001    /**
002     * Copyright 2005-2012 The Kuali Foundation
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package org.kuali.rice.kim.lookup;
018    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
019    import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.ConcreteKeyValue;
020    import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.KeyValue;
021    import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.KewApiConstants;
022    import org.kuali.rice.kim.api.KimConstants;
023    import org.kuali.rice.kim.api.services.KimApiServiceLocator;
024    import org.kuali.rice.kim.api.type.KimAttributeField;
025    import org.kuali.rice.kim.api.type.KimType;
026    import org.kuali.rice.kim.impl.role.RoleBo;
027    import org.kuali.rice.kim.impl.role.RoleDao;
028    import org.kuali.rice.kim.impl.type.KimTypeBo;
029    import org.kuali.rice.kim.impl.type.KimTypeLookupableHelperServiceImpl;
030    import org.kuali.rice.kim.util.KimCommonUtilsInternal;
031    import org.kuali.rice.kim.web.struts.form.IdentityManagementRoleDocumentForm;
032    import org.kuali.rice.kns.document.authorization.BusinessObjectRestrictions;
033    import org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.HtmlData;
034    import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.KualiForm;
035    import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.LookupForm;
036    import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Field;
037    import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Row;
038    import org.kuali.rice.krad.bo.BusinessObject;
039    import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.BusinessObjectEntry;
040    import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocatorWeb;
041    import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.ModuleService;
042    import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.BeanPropertyComparator;
043    import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.GlobalVariables;
044    import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.KRADConstants;
045    import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.UrlFactory;
047    import java.util.ArrayList;
048    import java.util.Collection;
049    import java.util.Collections;
050    import java.util.Comparator;
051    import java.util.HashMap;
052    import java.util.List;
053    import java.util.Map;
054    import java.util.Properties;
056    /**
057     * This is a description of what this class does - shyu don't forget to fill this in. 
058     * 
059     * @author Kuali Rice Team (rice.collab@kuali.org)
060     *
061     */
062    public class RoleLookupableHelperServiceImpl extends KimLookupableHelperServiceImpl {
064        private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(RoleLookupableHelperServiceImpl.class);
066            // need this so kimtypeId value can be retained in 'rows'
067            // 1st pass populate the grprows
068            // 2nd pass for jsp, no populate, so return the existing one. 
069            private List<Row> roleRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
070            private List<Row> attrRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
071            private RoleDao roleDao;
072            private String typeId;
073            private List<KimAttributeField> attrDefinitions;
075        @Override
076        public List<HtmlData> getCustomActionUrls(BusinessObject bo, List pkNames) {
077            RoleBo roleBo = (RoleBo) bo;
078            List<HtmlData> anchorHtmlDataList = new ArrayList<HtmlData>();
079            if(allowsNewOrCopyAction(KimConstants.KimUIConstants.KIM_ROLE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME)){
080                    anchorHtmlDataList.add(getEditRoleUrl(roleBo));
081            }
082            return anchorHtmlDataList;
083        }
085        protected HtmlData getEditRoleUrl(RoleBo roleBo) {
086            Properties parameters = new Properties();
087            parameters.put(KRADConstants.DISPATCH_REQUEST_PARAMETER, KRADConstants.DOC_HANDLER_METHOD);
088            parameters.put(KRADConstants.PARAMETER_COMMAND, KewApiConstants.INITIATE_COMMAND);
089            parameters.put(KRADConstants.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME, KimConstants.KimUIConstants.KIM_ROLE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME);
090            parameters.put(KimConstants.PrimaryKeyConstants.SUB_ROLE_ID, roleBo.getId());
091            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getReturnLocation())) {
092                    parameters.put(KRADConstants.RETURN_LOCATION_PARAMETER, getReturnLocation());
093                    }
094            String href = UrlFactory.parameterizeUrl(KimCommonUtilsInternal.getKimBasePath()+KimConstants.KimUIConstants.KIM_ROLE_DOCUMENT_ACTION, parameters);
096            HtmlData.AnchorHtmlData anchorHtmlData = new HtmlData.AnchorHtmlData(href,
097                            KRADConstants.DOC_HANDLER_METHOD, KRADConstants.MAINTENANCE_EDIT_METHOD_TO_CALL);
098            return anchorHtmlData;
099        }
101        @Override
102            protected HtmlData getReturnAnchorHtmlData(BusinessObject businessObject, Properties parameters, LookupForm lookupForm, List returnKeys, BusinessObjectRestrictions businessObjectRestrictions){
103            RoleBo roleBo = (RoleBo) businessObject;
104            HtmlData anchorHtmlData = super.getReturnAnchorHtmlData(businessObject, parameters, lookupForm, returnKeys, businessObjectRestrictions);
