Table of Contents
Welcome to Kuali Rice version 2.0!
This is the first major release of the Kuali Rice software since version 1.0 which was released in August of 2009. This release brings many new and exciting features and improvements to the Kuali Rice middleware and application development platforms.
This release candidate version includes all functionality for Rice 2.0 and is ready for development use. Continued documentation and testing is underway to ensure a quality release of Rice 2.0 once we reach final version.
The primary architectural goal for this release of Rice was to position the platform for cross-version service compatibility moving forward. With the increase in the number of applications (both internal and external to Kuali) that are integrating with the Kuali Rice middleware platform, the ability to provide for compatibility across different versions of Kuali Rice has risen to the forefront within the community as a critical need. The end result is intended to be a platform on which institutions can build applications without worrying about major forced upgrade paths for all integrated applications whenever they deploy a new release of Kuali Rice.
Another major effort that was undertaken in support of compatibility work was an effort to improve the modularity of the various components of Kuali Rice. In version 1.0.x of Rice, a high degree of coupling was present in numerous places. Work was done as part of this release to help improve upon that situation.
In addition to the architectural efforts supporting compatibility and modularity, Kuali Rice 2.0 sees the introduction of two new major modules.
The first of these is the Kuali Rapid Application Development (KRAD) module. KRAD is meant to provide the next generation of application development capabilities to those who are building applications based on Kuali software. KRAD provides a platform that can be utilized to build enterprise applications in a way that provides a more rich and flexible user experience than could be provided with the existing Kuali Nervous System (KNS). In fact, KRAD is intended to be the eventual replacement for the KNS which is the platform upon which much of the existing Kuali application software has been written. Note, however, that KNS is not being removed as of Rice 2.0. Work will continue on KRAD past the 2.0 release of Kuali Rice.
The final major piece of functionality that was undertaken for this release was the introduction of the Kuali Rule Management System (KRMS). KRMS is a business rule management system which can be used to author and maintain business rules that can be utilized during decision making processes within an application. This includes the ability to use business rules defined in KRMS to define rules for workflow routing, notification, validation, and other custom scenarios.
More details on each of the major efforts can be found in later sections of this document.
Highlights of this release include:
Kuali Rice 2.0.0-rc3-SNAPSHOT can be downloaded from the Rice website at
There are three different distributions of Rice available: source, binary and server. Please read the Installation Guide for more details on each of these distributions.
JavaDocs can be found at
Formal documentation can be found at This documentation is still in the process of review and update for 2.0, so please follow the notes in each document to report any outdated information.
If you encounter any difficulty, please don't hesitate to contact the Rice team on
our public collaboration mailing list at <>
Please indicate that you are using the 2.0.0-rc3-SNAPSHOT version of Rice.
As mentioned in the overview and highlights, there were many major changes that were made in support of the goals of the Rice 2.0 release. During the implementation of modularity and version compatibility changes, there were many structural improvements and refactoring changes to Rice that are intended to help set a stronger foundation for future releases. Additionally, the KRMS and KRAD modules brought a large amount of new functionality to the Kuali Rice platform. These next sections dive into these changes in more detail.
In Rice 2.0, we are providing what we call "middleware" or "service" compatibility. This type of compatibility is mainly concerned with compatibility between a client application and the version of the Kuali Rice standalone server with which it is integrated. The basic requirement here is that if the Kuali Rice standalone server (which hosts all of the Kuali Rice services) is upgraded to a new version, that should not force any applications that integrate with those services to also upgrade (unless the server has been upgraded to a new "major" version such as Rice 3.0, 4.0, etc.). It should be able to continue to interoperate with the new set of services without having to pull in new Kuali Rice client libraries or (in the case of manual web-service integration) it should not have to modify the way in which it invokes and handles remote service calls.
The image below shows what the target is for version compatibility from the perspective of major, minor, and patch releases of Kuali Rice.
The type of compatibility being implemented for version 2.0 is in contrast to what we call "framework" compatibility, or the ability to upgrade a client application to a new version of the Kuali Rice client libraries or development framework without having to make any forced changes to that client application. Those who use Java are familiar with this type of compatibility because that is the level of compatibility that is generally provided between releases of the JDK (this is sometimes called a "drop-in" replacement). Working toward a goal of framework compatibility is on the roadmap for the Kuali Rice project, however the Rice 2.0 release makes no guarantees that it will provide such a level of compatibility moving forward.
More info on this and also Framework Version Compatibility can be found in our Kuali Rice Version Compatibility Statement.
The following sub-sections will delve into some specific work that was done in support of version compatibility.
In Kuali Rice 1.0.x, services based on Java serialization were the primary services used for integration between Kuali Rice and client applications. The mechanism by which serialization was performed used Spring's HTTP invoker remoting framework. Java serialization is convenient for Java-to-Java application interaction. However, a SOAP web service approach allows for a greater level of interoperability between applications, including those not written in Java. Additionally, serialization can sometimes inherently cause compatibility issues when attempting to communicate between applications which might be running different versions of Java or different versions of libraries.
To this end, the services in Rice 2.0 have all been reimplemented as SOAP-based web services. There will be no Java-serialization based service distributed with Kuali Rice 2.0. However, the Kuali Service Bus will still support publishing of services that use Java. As part of this effort, the team has taken care to carefully design the message formats such that:
The "required" portions of the message format are well-defined
The proper format of data in the messages in well-defined
Error and exception cases are well-defined
The services are designed to allow for safe evolution over time
The services are namespaced and named appropriately
The services are versioned appropriately
There is consistency in how services are designed and documented
Much of the above information can be found in the WSDL's which are generated for each of the services. The WSDL defines the message formats, operations, and error conditions of the numerous Kuali Rice services. This effort of service refactoring is at the heart of what we are calling "version compatibility" for the Kuali Rice 2.0 release.
Note that while SOAP is being used as the primary way in which services are exposed in Rice 2.0, there will likely be work in the future to make services available using the REST architectural style.
In order to support requirements for version compatibility, there were numerous changes that needed to be made to the Kuali Service Bus. This ultimately resulted in a reworking of much of the internals of the KSB (with the exception of it's messaging functionality). The major changes made to the KSB for Kuali Rice 2.0 were:
Client applications now connect to the service registry through a SOAP web service, rather than through direct connections to the KRSB_SVC_DEF_T and related tables.
There is a new API for the ServiceBus which is well documented and acts as the client application interface point with the KSB.
The practice of storing a java serialized form of the service configuration in the database was altered to store an XML-serialized service descriptor. This allows for more portability and greater access for non-Java applications to interact with the service bus.
Removed the faulty "dead service" indicator from the registry.
Added the concept of a service status to the registry.
Added service version number information to the registry.
Replaced the concept of the "service namespace" with the concept of an "application id".
Introduced the concept of an "instance id" which identifies an instance of an application. This allows the KSB to better handle applications that are clustered with multiple deployments all publishing the same set of services.
Much more flexibility in how a client application can configure and use the KSB. For example, a client application could just configure the KSB client to act as a publisher of a service, or it could just connect to the KSB as a consumer of services. As well as additional configuration permutations related to support for reliable messaging and "development" mode (where services are not actually published).
A general refactoring of the internal architecture of the KSB related to handle it handles the publishing lifecycle of services as well as synchronization with the shared service registry.
As can be seen from the list above, much work was done to the service bus for Kuali Rice version 2.0. For more details, read the following page
In Rice 1.0.x, parameters, namespaces, and components were part of the KNS module of Rice. Client applications would access tables in the Kuali Rice server database directory in order to read and write values from these tables. As part of the general effort to modularize the Rice platform, it was decided that these three concepts were core concepts since they were used outside of the pure application development domain of the KNS (parameters in particular are used all over the Kuali Rice codebase). To this end they were moved to the newly established "core" module of Rice (see more information on modularity work in later sections).
Additionally, SOAP services were created for each of these to eliminate the need for a client application to directly communicate with the related database tables, instead using a service-oriented approach to interacting with these different information sources. This resulted in the creation of the following services:
org.kuali.rice.core.api.parameter.ParameterRepositoryService - remote service which provides operations related to system parameters
org.kuali.rice.core.api.namespace.NamespaceService - remote service which provides operations related to namespaces
org.kuali.rice.core.api.component.ComponentService - remote service which provides operations related to components, as well as implementing a new model for publication of "derived" components
For working with parameters, there is still a ParameterService this is provided as part of the client-side API. This service is configured with the application id of the application and delegates calls down to the remote ParameterRepositoryService.
For the ComponentService, it provides a new mechanism for publication of "derived" components, which can include components that are derived from an application's data dictionary configuration. This is a replacement for the "getNonDatabaseComponents" method which was part of the RiceApplicationConfigurationService in Rice 1.0.x. It uses a push model in contrast to the pull model which was used in Rice 1.0.x.
More information about these individual services and their available operations can be found in the javadocs. Also see the following page for more details on the work that was done with these services, including a description of the new model used for publication of derived components:
In Rice 1.0.x, the RiceApplicationConfigurationService was a service published by all KNS applications which provided callbacks into the application from the Kuali Rice standalone server. This service was removed in Rice 2.0 for various reasons. The reasons for it's removal and information on it's effective replacements can be found on the following page:
In Rice 1.0.x, may of the services (particularly the KIM services) had
general-purpose lookup methods which took a Map<String, String>
In this map, the key was intended to represent the property name on the data
element being looked up and the value was intended to be the value to search
for. The value itself could contain various wild card characters and other
operators to allow for the construction of more complex searches. However, there
were a few inadequacies with this approach:
If an institution wanted to implement their own version of the service, they would effectively need to implement a complex interpreter which would take the incoming String value and determine how to implement the lookup according to the values passed in.
There was no way to preform cross-property "ors" with this model.
There was no support for "paging" of query results.
The contract itself tended to be weakly defined, resulting in service methods that would be hard to maintain from a service compatibility perspective.
To this end, some work was done to design a general purpose lookup API that could be applied in a standard fashion across the various Rice services which needed it. The following page describes more about the various possibilities for implementing this as well as the solution which was chosen:
The implementation of this api can be found on the core-api module under the
package org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria
The Kuali Enterprise Workflow services have been refactored for version compatibility in a similar fashion to the rest of the services in Rice. As part of this effort, a bit of a rearchitecture of the service layer and APIs for workflow were performed as well. The major changes made to the workflow services and apis are as follows:
The WorkflowDocument
class is now an interface and is
created using WorkflowDocumentFactory.createDocument
instead of
creating new instances through the WorkflowDocument
was combined with
to create the new
and WorkflowUtility
removed and replaced with the following services:
The various KEW framework services were refactored to conform to service version compatibility standards. This includes services for document search customization, action list customization, workflow notes, document security, rule validation, and workflow rule attributes.
The various KEW message queues were refactored to conform to service version compatibility standards. This includes queues for document routing, blanket approval, immediate email reminders, searchable attribute indexing, document requeuing, etc.
In the KNS, both KualiWorkflowInfo
were removed as it was deemed
this duplicate level of abstraction was unnecessary. In the case of
, existing references were
changed to just WorkflowDocument
. In the case of
, code was changed to call one of
the new KEW services that was added in Rice 2.0.
Some rough notes with more details on the work that was done in KEW can be found here:
One of the major KEW framework refactorings that was undertaken for Rice 2.0 was a reimplementation of the various components that support Document Search customization. Full documentation on these changes and how to utilize them is still in progress, but a summary is as follows:
- class still named the same but
moved to a different package, method names changed, returns
instead of
Client applications no longer allowed to override or use these attributes:
The only valid document search-related attributes are now:
The DocumentSearchCustomizer
replaces most of the
original document search-related attributes. It is a single
attribute which allows for customization of criteria, results, and
various other aspects of the Document Search operation.
The customizer itself is not remoted, instead a
published by each KEW client application. This allows for a client
application to implement as many customizers as they want and map
them to the document types they should apply to via
configuration. The Document Search
functionality itself will then callback into the client application
when it needs to via the published
The new document search framework uses the
abstraction for defining
fields that should be displayed as extra search criteria. This is in
contrast to Rice 1.0.x where KNS Row
objects were transmitted using Java
serialization. This old model did not translate well to SOAP-based
services and had numerous other problems as well (namely that not
all of Field
and Row
was properly
serializable or could be interpreted correctly by the Rice
standalone service, such as custom formatters, values finders,
Further documentation on how to migrate from the old document
search framework to the new document search framework is forthcoming. For the
time-being, the best resource is to look at the javadocs for the
package. All of
the framework apis should have fairly thorough javadocs. Additional, some rough
notes on the document search work and architectural service approach for the
customization handler service can be found near the bottom of this page:
In Rice 1.0.x, caching was implemented using a framework called OSCache along with distributed caching flushing behavior across the KSB. This worked well in general, however this setup was plagued by issues of far too many cache-related message events getting generated and sent. Additionally, OSCache is a long-dead project which has not had any activity in a long time. In order to ensure that Kuali Rice was positioned for service compatibility moving forward, an effort was undertaken to revamp and update the caching architecture utilized by the Rice platform and find a better and more sustainable solution.
The result is a solution based on the caching abstraction provided with the core Spring framework version 3.1. The backend caching implementation being used is Ehcache (which is the default recommended by Spring). There is a also integration with the Kuali Service Bus for sending cache eviction messages out to interested listeners. This allows us to keep our caching consistent across different applications in an enterprise architecture which has been integrated with Kuali Rice.
More details on the specific work that was done to rearchitect the Kuali Rice caching infrastructure can be found here:
In version 1.0.x of Kuali Rice, the software was divided into 3 main modules: api, impl, and web. While this was convenient from the development perspective, it resulted in a high level of coupling between the various "logical" modules of Rice (the core, kew, kim, ksb, etc.). Attempts were made to rectify some of these issues in Kuali Rice 2.0. Since the full vision for modularity in Kuali Rice was not in scope for the 2.0 release, as much work was done on modularity as could be permitted in order help reach version compatibility goals for the release.
