There is no user interface page to manage priorities so you must make changes to the list of priorities in the kren_prio_t table using SQL.
The table has these columns:
Table 2.5. KREN_PRIO_T
Name | Type | Max Size | Required | Attribute |
PRIO_ID | Numeric | 8 | Yes | ID |
NM | Text | 40 | Yes | Name |
DESC_TXT | Text | 500 | Yes | Description |
PRIO_ORD | Numeric | 4 | Yes | Order |
VER_NBR | Numeric | 8 | Yes | Version |
Example 2.1. Example – This is an example of how to add a Priority into the table:
INSERT INTO kren_prio_t (PRIO_ID, NM, DESC_TXT, PRIO_ORD, VER_NBR) VALUES (8, 'Bulk', 'Mass notifications', 6, 1);