The KIM tables in the Rice database are prefixed by KRIM, which stands for Kuali Rice Identity Management.
Many of the KIM tables have an additional column called LAST_UPDTD_DT (of type DATE in Oracle, DATETIME in MySQL) that isn't mapped at the ORM layer. Using this column is entirely optional, and it is unmapped by design. Its purpose is to aid implementers with tracking changes, and with doing data synchronization or extracts against KIM tables. The following sample PL/SQL script (Oracle only) adds to all the tables that contain LAST_UPDATED_DT an insert and update trigger to populate it:
DECLARE CURSOR tables IS SELECT table_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE column_name = 'LAST_UPDATE_DT' AND data_type LIKE 'DATE%' ORDER BY 1; BEGIN FOR rec IN tables LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER '||LOWER( SUBSTR( rec.table_name, 1, 27) )||'_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON ' ||LOWER( rec.table_name )||' FOR EACH ROW BEGIN :new.last_update_ts := SYSDATE; END;'; END LOOP; END; /