001    /*
002     * Copyright 2007-2008 The Kuali Foundation
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup;
018    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
019    import org.kuali.rice.core.web.format.DateFormatter;
020    import org.kuali.rice.kns.document.authorization.BusinessObjectRestrictions;
021    import org.kuali.rice.kns.document.authorization.FieldRestriction;
022    import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.BusinessObjectAuthorizationService;
023    import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.KNSServiceLocator;
024    import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocatorWeb;
025    import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.KRADConstants;
026    import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils;
028    import java.io.Serializable;
029    import java.sql.Date;
030    import java.util.HashMap;
031    import java.util.Iterator;
032    import java.util.List;
033    import java.util.Map;
035    /**
036     * This class holds details of html data for an action url.
037     * 
038     * @author Kuali Rice Team (rice.collab@kuali.org)
039     * 
040     */
041    @Deprecated
042    public abstract class HtmlData implements Serializable {
044            protected static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(HtmlData.class);
046            public static final String ANCHOR_HTML_DATA_TYPE = AnchorHtmlData.class.getName();
047            public static final String INPUT_HTML_DATA_TYPE = InputHtmlData.class.getName();
049            protected String name = "";
050            protected String title = "";
051            protected String methodToCall = "";
052            protected String displayText = "";
053            protected String prependDisplayText = "";
054            protected String appendDisplayText = "";
055            protected List<HtmlData> childUrlDataList;
056            protected String maxLength;
058            /**
059             * 
060             * This method constructs the complete html tag based on the class attribute
061             * values.
062             * 
063             * @return
064             */
065            public abstract String constructCompleteHtmlTag();
067            /**
068             * @return the appendDisplayText
069             */
070            public String getAppendDisplayText() {
071                    return this.appendDisplayText;
072            }
074            /**
075             * @param appendDisplayText the appendDisplayText to set
076             */
077            public void setAppendDisplayText(String appendDisplayText) {
078                    this.appendDisplayText = appendDisplayText;
079            }
081            /**
082             * @return the childUrlDataList
083             */
084            public List<HtmlData> getChildUrlDataList() {
085                    return this.childUrlDataList;
086            }
088            /**
089             * @param childUrlDataList the childUrlDataList to set
090             */
091            public void setChildUrlDataList(List<HtmlData> childUrlDataList) {
092                    this.childUrlDataList = childUrlDataList;
093            }
095            /**
096             * @return the prependDisplayText
097             */
098            public String getPrependDisplayText() {
099                    return this.prependDisplayText;
100            }
102            /**
103             * @param prependDisplayText the prependDisplayText to set
104             */
105            public void setPrependDisplayText(String prependDisplayText) {
106                    this.prependDisplayText = prependDisplayText;
107            }
109            /**
110             * @return the title
111             */
112            public String getTitle() {
113                    return this.title;
114            }
116            /**
117             * @param title the title to set
118             */
119            public void setTitle(String title) {
120                    this.title = title;
121            }
123            /**
124             * @return the name
125             */
126            public String getName() {
127                    return this.name;
128            }
130            /**
131             * @param name the name to set
132             */
133            public void setName(String name) {
134                    this.name = name;
135            }
137            /**
138             * @return the displayText
139             */
140            public String getDisplayText() {
141                    return this.displayText;
142            }
144            /**
145             * @param displayText the displayText to set
146             */
147            public void setDisplayText(String displayText) {
148                    this.displayText = displayText;
149            }
151            /**
152             * @return the methodToCall
153             */
154            public String getMethodToCall() {
155                    return this.methodToCall;
156            }
158            /**
159             * @param methodToCall the methodToCall to set
160             */
161            public void setMethodToCall(String methodToCall) {
162                    this.methodToCall = methodToCall;
163            }
165            public String getTitle(String prependText, Class bo, List keys) {
166                    return KRADConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
167            }
169            /**
170             * KFSMI-658 This method gets the title text for a link/control
171             * 
172             * @param prependText
173             * @param dataObject
174             * @param fieldConversions
175             * @param returnKeys
176             * @return title text
177             */
178            public static String getTitleText(String prependText, Object dataObject, List<String> keys, BusinessObjectRestrictions businessObjectRestrictions) {
179                    if (dataObject == null)
180                            return KRADConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
182                    Map<String, String> keyValueMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
183                    Iterator keysIt = keys.iterator();
184                    while (keysIt.hasNext()) {
185                            String fieldNm = (String) keysIt.next();
186                            Object fieldVal = ObjectUtils.getPropertyValue(dataObject, fieldNm);
188                            FieldRestriction fieldRestriction = null;
189                            if (businessObjectRestrictions != null) {
190                                    fieldRestriction = businessObjectRestrictions.getFieldRestriction(fieldNm);
191                            }
192                            if (fieldRestriction != null && (fieldRestriction.isMasked() || fieldRestriction.isPartiallyMasked())) {
193                                    fieldVal = fieldRestriction.getMaskFormatter().maskValue(fieldVal);
194                            } else if (fieldVal == null) {
195                                    fieldVal = KRADConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
196                            } else if (fieldVal instanceof Date) {
197                                    // need to format date in url
198                                    DateFormatter dateFormatter = new DateFormatter();
199                                    fieldVal = dateFormatter.format(fieldVal);
