KEN Channels

A KEN Channel is correlated to a specific type of notification. An example of a Channel’s use may be to send out information about upcoming Library Events or broadcast general announcements on upcoming concerts. Channels are subscribed to in the act of receiving notifications from a publisher or producer. They can also be unsubscribed to and removed from the data store from within the UI. The Channel Definitions are stored in the database table KREN_CHNL_T. The columns are listed as follows:

Table 2.2. KREN_CHNL_T

CHNL_IDIdentifier for the Channel
NMName of the Channel represented in the UI
DESC_TXTDescription of the Channel
SUBSCRB_INDDetermines if the Channel can or cannot be subscribed to from the UI. This also determines if the channel will be displayed in the UI
VER_NBRVersion Number for the Channel

Channel Subscription

Channels can be subscribed to through the UI and also through the direct access to the data store. To add a channel that can be subscribed to simply run the following SQL statement against the data store customizing value entries to your needs:

  VALUES (2,'This channel is used for sending out information about Library Events.','Library Events Channel','Y',