Primarily, this included the creation of numerous "api" and "framework" modules and the partitioning of Kuali Rice into various sub-project modules. This structure can be seen when looking at the source code for Rice 2.0. The overall vision for modularity in Kuali Rice as well as some notes on specific changes that were made in pursuit of it can be found at the following links:
A new concept was added to Kuali Enterprise Workflow as part of workflow routing requirements for Kuali Coeus. The requirement was essentially to replicate the functionality of "Maps" in the existing Coeus system upon which Kuali Coeus is based. These maps are simply lists of people or roles who can approve in a particular order. This order is defined by a series of "stops". At each stop there can be a number of possible approvers which may have delegates.
There was not really an equivalent concept in KEW today, this is essentially like a mini-workflow itself. So the concept of PeopleFlows were added along with a new activation type called "Priority-Parallel" activation. This priority-parallel activation allows for action requests to be activated at a node in parallel if they have the same priority, but in sequence if they have different priority values.
Further details on the implementation of PeopleFlows, their lineage in Coeus, as well as some screenshots of the maintenance user interface can be found here:
The previous section introduced the concept of PeopleFlows. The KRMS module will have integration with PeopleFlows built in through the use of a custom type of "Action". This action will allow a rule author to build a business rule and then indicate that the action that should be executed if the rule succeeds would be to route to the specified PeopleFlow.
Details on the way this integration is implemented can be found here:
KRAD (Kuali Rapid Application Development) is a framework that eases the development of enterprise web applications by providing reusable solutions and tooling that enable developers to build in a rapid and agile fashion. KRAD is a complete framework for web development that provides infrastructure in all major areas of an application (client, business, and data) and integrates with other modules of the Rice middleware project. KRAD is the next generation of the Rice Kuali Nervous System (KNS) and Kuali Student development frameworks. It expands on the ability to rapidly create user interfaces with XML while providing more flexibility with layouts and user experience. In addition, KRAD allows for the creation of modern, rich user interfaces using the jQuery and Fluid frameworks.
How does KRAD improve on the KNS? See Benefits of KRAD.
To learn more about KRAD, please visit the following pages:
In addition, see various analysis pages here (Note: some of the information might be incomplete or out of date): KRAD Analysis
KRMS (Kuali Rule Management System) is a new module in Rice that enables the externalization of pieces of business logic (rules) from an application such that it is customizable without need for additional client programming. Agendas containing custom business rules can be defined, edited and stored in the repository, and then executed by the application against some set of information (facts).
There is also integration between KRMS and KEW's new PeopleFlow concept that enables invocation of the rule execution engine from within a workflow. Rules can be configured with PeopleFlow actions that specify PeopleFlows to route to or to notify.
View the following analysis page for some additional information on KRMS:KRMS Analysis
For Rice 2.0, we now support:
Tomcat 6 (Servlet API 2.5, JSP 2.1)
Tomcat 7 (Servlet API 3.0, JSP 2.2)
With this change, we have dropped support for Tomcat 5.5 (Servlet API 2.4, JSP 2.0).
There were many changes made to the various direct and transitive dependencies for Kuali Rice. Additional documentation is forthcoming on what these specific changes were, but the following is a summary of some of the highlights:
Spring 3.1
Apache CXF 2.3.6
OJB 1.0.4-patch7
includes various patches from the Kuali community
Direct Web Remoting (DWR) 3.0.RC2
Ehcache 2.4.6
Groovy 1.8.1
joda-time 2.0
JOTM 2.1.9
Bitronix 2.1.1
Quartz 1.8.4
Spring Security 3.0.7
Struts 1.3.10
Tiles 2.2.2
jQuery 1.6.3
There were many other changes made in Kuali Rice 2.0 which are not included in the previous section. The following list is a highlight of some of these. For a comprehensive list of changes that were performed, the Jira issues are the best place to look.
Removal of DateUtils and NumberUtils
Changes in how unit tests and integration tests are run
Addition of Priority parallel activation type
Use of immutable objects and the builder pattern for various APIs
Removal of "object remoting" functionality from the KSB
Conversion of identifiers from numeric to character-based data types in KEW
Changes to PersistableBusinessObjectBase and notes
Normalization on a single concept of "application id"
Unique constraint on kim permission namespace:name and responsibility namespace:name
Clean up of multiple "key-value-pair" style classes
Transition from custom-written email services to standardizing on the spring mailer
Move to Maven version 3
DateTimeService converted to use configuration parameters instead of system parameters, allowing for it to be used through more of the system without the need for database dependencies
Kuali Communication Broker (KCB) integration turned off by default
Removal of IdentityManagementService, replaced with individual service calls in KIM
Replacement of AttributeSet in KIM service apis with simple Map<String, String>
Renaming of various data elements in KIM to more closely align with PESC standards
Ability for a RouteModule to be called back into multiple times in order to generate more requests in support of new PeopleFlow feature
Hours of availability awareness
Change from WorkflowFunctions to EDLFunctions (and package name changes) in eDocLites
Ability to define finer-grained Action List notification preferences for KEW
Rice 2.0.0-rc3-SNAPSHOT has not completed performance testing and while we recommend starting on development with this version, those choosing to implement in a production environment should be sure to perform local performance testing and tuning or wait to implement until the final version when full performance testing and tuning has been completed.
Documentation reviews and updates are continuing in future releases. If you find a problem, please report in Jira and set the component to Documentation. Indicate the guide and section that has the problem in the Jira. Thanks for your help in improving the documentation!
The scripts to upgrade from a version of Kuali Rice to version 2.0.0-rc3-SNAPSHOT can be found in the following directory inside of the source distribution:
scripts/upgrades/1.0.3 to 2.0.0
Within this directory, are the following sub-directories:
db-updates - contains the SQL needed to upgrade from a Kuali Rice standalone server service database to 2.0.0-rc3-SNAPSHOT. Each of these scripts is dated and that indicates the order in which they should be run. SQL scripts for MySql are prefixed by "mysql". Scripts for oracle have no prefix on their name.
db-updates-client - contains the SQL needed to upgrade a Kuali Rice client application's Rice-related tables to 2.0.0-rc3-SNAPSHOT. At this point in time, the only update required is to the KRNS_SESN_DOC_T table.
demo-data - this directory contains updates to the various pieces of Kuali Rice demo data. Chances are that most people performing an upgrade will not have demo data in their local database and will, therefore, not need to execute the scripts located within this directory.
support - this directory contains a groovy script which helps deal with the fact that unique constraints were added to the database for the combination of namespace code and name in both the KIM permission and responsibility tables
xml-ingest-updates - contains XML that needs to be ingested after the database upgrade is completed
[KULRICE-2511] - Issues during DD Validation
[KULRICE-2758] - Split KNS services for local vs. embedded
[KULRICE-3054] - text area limit not implemented properly, such that it is not enforced if there is more than one text area on the page
[KULRICE-3473] - merge-module-classpaths ant target doesn't work anymore as groovy files have been removed from scripts/
[KULRICE-3648] - Convert the static non-final variables in StandardDocumentSearchGenerator into instance variables
[KULRICE-3908] - Approve fails to clear out saved ad hoc route requests...
[KULRICE-3925] - Impex appears to be broken with Ant 1.8.0
[KULRICE-3951] - log4j settings are not being respected. Fix logging mess.
[KULRICE-3956] - fix eclipse's complaing with cobertura.classpath not being a valid reference in build.xml
[KULRICE-3971] - update the coverage report to filter out test classes
[KULRICE-4006] - Rice 1.1 missing the stax-api-1.0-2 jar
[KULRICE-4098] - KRNS_SESN_DOC_T table does not have OBJ_ID and VER_NBR columns to work with PersistableBusinessObjectBase
[KULRICE-4140] - KimTypeInfoService cannot be accessed by "remote" KIM clients directly
[KULRICE-4155] - kim documents set boolean to on/off, rather than tru/false and do not use the boolean var/char converter to make Y/N in DB
[KULRICE-4541] - Service Registry page in KSB shows no services in Rice 1.1
[KULRICE-4553] - KEW is publishing services to the registry with bad service names like "enWorkflowUtilityService", etc.
[KULRICE-4560] - KimTypeService should not use KeyLabelPair
[KULRICE-4561] - Indicate First Name and Last Name are required on Person document
[KULRICE-4577] - DataDictionaryIndex looking at wrong map for duplicate document entry check
[KULRICE-4804] - maven no longer executing tests for empty packages
[KULRICE-4812] - cannot add a principal to a group when principal is already a non direct memeber of that group
[KULRICE-4893] - EmploymentStatus and EmploymentType not showing on Person document
[KULRICE-5012] - permission property name cannot exceed 40 characters
[KULRICE-5015] - Fix problem with document routing and Notes
[KULRICE-5016] - Current use of "runPostProcessorLogin" on WorkflowEngine is not thread safe
[KULRICE-5022] - RoleServiceImpl.getRoleQualifiersForPrincipalIncludingNested(..) returns wrong result
[KULRICE-5024] - JSP pages using display-el tag not working in rice 1.1
[KULRICE-5031] - Occasional NullPointerExceptions in StyleableEmailContentServiceImpl
[KULRICE-5040] - DataExporter class in KNS does not flush outputstream after export which can result in truncated xml files
[KULRICE-5061] - Re-implement ThinClientKEWConfigurer in face of modularity changes
[KULRICE-5078] - MultiLookup Export functionality failing for pages spilling beyond a certain size
[KULRICE-5087] - External BO's are not working
[KULRICE-5089] - Nested KSB Calls failing due to Null LocaleResolver reference
[KULRICE-5097] - KIM Caches are not being flushed as required.
[KULRICE-5118] - Old attachments in Maintenance Documents not showing except on a document reload
[KULRICE-5120] - Deletes from a collection in a Maintenance Documents do not persist to BO table
[KULRICE-5122] - in rule engine, terms passed in to engine at execution time are not available in the term resolution engine
[KULRICE-5127] - Fix infinite recursion problem w/ GlobalResourceLoaderServiceFactoryBean
[KULRICE-5135] - fix ojb proxies for classes with protected setters
[KULRICE-5142] - Fix transaction issue with AbstractBoTest
[KULRICE-5147] - Errors generated in the Parameter Lookup because of changing of business object names
[KULRICE-5161] - treeNode.tag exhibits recursive tag problem on Linux in Jetty 7.4.1
[KULRICE-5163] - Action/return links not showing when returning back to lookups with breadcrumbs
[KULRICE-5188] - Need to remove ImmutableListAdapter and ImmutableCollectionAdapter from our service definitions and come up with a better solution because it is producing undesirable XML
[KULRICE-5190] - Remove KSBThinClientResourceLoader as it is no longer necessary
[KULRICE-5198] - Methods in BusinessObjectAuthorizationService assume an inquiry collection will contain objects of type BusinessObjectEntry
[KULRICE-5217] - patch commons-beanutils so that is handles generics and covariant returns correctly.
[KULRICE-5239] - Maintenance documents can't be submit for non-bo's in krad and no error message displaying or logged
[KULRICE-5240] - OptionsFinder set on AttributeDefinition not working
[KULRICE-5251] - Fix binding issues in TreeGroup and ComponentUtils that are preventing trees with AttributeFields in the nodes from rendering
[KULRICE-5253] - Maintenance Docs - Field change highlighting not working now
[KULRICE-5256] - Maintenance Docs - Fix issues with show/hide inactive rows
[KULRICE-5264] - KRAD: Need a table with selectable rows.
[KULRICE-5267] - Some quickfinders breaking in ActiveCollectionFilter
[KULRICE-5269] - KRAD test views: expand/collapse should be links
[KULRICE-5272] - KRAD - KS: Validation error should turn label red
[KULRICE-5273] - KRAD - KS Test View 1: Content in tab group needs float-clearing div
[KULRICE-5274] - KRAD: On Test View 1: Banking Info, non-table layout - labels need to be included in containing spans.
[KULRICE-5275] - KRAD - KS Test View: Requiredness asterisk should appear at end of label, not before.
[KULRICE-5277] - KRAD - Buttons with icons
[KULRICE-5278] - KRAD: Tab view should be permanent
[KULRICE-5279] - KRAD: Need File Uploader
[KULRICE-5289] - Lookup - Conditional enabling of 'return value' causes issues with the Lookup result table alignment
[KULRICE-5290] - Exception when returning to portal on closing inquiry/maint/lookup
[KULRICE-5296] - KRAD: data table breaks on window resize
[KULRICE-5299] - Add line on collections not checking required fields and not refreshing just the collection group
[KULRICE-5300] - Lookup parameters not working for field lookup
[KULRICE-5301] - Labels not getting picked up on error messages for collection fields
[KULRICE-5310] - In Agenda Editor: fix conditional display of expand all / collapse all links above agenda tree
[KULRICE-5312] - Look-ahead not working after cancelled lookup
[KULRICE-5313] - Lookup doesn't return properly when clicking "return" button
[KULRICE-5314] - KEN Notification's FYI / ACK buttons in detail view throw RuntimeException on click
[KULRICE-5317] - Lookup causes null error when building an inquiry link for a foreign key
[KULRICE-5322] - Inquiry link goes to new window instead of lightbox
[KULRICE-5324] - When multiple components have same bean definition in dictionary they get the same id assigned
[KULRICE-5337] - Sorting on data tables not working
[KULRICE-5338] - Data table does not resize correctly when page is initially small
[KULRICE-5340] - Determine why CXF Interceptor to enforce immutable lists/collections isn't working on remote tests
[KULRICE-5347] - Checkbox widget - not reflecting true state of active indicator
[KULRICE-5350] - KRAD: IE Bug - Hyperlinks aren't working
[KULRICE-5353] - jstree plugin isn't being loaded anymore
[KULRICE-5354] - Agenda Editor only functions after ReloadingDataDictionary reloads
[KULRICE-5355] - Lookup - return values opens new tab, the return target is not set
[KULRICE-5361] - fieldAttributeQuery causes Exception when input field is unspecified
[KULRICE-5362] - Loading panel does not close - when saving or submitting a document after a ajaxSubmit component update
[KULRICE-5400] - Case/When statement does not execute RequiredConstraint (SimpleConstraint) DictionaryValidatoinServiceImpl
[KULRICE-5403] - AttributeField requires p:conditionalReadOnly="true" in order for p:readOnly="true" to work
[KULRICE-5411] - fieldAttributeQuery does not populate readOnly fields
[KULRICE-5415] - when attempting to ajax update a component in the page, get a spring EL exception
[KULRICE-5430] - Control still required when ControlField is provided
[KULRICE-5433] - ValidCharactersConstraint used in a CaseConstraint does not get removed
[KULRICE-5436] - When trying to access a view by using just the viewId parameter a document class error is thrown by both inquiry and lookup
[KULRICE-5440] - AttributeField.getSecuredFieldValue() should not thow exception if either mask or partialmask not set
[KULRICE-5450] - The id property of PropertyReplacer components does not get set.