200                            }
201                            keyValueMap.put(fieldNm, fieldVal.toString());
202                    }
203                    return getTitleText(prependText, dataObject.getClass(), keyValueMap);
204            }
206            private static BusinessObjectAuthorizationService businessObjectAuthorizationService;
207            private static BusinessObjectAuthorizationService getBusinessObjectAuthorizationService() {
208                    if (businessObjectAuthorizationService == null) {
209                            businessObjectAuthorizationService = KNSServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectAuthorizationService();
210                    }
211                    return businessObjectAuthorizationService;
212            }
214            public static String getTitleText(String prependText, Class<?> dataObjectClass, Map<String, String> keyValueMap) {
215                    StringBuffer titleText = new StringBuffer(prependText);
216                    for (String key : keyValueMap.keySet()) {
217                            String fieldVal = keyValueMap.get(key).toString();
219                            titleText.append(KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getDataDictionaryService()
220                                            .getAttributeLabel(dataObjectClass, key)
221                                            + "=" + fieldVal.toString() + " ");
222                    }
223                    return titleText.toString();
224            }
226            /**
227             * 
228             * This class is an extension of HtmlData. It represents an anchor tag.
229             * 
230             * @author Kuali Rice Team (rice.collab@kuali.org)
231             * 
232             */
233            public static class AnchorHtmlData extends HtmlData {
234                    public static final String TARGET_BLANK = "_blank";
235                    protected String href = "";
236                    protected String target = "";
237                    protected String style = "";
238                    protected String styleClass ="";
239                    protected String onclick ="";
241                    /**
242                     * Needed by inquiry framework
243                     */
244                    public AnchorHtmlData() {
245                    }
247                    public AnchorHtmlData(String href, String title) {
248                            this.href = href;
249                            this.title = title;
250                    }
252                    public AnchorHtmlData(String href, String methodToCall,
253                                    String displayText) {
254                            this.href = href;
255                            this.methodToCall = methodToCall;
256                            this.displayText = displayText;
257                    }
259                    /**
260                     * @param href the href to set
261                     */
262                    public void setHref(String href) {
263                            this.href = href;
264                    }
266                    /**
267                     * 
268                     * This method generates anchor tag.
269                     * 
270                     * @see HtmlData#constructCompleteHtmlTag()
271                     */
272                    public String constructCompleteHtmlTag() {
273                            String completeHtmlTag;
274                            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(getHref()))
275                                    completeHtmlTag = getDisplayText();
276                            else
277                                    completeHtmlTag = getPrependDisplayText()
278                                                    + "<a title=\""
279                                                    + title
280                                                    + "\""
281                                                    + " href=\""
282                                                    + getHref()
283                                                    + "\""
284                                                    + getStyle()
285                                                    + " "
286                                                    + getStyleClass()
287                                                    + " "
288                                                    + (StringUtils.isEmpty(getOnclick()) ? "" : " onClick=\""
289                                                            + getOnclick() + "\" ")
290                                                    + (StringUtils.isEmpty(getTarget()) ? "" : " target=\""
291                                                                    + getTarget() + "\" ") + ">" + getDisplayText()
292                                                    + "</a>" + getAppendDisplayText();
293                            return completeHtmlTag;
294                    }
296                    /**
297                     * @return the target
298                     */
299                    public String getTarget() {
300                            return this.target;
301                    }
303                    /**
304                     * @param target
305                     *            the target to set
306                     */
307                    public void setTarget(String target) {
308                            this.target = target;
309                    }
311                    /**
312             * @return the style
313             */
314            public String getStyle() {
315                    return this.style;
316            }
318                    /**
319             * @param style the style to set
320             */
321            public void setStyle(String style) {
322                    this.style = style;
323            }
325                    /**
326             * @return the styleClass
327             */
328            public String getStyleClass() {
329                    return this.styleClass;
330            }
332                    /**
333             * @param styleClass the styleClass to set
334             */
335            public void setStyleClass(String styleClass) {
336                    this.styleClass = styleClass;
337            }
339                    /**
340                     * @return the onclick
341                     */
342                    public String getOnclick() {
343                            return this.onclick;
344                    }
346                    /**
347                     * @param onclick the onclick to set
348                     */
349                    public void setOnclick(String onclick) {
350                            this.onclick = onclick;
351                    }        
353                    /**
354                     * @return the href
355                     */
356                    public String getHref() {
357                            return this.href;
358                    }
360                    /**
361                     * @return the methodToCall
362                     */
363                    public String getMethodToCall() {
364                            return this.methodToCall;
365                    }
367            }
369            /**
370             * 
371             * This class is an extension of HtmlData. It represents an input tag.
