KEW Routing Components and Configuration Guide

KEW has several components that you can use to configure routing. Typically a single application will write a set of these components for reuse across multiple Document Types. These components are wired together using an XML configuration file that you need to import into KEW. See Importing XML Files to KEW for more information.

This document looks at defining the routing components available in KEW and how to use these components to make a cohesive routing setup.

These components are contained in a Document Type that is defined in XML. A Document Type is the prototype for eDocs. Below is the Document Type configuration that explains how KEW uses the eDoc rule:

<?XML version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<data XMLns="ns:workflow" XMLns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow resource:WorkflowData">
    <documentTypes XMLns="ns:workflow/DocumentType" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow/DocumentType resource:DocumentType">
            <description>Add/Modify Workflow rules</description>
            <label>Add/Modify Workflow rules</label>
                    <start name="Adhoc Routing" nextNode="Rule routing Route Level" />
                    <requests name="Rule routing Route Level" />
                <start name="Adhoc Routing">
                <requests name="Rule routing Route Level">

Configuration Steps

Let's go through the configuration step-by-step and explain what all the pieces mean:

DocumentTypeName Definition

<description>Add/Modify Workflow rules</description>
<label>Add/Modify Workflow rules</label>

The section above defines the Document Type's name, its parent, description, and label. The name is used by the client application’s API to communicate with KEW. Here is a sample of code from the client application’s API communicating with KEW:

WorkflowDocument document = new WorkflowDocument(new NetworkIdVO("username"), "DocumentTypeName");
document.routeDocument("user inputted annotation");

The above code will route a document in KEW.

  • The string DocumentTypeName exists in KEW and you define it using the <name> element.

  • The parent element gives the Document Type a parent Document Type. Use this for inheritance of routing configuration and policies.

  • Description is defined as shown. The document’s Description is displayed on the Document Type report.

  • Label is typically the forward-facing name for the Document Type. The label is displayed to the user when an eDoc is in their Action List and they use it when they search for an eDoc using DocSearch.

PostProcessor Class


The element above determines which class to use for the PostProcessor for this particular Document Type. This component receives event notifications as eDocs travel through routing.

Managed Workgroups



This section sets KEW managed workgroups in several roles in the Document Type.

  • SuperUserWorkgroupName defines the workgroup that determines whether a person is allowed to take Super User Actions on a document through the Super User interface.

  • The content of element blanketApproveWorkgroupName determines which people have access to blanket approve a document.

  • defaultExceptionWorkgroup determines to which workgroup to send an eDoc of this type if it goes into exception routing. This is an optional element. You can also define Exception Workgroups with a route node.



The docHandler tells KEW where to forward users when they click an eDoc link. See Document Search for more information.



When KEW sends an email notification to a user regarding a document of this type, the From address on the message is the address specified here. This is helpful because users will often reply to the messages they receive from KEW, and this allows their responses to go to an appropriate address for the Document Type. This is an optional element. If it is not defined here, KEW uses the default From address. See the Installation Guide for more detail.



Use active to define the activeness of a Document Type. KEW does not allow anyone to create eDocs of an inactive Document Type.


        <start name="Adhoc Routing" nextNode="Rule routing Route Level" />
        <requests name="Rule routing Route Level" />

The above defines the path an eDoc will travel as it progresses through its life. Start and Requests are some of the standard node types used. There is only one stop each eDoc must make as it travels through workflow. The eDoc starts at the step Adhoc Routing and then progresses to the request node named Rule routing Route Level.

This section only defines the path the eDocs will travel. The nodes themselves are defined below.

Node Definition XML

    <start name="Adhoc Routing">
    <requests name="Rule routing Route Level">

This is the node definition XML. This determines certain behaviors each node can have.

Activation Type determines if Approve requests are activated all at once or one at a time. Any given requests node can generate multiple rules that can then generate multiple requests. The ActivationType value specifies if all action requests generated for all fired rules are activated immediately (P = parallel activation), or if the set of action requests generated by each rule are activated one after the other, according to rule order (S = sequential activation). Activation type is only relevant when multiple rules are generated.

Figure 3.22. Activation Type

Activation Type

The mandatoryRoute key determines if it’s mandatory to generate approval requests. If a route node is mandatory and it doesn't generate an approve request, the document is put in exception routing.

The finalapproval key determines if this node should be the last node that has an approve request. If approvals are generated after this step, the document is thrown into exception routing.

Finally, there is a request node named Rule routing Route Level with a key called ruleTemplate. This is our hook into the rule system for KEW:


And this is our hook into a route module:


KEW contacts the route module when the document enters that route node and the route module returns Action Requests for KEW to deliver.