[KULRICE-5451] - Images missing on quickfinder, direct inquiry links, and section expand in KNS and KS styles
[KULRICE-5452] - Quickfinder links returning 404
[KULRICE-5454] - Don't validate sub-fields if the field on which they sit is null
[KULRICE-5456] - In Agenda Editor, deleting the first agenda item does not work
[KULRICE-5457] - Rice Dev: Workflow Statistics throws HTTP 500 Error
[KULRICE-5458] - Rice Dev: Role/Group/Permission/Responsibility Type throws HTTP500 Error
[KULRICE-5459] - Rice Dev: Sercurity Management link not working
[KULRICE-5460] - Rice Dev: Action List Preferences Button Throws HTTP 500 Error
[KULRICE-5461] - Rice Dev: Action List Filter button gives error dump
[KULRICE-5462] - Rice Dev: User Preferences gives error message
[KULRICE-5463] - Rice Dev: Trying to open newly created Campus Maintenance eDoc from doc search throws error
[KULRICE-5464] - Rice Dev: Principal Name Lookup from Group Look bomb to error screen
[KULRICE-5465] - Rice Dev: Trying to Unsubscribe/Subscribe to Channel Subscriptions Fails
[KULRICE-5466] - Rice Dev: Document Search Help button not working
[KULRICE-5467] - Rice Dev: Trying to create new Person or edit existing yields error
[KULRICE-5468] - Rice Dev: KRAD breadcrumbs Home throws error
[KULRICE-5469] - Rice Dev: KRAD Breadcrumbs not updating correctly
[KULRICE-5470] - Rice Dev: KRAD Book Order Reqeust
[KULRICE-5471] - Rice Dev: KRAD Book Type Lookup bombs
[KULRICE-5472] - Rice Dev: KRAD Address Type Lookup bombs out
[KULRICE-5473] - Rice Dev: KRAD Author Lookup
[KULRICE-5474] - Rice Dev: KRAD Book Lookup dies
[KULRICE-5475] - Rice Dev: KRAD Incident Report gives error
[KULRICE-5476] - Rice Dev: KRAD Expand Icon on text fields missing as well as Loading Notification Icon
[KULRICE-5477] - Rice Dev: KRAD Travel Account Maintenance (new) error
[KULRICE-5478] - Rice Dev: KRAD Travel Account Maintenance (edit) error
[KULRICE-5479] - Rice Dev: KRAD Adding a row in Collection Group 1 does not save the sub acocunt or Travel Fiscal Officer ID
[KULRICE-5484] - Rice Dev: Trying to Open Blanket Approved Person doc, doc doesn't render
[KULRICE-5485] - Rice Dev: Group Lookup from Create Person bombs out
[KULRICE-5486] - Clicking out of lookup lightbox and then selecting add causes Exception
[KULRICE-5487] - On an inquiry lightbox off of a maintenance doc, clicking the "Close" button causes the browser to go back to the main portal tab
[KULRICE-5488] - Conditional properties using @{} syntax cause views to blow up when ReloadingDataDictionary reloads a view
[KULRICE-5489] - Rice Dev: Create New Person Doc doesn't Render
[KULRICE-5490] - Rice Dev: Create Group eDoc bombs on blanket approve
[KULRICE-5491] - Rice Dev: Person Inquiry Screen partially renders w/Error
[KULRICE-5493] - Rice Dev: KRAD, Sample Travel App bombing with Data Dictionary errors
[KULRICE-5495] - Rice Dev: Adding Ad Hoc recipient results in HTTP 500 error
[KULRICE-5496] - Rice Dev: Copy of existing rule gives error message
[KULRICE-5497] - Rice Dev: Create New Permission button bombs to error
[KULRICE-5498] - Rice Dev: Role Lookup from Create Person bombs out
[KULRICE-5499] - Rice Dev: Opening Saved Create Person eDocs with more than Name in Contact section won't render
[KULRICE-5520] - page's header menu bar has title/hover "Create a new record"
[KULRICE-5521] - Rice Dev: Group Lookup bombs if Principal Name is added
[KULRICE-5522] - Rice Dev: Blanket approve of edit Role document not routing properly
[KULRICE-5523] - Rice Dev: Permission Lookup bombs if Principal Name is added
[KULRICE-5524] - Rice Dev: Permission & Responsibility Lookups bomb if Group Name is added
[KULRICE-5528] - RuleRepositoryServiceImpl.getRules(List<String> ruleIds) doesn't support multiple elements in the ruleIds parameter
[KULRICE-5529] - Rice Dev: Action List bombs to HTTP 500 error
[KULRICE-5547] - KRAD: IE - unable to navigate to pages via the left navigation panel
[KULRICE-5548] - KRAD: IE is extremely slow to load pages
[KULRICE-5549] - Rice Dev: Ad Hoc Group Name lookup bombs on search
[KULRICE-5550] - Rice Dev: Group or Role lookup not returning values on Create Person
[KULRICE-5553] - Case/When not implemented properly
[KULRICE-5555] - after saving a maintenance doc, hitting the 'reload' button throws an exception
[KULRICE-5557] - KRAD: Incident Report - Stack Trace area needs a float clear
[KULRICE-5558] - Exception caused by defaultValue="true" of a check box
[KULRICE-5560] - Rice Dev: Create Person doc and Inquiry screen not rendering
[KULRICE-5562] - Rice Dev: Permission edit or copy results in error message
[KULRICE-5566] - Trouble unmarshalling rule attribute bo collection on save
[KULRICE-5567] - Parameter Maintenance Document does not check it's edit rules
[KULRICE-5576] - Rice Dev: Action List Preferences, checking the Current Route Node(s) causes error
[KULRICE-5577] - Remove Application Document Status from Action List Preferences since it is not displayed as a separate column
[KULRICE-5578] - Rice Dev: Action List Preferences, incorrect error messaging
[KULRICE-5579] - Rice Dev: Action List, Filter: selecting a Document Route Status causes error
[KULRICE-5580] - Rice Dev: Admin Identity Locations documents w/out required fields can be submitted
[KULRICE-5581] - Rice Dev: Create new Responsibility bombs out on required fields validation
[KULRICE-5582] - Rice Dev: Create new Routing Rule and Routing Rule Delegation bombs
[KULRICE-5583] - Rice Dev: eDocLite Example type bombs when trying to create new
[KULRICE-5586] - Rice Dev: KRAD, Horizontal Scroll bar Rendering outside frame
[KULRICE-5587] - In tree views, expand/collapse controls get redecorated by jstree and make the tree look funny
[KULRICE-5601] - Review patch for saved doc search putting field values in the wrong fields
[KULRICE-5616] - PersonServiceImpl.findPeopleInternal no longer supports search wildcards (including "!", "?", and "*")
[KULRICE-5639] - Within the date-picker widget, there are previous and next buttons. In IE, when hovering over these, the images flicker on and off. When clicking, nothing happens.
[KULRICE-5643] - ContextVariable 'LINE' not working with CollectionGroup.actionFields
[KULRICE-5663] - Nested KSB Calls failing due to Null LocaleResolver reference
[KULRICE-5667] - Drop indexes and constraints in 2011-06-17-m6.sql may cause problems for users attempting to upgrade
[KULRICE-5669] - Agenda Rule behaving badly if no context is specified
[KULRICE-5676] - Rice Dev: Clicking on Preferences from the Action list results in error
[KULRICE-5687] - Rice Dev: Direct Inquiry throwing Invalid path from all lookups
[KULRICE-5690] - Portal page re-sizing is broken
[KULRICE-5698] - edit links from the agenda lookup no longer work
[KULRICE-5699] - Rice Dev: Docs are not routing
[KULRICE-5700] - AgendaEditor view doesn't load due to view validation problems
[KULRICE-5705] - On document type lookup the inquiry link is missing on the document type id
[KULRICE-5707] - Direct inquiry empty check not working and cancel on lightbox not working
[KULRICE-5715] - Implement caching of legacy KEW rules on the RuleService by "doc type + rule template"
[KULRICE-5718] - When a document type is missing a NPE is thrown instead of DocumentAuthorizationException
[KULRICE-5722] - ProviderBasedEngine needs a new TermResolutionEngineImpl for each ExecutionEnvironment
[KULRICE-5725] - WorkflowDocument.isApprovalRequested() will return true for a role member who is part of an "all approve" role, but who has already approved
[KULRICE-5728] - Rice Dev: Blanket Approve action bombing out to exception
[KULRICE-5729] - Rice Dev: Group Lookup from Role maintenance document bomb to error
[KULRICE-5730] - Rice Dev: Trying to Send a Simple Notification results in error
[KULRICE-5731] - KRAD Rice Dev: Navigation side bar not rendering initially (KS L&F)
[KULRICE-5732] - KRAD: validation display in boxLayoutVerticalItem does not float correctly
[KULRICE-5736] - FieldUtils.convertRemotableAttributeField and related conversions to/from Row/Field/AttributeField/RemotableAttributeField not fully implemented
[KULRICE-5737] - Reimplement formatter support in StandardGenericXmlSearchableAttribute
[KULRICE-5741] - AJAX on tab-out for document type on document search is no longer working
[KULRICE-5743] - Add support for "max display length" on document search result columns
[KULRICE-5744] - Help link on document search shoudl result to custom document type documentation when a document type is selected
[KULRICE-5748] - Validate that "to" dates are after "from" dates on document search
[KULRICE-5751] - "Clear Named Searches" no longer works in document search
[KULRICE-5752] - Reimplement ability to pass query parameters to Document Search
[KULRICE-5758] - "Group Viewer" lookup icon is missing from document search
[KULRICE-5759] - Agenda is not submittable due to xstream serialization issue
[KULRICE-5764] - SelectControl does not get translated in the lookup result or inquiry
[KULRICE-5766] - A re-approve of an edoclite form should continue to send emails to next in route path.
[KULRICE-5767] - edoclite disapprove does not send emails as expected to all persons in route path
[KULRICE-5768] - edoclite return to Previous does not send emails the the appropriate person in the route path
[KULRICE-5769] - edoclite user does not receive email when on multiple nodes of the workflow
[KULRICE-5772] - When field is required that uses a select control, clicking on the control to select a value gives the required error and kicks you out
[KULRICE-5773] - Fixing bugs found due to KULRICE-4794 - Change DOC_HDR_ID on KREW_DOC_HDR_T from a numeric type to a character type
[KULRICE-5774] - Nested bean of a collection not found when adding a collection item
[KULRICE-5776] - Button styling relies on container
[KULRICE-5777] - Lookup does not return value in Firefox 7.
[KULRICE-5778] - Error incident report throws NPE when DocumentAuthorizationException is thrown
[KULRICE-5781] - NotSerializableException on save/submit of a Maintenance document
[KULRICE-5782] - error during DataBinder initialization on certain actions
[KULRICE-5786] - Error messages not visible on sub-collection add line
[KULRICE-5789] - Revert UifControllerBase form creation methods
[KULRICE-5791] - DB Upgrade script 2011-09-18.sql attempting to drop a column that is referenced in a unique constraint
[KULRICE-5792] - KRMS Agenda Editor: css and js file references are appearing in <body> tag; should be in <head> tag
[KULRICE-5793] - Loading indicator does not display in lightbox
[KULRICE-5794] - Default values not working!
[KULRICE-5796] - progressive render of custom agenda attributes is broken
[KULRICE-5797] - Fix doc handler url in the AgendaEditor's doctype
[KULRICE-5799] - JS errors appear after going to doc search and then to another view
[KULRICE-5800] - RoleRouteModuleTest - RoleResponsibility approve policy determination
[KULRICE-5801] - Javadoc for WorkflowDocumentFactory claims to throw non-existent DocumentTypeNotFoundException
[KULRICE-5802] - DocumentTypeDao.findDocumentTypeIdByName is not considering the "current indicator" on the document type records
[KULRICE-5806] - Rice Dev: Inquiry and Create new screens/links dumping out to error
[KULRICE-5807] - Rice Dev: CSRF Security Error pop-up thrown on
[KULRICE-5809] - ComponentMaintenanceDocument document type missing
[KULRICE-5810] - three methods in DocumentSearchChiteriaBo.groovy call getPerson with the principal name rather than calling getPersonByPrincipalName
[KULRICE-5811] - KRAD: Selecting "Today" button needs to populate field with today's date
[KULRICE-5812] - JSP error on Service Registry page in Tomcat 7
[KULRICE-5815] - Parameter Maintainable
[KULRICE-5816] - Get context selection working correctly in agenda editor
[KULRICE-5819] - Review and clean up parameter and component data in KRCR_PARM_T and KRCR_CMPNT_T
[KULRICE-5823] - make it so that attributes are not validated when eDocLite is canceled
[KULRICE-5827] - Fix suspicious MemberType/DelegationType conflation in ActionRequestFactory
[KULRICE-5829] - Add isMemberOfGroup back into Also contribute a few other methods as well.
