
Responsibility Lookup

Similar to the Permission Lookup, you can use the Responsibility Lookup to search for and view existing responsibilities in KIM. You can view summarized information about the responsibility detail values as well as the roles with which the responsibility is currently associated.

Figure 4.41. Identity Channel: Responsibility Link

Identity Channel: Responsibility Link

To display this screen, from the Administration menu, click Responsibility in the Identify section of the menu.


This table is display-only. Technical assistance is required to modify responsibilities.

Figure 4.42. Responsibility Lookup

Responsibility Lookup

To find information about a Responsibility, enter information in one or more of the fields on the Lookup page and then click the Search button.

Table 4.25. Responsibility Lookup Attributes

Field NameDescription
Template NamespaceOptional. The code identifying the application and module the template pertains to. Because responsibilities pertain to workflow, most responsibility templates are associated with the KR-WKFLW (Kuali Rice-Workflow) namespace.
Template NameOptional. The template the responsibility is based on. A template usually defines, in a broad sense, what the responsibility is. Since responsibilities normally are associated with action requests for user review, most responsibilities have a template name of “Review.”
Responsibility NamespaceOptional. The code designating the application and module this responsibility is associated with. This code usually corresponds to the namespace of the document type for which the responsibility generates action requests.
Responsibility NameOptional. The name of this responsibility. In most cases, the responsibility name is the same as the associated template name (“Review”). Like permission names, responsibility names are not unique.
Role NamespaceAn indicator that associates the Role with a particular application and module. To search for a responsibility based on the namespace of the role to which it is assigned, enter the name of that namespace.
Role NameOptional. The name by which a Role is known in the system. To search for a responsibility based on the Role to which it is assigned, enter that Role name.
Principal NameOptional. One of the principals that currently have this responsibility through their association with a role
Group NamespaceOptional. The namespace of groups that have this responsibility through the group’s association with a role
Group NameOptional. The name of a group that has this responsibility through its association with a role
Attribute ValueOptional. A specific responsibility detail value associated with a responsibility

Figure 4.43. Responsibility Look: Results

Responsibility Look: Results

Table 4.26. Responsibility Lookup: Resutls Attributes

Field NameDescription
Responsibility Detail Values

Display-only. Detailed information that defines:

  • What document this responsibility generates action requests for

  • When the requests are generated

  • How the requests are handled by workflow

Unlike permissions, which sometimes have different detail values, responsibility detail values generally contain these elements:

  • routeNodeName: The point in a document’s workflow routing at which this responsibility generates requests.

  • documentTypeName: The name of the document type for which this responsibility generates action requests. This value may also be a parent document type, which indicates that this responsibility applies to all child documents.

  • actionDetailsAtRoleMemberLevel: A True or False indicator that defines where the system collects details of this workflow action request. If the value is True, the system collects action details when members are assigned to the role. If the value is False, the system collects action details when this responsibility is assigned to a role.

  • Required: A True or False value that indicates whether the system is required to generate an action request for this document type. If the value is True and the document generates no requests associated with this responsibility, then the document will go into exception status. If the value is False and the responsibility generates no action requests, then the document continues to route as normal.

Granted to RolesDisplay-only. Lists the namespace and name of roles that have this responsibility. Click a linked name to view the Role Inquiry for that role name.

Responsibility Inquiry

To view the Responsibility Inquiry screen for a responsibility, click its Responsibility Name in the search results list displayed when you do a Responsibility Lookup. The Responsibility Inquiry screen contains the same information displayed in the search results, but in a slightly different format:

Figure 4.44. Responsibility Inquiry

Responsibility Inquiry

The fields on this screen are documented in the Responsibility Lookup section above.