106            // prevent derived roles from being selectable (except for identityManagementRoleDocuments)     
107            KualiForm myForm = (KualiForm) GlobalVariables.getUserSession().retrieveObject(getDocFormKey());
108            if (myForm == null || !(myForm instanceof IdentityManagementRoleDocumentForm)){
109                    if(KimTypeLookupableHelperServiceImpl.hasDerivedRoleTypeService(KimTypeBo.to(roleBo.getKimRoleType()))){
110                            ((HtmlData.AnchorHtmlData)anchorHtmlData).setHref("");
111                    }
112            }
113            return anchorHtmlData;
114        }
116        @Override
117        public List<? extends BusinessObject> getSearchResults(java.util.Map<String,String> fieldValues) {
118            //String kimTypeId = "";
119            fieldValues.remove(KRADConstants.BACK_LOCATION);
120            fieldValues.remove(KRADConstants.DOC_FORM_KEY);
121            fieldValues.remove(KRADConstants.DOC_NUM);
122            /*for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : fieldValues.entrySet()) {
123                    if (entry.getKey().equals(KimConstants.PrimaryKeyConstants.KIM_TYPE_ID)) {
124                            kimTypeId = entry.getValue();
125                            break;
126                    }
127            }*/
128            List<RoleBo> roles = roleDao.getRoles(fieldValues);
129            //List<RoleBo> baseLookup = (List<RoleBo>)super.getSearchResults(fieldValues);
131            return roles;
132        }
134            private List<KeyValue> getRoleTypeOptions() {
135                    List<KeyValue> options = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
136                    options.add(new ConcreteKeyValue("", ""));
138                    Collection<KimType> kimGroupTypes = KimApiServiceLocator.getKimTypeInfoService().findAllKimTypes();
139                    // get the distinct list of type IDs from all roles in the system
140            for (KimType kimType : kimGroupTypes) {
141                if (KimTypeLookupableHelperServiceImpl.hasRoleTypeService(kimType)) {
142                    String value = kimType.getNamespaceCode().trim() + KRADConstants.FIELD_CONVERSION_PAIR_SEPARATOR + kimType.getName().trim();
143                    options.add(new ConcreteKeyValue(kimType.getId(), value));
144                }
145            }
146            Collections.sort(options, new Comparator<KeyValue>() {
147               @Override
148                    public int compare(KeyValue k1, KeyValue k2) {
149                   return k1.getValue().compareTo(k2.getValue());
150               }
151            });
152                    return options;
153            }
155            public List<Row> getRoleRows() {
156                    return this.roleRows;
157            }
159            public void setRoleRows(List<Row> roleRows) {
160                    this.roleRows = roleRows;
161            }
163            public RoleDao getRoleDao() {
164                    return this.roleDao;
165            }
167            public void setRoleDao(RoleDao roleDao) {
168                    this.roleDao = roleDao;
169            }
171            public List<KimAttributeField> getAttrDefinitions() {
172                    return this.attrDefinitions;
173            }
175            public void setAttrDefinitions(List<KimAttributeField> attrDefinitions) {
176                    this.attrDefinitions = attrDefinitions;
177            }
179            public List<Row> getAttrRows() {
180                    return this.attrRows;
181            }
183            public void setAttrRows(List<Row> attrRows) {
184                    this.attrRows = attrRows;
185            }
187            public String getTypeId() {
188                    return this.typeId;
189            }
191            public void setTypeId(String typeId) {
192                    this.typeId = typeId;
193            }
195            @Override
196            public List<Row> getRows() {
197                    new ArrayList<Row>();
198                    if (getRoleRows().isEmpty()) {
199                            List<Row> rows = super.getRows();
200                            List<Row> returnRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
201                            for (Row row : rows) {
202                                    for (int i = row.getFields().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
203                                            Field field = row.getFields().get(i);
204                                            if (field.getPropertyName().equals("kimTypeId")) {
205                                                    Field typeField = new Field();
206                                                    typeField.setFieldLabel("Type");
207                                                    typeField.setPropertyName("kimTypeId");
208                                                    typeField.setFieldValidValues(getRoleTypeOptions());
209                                                    typeField.setFieldType(Field.DROPDOWN);
210                                                    typeField.setMaxLength(100);
211                                                    typeField.setSize(40);
212                                                    // row.getFields().set(i, new Field("Type", "", Field.DROPDOWN_REFRESH,
213                                                    // false, "kimTypeId", "", getGroupTypeOptions(), null));
214                                                    row.getFields().set(i, typeField);