[KULRICE-5831] - "Route Node Name" and "Route Node Logic" on document search are currently text fields and should be drop-down/select controls
[KULRICE-5832] - When saving a "detailed" search, it does not restore the doc search screen to the detailed search when loading the saved search
[KULRICE-5835] - changes to a field populated by fieldAttributeQuery.returnFieldMapping doesn't trigger progressive rendering based on that value
[KULRICE-5836] - values set on return from a fieldLookup that has parent="QuickFinderByScript" don't trigger progressive render
[KULRICE-5837] - When using the method getReportQueryIteratorByQuery, call releaseDbResources() to avoid INFO messages in the log
[KULRICE-5838] - Modify code which generates SQL for the detailed document search to treat the group ID as a string instead of a number to prevent a type casting issue in Oracle when the SQL is used.
[KULRICE-5839] - Avoid null pointer exception when ingesting a group without members.
[KULRICE-5841] - apostrophe character in watermarks breaks page js
[KULRICE-5843] - JSP Errors in Tomcat 7
[KULRICE-5846] - Rice Dev: Errors on Create New or Edit from Lookup on Group and Role
[KULRICE-5847] - Selecting FYI button in Action List results in looping page reload
[KULRICE-5851] - Rice Dev: Rice Maintenance documents bombing out to exception
[KULRICE-5854] - When using an "errors block" (all error messages grouped together) and a horizontal layout manager, we need wrapper around fields.
[KULRICE-5855] - Exception in incident report screen after authorization failure
[KULRICE-5856] - KRNS_DOC_HDR_T.FDOC_DESC column is only 40 char
[KULRICE-5858] - Trim the prefix value of whitespace
[KULRICE-5860] - Display user friendly message when direct inquiry is called on a non existing value.
[KULRICE-5861] - Account for brackets in the document title when doing doc search
[KULRICE-5862] - If any search criteria contained the word null, it caused an error
[KULRICE-5863] - Due to the outbox functionality, need to set the dateAssigned in in case the action item being deleted should be placed in the outbox.
[KULRICE-5864] - In DocumentConfigurationViewAction, prevent null pointer exception if there are no route nodes on the document type.
[KULRICE-5867] - Make it so that document does not crash if an invalid network ID is passed in for an eDocLite field.
[KULRICE-5868] - Fix issue where we aren't properly checking for a null notification exclusion group
[KULRICE-5869] - Add a new formatter class (, which displays the date as a date, but treats it like a timestamp.
[KULRICE-5870] - Missing div tag in RuleQuickLinks.jsp
[KULRICE-5875] - Missing Error Message Not Handled Well
[KULRICE-5876] - Rice Dev: Workgroup Inquiry screen from route log not showing assigned principals
[KULRICE-5877] - Rice Dev: Route log not sorting actions in ascending date/timestamp order
[KULRICE-5878] - Radiobuttons for Rule and Action subtypes should sort via seq_nbr
[KULRICE-5880] - Radiobuttons for Rule and Action subtypes should appear under types while not using space when not displayed.
[KULRICE-5885] - CSS clean up
[KULRICE-5887] - Left Navigation slow to load, shows up as links first
[KULRICE-5889] - Need "infinite scrolling table" in kitchen sink
[KULRICE-5890] - Need a tab navigation group in kitchen sink
[KULRICE-5893] - Error messages need to be resolved on the remote services
[KULRICE-5894] - Improve documentation of AttributeError, especially for error messages
[KULRICE-5896] - Rice Dev: Error in Portal results in Frame Resizing Creep
[KULRICE-5897] - remove extra field from the agenda editor
[KULRICE-5898] - Rule Editor has a duplicate Name field
[KULRICE-5899] - Agenda Editor allows add rule when (required) context has not been input
[KULRICE-5900] - Can not add a proposition to a new rule
[KULRICE-5903] - Text to make it more clear between Rule and Proposition tree sections.
[KULRICE-5904] - Make Proposition tree control more like the Rule tree control
[KULRICE-5905] - Validation Action custom attribute for message rather than using description
[KULRICE-5906] - Disable Rule Edit button when no rules are selected.
[KULRICE-5907] - Rice Dev: Permission Lookup Bombs if you specify a Template Namespace
[KULRICE-5908] - Rice Dev: Action List Preferences, selecting a color for disapproved or processed not working
[KULRICE-5909] - Deleted AgendaItem, Rule, Action are not removed from database on submit
[KULRICE-5911] - Rice Dev: SuperUser and Detailed Doc Search Not working in IE9 and Safari
[KULRICE-5912] - Rice Dev: KRAD Rendering issue with Cache Management Tool in Safari and IE9
[KULRICE-5913] - Edit Rule page should offer some information as to what Agenda we are in.
[KULRICE-5915] - Agenda Edit Rule button should be disabled if no rule has been selected.
[KULRICE-5918] - styling for selected item in agenda or rule tree is different (incorrect) for the last item in a sibling group
[KULRICE-5921] - Rice Dev: Person Inquiry Not Fully Loading
[KULRICE-5922] - Rice Dev: Role Create Document Formatting Issues
[KULRICE-5923] - Rice Dev: Responsibility Lookup Broken
[KULRICE-5924] - Rice Dev: Person and Group Maintenance documents not saving edits?
[KULRICE-5927] - Rice Dev: Role Create Document Permissions and Responsibilities lookups not working an
[KULRICE-5929] - KRAD: need ability to style Loading and Progress Indicators
[KULRICE-5930] - KRAD: Disclosure Collections not working in IE
[KULRICE-5936] - Logout Button errors out
[KULRICE-5938] - Javadoc on org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.DocumentUpdate is inaccurate
[KULRICE-5943] - Agenda Namespace required bug alert workaround.
[KULRICE-5944] - Agenda Type Select has two blank selects.
[KULRICE-5945] - Put Rule Description back
[KULRICE-5952] - Term summaries are editable even when they shouldn't be
[KULRICE-5954] - In some cases changing the propositions in a rule doesn't update the proposition summary
[KULRICE-5957] - Several PermissionService methods cannot be used when making SOAP service call
[KULRICE-5963] - bug found in tag files due to changes made in KULRICE-4788 to prevent errors on lookups
[KULRICE-5964] - KSB republishing services
[KULRICE-5965] - KIM RoleService call leads to SQLException due to invalid column name in query
[KULRICE-5970] - Can not copy a permission
[KULRICE-5972] - Rice Dev: Going to XML Ingester screen gives error
[KULRICE-5977] - Add null checks in NoteServiceImpl to prevent error when delete button is double clicked
[KULRICE-5985] - Default link behavior for target should not be _blank, should be _self
[KULRICE-5986] - Iframe fields in IE have issues
[KULRICE-5988] - Iframe resize issue in Chrome
[KULRICE-5989] - Cross domain iFrame resize transition fix
[KULRICE-5993] - doc search view of krad maintenance doc shows hidden fields
[KULRICE-6000] - sequence number column in join table between parent and child propositions breaks agenda persistence
[KULRICE-6001] - Operator proposition parameters for propositions created in the UI are using with the wrong type code
[KULRICE-6002] - Category to Term progressive update only works when the edited node is also selected
[KULRICE-6004] - peopleflow name attribute validation causes exception at rule execution time
[KULRICE-6006] - TermResolvers need to be registered at execution environment setup time
[KULRICE-6008] - sortRoleMembers is missing from RoleTypeService
[KULRICE-6011] - Proposition tree data groups are not showing up
[KULRICE-6013] - SQLException when editing rule if there are no valid terms on a context
[KULRICE-6086] - Rice Dev: Service Registry Entries Throwing Error on Click
[KULRICE-6087] - Rice Demo: Service Registry Links Not showing WSDL info in Safari or Chrome
[KULRICE-6088] - Action list blows up if there are any items in it
[KULRICE-6090] - Create Person gives an error on sumission
[KULRICE-6091] - Exception in document search when searching with invalid criteria
[KULRICE-6093] - Agenda attributes are not being saved
[KULRICE-6094] - KRMS: Copy of a Term Specification or Agenda doesn't ever go any where on Submit/Blanket Approve
[KULRICE-6095] - KRMS: Copy of a Term bombs to exception on Submit/Blanket Approve
[KULRICE-6096] - KRMS: Edit of an Existing context not "routing" on submit or blanket approve
[KULRICE-6098] - Agenda qualifier matching is backwards
[KULRICE-6099] - KRMS (or KRAD): Data tables on KRMS lookups not sorting on column headings
[KULRICE-6100] - Rice Dev: Route Log Not showing entry when Return to Previous action is taken
[KULRICE-6101] - KRAD: frame sizing issue on Travel Account Lookup in Safari, Chrome, or IE9
[KULRICE-6271] - potential for post-authentication sql injection on document search
[KULRICE-6272] - log out should kill session
[KULRICE-6273] - cleanse channel urls, removing angle brackets
[KULRICE-6274] - Name suppression not functioning properly
[KULRICE-6279] - PeopleFlow Name UI does not show required, while the builder setRequired flag has been set.
[KULRICE-6280] - Can't edit existing rules in an agenda
[KULRICE-6283] - Rice Dev: Ad Hoc routing bombs on add person in Ad Hoc Recipients section
[KULRICE-6284] - Rice Dev: Document Search, clear saved searches button not working
[KULRICE-6289] - RelationshipDefinition requires BusinessObject class when it should just be Object
[KULRICE-6290] - Agenda copy and submit is broken because Document Description is not set
[KULRICE-6291] - title of lookup for adding multiple to a collection group should be generic
[KULRICE-6297] - AgendaItem move sometimes causes an NPE
[KULRICE-6300] - Travel Account link in KNS sample app throwing exception
[KULRICE-6302] - KIM RoleService call leads to SQLException due to invalid column name in query - Another instance
[KULRICE-6304] - java.lang.ClassCastException: org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.Group cannot be cast to org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.Field
[KULRICE-6307] - Incident report form does not get added to the session causing the submit report to fail
[KULRICE-6308] - Check support for expression placeholders in progressive, conditional render, refresh when changed properties
[KULRICE-6309] - JSP issue in SuperUser.jsp due to the use of the "final" reserved word.
[KULRICE-6310] - SQLException from ResponsibilityService due to invalid column name
[KULRICE-6311] - .size() calls in ToString() methods trigger JDBC calls and should be removed
[KULRICE-6312] - DictionaryObjectAttributeValueReader does not handle AttributeDefinitions that refer to a nested property within a collection (for usage in lookups)
[KULRICE-6313] - Copying a routing rule edits the original rather than creating a new rule
[KULRICE-6315] - Fix Validation Types
[KULRICE-6317] - Rice Dev: Routing & Identity Management Document Type Hierarchy bombs if you try to look at the doc config
[KULRICE-6318] - Rice Dev: Routing & Identity Management Document Type Hierarchy bombs if you try to search on edoc.example1
[KULRICE-6319] - RoleServiceImpl throws NullPointerException
[KULRICE-6320] - Allow passing in null PermissionDetails when having to perform generic permission match
[KULRICE-6323] - DataDictionaryTypeServiceHelper expects ValuesFinder definition for all kinds of remotable controls
[KULRICE-6333] - Adding to a sub-collection results in a new empty line on the last sub-collection off the primary collection
[KULRICE-6334] - On the rule editing page, the Edit rule action doesn't work on the first try
[KULRICE-6338] - Various issues getting KIM LDAP module to work properly
[KULRICE-6340] - ajax progressive disclosure / refresh are broken
[KULRICE-6344] - #dp doesn't work in progressiveRender
[KULRICE-6345] - On document search screen, the "Date Created From" field is no longer populated for searches when no criteria is provided.
[KULRICE-6346] - KRAD: TableLayoutManager Not Releasing Memory
[KULRICE-6347] - Rice 2.0 B3 only working after commenting out KCB configurations
[KULRICE-6348] - Navigation Tab styling was lost at some point for both L&F
[KULRICE-6353] - Add explicit dependency to asm version 3.3.1 in ksb-client-impl pom
[KULRICE-6355] - Javascript Error in IE & FF on Agende Lookup Screen
[KULRICE-6357] - When DelegateType is created on the fly by getPrimaryDelegation(), it can not be returned via service call
[KULRICE-6358] - refreshing components in the tree doesn't work, binding path gets mangled
[KULRICE-6361] - null dereference in disableButtons.js on refresh of Rule editor screen
[KULRICE-6364] - javascript error on adding a line to a collection on a Term Specification
[KULRICE-6365] - On rule screen, PeopleFlow ID lookup for action types can pull in bogus parameters
[KULRICE-6366] - covariant return of DataFieldSecurity in DataField.getComponentSecurity() breaks spring BeanWrapperImpl magic, TravelAccount lookup is broken as a result
[KULRICE-6367] - Rice Dev: Trying to Submit/Blanket Approve a Document Results in Error
[KULRICE-6368] - Rice Dev: Document Search not working
[KULRICE-6369] - Rice Dev: Rule Attribute bombs to exception on click
[KULRICE-6370] - Rice Dev: Rule Template bombs to error on Click
[KULRICE-6371] - Rice Dev: Document Type bombs to error on click
[KULRICE-6372] - Rice Dev: XML Stylesheets bombs to error on click
[KULRICE-6374] - Hidden fields not rendering on Inquiry Views
[KULRICE-6375] - Something is going on with Page refreshes.
