001    /**
002     * Copyright 2005-2012 The Kuali Foundation
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus;
018    import java.net.URL;
020    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
022    import org.kuali.rice.core.api.config.ConfigurationException;
023    import org.kuali.rice.core.api.security.credentials.CredentialsType;
024    import org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.registry.ServiceRegistry;
028    /**
029     * Defines the common parameters for the publication and export of a service
030     * to the {@link ServiceBus} and {@link ServiceRegistry}.  Implementations of
031     * this interface may define additional properties that are required for the
032     * publication of services of that particular type.
033     * 
034     * @author Kuali Rice Team (rice.collab@kuali.org)
035     */
036    public interface ServiceDefinition {
038            /**
039             * Validates the service definition after creation of the service definition.
040             * It's intended that portions of the KSB that handle publication and export
041             * of services to the bus will execute this prior to successful export of
042             * the service.
043             * 
044             * @throws ConfigurationException if this service definition is not
045             * configured properly
046             */
047            void validate();
049            /**
050             * Establishes and returns an {@link Endpoint} to this service which
051             * generates the {@link ServiceConfiguration} for this service definition
052             * as well as including the actual service implementation as provided by
053             * {@link #getService()}.
054             * 
055             * <p>The {@link #validate()} method should be invoked prior to executing
056             * this method in order to ensure that the appropriate internal state for
057             * the {@link ServiceDefinition} has been established.
058             * 
059             * @return the established endpoint, should never return null
060             */
061            Endpoint establishEndpoint();
063            /**
064             * Return the actual service implementation to publish and export to the
065             * service bus.
066             * 
067             * @return the service to publish
068             */
069            Object getService();
071            /**
072             * Returns the qualified name for this service.
073             * 
074             * @return the qualified name for this service
075             */
076            QName getServiceName();
078            /**
079             * Returns the URL of the endpoint which provides this service.
080             * 
081             * @return the endpoint URL of the service
082             */
083            URL getEndpointUrl();
085            /**
086             * Returns the {@link ClassLoader} that should be set as the context
087             * classloader on the thread prior to any invocations on the service
088             * 
089             * @return the classloader for this service
090             */
091            ClassLoader getServiceClassLoader();
093            /**
094             * Returns the url path to export the service under.
095             * 
096             * @return the url path to export the service under
097             */
098            String getServicePath();
100        /**
101             * Returns the id of the specific instance of the application which owns this service
102             *
103             * @return the id of the specific instance of the application which owns this service
104             */
105            String getInstanceId();
107            /**
108             * Returns the id of the application which owns this service.
109             * 
110             * @return the id of the application which owns this service
111             */
112            String getApplicationId();
114            /**
115             * Returns the version of this service.
116             * 
117             * @return the version of this service
118             */
119            String getServiceVersion();
121            /**
122             * Returns the type of this service.
123             * 
124             * @return the type of this service
125             */
126            String getType();
128            /**
129             * Return true if this service uses queue-style messaging, false if it uses
130             * topic-style messaging.
131             * 
132             * @return true if this service uses queue-style messaging, false if it uses
133             * topic-style messaging
134             */
135            boolean isQueue();
137            /**
138             * Returns the processing priority for messages that are sent to this service.
139             * 
140             * @return the message processing priority for this service
141             */
142            Integer getPriority();
144            /**
145             * Returns the retry attempts to use when processing messages sent to this
146             * service.
147             * 
148             * @return the retry attempts for this service
149             */
150            Integer getRetryAttempts();
152            /**
153             * Returns the maximum amount of milliseconds a message to this service can
154             * live and attempt to be processed successfully by this service before it's
155             * forced into processing by it's exception handler.
156             *  
157             * @return the maximum lifetime for this message, if null then this message has
158             * an infinite lifetime
159             */
160            Long getMillisToLive();
162            /**
163             * Returns the name of the exception handler to invoke whenever messages to
164             * this service fail to be sent.  If null, the default message exception
165             * handler will be used.
166             * 
167             * @return the name of the message exception handler for this service, or
168             * null if the default handler should be used
169             */
170            String getMessageExceptionHandler();
172            /**
173             * Returns true if this service is secured by standard KSB security features.
174             * 
175             * @return true if this service is secured, false otherwise
176             */
177            Boolean getBusSecurity();
179            /**
180             * Returns the type of security credentials that should be used when
181             * attempting to authorize access to this service.
182             * 
183             * @return the type of security credentials to use when access this service
184             */
185            CredentialsType getCredentialsType();
187    }