Parameter Detail

Parameter Component Lookup

Use the Parameter Component Lookup screen to get information on what Namespace a Parameter Component is associated with, and whether it is active or not.

To get to the Parameter Component Lookup screen click that option in the KNS Maintenance Documents section on the Main Menu.

Figure 5.12. KNS Maintenance Documents: Parameter Componenet Lookup Link

KNS Maintenance Documents: Parameter Componenet Lookup Link

This leads you to the Parameter Component Lookup screen.

Figure 5.13. Parameter Component Lookup

Parameter Component Lookup

Performing a search from this screen returns a list of one or more Parameter Components which looks similar to the following example.

Figure 5.14. Parameter Component Lookup: Resutls Set

Parameter Component Lookup: Resutls Set

To limit the number of items returned you simply provide criteria which is then used to limit the search.

Table 5.4. Parameter Component Lookup: Resultes set Attributes

Field NameDescription
Parameter Component NameThe name by which the Parameter Component is commonly known.
NamespaceThe Namespace Code and Namespace Name associated with the Parameter Component.
Namespace CodeThe code associated with the namespace.
Active IndicatorIndicator for whether the Parameter Component is active in Rice or not.

Parameter Component Inquiry

Figure 5.15. Parameter Componenet Inquiry

Parameter Componenet Inquiry

You arrive at this screen by clicking on a Parameter Component on the Parameter Lookup list.

Table 5.5. Parameter Componenet Inquiry: Attributes

Field NameDescription
Parameter ComponentA code identifying the component utilizing the parameter