[KULRICE-6376] - Incident report does not display correctly when an exception is thrown in the view
[KULRICE-6377] - Remove single quotes from binding paths due to JS issues
[KULRICE-6382] - Image on spinner control doesn't appear until the control gets focus
[KULRICE-6385] - Exception in KIM Role Maintenance Screen
[KULRICE-6386] - IllegalAccessError from UIDocumentService while maintaining custom Roles
[KULRICE-6388] - Class cast exception when doing an edit/copy on the Maintainable documents
[KULRICE-6392] - Receiving JS error on DataTables: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'oFeatures' of null 3982
[KULRICE-6393] - PeopleFlow members show up as secondary delegates in the route log
[KULRICE-6400] - "even" and "odd" text is showing up in table elements (myplan)
[KULRICE-6409] - Field groups in collection lines do not get binding correctly prefixed
[KULRICE-6410] - ajax refreshes are broken on the agenda tree and the rule (proposition) tree
[KULRICE-6412] - ARIA statements require mods to Doctype
[KULRICE-6414] - Label for collection field does not show/hide correctly with progressive disclosure or refresh
[KULRICE-6416] - Rice Dev: Pages on KRAD tab not loading
[KULRICE-6426] - Rice Dev: Initiator direct Inquiry from Document Search throwing HTTP 500 Error
[KULRICE-6440] - Read only view of maintenance document leaves input field editable
[KULRICE-6442] - Rice Dev: Permission Lookup screen, Permission Template attribute label missing
[KULRICE-6443] - Extra buttons appearing in lookup footer
[KULRICE-6446] - Links in lookup results don't function in IE8
[KULRICE-6449] - Exception when clicking inquiry for role
[KULRICE-6450] - Bug in DataDictionary property descriptor handling in the face of generic and co-variant return trypes
[KULRICE-6451] - Can not create KNS maintenance documents
[KULRICE-6453] - Rice Dev: PeopleFlow Maintenance Screen throwing error on Direct Inquiry
[KULRICE-6460] - Component refresh doesn't work after closing a lightbox
[KULRICE-6461] - PeopleFlow member field doesn't get refreshed after the member type changes
[KULRICE-6462] - Progressive render of "All or First Action" field in PeopleFlow member add section is broken
[KULRICE-6469] - Changed needed in because ExtensionDefinition does not contain the constructor parameters like the ObjectDefinition does, which causes the attribute to be constructed incorrectly
[KULRICE-6471] - Table sorting is broke again!
[KULRICE-6475] - CacheTarget schema is incorrect
[KULRICE-6477] - Resurrect the concept of a "Default Country" on the "CountryService"
[KULRICE-6478] - KEN- principalId/principalName discrepancy
[KULRICE-6480] - Fix HashMap concurrency issue in org.kuali.rice.krad.UserSession
[KULRICE-6483] - Ad hoc tab styling issues
[KULRICE-6485] - Reorder group no longer displays/works
[KULRICE-6487] - Agenda Copy moves Agenda Items from old agenda to new agenda
[KULRICE-6488] - Term submission causes exception with blank Specification ID field
[KULRICE-6489] - Document Search by "Approver" returns all documents if the principal name passed is not found.
[KULRICE-6493] - RiceDev: Clicking on any doc id from action list or doc search results in 404 error
[KULRICE-6494] - Document search by "Group Viewer" doesn't return correct data
[KULRICE-6501] - Patch OJB such that it unwraps connections and statements for Oracle in such a way that it works with Java Melody, use new JDBC "Wrapper" api for this
[KULRICE-6504] - Potentially strange behavior in how KSB exports services and determines if they are already exported
[KULRICE-6508] - On person Inquiry, the Active Indicator "both" and "no" buttons do not work correctly, only active rows are returned in any situation
[KULRICE-6512] - Rice Dev: Clicking on View Document Configuration gives error
[KULRICE-6513] - DataObjectMetaDataServiceImpl's areNotesSupported method implementation seems to be incorrect
[KULRICE-6521] - After context startup, KSBConfigurer.requeueMessages is being executed before DataDictionary indexing
[KULRICE-6524] - Modifying a parameter twice in a row results in OptimisticLockExceptions in back-end workflow processing on the second document
[KULRICE-6525] - Agenda Inquiry is broken
[KULRICE-6531] - Rice 2.0 Upgrade script 2011-06-17-m6.sql references non-existent column
[KULRICE-6534] - Rename KREW_STYLE_T table to KRCR_STYLE_T, change it's id column to a string, and change StyleContract.getStyleId to StyleContract.getId() returning a String instead of a Long
[KULRICE-6535] - KIM Person Maintenance Page refers to incorrect fields
[KULRICE-6537] - KRIM_PND_GRP_MBR_T table's MBR_NM column should be expanded
[KULRICE-6545] - SendNotificationService in KEN is not annotated properly
[KULRICE-6546] - Rice Dev: eDoc Lite delivered example broken (eDoc.Example1DocType)
[KULRICE-6549] - Display of AuthorizationException messages seems incorrect
[KULRICE-112] - Consider moving "performLookup" back into Lookup action class
[KULRICE-1023] - Add support to Document structures for Versionable Documents
[KULRICE-1342] - Create a new type of attribute to replace WorkflowAttribute, make a SOAP remoted version of this service
[KULRICE-2374] - Make sure that all KEW super user actions are available on WorkflowDocument
[KULRICE-3319] - Determine if we need to do some work on the KimTypeService interface to make return types more consistent
[KULRICE-3515] - Performance improvements to creation of ValidActionsDTO
[KULRICE-3722] - Get rid of the need to have the oracle jdbc driver as a dependency in our pom
[KULRICE-3804] - Make 1.1.0 Java 1.6 compliant
[KULRICE-4086] - Remove org.kuali.rice.kns.util.spring.AutoPopulatingList
[KULRICE-4273] - Explosion of Namespace concepts in Rice
[KULRICE-4301] - Improve consistency of service namespaces
[KULRICE-4399] - As a part of the dependency upgrade for 1.1 upgrade Jetty to version 7
[KULRICE-4436] - Classes used in CommonSpringBeans.xml should be in core instead of the KNS
[KULRICE-4451] - Re-examine how RiceApplicationConfigurationService is being used to resolve doc handler urls (and other variables) from across the service bus
[KULRICE-4460] - Replace all references to oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver with oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
[KULRICE-4529] - Split out service apis out into their own maven module in the Rice project
[KULRICE-4531] - Improve our use of namespaces for KimTypeServices, get rid of deprecated methods on KimCommonUtils
[KULRICE-4555] - Combine SimpleDocumentActionsWebService with WorkflowDocumentActionsService, review and approve the new contract for workflow services
[KULRICE-4582] - Remove deprecated Config.OUT_BOX_DEFAULT_PREFERENCE_ON
[KULRICE-4589] - rename NOTIFY_EXCLUDED_USERS_IND parm to something clearer
[KULRICE-4700] - Fully convert java serialized services to SOAP services
[KULRICE-4788] - Update Servlet API to 2.5, JSP API to 2.1 and test harnesses to launch supporting containers
[KULRICE-4793] - Create a development support module in rice.
[KULRICE-4794] - Change DOC_HDR_ID on KREW_DOC_HDR_T from a numeric type to a character type
[KULRICE-4803] - Add unique constraint on KIM permission namespace:name
[KULRICE-4811] - Get tests working in rice 1.1
[KULRICE-4816] - Implement interaction with the service registry so that it goes over remote connection instead of direct database access
[KULRICE-4838] - Move integration tests into a separate module and improve the way we handle instantiation of test clients in the test harness, take advantage of maven integration-test lifecycle
[KULRICE-4853] - Convert RunMode & Client Protocol to Java 5 enums
[KULRICE-4854] - Create a coherent design for KeyValue pair
[KULRICE-4861] - Remove JSTLConstants class, make Spring contexts web aware
[KULRICE-4863] - Research if we can replace our custom email services (there are multiple!) with the Spring mailer stuff and get rid of duplicate email service implementations
[KULRICE-4866] - Make sure all Constant/Utility classes are final classes (not interfaces) and have private ctors
[KULRICE-4867] - Create SQLUtils class
[KULRICE-4871] - Remove the parameterized type on the PersonService
[KULRICE-4881] - Clean up utility classes
[KULRICE-4888] - Make KualiException Abstract
[KULRICE-4895] - Migrate from XAPool & JOTM to Bitronix connection pool & Transaction Manager
[KULRICE-4946] - Convert Rice to an m2eclipse project
[KULRICE-4947] - Test out Maven 3/Move to Maven 3
[KULRICE-5008] - Prepare the main 1.1 branch of Rice for Eclipse-based development with Maven
[KULRICE-5010] - Improve role-member logic in RoleManagementServiceImpl.removePrincipalFromRole for performance
[KULRICE-5011] - Implement an improved way to delete RELOAD_ACTION_LIST prefs for users
[KULRICE-5014] - Rename kew.bootstrap.spring.file to web.bootstrap.spring.file in StandaloneInitializeListener
[KULRICE-5034] - CXF SOAP service logging does not honor
[KULRICE-5041] - Migrate xml import/export framework to the Rice core
[KULRICE-5101] - Improve messaging for simultaneous workflow actions
[KULRICE-5105] - Populate the error message map when spring PropertyEditors throw validation exceptions
[KULRICE-5114] - Allow config.xml files to include HTTPSessionListeners
[KULRICE-5117] - Clean up current issues with configurers in Rice
[KULRICE-5121] - Remove JsValue from ValidCharactersConstraint
[KULRICE-5131] - Port Exception/Incident reporting to KRAD
[KULRICE-5132] - Implement Breadcrumbs in KRAD
[KULRICE-5133] - Implement suggest boxes
[KULRICE-5134] - Implement AJAX update of fields
[KULRICE-5150] - Default control (if not set) to TextControl
[KULRICE-5155] - Create new ValidCharactersConstraint equivalents of the old ValidationPattern
[KULRICE-5172] - Default the binding path for fieldLookup.fieldConversions
[KULRICE-5179] - Convert KNS Formatters to Spring PropertyEditors for use in KRAD
[KULRICE-5182] - Add property to AttributeField that allows removing the field from the keyboard tab order
[KULRICE-5183] - alternate/additonal DisplayAttributeName implementation not honoring key values finders
[KULRICE-5189] - JAX-WS annotated service methods that return collections need to be annotated appropriately so that empty lists are handled properly
[KULRICE-5191] - Look into KSB integration test failures that are the result of database table locking issues
[KULRICE-5201] - Convert remaining numeric identifiers in KEW database to character-based identifiers
[KULRICE-5207] - Remove all KEW httpInvoker type services from the registry
[KULRICE-5209] - Add servicePath to all of our Kuali Rice services that we are publishing
[KULRICE-5214] - Remove legacy "help" system from KEW
[KULRICE-5252] - Complete BusinessObjectEntry and DataObjectEntry split
[KULRICE-5260] - Implement requiredness validation on nested objects
[KULRICE-5321] - Create test that routes a FiscalOfficerInfo document in the sampleapp
[KULRICE-5325] - Get rid of KualiWorkflowDocument, replace with standard WorkflowDocument KEW api
[KULRICE-5326] - Get rid of KualiWorkflowInfo, replace with usage of standard KEW apis
[KULRICE-5352] - KNS DD doesn't support configuration of ReloadingDataDictionary
[KULRICE-5357] - update our caching solution for rice.
[KULRICE-5379] - align the ParameterService & ConfigService understanding of boolean string values
[KULRICE-5396] - Convert InactivatableFromTo to use joda-time
[KULRICE-5398] - Implement proper thread-safe lazy initialization for WorkflowDocumentFactory
[KULRICE-5431] - Customized Post Data-load Encryption
[KULRICE-5445] - Ensure that _futureElements on data transfer objects are not included in serialized form
[KULRICE-5527] - Need Transaction proxy configured for spring mvc
[KULRICE-5611] - Remove usage of XmlConfiguredAttribute from qualifier resolver and rule attributes
[KULRICE-5618] - Create a Kim permission for the Cache Admin Screen
[KULRICE-5670] - Reduce the size of the ACTVN_TYP column on KREW_RTE_NODE_T
[KULRICE-5677] - Add support for getCurrentNodeNames to WorkflowDocument, change method from getActiveNodeInstances to getActiveRouteNodeInstances
[KULRICE-5682] - Remove RouteModuleRemote as it is not used anywhere
[KULRICE-5685] - KEW document type policy to turn off automatic replaying of last nodes for enroute docs when role changes
[KULRICE-5686] - Need the ability to configure results limits differently for different lookups
[KULRICE-5694] - Under some circumstances lookups can return the same row multiple times
[KULRICE-5695] - provide "hours of availability" awareness
[KULRICE-5716] - Allow for type ids to be optional on various KRMS tables
[KULRICE-5719] - Look into changing term map from Map<Term, Object> to Map<String, Object> for engine exec api
[KULRICE-5720] - KIM should be using enums for things like "MemberType" on RoleMembership
[KULRICE-5735] - Find all places where we are using WorkflowAttributeValidationError and switch to RemotableAttrbuteError
[KULRICE-5738] - Modify SearchableAttribute so that when returning RemotableAttributeField objects, it's possible to indicate whether or not the column should be visible
[KULRICE-5747] - Add "documentTypeAttributes" to org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.DocumentType
[KULRICE-5750] - Add "extraDocumentTypeNames" to the document lookup criteria
[KULRICE-5760] - Apply "queue" naming schema to various KEW message queues
[KULRICE-5761] - Create a SOAP version of the MoveDocumentProcessor
[KULRICE-5818] - Add namespace code to component lookup and inquiry
[KULRICE-5821] - Have both a getDocumentHandlerUrl and getResolvedDocumentHandlerUrl on DocumentTypeContract
[KULRICE-5826] - Add validation of RuleAttribute type when ingesting <ruleAttribute> elements
[KULRICE-5830] - Improve the AttachmentServlet security
[KULRICE-5848] - Add a set of preferences for allowing a user to turn off emails for complete, approve, acknowledge, or FYI requests.
[KULRICE-5852] - Modify the display of the contents of a note to preserve the whitespace by default.
[KULRICE-5857] - Add ability to detete Service Registry entries by application id
[KULRICE-5859] - Add a limited size attribute so the page will only show the "refine your results" message when the number of search results exceeds the limited amount
[KULRICE-5865] - When the page is requested directly the routeHeader is null so change to throw an error with a more helpful message.
