upgraded from 2.3.8 to 2.7.0, this includes changes to wss4j and xmlschema libraries - Note, there are impacting dependency changes here! Details below:
wss4j-1.5.12.jar -> wss4j-1.6.7.jar
XmlSchema-1.4.7.jar -> xmlschema-core-2.0.3.jar
jaxb-impl-2.1.13.jar -> jaxb-impl-2.2.6.jar
jettison-1.3.jar -> REMOVED
neethi-2.0.5.jar -> neethi-3.0.2.jar
ADDED -> opensaml-2.5.1-1.jar
ADDED -> openws-1.4.2-1.jar
woodstox-core-asl-4.1.1.jar -> woodstox-core-asl-4.1.4.jar
xmlsec-1.4.4.jar -> xmlsec-1.5.2.jar
ADDED -> xmltooling-1.3.2-1.jar
cxf-api-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-api-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-bindings-soap-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-bindings-soap-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-bindings-xml-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-bindings-xml-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-core-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-core-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-databinding-aegis-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-databinding-aegis-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-frontend-simple-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-frontend-simple-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-transports-http-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-transports-http-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-ws-addr-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-ws-addr-2.7.0.jar
cxf-rt-ws-security-2.3.8.jar -> cxf-rt-ws-security-2.7.0.jar
ADDED -> cxf-rt-ws-policy-2.7.0.jar
cxf-common-schemas-2.3.8.jar -> REMOVED
cxf-common-utilities-2.3.8.jar -> REMOVED
cxf-rt-transports-common-2.3.8.jar -> REMOVED
cxf-tools-common-2.3.8.jar -> REMOVED
wss4j has been upgraded from 1.5.12 to 1.6.7 (as per above)
Note that, by default, Apache CXF 2.7.0 depends on jaxb-impl-2.2.5 instead of jaxb-impl-2.2.6. The 2.2.6 version should be explicitly included (or the version forced using the depedencyManagement section of the pom). The reason being that if this is not done then the org.apache.cxf:cxf-java2ws-plugin might fail when running java2ws on JDK 1.7 if you are using @XmlEnum on any of your web service objects in which case you would get an error like the following when the plugin attempts to generate the WSDL:
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeEnumLeafInfoImpl cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ClassInfoImpl
The Logging interceptors now log using service specific categories/loggers instead of just LoggingInInterceptor/LoggingOutInterceptor. The names of the logger that is used is This allows the user to configure specific per service filters and formatters in their logging configuration. In KSB, these interceptors are added to exported services automatically. Because of that, existing Rice apps might use a log4j setting like the following to prevent SOAP message logging noise:
Because of the changes made to CXF, these should be changed to the following:
Jetty was updated to version 8.1.7.v20120910
jUnit was updated from version 4.10 to 4.11
The changes relate to the following issue:
[KULRICE-8302] - Backdoor Restriction via Permission
To apply these changes, run the SQL in scripts/upgrades/2.1.2 to 2.1.3/db-updates/2012-10-23.sql (for Oracle) or scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/db-updates/mysql-2012-10-23.sql (for MySQL).
The changes relate to the following issues:
[KULRICE-8415] - Large roles cannot be opened or edited in KIM
[KULRICE-4559] - Add Type as a qualifying value for Assign Group permissions
To apply these changes, run the SQL in scripts/upgrades/2.1.2 to 2.1.3/db-updates/2012-11-15.sql (for Oracle) or scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/db-updates/mysql-2012-11-15.sql (for MySQL).
The changes relate to the following issues:
[KULRICE-7755] - document not editable when ad hoc routed for completion
[KULRICE-7842] - Ad Hoc Route for Completion recipient does not have the Approve action available in the Action Requested drop down field
To apply these changes, run the SQL in scripts/upgrades/2.1.2 to 2.1.3/db-updates/2012-11-28.sql (for Oracle) or scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/db-updates/mysql-2012-11-28.sql (for MySQL).
The changes relate to the following issue:
[KULRICE-8573] - KualiHttpSessionListener.sessionDestroyed(..) assumes only one document locked by user
To apply these changes, run the SQL in scripts/upgrades/2.1.2 to 2.1.3/db-updates/2012-12-12.sql (for Oracle) or scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/db-updates/mysql-2012-12-12.sql (for MySQL).
This update removes the assignment of the Recall Document permission for all doctypes from the Initiator role. This effectively removes the default that was introduced in Rice 2.1.0 that documents be Recallable. The mapping will remain in the sample app data to serve as an example for how Recall Document should be configured.
To apply this change, run the SQL in scripts/upgrades/2.1.2 to 2.1.3/db-updates/2013-01-09.sql (for Oracle) or scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/db-updates/mysql-2013-01-09.sql (for MySQL).
The change relates to the following issue:
[KULRICE-8904] - Make it so that the role qualifiers built in the DocumentTypePermissionService can be configurable by client apps.
The script adds an optional AUTHORIZER column to KREW_DOC_TYP_T.
To apply this change, run the SQL in scripts/upgrades/2.1.2 to 2.1.3/db-updates/2013-01-14.sql (for Oracle) or scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/db-updates/mysql-2013-01-14.sql (for MySQL).