KEW System Parameters

System Parameters Covered

Table 3.8. KEW System Parameters

MAX_MEMBERS_PER_PAGE20The maximum number of role or group members to display at once on their documents. If the number is above this value, the document will switch into a paging mode with only this many rows displayed at a time.
CHECK_ENCRYPTION_SERVICE_OVERRIDE_INDYFlag for enabling/disabling (Y/N) the demonstration encryption check.
DATE_TO_STRING_FORMAT_FOR_FILE_NAMEyyyyMMddA single date format string that the DateTimeService will use to format dates to be used in a file name when DateTimeServiceImpl.toDateStringForFilename(Date) is called. For a more technical description of how characters in the parameter value will be interpreted, please consult the Java Documentation for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Any changes will be applied when the application is restarted.
DATE_TO_STRING_FORMAT_FOR_USER_INTERFACEMM/dd/yyyyA single date format string that the DateTimeService will use to format a date to be displayed on a web page. For a more technical description of how characters in the parameter value will be interpreted, please consult the Java Documentation for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Any changes will be applied when the application is restarted.
DEFAULT_COUNTRYUSUsed as the default country code when relating records that do not have a country code to records that do have a country code, e.g. validating a zip code where the country is not collected.
ENABLE_DIRECT_INQUIRIES_INDYFlag for enabling/disabling direct inquiries on screens that are drawn by the nervous system (i.e. lookups and maintenance documents)
ENABLE_FIELD_LEVEL_HELP_INDNIndicates whether field level help links are enabled on lookup pages and documents.
MAX_FILE_SIZE_DEFAULT_UPLOAD5MMaximum file upload size for the application. Must be an integer, optionally followed by "K", "M", or "G". Only used if no other upload limits are in effect.
SENSITIVE_DATA_PATTERNS[0-9]{9};[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}A semi-colon delimited list of regular expressions that identify potentially sensitive data in strings. These patterns will be matched against notes, document explanations, and routing annotations.
STRING_TO_DATE_FORMATSMM/dd/yy;MM-dd-yy;MMMM dd, yyyy;MMddyyA semi-colon delimited list of strings representing date formats that the DateTimeService will use to parse dates when DateTimeServiceImpl.convertToSqlDate(String) or DateTimeServiceImpl.convertToDate(String) is called. Note that patterns will be applied in the order listed (and the first applicable one will be used). For a more technical description of how characters in the parameter value will be interpreted, please consult the Java Documentation for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Any changes will be applied when the application is restarted.
STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP_FORMATSMM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aA semi-colon delimited list of strings representing date formats that the DateTimeService will use to parse date and times when DateTimeServiceImpl.convertToDateTime(String) or DateTimeServiceImpl.convertToSqlTimestamp(String) is called. Note that patterns will be applied in the order listed (and the first applicable one will be used). For a more technical description of how characters in the parameter value will be interpreted, please consult the Java Documentation for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Any changes will be applied when the application is restarted.
TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING_FORMAT_FOR_FILE_NAMEyyyyMMdd-HH-mm-ss-SA single date format string that the DateTimeService will use to format a date and time string to be used in a file name when DateTimeServiceImpl.toDateTimeStringForFilename(Date) is called. For a more technical description of how characters in the parameter value will be interpreted, please consult the Java Documentation for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Any changes will be applied when the application is restarted.
TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING_FORMAT_FOR_USER_INTERFACEMM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aA single date format string that the DateTimeService will use to format a date and time to be displayed on a web page. For a more technical description of how characters in the parameter value will be interpreted, please consult the Java Documentation for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Any changes will be applied when the application is restarted.
ACTIVE_FILE_TYPEScollectorInputFileType; procurementCardInputFileType; enterpriseFeederFileSetType; assetBarcodeInventoryInputFileType; customerLoadInputFileTypeBatch file types that are active options for the file upload screen.
SCHEDULE_ADMIN_GROUPKR-WKFLW:WorkflowAdminThe workgroup to which a user must be assigned to modify batch jobs.
DEFAULT_CAN_PERFORM_ROUTE_REPORT_INDNIf Y, the Route Report button will be displayed on the document actions bar if the document is using the default DocumentAuthorizerBase.getDocumentActionFlags to set the canPerformRouteReport property of the returned DocumentActionFlags instance.
EXCEPTION_GROUPKR-WKFLW:WorkflowAdminThe workgroup to which a user must be assigned to perform actions on documents in exception routing status.
MAX_FILE_SIZE_ATTACHMENT5MMaximum attachment uploads size for the application. Used by KualiDocumentFormBase. Must be an integer, optionally followed by "K", "M", or "G".
PESSIMISTIC_LOCK_ADMIN_GROUPKFS:KUALI_ROLE_SUPERVISORWorkgroup which can perform admin deletion and lookup functions for Pessimistic Locks.
SEND_NOTE_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_ACTIONSKSome documents provide the functionality to send notes to another user using a workflow FYI or acknowledge functionality. This parameter specifies the default action that will be used when sending notes. This parameter should be one of the following 2 values: "K" for acknowledge or "F" for "fyi". Depending on the notes and workflow service implementation, other values may be possible.