[KULRICE-5866] - In, instead of passing 0 into a method, change to pass new Integer(0)
[KULRICE-5871] - Moved the div outside of the inquiry link so the anchor doesn't display as a block element to make the text is easier to select
[KULRICE-5916] - toggle selection of rule or proposition when clicked a second time
[KULRICE-5917] - typed in campus code doesn't get pulled into lookup on CampusAgendaType custom attribute
[KULRICE-5920] - ActionListService should be properly annotated as a SOAP service
[KULRICE-5940] - Disable sort on specific column inside of RichTable
[KULRICE-5941] - Determine the proper way to handle client-side caching and eviction operations
[KULRICE-5948] - Make name show for PeopleFlowTypeActionTypeService attribute
[KULRICE-5950] - Action description should be optional
[KULRICE-5951] - In Rule editor, Category selector is not wired up to term
[KULRICE-5953] - Make propositions that are in edit mode easier to select
[KULRICE-5968] - Allow for users to customize their email notification preferences based on the document type
[KULRICE-5973] - Need the ability to mark columns in datatable as invisible
[KULRICE-5975] - Fix field conversion split so that it works with ":" as part of the field key
[KULRICE-5978] - Create new Document Type policy for enroute error suppression
[KULRICE-5980] - Display Server messages/growls that may be a result of an ajax call
[KULRICE-5981] - Breadcrumbs with single page views
[KULRICE-5991] - View/Page Loading fixes - indicator and visual appearance during load
[KULRICE-5994] - ComparisonOperator does not deal with multiple types well, and isn't pluggable
[KULRICE-5996] - Enhance AgendaAuthorizationServiceImpl so that more than one permission can exist for agenda maintenance
[KULRICE-5998] - Create proper KSB impl and KSB web modules
[KULRICE-6003] - Make PeopleFlow type service names friendlier to humans
[KULRICE-6009] - Standardize on use of "derived role" terminology in RoleTypeService instead of "application role" or "dynamic role"
[KULRICE-6042] - Convert documentation from Word files and Doc2Help to Docbook
[KULRICE-6047] - Implement feedback on cleaning up install documentation
[KULRICE-6049] - Make the special my.conf params needed for MySQL more apparent in our documentation
[KULRICE-6050] - Create Initial Draft of KRMS and KRAD Chapters in User's Guide and Technical Guide
[KULRICE-6051] - Determine how we can automate documentation builds with doc-to-help
[KULRICE-6052] - Integrate appendix on RESTful services into the main body of the KSB TRG
[KULRICE-6082] - Permission maintenance doc requires Template Id and has no lookup
[KULRICE-6278] - Add NODE or similar context variable to reference the current node being rendered
[KULRICE-6292] - Modify term selection ui so that parameterized terms can be specified
[KULRICE-6293] - add loadAgenda to AgendaTypeService to allow pluggable qualifier matching
[KULRICE-6295] - Make PeopleFlow collection of stops sort by stop #
[KULRICE-6299] - New DB index to improve action list performance
[KULRICE-6306] - Upgrade Spring version to 3.1.0.RELEASE
[KULRICE-6330] - Set up support for loading of "web" modules last and modify ModuleConfigurer framework to support this
[KULRICE-6336] - Fix issue of multiple datasources and transaction managers being loaded and configured via CommonSpringBeans.xml
[KULRICE-6339] - Remove unused datasource.pool.size config parameter from various files
[KULRICE-6351] - Add ability to disable usage of security for the ServiceRegistry on the client side
[KULRICE-6352] - Upgrade from apache cxf 2.3.6 to 2.3.7
[KULRICE-6354] - The KSB synchronization process calls both getAllServicesForInstance and getAllOnlineServices every 60 seconds but should only need to call getAllOnlineServices
[KULRICE-6362] - Move Mailer api from core-impl up to core-api module and change package appropriately, split Mailer class into Mailer interface and MailerImpl implementation
[KULRICE-6363] - Change name of KEW data source/ojb alias from enWorkflowDataSource to kewDataSource
[KULRICE-6398] - Set up NonSerializableSessionListener so that it defaults to true only when the environment code is "dev"
[KULRICE-6399] - Make configuring the reloading data dictionary easier for client app developers
[KULRICE-6420] - Javadocs for KRMS api & framework by function
[KULRICE-6431] - Refactor KRMS context join table names
[KULRICE-6435] - Make it so that Rice 2.0 can shut down cleanly
[KULRICE-6436] - Tune ehcache configuration for the various rice modules
[KULRICE-6438] - Create folder structure for custom, library and modified library js files
[KULRICE-6463] - New DB Indexes for KIM Permission checks
[KULRICE-6470] - Properly javadoc ComponentService
[KULRICE-6474] - Try to come up with a better name than "CacheService"
[KULRICE-6476] - Add ability to get all services by applicationId to the ServiceRegistry
[KULRICE-6484] - SubCollection label needs to allow disclosure mechanism
[KULRICE-6486] - Pull the css.files and js.files property and add Javascript files to the ViewTheme
[KULRICE-6490] - Make it so Doc Search returns documents for Initiators, approvers, and reviewers that are no longer active
[KULRICE-6492] - Return entity information by employeeID even if the person's employee info is inactive or in a historical location
[KULRICE-6509] - Synchronize with remote services on KSB startup
[KULRICE-6511] - Implement ability to load remote services lazily
[KULRICE-6517] - Remove nillable=true from
[KULRICE-6518] - Add a colon between attributes which make up caching key for ParameterKey
[KULRICE-6522] - Add getDefaultNamesForPrincipalId back to the Identity Service
[KULRICE-6523] - Change component used for Module locking parameters to All
[KULRICE-6527] - Switch MDC logging in UserLoginFilter to use principalName instead of principalId
[KULRICE-6528] - Remove KSBConfigSpringBeans.xml, COREConfigSpringBeans.xml, and KRADConfigSpringBeans.xml
[KULRICE-6530] - Add Uif-HorizontalBoxGroup and Uif-HorizontalBoxSection bean options
[KULRICE-6533] - Rename cache service endpoints to "cache admin service" since that's what we renamed the actual service interface to
[KULRICE-6539] - Rename methods in KIM that refer to "ByNamespaceCodeAndName" to just "ByName"
[KULRICE-6543] - Remove PersonService.hasPersonProperty as it's no longer used
[KULRICE-6544] - PermissionService.isAuthorized, hasPermission, getPermissionAssignees, and getAuthorizedPermissions no longer needs to take permission details since permission namespace + name are now unique
[KULRICE-3708] - Provide an out-of-the-box LDAP connector for Rice
[KULRICE-4528] - Implement ability for rice server to know what version of a client server they are calling
[KULRICE-5032] - Design and Implement a general-purpose criteria-based api for use on Rice services which need it
[KULRICE-5036] - Develop proposition that works with collections
[KULRICE-5067] - Implement backend support for general-purpose criteria query api
[KULRICE-5068] - Implement ParameterRepositoryService.findParameters
[KULRICE-5130] - Sample Maintenance Document for testing attachments
[KULRICE-5136] - Create Groovy conversion script for updating KNS DD and Document DD to KRAD
[KULRICE-5138] - Add pop up text area option for TextAreas and Text input fields
[KULRICE-5204] - Create rice-kew-api and rice-kew-impl modules
[KULRICE-5208] - Implement KEW caching services as SOAP and allow for them to be easily exported to the Bus that way
[KULRICE-5211] - Implement PreferencesService (KREW_USR_OPTN_T) so that it is accessed remotely instead of via database
[KULRICE-5212] - Implement RuleService, RuleAttributeService, and related such that they are accessed remotely via SOAP instead of via direct database calls to the rule tables
[KULRICE-5230] - Add ability to fetch a service from the ServiceBus by a combination of service name and application id
[KULRICE-5404] - Create model objects for attribute definitions
[KULRICE-5416] - allow for pseudo-buttons with text and images in them
[KULRICE-5561] - enabling features for working with custom remotable attributes
[KULRICE-5563] - Create PeopleFlowActionTypeService
[KULRICE-5574] - Create Agenda Rule
[KULRICE-5592] - Create and implement PeopleFlowService
[KULRICE-5593] - Create PeopleFlowTypeService interface
[KULRICE-5594] - Create KewTypeRepositoryService
[KULRICE-5595] - Create a new KRMS node implementation extending RequestActivationNode
[KULRICE-5596] - Add support to Document Type XML schema to specify the krms integrating route node
[KULRICE-5597] - Write integration tests for KEW integration with KRMS and PeopleFlows
[KULRICE-5671] - Implement support for Priority-Parallel activation in the workflow engine
[KULRICE-5681] - Implement ability for RequestNode to be called multiple times to generate action requests
[KULRICE-5684] - Implement RouteModule which can generate action requests from PeopleFlows
[KULRICE-5697] - Add the ability to parameterize a ValuesFinder
[KULRICE-5709] - Add responsibility id and action request policy to people flow member and delegate data models
[KULRICE-5824] - Added a check to deactivate the action request when it tries to route to an inactive group based on document type policy
[KULRICE-5971] - Add button to add a compound proposition parent to the selected simple proposition
[KULRICE-5995] - ingest updated travel account doctype into master db
[KULRICE-6085] - Add Inquiry View to Agenda
[KULRICE-6282] - AdHoc Route to Completion - MSU Contribution
[KULRICE-6437] - Add ability to use #node on client-bound properties like progressiveRender and refreshWhenChanged
[KULRICE-121] - ID html elements in KNS pages for easier HtmlUnit testing
[KULRICE-1031] - Consolidate and document ServiceLocators and ResourceLoaders
[KULRICE-2677] - Add full entity DTO versions of getEntity methods to IdentityService and IdentityManagementService
[KULRICE-3166] - Determine if we can use joda-time as part of our api instead of built-in java date/time types
[KULRICE-3211] - Upgrade to Spring 3.0.1
[KULRICE-3222] - Ensure that ParameterServerService can be remoted and improve caching in ParameterServiceProxyImpl
[KULRICE-3631] - Remove ActionItem.getRouteHeader() and ActionItem.setRouteHeader(...)
[KULRICE-3918] - Sample app BOs extend PersistableBusinessObject but the corresponding table doesn't contain the necessary fields.
[KULRICE-3940] - Merge 1.0.x.kc branch with 1.1.0 branch
[KULRICE-3953] - Create a ricekulcli110dba database
[KULRICE-4053] - Impex not updating 110 DB
[KULRICE-4096] - Remove TypedArrayList, use Spring's AutoPopulatingList in its stead
[KULRICE-4186] - Merge 1.0.2 branch into 1.1.0 branch
[KULRICE-4220] - Ensure that Rice is using up-to-date referenced libraries
[KULRICE-4247] - Perform and document modularity analysis on KNS
[KULRICE-4406] - Include mysql / oracle dependencies in "test" modules with provided scope
[KULRICE-4437] - Perform preliminary merge of 1.0.3 into 1.1
[KULRICE-4438] - Merge remaining 1.0.3 work into 1.1
[KULRICE-4488] - Upgrade Spring schema declarations to 3.0 in spring files.
[KULRICE-4491] - Research Business Rule Engines and GUIs for KC functional equivalence
[KULRICE-4495] - Identify locations where client applications are allowed to connect and use the Rice standalone server database
[KULRICE-4496] - Speed Test: Soap vs java serialization for our remoted services
[KULRICE-4503] - Decide on and document process for how service contracts will be defined and maintained
[KULRICE-4504] - Identify and document all services in Rice that can be invoked remotely
[KULRICE-4505] - Decide on and document guidelines for how service contracts, DTOs, and implementations should be versioned
[KULRICE-4506] - Identity the service components in Rice today which are being remoted through KSB object remoting
[KULRICE-4508] - Decide on and document recommended practices for service governance
[KULRICE-4510] - Decide on and document a standard for service names and namespaces and how they will be affected by versioning
[KULRICE-4511] - Refactor service registry to implement inclusion of version numbers in the service registry
[KULRICE-4512] - Get recommendations from Savoir Technologies on larger architectural efforts that we should consider for our future roadmap
[KULRICE-4625] - Determine proposed breakdown for modules
[KULRICE-4628] - Document modularization
[KULRICE-4632] - Separate development framework from middleware services
[KULRICE-4637] - Remove deprecated code
[KULRICE-4639] - Document modularity changes
[KULRICE-4642] - Remove support for object remoting
[KULRICE-4643] - Re-implement default services as SOAP
[KULRICE-4644] - Annotate services that don't currently support SOAP with jax-ws
[KULRICE-4645] - add maven build step to generate WSDLs
[KULRICE-4646] - Remove direct database calls from client applications to rice db where possible
[KULRICE-4647] - Define service naming and namespace standard for rice services
[KULRICE-4648] - Implement service naming and namespace standard for rice services
[KULRICE-4659] - Figure out how client apps will publish their KimTypeServices via SOAP
[KULRICE-4660] - Determine WSDL publishing process
[KULRICE-4661] - create mechanism for handling "namespaces" in Spring and avoiding service name conflicts
[KULRICE-4663] - Implement a way to figure out what version of Rice an application is running
[KULRICE-4664] - Implement a mechanism for "newer" Rice server versions to call back into older client service versions
[KULRICE-4666] - Evaluate "remote" KIM services
[KULRICE-4669] - Implement rules engine for kc functional equivalence
[KULRICE-4674] - integrate with KNS business rules
[KULRICE-4703] - Improve current UI/configuration
[KULRICE-4704] - User Interface for KC Workflow
[KULRICE-4717] - More screen flexibility in the development framework and support for transactional documents
[KULRICE-4743] - Migrate to Spring MVC
[KULRICE-4763] - Code a proof of concept reflecting Savoir versioning recommendations
[KULRICE-4764] - docInfo property should be on KualiDocumentFormBase not KualiForm
[KULRICE-4767] - Look into setting tab index for dynamic refreshes
[KULRICE-4784] - Put together a proof-of-concept on version compatibility
[KULRICE-4806] - Update the rice-site url in the main pom.xml file
[KULRICE-4817] - Refactor RiceConfigurer so that is doesn't depend on all the modules
[KULRICE-4824] - move test resources out of main source tree
[KULRICE-4825] - Decouple code so modules can stand alone
[KULRICE-4851] - remove KEW UserSession
[KULRICE-4855] - Refactor SQLBuilder so it does not depend on anything outside rice-core
[KULRICE-4858] - Create krad-app-framework and krad-web-framework modules in Rice 1.1, begin moving classes into them according to modularity refactoring plan
[KULRICE-4864] - remove the dependencies UserSession has on EditablePropertiesHolder, ConfigService, & WorkflowDocument
[KULRICE-4868] - Create war module for our standalone server
[KULRICE-4869] - Random Modularity tasks
[KULRICE-4872] - Implement a conversion utility for Rice 2.0 which will aid in performing conversions on legacy maintainable XML
[KULRICE-4873] - Create Interfaces and Implementation code for new Business Rule model
[KULRICE-4880] - Refactory KimCommonUtils into a public and private piece
[KULRICE-4884] - Remove DateUtils, NumberUtils and corresponding unit tests
[KULRICE-4887] - Update package naming standards document
[KULRICE-4897] - Removal of toStringMapper, toStringBuilder, from BusinessObjectBase
[KULRICE-4898] - Remove org.kuali.rice.kew.web.session.Authentication and calls to it. Replace with KIM permissions.