372             * 
373             * @author Kuali Rice Team (rice.collab@kuali.org)
374             * 
375             */
376            public static class InputHtmlData extends HtmlData {
377                    public static final String CHECKBOX_INPUT_TYPE = "checkbox";
378                    public static final String CHECKBOX_CHECKED_VALUE = "checked";
380                    protected String inputType = "";
381                    protected String src = "";
382                    protected String styleClass = "";
383                    protected String border = "0";
384                    protected String checked = "";
385                    protected String value = "";
387                    public InputHtmlData(String name, String inputType) {
388                            this.name = name;
389                            this.inputType = inputType;
390                    }
392                    public InputHtmlData(String name, String inputType, String src) {
393                            this.name = name;
394                            this.inputType = inputType;
395                            this.src = src;
396                    }
398                    /***********************************************************************
399                     * 
400                     * This method contructs an input tag.
401                     * 
402                     * @see HtmlData#constructCompleteHtmlTag()
403                     */
404                    public String constructCompleteHtmlTag() {
405                            return getPrependDisplayText()
406                                            + "<input title=\""
407                                            + title
408                                            + "\""
409                                            + " name=\""
410                                            + getName()
411                                            + "\""
412                                            + (StringUtils.isEmpty(src) ? ""
413                                                            : " src=\"" + src + "\" ")
414                                            + " type=\""
415                                            + getInputType()
416                                            + "\""
417                                            + (StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? ""
418                                                            : " value=\"" + value + "\" ")
419                                            + (StringUtils.isEmpty(checked) ? ""
420                                                            : " checked=\"" + checked + "\" ")
421                                            + (StringUtils.isEmpty(getStyleClass()) ? ""
422                                                            : " styleClass=\"" + getStyleClass() + "\" ")
423                                            + " border=\"" + getBorder() + "\"" + " value=\""
424                                            + getDisplayText() + "\"" + "/>" + getAppendDisplayText();
425                    }
427                    /**
428                     * @return the inputType
429                     */
430                    public String getInputType() {
431                            return this.inputType;
432                    }
434                    /**
435                     * @return the src
436                     */
437                    public String getSrc() {
438                            return this.src;
439                    }
441                    /**
442                     * @return the border
443                     */
444                    public String getBorder() {
445                            return this.border;
446                    }
448                    /**
449                     * @param border
450                     *            the border to set
451                     */
452                    public void setBorder(String border) {
453                            this.border = border;
454                    }
456                    /**
457                     * @return the styleClass
458                     */
459                    public String getStyleClass() {
460                            return this.styleClass;
461                    }
463                    /**
464                     * @param styleClass
465                     *            the styleClass to set
466                     */
467                    public void setStyleClass(String styleClass) {
468                            this.styleClass = styleClass;
469                    }
471                    /**
472                     * @param checked the checked to set
473                     */
474                    public void setChecked(String checked) {
475                            this.checked = checked;
476                    }
478                    /**
479                     * @param value the value to set
480                     */
481                    public void setValue(String value) {
482                            this.value = value;
483                    }
485            }
487            public static class MultipleAnchorHtmlData extends AnchorHtmlData {
488                    protected List<AnchorHtmlData> anchorHtmlData;
489                    protected static final String ANCHORS_SEPARATOR = ", ";
491                    /**
492                     * Needed by inquiry framework
493                     */
494                    public MultipleAnchorHtmlData(List<AnchorHtmlData> anchorHtmlData) {
495                            this.anchorHtmlData = anchorHtmlData;
496                    }
498                    /**
499                     * 
500                     * This method generates anchor tag.
501                     * 
502                     * @see HtmlData#constructCompleteHtmlTag()
503                     */
504                    public String constructCompleteHtmlTag() {
505                            StringBuffer completeHtmlTag = new StringBuffer();
506                            for(AnchorHtmlData anchor: anchorHtmlData){
507                                    completeHtmlTag.append(anchor.constructCompleteHtmlTag()+",");
508                            }
509                    if(completeHtmlTag.toString().endsWith(ANCHORS_SEPARATOR))
510                            completeHtmlTag.delete(completeHtmlTag.length()-ANCHORS_SEPARATOR.length(), completeHtmlTag.length());
511                            return completeHtmlTag.toString();
512                    }
514                    /**
515                     * @return the anchorHtmlData
516                     */
517                    public List<AnchorHtmlData> getAnchorHtmlData() {
518                            return this.anchorHtmlData;
519                    }
521            }
523            /**
524             * @return the maxLength
525             */
526            public int getMaxLength() {
527                    try{
528                            return Integer.parseInt(this.maxLength);
529                    } catch(Exception ex){
530                            return -1;
531                    }
532            }
534            /**
535             * @param maxLength the maxLength to set
536             */
537            public void setMaxLength(String maxLength) {
538                    this.maxLength = maxLength;
539            }
541    }