215                                            }
216                                    }
217                                    returnRows.add(row);
218                            }
219                            setRoleRows(returnRows);
220                            //setAttrRows(setupAttributeRows());
221                    }
222                    if (getAttrRows().isEmpty()) {
223                            //setAttrDefinitions(new AttributeDefinitionMap());
224                            return getRoleRows();
225                    } else {
226                            List<Row> fullRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
227                            fullRows.addAll(getRoleRows());
228                            //fullRows.addAll(getAttrRows());
229                            return fullRows;
230                    }
232            }
234            @Override
235            protected List<? extends BusinessObject> getSearchResultsHelper(
236                            Map<String, String> fieldValues, boolean unbounded) {
237            List searchResults;
238            Map<String,String> nonBlankFieldValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
239            boolean includeAttr = false;
240            for (String fieldName : fieldValues.keySet()) {
241                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fieldValues.get(fieldName)) ) {
242                            nonBlankFieldValues.put(fieldName, fieldValues.get(fieldName));
243                            if (fieldName.contains(".")) {
244                                    includeAttr = true;
245                            }
246                    }
247            }
249            if (includeAttr) {
250                    ModuleService eboModuleService = KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getKualiModuleService().getResponsibleModuleService( getBusinessObjectClass() );
251                    BusinessObjectEntry ddEntry = eboModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectDictionaryEntry(getBusinessObjectClass());
252                    Map<String,String> filteredFieldValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
253                    for (String fieldName : nonBlankFieldValues.keySet()) {
254                            if (ddEntry.getAttributeNames().contains(fieldName) || fieldName.contains(".")) {
255                                    filteredFieldValues.put(fieldName, nonBlankFieldValues.get(fieldName));
256                            }
257                    }
258                    searchResults = eboModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsListForLookup(getBusinessObjectClass(), (Map)filteredFieldValues, unbounded);
260            } else {
261                    searchResults = super.getSearchResultsHelper(fieldValues, unbounded);
262            }
263            List defaultSortColumns = getDefaultSortColumns();
264            if (defaultSortColumns.size() > 0) {
265                Collections.sort(searchResults, new BeanPropertyComparator(defaultSortColumns, true));
266            }
267            return searchResults;
269            }
271            private static final String ROLE_ID_URL_KEY = "&"+KimConstants.PrimaryKeyConstants.ROLE_ID+"=";
273            @Override
274            public HtmlData getInquiryUrl(BusinessObject bo, String propertyName) {
275                    HtmlData.AnchorHtmlData inquiryHtmlData = (HtmlData.AnchorHtmlData)super.getInquiryUrl(bo, propertyName);
276                    if(inquiryHtmlData!=null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(inquiryHtmlData.getHref()) && inquiryHtmlData.getHref().contains(ROLE_ID_URL_KEY)) {
277                            inquiryHtmlData.setHref(getCustomRoleInquiryHref(getBackLocation(), inquiryHtmlData.getHref()));
278                    }
279                    return inquiryHtmlData;
280            }
282            public static String getCustomRoleInquiryHref(String href){
283                    return getCustomRoleInquiryHref("", href);
284            }
286            static String getCustomRoleInquiryHref(String backLocation, String href){
287            Properties parameters = new Properties();
288            String hrefPart = "";
289            String docTypeAction = "";
290            if(StringUtils.isBlank(backLocation) || backLocation.contains(KimConstants.KimUIConstants.KIM_ROLE_DOCUMENT_ACTION)
291                            || !backLocation.contains(KimConstants.KimUIConstants.KIM_GROUP_DOCUMENT_ACTION)){
292                    docTypeAction = KimConstants.KimUIConstants.KIM_ROLE_INQUIRY_ACTION;
293            } else{
294                    docTypeAction = KimConstants.KimUIConstants.KIM_GROUP_DOCUMENT_ACTION;
295            }
296                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(href) && href.contains(ROLE_ID_URL_KEY)) {
297                            int idx1 = href.indexOf("&"+ KimConstants.PrimaryKeyConstants.ROLE_ID+"=");
298                        int idx2 = href.indexOf("&", idx1+1);
299                        if (idx2 < 0) {
300                            idx2 = href.length();
301                        }
302                    parameters.put(KRADConstants.DISPATCH_REQUEST_PARAMETER, KRADConstants.PARAM_MAINTENANCE_VIEW_MODE_INQUIRY);
303                    hrefPart = href.substring(idx1, idx2);
304                }
305                    return UrlFactory.parameterizeUrl(KimCommonUtilsInternal.getKimBasePath()+docTypeAction, parameters)+hrefPart;
306            }
308    }