[KULRICE-4900] - Get 1.1 unit tests working
[KULRICE-4904] - KC needs FAX to be supported as a Phone type
[KULRICE-4905] - Display appropriate icon based on attachment type in Maintenance Documents
[KULRICE-4906] - create jira for some of the Groovy isssues
[KULRICE-4911] - Implement version compatibility unit tests
[KULRICE-4915] - Examples to validate use cases
[KULRICE-4917] - Load test development & implementation
[KULRICE-4924] - Include source and javadoc tarballs with SNAPSHOTS and RELEASES
[KULRICE-4928] - The kr test environments don't appear to be running right now, need to be set back up
[KULRICE-4931] - Execute a review of all libraries and version in Kuali Rice 2.0
[KULRICE-4934] - Verify service endpoint urls for each version
[KULRICE-4935] - Enable Build Deployment / Tagging For Rice Builds of 1.1.0 and
[KULRICE-4963] - Fix ParameterService api so that is can be accessed remotely.
[KULRICE-4965] - Remove Timer class for jira
[KULRICE-4966] - Split KimServiceLocator into api and impl pieces (KimServiceLocatorInternal)
[KULRICE-4967] - Remove dateTimeService parameters from KRNS_PARM_T table
[KULRICE-4975] - ServiceRegistryAction uses KEWServiceLocator to get a datasource
[KULRICE-4978] - Convert services and objects to new model object design
[KULRICE-4987] - Change name of "shareddata" module to "location"
[KULRICE-4988] - Annotate outgoing service calls with client version number
[KULRICE-4989] - Make NamespaceService remotable
[KULRICE-4991] - Remove DOBJ_MAINT_CD_ACTV_IND on krns_cmp_typ_t table
[KULRICE-4992] - Review and rename tables/columns in master database
[KULRICE-5001] - Modularize KRMS POC and move into a branch off 1.1
[KULRICE-5004] - Merge into Rice 1.1
[KULRICE-5009] - Create tables & BOs needed for propositions
[KULRICE-5017] - remove RiceService & GRLServiceInjectionPostProcessor
[KULRICE-5018] - Figure out how to Handle non-database related "Components"
[KULRICE-5023] - Jenkins versus Hudson
[KULRICE-5033] - Set Rice 2.0 up to be able to release with mvn release plugin
[KULRICE-5035] - Move Rice 1.1 to trunk and change to version 2.0.0 in pom files
[KULRICE-5037] - Do analysis on adding parameter map to Asset
[KULRICE-5038] - Create Rule and Action BOs
[KULRICE-5039] - Create rice-krms-test integration test project
[KULRICE-5042] - Apply edoclite-related database and XML updates to master database
[KULRICE-5043] - repackage the core modules for our new packaging standards
[KULRICE-5048] - Write remote tests for shareddata services to exercise SOAP calls of service APIs
[KULRICE-5060] - Update master database from 1.1 to 2.0 and update impex
[KULRICE-5062] - Extract StyleService from KEW/EDL to core-api
[KULRICE-5065] - Implement parent pom on Rice trunk
[KULRICE-5066] - Move KRAD Test environment from KRAD branch to trunk
[KULRICE-5070] - Handle ObjectIds on new Model Objects
[KULRICE-5074] - Create KRMS Agenda Repository BO
[KULRICE-5075] - Create KRMS Context BO
[KULRICE-5076] - Create KRMS Repository Asset and Asset Resolver BOs
[KULRICE-5079] - Create KRMS Repository Term / Term Resolver Bos
[KULRICE-5081] - KRAD test environment is unresponsive
[KULRICE-5083] - Merge KRAD milestone2 into trunk
[KULRICE-5084] - Update the Rice 2.0.0 Master Database to include KRMS Data Model
[KULRICE-5085] - Refactor Asset & AssetResolver to use Term vocabulary and to better fit with data model
[KULRICE-5088] - Need to be able to retrieve States based on Alternate Country Code
[KULRICE-5090] - Come up with a proposal for data inactivation in KRMS repository
[KULRICE-5091] - Ensure that all developers are using the same set of code formatting standards
[KULRICE-5092] - Update Rice CI emails to go to
[KULRICE-5094] - Create Term-related contracts, model objects, BOs and services
[KULRICE-5095] - Make sure converted BO/DTOs are using more generic names for fields (i.e. stop using the class in the field names)
[KULRICE-5098] - Create krms module configuration
[KULRICE-5102] - Add table connecting Context and Rule in DB, and update the model to reflect this relationship
[KULRICE-5103] - Refactor rice.krms.api.repository to make sub-packages
[KULRICE-5104] - Move rice-krms-test to rice/test/krms
[KULRICE-5107] - Demote TermResolutionException to a RuntimeException, and improve the exception message
[KULRICE-5110] - Merge changesets to 2.0
[KULRICE-5111] - add integration test that uses rice-krms-impl's BO services to write entities to the DB
[KULRICE-5115] - Remove unused EDL modules and move EDL-web to EDL-impl
[KULRICE-5116] - Combine web and impl modules
[KULRICE-5123] - Create krms agenda & rule editor skeleton
[KULRICE-5124] - Tomcat 7 fixes for rice 2.0
[KULRICE-5126] - Convert bookstore sample application to rice 2.0
[KULRICE-5128] - Services are being created with ServiceNamespaceURI = "KEW" when they are defined in spring file as ""
[KULRICE-5129] - Update Rice to Groovy 1.8
[KULRICE-5139] - tip to tail repository backed rule execution integration test
[KULRICE-5141] - Add methods to Proposition interface to allow for navigating nested Propositions
[KULRICE-5143] - Figure out what other applications are doing about requiring css and js to exist in external portal windows
[KULRICE-5145] - Add web.xml files to sampleapp and standalone so web.bootstrap.spring.file is defaulted (but can be overridden)
[KULRICE-5153] - Implement AdHoc Recipients tag for documents
[KULRICE-5154] - adding qualifier checking to ResponsibilityServiceImpl
[KULRICE-5156] - Validate client side flag on view not being looked at for client side validation
[KULRICE-5157] - Update Group objects to use new Attributes class instead of AttributeSet
[KULRICE-5158] - Update Group service to use new Criteria API
[KULRICE-5160] - CompoundProposition needs to log its results
[KULRICE-5164] - Add instructional text property to AttributeDefinition and AttributeField and render now in the UI where the summary field currently is
[KULRICE-5165] - Upgrade jQuery version to 1.6
[KULRICE-5167] - Create KRMS Function BOs.
[KULRICE-5168] - Handle Context Attributes BOs in ContextBoService
[KULRICE-5169] - Consistent KRMS entity attributes
[KULRICE-5174] - merge RepositoryCreateAndExecuteIntegrationTest and RuleRepositoryIntegrationTest
[KULRICE-5176] - Allow add line to be different layout than existing lines for table layout (needed for KIM conversion)
[KULRICE-5177] - UIF Framework - Add support for creating AttributeField components with code (needed for KEW conversion)
[KULRICE-5180] - engine results reflect proposition tree
[KULRICE-5181] - DataTable should skip add row during column sorting
[KULRICE-5186] - build DataObjectEntry and LookupView for RuleBo
[KULRICE-5187] - implement category for repository terms and propositions
[KULRICE-5197] - Need to be able to sort by column header like on lookups when editing large roles and groups
[KULRICE-5202] - Active Indicator on KRMS entities
[KULRICE-5203] - Apply pending krms ddl changes
[KULRICE-5205] - Apply table create scripts to the master database
[KULRICE-5206] - Create test for multiple attachments in trunk
[KULRICE-5210] - Refector WorkflowUtility (and how it's used by WorkflowInfo) so that it uses proper techniques for SOAP remoting
[KULRICE-5215] - Remove "RIA" tables from KEW database
[KULRICE-5216] - Remove "Remove/Replace" tables from KEW database
[KULRICE-5219] - Convert ImmediateEmailService to a remotable SOAP service
[KULRICE-5220] - Convert CustomActionListAttribute to a remotable SOAP service
[KULRICE-5223] - Modify WorkflowAttributeXmlValidator so that it's not possible to execute remotely
[KULRICE-5224] - Convert RuleValidationAttribute to a remotable SOAP service
[KULRICE-5225] - Convert {KEW}ResponsibilityChangeService to a remotable SOAP service
[KULRICE-5226] - Convert {KEW}RuleCacheProcessorService to a remotable SOAP service
[KULRICE-5227] - Convert {KEW}RuleDelegationCacheProcessorService to a remotable SOAP service
[KULRICE-5228] - Convert {KEW}WorkgroupMembershipChangeService to a remotable SOAP service
[KULRICE-5229] - Convert KIM role, permission, and responsibility "type" services in KEW to their SOAP remoted form
[KULRICE-5231] - General cleanup and verification tasks for KEW version compatibility refactoring
[KULRICE-5232] - Move containerTreeNode.tag into the krad folder
[KULRICE-5234] - POM Cleanup
[KULRICE-5238] - build agenda tree UI components
[KULRICE-5245] - Fix context selection so that it can query on multiple attributes
[KULRICE-5246] - Add hidden property names property to AttributeField
[KULRICE-5247] - Implement User Control and Workgroup Control
[KULRICE-5254] - AttributeField have to support html escape
[KULRICE-5255] - Implement export functionality in KRAD inquiry
[KULRICE-5258] - translate old criteria map to new criteria api
[KULRICE-5259] - Maintenance Docs - Finish document notes tab
[KULRICE-5282] - Uif Framework - Binding needs to look at forceUppercase
[KULRICE-5288] - Move the 'show blank qualifier' kim toggle from a Config param to a System param?
[KULRICE-5291] - KualiHelpAction in kns module has dependency on DocSearchCriteriaDTO
[KULRICE-5292] - Having two Inactivatable interfaces is a little confusing, can we rename the core version?
