
Workflow allows for users to individually configure certain aspects of the system. You should be able to access the User Preferences from the Main portal page:

Figure 3.21. Workflow Channel: User Preferences Link

Workflow Channel: User Preferences Link

After clicking the link you should be taken to Workflow Preferences screen:

Figure 3.22. Workflow Preferences

Workflow Preferences

There are three configuration sections on this screen:

General Preferences


Many of these preferences can have their system wide default values changed via configuration parameters. Look in the KEW technical documentation for information on how to override the default values.

Table 3.6. User Preferences Attributes

NameDefault ValueDescription
Automatic Refresh Rate15How often your action list updates (minutes).
Action List Page Size10# of actions displayed on action list
Email NotificationImmediateWhen action items emails should be sent. Can be none, immediate, daily, weekly
Receive Primary Delegation EmailsTrueUser will receive primary delegate emails
Receive Secondary Delegation EmailsFalseUser will receive secondary delegate emails
Delegator FilterSecondary Delegators on Action List Page

Determines what is displayed on the action list page. Options:

  • Secondary Delegators on Action List Page

  • Secondary Delegators only on Filter Page

Primary Delegate FilterPrimary Delegators on Action List Page

Determines what is displayed on the action list page. Options:

  • Primary Delegators on Action List Page

  • Primary Delegators only on Filter Page

Fields Displayed in Action List Preferences

These are the columns that will be displayed on the user’s action list page.

Table 3.7. User Preferences: Fields Displayed Attributes

NameDefault Value
Document TypeTRUE
Date CreatedTRUE
Date ApprovedFALSE
Current Route Node(s)FALSE
Workgroup RequestTRUE
Document Route StatusTRUE
Application Document StatusFALSE
Use OutboxTRUE

Document Route Status Colors for Action list Entries

Each Document Route Status can be displayed with a certain color on the action list. This section allows you to configure which colors are used. By default, no colors are set.