Rule Attributes

If the application integrating with KEW is using Rules to contain the routing data and RuleAttributes for document evaluation, then the routing configuration requires more XML. Below is an XML snippet that defines RuleAttribute; this is written in Java.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<data xmlns="ns:workflow" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow resource:WorkflowData">
    <ruleAttributes XMLns="ns:workflow/RuleAttribute" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow/RuleAttribute resource:RuleAttribute">

The above defines a RuleAttribute called RuleRoutingAttribute. RuleRoutingAttribute maps to the Java class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.RuleRoutingAttribute. The type of this attribute is a RuleAttribute; essentially this means the RuleAttribute's behavior is determined in a Java class. There are also RuleAttributes made entirely from XML, but programming attributes is outside the scope of this Guide.

Rule Templates

Finally, we need to tie the RuleAttribute to the Document Type. This is done using the RuleTemplate and it is defined using XML. The RuleTemplate schema below provides further explanation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns="ns:workflow" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow resource:WorkflowData">
    <ruleTemplates XMLns="ns:workflow/RuleTemplate" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow/RuleTemplate resource:RuleTemplate">


Notice that the name of this RuleTemplate, RuleRoutingTemplate, matches the name given in the ruleTemplate element in the Document Type route node declaration. Also, notice that the RuleAttribute made above is referenced in the RuleTemplate above in the attributes section.


The RuleTemplate is the join between RuleAttributes and Document Types. In this way, we can reuse the same attribute declaration (and therefore Java logic) across Document Types.

Once the XML, condensed into a single file, is uploaded into KEW, eDocs of this type can be created and routed from a client application.

All the content in the code examples above is aggregated into a single file below with a single surrounding data tag:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<data xmlns="ns:workflow" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow resource:WorkflowData">
    <ruleAttributes xmlns="ns:workflow/RuleAttribute" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow/RuleAttribute resource:RuleAttribute">
    <ruleTemplates xmlns="ns:workflow/RuleTemplate" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow/RuleTemplate resource:RuleTemplate">
    <documentTypes xmlns="ns:workflow/DocumentType" xsi:schemaLocation="ns:workflow/DocumentType resource:DocumentType">
            <description>Add/Modify Workflow rules</description>
            <label>Add/Modify Workflow rules</label>
            <superUserGroupName namespace=KR-WKFLW”>WorkflowAdmin</superUserGroupName>
            <blanketApproveGroupName namespace=KR-WKFLW”>WorkflowAdmin</blanketApproveGroupName>
                    <start name="Adhoc Routing" nextNode="Rule routing Route Level" />
                    <requests name="Rule routing Route Level" />
                <start name="Adhoc Routing">
                <requests name="Workflow Document Routing">

Routing Rules

There is a separate User Guide on how to use the Rule UI. This will show you how to create a Rule as well as modify and delete.


InitiatorRoleAttribute is a RoleAttribute that exposes an INITIATOR abstract role that resolves to the initiator of the document.

Table 3.10. InitiatorRoleAttribute



RoutedByUserRoleAttribute is a RoleAttribute that exposes the user who routed the document.

Table 3.11. RoutedByUserRoleAttribute



NoOpNode is a SimpleNode implementation that is a code structure example, but has no functionality.

Table 3.12. NoOpNode



RequestActivationNode is a SimpleNode that activates any requests on it. It returns true when there are no more requests that require activation.

In RequestActivationNode, the activateRequests method activates the Action Requests that are pending at this route level of the document. The requests are processed by Priority and then by Request ID. The requests are activated implicitly according to the route level.

Acknowledgement Requests do not cause processing to stop. Only Action Requests for Approval or Completion cause processing to stop at the current document's route level. Inactive requests at a lower level cause a routing exception.

Table 3.13. RequestActivationNode



NetworkIdRoleAttribute is a RoleAttribute that routes the request to a NetworkID specified in the document content.

Table 3.14. NetworkIdRoleAttribute



UniversityIdRoleAttribute is a RoleAttribute that routes requests to an Empl ID specified in the document content.

Table 3.15. UniversityIdRoleAttribute



SetVarNode is a SimpleNode that allows you to set document variables.

The definition of SetVarnode takes these configuration parameter elements:

  • Name: The name of the variable to set

  • Value: The value to which to set the variable. This value is parsed according to Property/PropertyScheme syntax. The default PropertyScheme is LiteralScheme, which evaluates the value simply as a literal; it won't do anything but return the value.

Table 3.16. SetVarNode