[KULRICE-5297] - Troubleshoot pulling context id value into agenda quickfinder/lookup automatically
[KULRICE-5298] - Configure agenda editor's context and agenda lookups to do lookaheads
[KULRICE-5302] - docbook cleanup
[KULRICE-5303] - document or fix redundancies in KeyValue class
[KULRICE-5305] - Mavenized license handling
[KULRICE-5309] - KRMS Rule Maintenance Screen
[KULRICE-5311] - Create lookup & inquiry DD for TermBo and TermSpecificationBo
[KULRICE-5316] - Turn off KCB by default
[KULRICE-5318] - move IdentityManagementService interface/impl to client-contrib
[KULRICE-5319] - Implement caching on remote soap services
[KULRICE-5320] - create a migration script to make permission names/resp names unique
[KULRICE-5323] - Dataset Consolidation
[KULRICE-5332] - UIF Framework - Issue with Ajax calls and displaying incident report
[KULRICE-5335] - Database Changes for Category
[KULRICE-5336] - Correct random failures of remote tests on CI
[KULRICE-5339] - Finish integration with presentation controller/authorizer/AttributeSecurity checking KIM
[KULRICE-5342] - Develop add rule functionality
[KULRICE-5343] - Create additional unit tests for KIM
[KULRICE-5344] - remove Attributes & AttributeSet class replace with Map<String, String>
[KULRICE-5351] - Change KRMS Results to use a Map instead of a String
[KULRICE-5358] - Implement cut & paste in agenda editor
[KULRICE-5359] - Ensure that there is a unique constraint for the combo of nm and nmspc_cd where applicable in the KRMS schema
[KULRICE-5360] - Rename kim fields to more closely align with PESC standard
[KULRICE-5369] - Combine Group and GroupUpate services
[KULRICE-5373] - Issues from lightbox code review
[KULRICE-5374] - Uif Framework - Sync state of client to server
[KULRICE-5375] - Uif Framework - Exposing server variables in JS
[KULRICE-5376] - Uif Framework - Refactor conditional expressions for non String fields
[KULRICE-5380] - remove Timestamp from immutable *Member objects and replace with DateTime
[KULRICE-5381] - Include detailed version information
[KULRICE-5383] - Issues/work for ValidCharacterConstraints
[KULRICE-5384] - Error message and Error highlight for select controls and the mustOccurs constraint need fixes
[KULRICE-5401] - Loading indicator doesn't show when doing a search in lightbox or returning a value from lightbox
[KULRICE-5412] - Create unit tests for ValidCharactersConstraint subclasses and spring beans
[KULRICE-5413] - figure out how to handle collections being null on model objects when being unmarshalled
[KULRICE-5414] - App title not getting set in HTML window title
[KULRICE-5417] - Convert createproject.groovy to a maven archetype
[KULRICE-5419] - add description to Context, Term, Term Spec, and KRMS Attribute Definition at DB, BO, model object, builder, and interface layers
[KULRICE-5443] - Remove non-soap kim services
[KULRICE-5444] - Fix Kim service namespaces
[KULRICE-5448] - Apply these fixes to Rice 2.0 code branch
[KULRICE-5449] - Verify if these fixes made it to 2.0 and if not, apply to 2.0 trunk
[KULRICE-5453] - Get the Agenda Editor submit working
[KULRICE-5455] - clean up action data model
[KULRICE-5483] - Module Service not returning correct Inquiry/Lookup URLs for KRAD
[KULRICE-5492] - Create PeopleFlow database tables and BOs
[KULRICE-5506] - All of our kim services need to have proper exception handling, return immutable collections, do not return null
[KULRICE-5530] - Address large white space at top of each view
[KULRICE-5533] - Accordian headers should be surrounded by <a> tag, and have arrow icon as a background image
[KULRICE-5534] - "Click me" button needs class "ui-corner-all" (Kitchen sink > UI components)
[KULRICE-5535] - date picker width should be 36em
[KULRICE-5536] - Wire up KRMS services in KRMSSpringBeans.xml
[KULRICE-5537] - Make edit & copy links for agenda lookup open the agenda editor
[KULRICE-5538] - make agenda editor maintenance doc submittable & persistable
[KULRICE-5539] - Add custom attributes to the agenda editor
[KULRICE-5540] - make rule editor maintenance doc submittable & persistable
[KULRICE-5542] - Develop action configuration portion of rule editor
[KULRICE-5546] - Implement 'add proposition' and 'edit proposition' features on the rule editor
[KULRICE-5551] - KRAD: collections need css hooks so that we can style them
[KULRICE-5559] - Add hook (or use existing hook) for custom "Create New" links in lookups
[KULRICE-5565] - Add support to EngineResults to support a general-purpose Hash Map of results
[KULRICE-5569] - KRAD: Conditional Refresh: Overlay loading message isn't aligned
[KULRICE-5573] - KRAD: Test View 1: Checkbox and Radio labels should display differently than field grouping labels
[KULRICE-5588] - Rename /scripts/upgrades/1.0.3 to 1.1/ to /scripts/upgrades/1.0.3 to 2.0/
[KULRICE-5589] - Rename TypeContract and Type classes in Kim to CodedAttributeContract and CodedAttribute
[KULRICE-5590] - Create integration tests for LDAP connector
[KULRICE-5600] - Uif Framework: Change Formatter property on AttributeField to PropertyEditor
[KULRICE-5602] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Identity Create Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5603] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Identity Maintenance Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5604] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Configuration Create Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5605] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Configuration Maintenance Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5606] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Workflow Create Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5607] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Workflow Maintenance Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5608] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Main Menu Create Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5609] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Main Menu Maintenance Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5610] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: More Complex Create-Blanket Approve Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5612] - Check in selenium tests to rice-sampleapp module
[KULRICE-5613] - Integrate Selenium Tests into CI environment
[KULRICE-5614] - Look into JMeter and/or BrowserMob for Load Testing
[KULRICE-5621] - Add KRMS doc types to master DB
[KULRICE-5623] - Rice 2.0 License Check
[KULRICE-5625] - Create permission templates for create, modify, view agenda
[KULRICE-5626] - implement UI for selecting Term in proposition from amongst those that are available in the current Context
[KULRICE-5627] - Implement creation/selection of parameterized Term for proposition UI
[KULRICE-5628] - Implement operator selection in proposition editor UI
[KULRICE-5630] - Make sure Document Search is working with ranged searches
[KULRICE-5631] - Create Document Type in sample app to test all types of remoteable attributes in document search
[KULRICE-5632] - Implement KewModuleService so that document and document type ebos are loaded through remote services
[KULRICE-5633] - Make sure Detailed Search save/restore works for Document Search
[KULRICE-5634] - Annotate ExtensionRespositoryService
[KULRICE-5635] - Re-enable Application Document Status code for Doc Search
[KULRICE-5636] - Fix problems with document search saved searches
[KULRICE-5638] - Figure out how to make caching possible for services in the core module
[KULRICE-5640] - Fix Rice site deployment
[KULRICE-5641] - Ingest KRMS doctypes into master DB
[KULRICE-5644] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Even More Complex Create-Blanket Approve Documents Tests
[KULRICE-5645] - Update Kim service update methods where there are collections in object graph
[KULRICE-5648] - Export appropriate KRMS services onto the bus
[KULRICE-5650] - Add ability to specify PeopleFlows on RequestsNode
[KULRICE-5658] - Soap-ify KEN and KCB
[KULRICE-5659] - Modularize Spring files
[KULRICE-5662] - Update PeopleFlow data model diagram to reference recent changes
[KULRICE-5665] - Implement the ability to run rice sample app as a seperate application integrated with the Rice Standalone Server, put process in place to automatically deploy to a test environment using CI
[KULRICE-5666] - Integrate KRMS with KNS for validation rules
[KULRICE-5668] - Make Context Maintenance document maintainable
[KULRICE-5674] - Add configuration parameter to set whether NonSerializableSessionListener listener is enabled or not. Default to false for production environment.
[KULRICE-5675] - Create milestone test environment which can also double as a test drive for now
[KULRICE-5679] - Verify all source files include the ECL 2.0 header
[KULRICE-5680] - Add Sample App (bookstore) data to master db
[KULRICE-5683] - Apply KRMS test data to master database
[KULRICE-5701] - Review JAX-WS service methods that return collections
[KULRICE-5704] - Convert RouteDocumentMessageService to a soap service and publish it under a consistent name
[KULRICE-5708] - Move only partially realized impl and framework modules back into the catchall "impl" module
[KULRICE-5710] - Develop PeopleFlow lookup, inquiry, and maintenance document
[KULRICE-5721] - Remove requirement to specify EVENT in agenda selection criteria
[KULRICE-5723] - Make sure that we validate that everything within an agenda is valid within that agenda's context
[KULRICE-5733] - Remove old rule attribute types that are no longer supported because of Document Search changes
[KULRICE-5734] - Rename "DocumentSearchSecurityFilterAttribute" to "DocumentSecurityAttribute" for the rule attribute type name
[KULRICE-5739] - Fix commented out document search tests
[KULRICE-5740] - Verify that super user document search is working properly after the doc search framework refactoring
[KULRICE-5742] - Ensure that all document search-related services have their wsdls generated in pom.xml
[KULRICE-5746] - Replace use of "Document Lookup" with "Document Search" in the codebase
[KULRICE-5749] - Need to reconcile various workflow document dates (STAT_MDFN_DT, RTE_STAT_MDFN_DT, RTE_LVL_MDFN_DT, and APP_DOC_STAT_MDFN_DT)
[KULRICE-5753] - Make sure that max results and start index are implemented properly from the DocumentLookupCriteria.
[KULRICE-5756] - Search for all instances of "TODO - Rice 2.0" in source code and ensure that all issues are addressed or at least represented in jira
[KULRICE-5757] - Update any parameter detail components in the database that are called DocSearchCriteriaDTO and change them to DocumentSearch instead
[KULRICE-5762] - Convert riceApplicationConfigurationService to a SOAP service
[KULRICE-5763] - Create new test environment so that we can have the last two milestones available as well at the latest
[KULRICE-5771] - Change @Cacheable annotation keys to use parameter numbers instead of parameter names
[KULRICE-5775] - CriteriaLookupService sometimes uses the wrong datasource for lookups
[KULRICE-5783] - Enable caching for ParameterRepositoryService
[KULRICE-5784] - Group, Role, and Principal update methods need to call "inactivate" methods when their "active" status is changed to inactive
[KULRICE-5787] - Changes to remotable fields
[KULRICE-5788] - Kill 'api' module.
[KULRICE-5808] - Fix cache errors when injecting service containing cache annotations with spring
[KULRICE-5820] - Determine if we want to drop the "Soap" from the end of our service names
[KULRICE-5822] - Make RemoteFieldsHolder so it can be used as a collection
[KULRICE-5833] - Dev config that mimics the env4 + env5 config from KULRICE-5665 for developers
[KULRICE-5844] - Add rule type selection and custom attribute UI to rule editor
[KULRICE-5849] - 404 error for ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png
[KULRICE-5872] - Apply Database Changes for Rule Action Attributes and Ingest Context Document Type
[KULRICE-5873] - Apply Database changes for Rule and Action Validation sub-types
[KULRICE-5881] - Radiobuttons for Rule and Action subtypes labels and buttons touch.
[KULRICE-5883] - Fix KEW,KSB, KIM, KEN integration test failures
[KULRICE-5884] - Fix KRAD integration test failures
[KULRICE-5886] - Fix KRMS integration test failures
[KULRICE-5910] - Add oracle script to refresh the data to rice-trunk-integration-test-oracle
[KULRICE-5919] - Eliminate gap between artifacts created by /rice/trunk/build.xml and assembly descriptors in /rice/trunk/dist
[KULRICE-5934] - Proposition Summary displays "null", when a new proposition is created using the KRMS Rule Editor
[KULRICE-5937] - Add javadocs to WorkflowDocument and WorkflowDocumentFactory
[KULRICE-5942] - See if we can improve our cache flushing with new Spring cache annotations
[KULRICE-5946] - Implement 'copy rule' functionality
[KULRICE-5958] - Bump Bitronix to version 2.1.2
[KULRICE-5959] - Create CI integration test job configured to use Bitronix for JTA transaction management and for connection pooling
[KULRICE-5966] - update ehcache configurations to set cache's to expire
[KULRICE-5967] - Investigate whether we should publish methods on services to flush caches
[KULRICE-5992] - Create KRAD portal tab for KRAD test links
[KULRICE-6019] - Update Database Upgrade information in Release Notes
[KULRICE-6020] - Affirm strategy for XML namespacing on Rice services
[KULRICE-6021] - Identify and document where the Rice standalone server can make calls back into client applications
[KULRICE-6023] - Convert content in to DocBook
[KULRICE-6025] - Document the addition of the new "Priority-Parallel" activation type in KEW
[KULRICE-6026] - Update Database Diagrams in Rice documentation
[KULRICE-6027] - Document the dropping of support for Tomcat 5.5 (servlet spec 2.4/jsp 2.0)
[KULRICE-6036] - Update KRMS information in Release Notes
[KULRICE-6041] - Update documentation stating that we are now 1.6 compliant for both source and compile
[KULRICE-6058] - Upgrade Guide for 2.0: Expand Content and Finalize
[KULRICE-6060] - Review & update installation guide for Rice 2.0
[KULRICE-6061] - Create JavaDocs for KRMS
[KULRICE-6068] - User's Guide: Review & Update KEW Chapter
[KULRICE-6074] - Technical Guide: Review & Update KEW Chapter
[KULRICE-6084] - Create & expand Features Guide in DocBook
[KULRICE-6089] - Once feature for fine-grained action list notification preferences is implemented in core Rice, add documentation to user guide and online help for the feature
[KULRICE-6092] - Create Accessibility Status Report for 2.0
[KULRICE-6097] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: KRMS Basic Edit Functions
[KULRICE-6277] - Apply Database changes for PeopleFlow Action Name
[KULRICE-6287] - Enable KEN integration tests
[KULRICE-6303] - Apply KRMS Master Database changes - compound proposition sequence number mods.
[KULRICE-6314] - Type Inconsistency in MaintenanceDocumentBase causing exceptions
[KULRICE-6316] - Apply Database changes for Validation Type fixes
[KULRICE-6321] - Database script consolidation for release
[KULRICE-6324] - Rice Dev: Monitoring prep for Rice Dev1 for 1/12/12 testing
[KULRICE-6329] - Remove KRAD tab from standalone
[KULRICE-6331] - Move LDAP module under KIM
[KULRICE-6332] - help.tag hasn't been updated from 1.0.3.x code base for trunk
[KULRICE-6343] - XpathQualifierResolver bugs
[KULRICE-6359] - Remove old upgrade directories from the scripts sub directory
[KULRICE-6360] - Remove RunMode.THIN and other traces of legacy "THIN" mode as it is no longer needed
[KULRICE-6373] - Update KRAD doctype to HTML5
[KULRICE-6378] - Document Search not working with document types with searchable attributes
[KULRICE-6379] - Rename remote interfaces so they don't have the same name as the UIF components
[KULRICE-6380] - Remove InquiryNoResultView and build logic into main view
[KULRICE-6381] - Images not appearing in KRAD documentation
[KULRICE-6384] - Work on packaging of web content for production deploy
[KULRICE-6413] - Remove BusAdminService and ability to "update" pool settings from the "Thread Pool" user interface as it's functionality is currently problematic
[KULRICE-6425] - Notification Search link does not populate document type name for search
[KULRICE-6428] - IntrospectionException - Type mismatch between read and write methods
[KULRICE-6432] - Apply Database changes for Proposition validation
[KULRICE-6445] - KrmsTypeAttribute needs to be versioned.
[KULRICE-6464] - KNS L&F: Header styling needs fixed
[KULRICE-6465] - KNS L&F: Document header has alignment problems
[KULRICE-6466] - KNS L&F: Breadcrumbs lost styling
[KULRICE-6467] - KNS L&F: Changed indicator on maintenance docs not displaying in correct location
[KULRICE-6468] - KNS L&F: Disclosure headers are doing a red underline on hover
[KULRICE-6496] - Remove css files from kns directory that we are not using
[KULRICE-6497] - Change constant used in moduleLocked.jsp to be in KRADConstants instead of KualiAction
[KULRICE-6498] - Create custom maintainables where needed for cache flushing.
[KULRICE-6499] - Add permission for CacheAdmin screen
[KULRICE-6500] - Group document shows stacktrace instead of correctly handling validation errors
[KULRICE-6502] - Requiredness is not enforced
[KULRICE-6514] - Upgrade to "spring-security-cas" version 3.1.0.RELEASE
[KULRICE-6516] - Document client applications requirements on what they need to do in order to ensure they remain compatible with future versions of Kuali Rice
[KULRICE-6526] - Verify if all the 2.0 upgrade scripts have corresponding client-side scripts if necessary
[KULRICE-6529] - Incident report should default to Classic style as that is what KRMS uses
[KULRICE-6536] - Coordinate review of all Rice 2.0 apis
[KULRICE-6538] - Fix delimiters in Oracle upgrade scripts
[KULRICE-6547] - Create New Role seems to be setting KimType to default value, even if other kim type selected
[KULRICE-6548] - Setup Clover to check for test coverage
[KULRICE-6550] - Merge table rebuilds from 2011-06-17-m6.sql and 2011-04-28.sql in update_final_oracle.sql
[KULRICE-6551] - Add KRMS doc types to scripts/upgrades