SESSION_TIMEOUT_WARNING_MESSAGE_TIME5The number of minutes before a session expires. That user should be warned when a document uses pessimistic locking.
SUPERVISOR_GROUPKR-WKFLW:WorkflowAdminWorkgroup which can perform almost any function within Kuali.
MULTIPLE_VALUE_RESULTS_EXPIRATION_SECONDS86400Lookup results may continue to be persisted in the DB long after they are needed. This parameter represents the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the results will be allowed to persist in the DB before they are deleted from the DB.
MULTIPLE_VALUE_RESULTS_PER_PAGE100Maximum number of rows that will be displayed on a look-up results screen.
RESULTS_DEFAULT_MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH70If a maxLength attribute has not been set on a lookup result field in the data dictionary, then the result column's max length will be the value of this parameter. Set this parameter to 0 for an unlimited default length or a positive value (i.e. greater than 0) for a finite max length.
RESULTS_LIMIT200Maximum number of results returned in a look-up query.
MAX_AGE86400Pending attachments are attachments that do not yet have a permanent link with the associated Business Object (BO). These pending attachments are stored in the (defined in the configuration service). If the BO is never persisted, then this attachment will become orphaned (i.e. not associated with any BO), but will remain in this directory. The PurgePendingAttachmentsStep batch step deletes these pending attachment files that are older than the value of this parameter. The unit of this value is seconds. Do not set this value too short, as this will cause problems attaching files to BOs.
NUMBER_OF_DAYS_SINCE_LAST_UPDATE1Determines the age of the session document records that the step will operate on, e.g. if this parameter is set to 4, the rows with a last update timestamp older that 4 days prior to when the job is running will be deleted.
CUTOFF_TIME02:00:00:AMControls when the daily batch schedule should terminate. The scheduler service implementation compares the start time of the schedule job from quartz with this time on day after the schedule job started running.
CUTOFF_TIME_NEXT_DAY_INDYControls whether when the system is comparing the schedule start day & time with the scheduleStep_CUTOFF_TIME parameter, it considers the specified time to apply to the day after the schedule starts.
STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL30000Time in milliseconds that the scheduleStep should wait between iterations.
ACTION_LIST_DOCUMENT_POPUP_INDYFlag to specify if clicking on a Document ID from the Action List will load the Document in a new window.
ACTION_LIST_ROUTE_LOG_POPUP_INDNFlag to specify if clicking on a Route Log from the Action List will load the Route Log in a new window.
EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TEST_ADDRESS Default email address used for testing.
HELP_DESK_NAME_GROUPKR-WKFLW:WorkflowAdminThe name of the group who has access to the "Help Desk" feature on the Action List.
PAGE_SIZE_THROTTLE Throttles the number of results returned on all users Action Lists, regardless of their user preferences. This is intended to be used in a situation where excessively large Action Lists are causing performance issues.
SEND_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_INDNFlag to determine whether or not to send email notification.
KIM_PRIORITY_ON_DOC_TYP_PERMS_INDNFlag for enabling/disabling document type permission checks to use KIM Permissions as priority over Document Type policies.
MAXIMUM_NODES_BEFORE_RUNAWAY The maximum number of nodes the workflow engine will process before it determines the process is a runaway process. This is to prevent infinite "loops" in the workflow engine.
SHOW_ATTACHMENTS_INDYFlag to specify whether or not a file upload box is displayed for KEW notes which allows for uploading of an attachment with the note.
SHOW_BACK_DOOR_LOGIN_INDYFlag to show the backdoor login.
TARGET_FRAME_NAMEiframe_51148Defines the target iframe name that the KEW internal portal uses for its menu links.
DOCUMENT_SEARCH_POPUP_INDYFlag to specify if clicking on a Document ID from Document Search will load the Document in a new window.
DOCUMENT_SEARCH_ROUTE_LOG_POPUP_INDNFlag to specify if clicking on a Route Log from Document Search will load the Route Log in a new window.
FETCH_MORE_ITERATION_LIMIT Limit of fetch more iteration for document searches.
RESULT_CAP Maximum number of documents to return from a search.
DOCUMENT_TYPE_SEARCH_INSTRUCTIONEnter document type information below and click search.Instructions for searching document types.
DEBUG_TRANSFORM_INDNDefines whether the debug transform is enabled for eDocLite.
USE_XSLTC_INDNDefines whether XSLTC is used for eDocLite.
IS_LAST_APPROVER_ACTIVATE_FIRST_IND A flag to specify whether the WorkflowInfo.isLastApproverAtNode(...) API method attempts to active requests first, prior to execution.
REPLACE_INSTRUCTIONEnter the reviewer to replace.Instructions for replacing a reviewer.
FROM_ADDRESSquickstart@localhostDefault from email address for notifications. If not set, this value defaults to admin@localhost.
NOTE_CREATE_NEW_INSTRUCTIONCreate or modify note information.Instructions for creating a new note.
RESTRICT_DOCUMENT_TYPES Comma separated list of Document Types to exclude from the Rule Quicklinks.
CACHING_INDYIndicator to determine if rule caching is enabled.
CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPES Defines custom Document Type processes to use for certain types of routing rules.
DELEGATE_LIMIT20Specifies that maximum number of delegation rules that will be displayed on a Rule inquiry before the screen shows a count of delegate rules and provides a link for the user to show them.
GENERATE_ACTION_REQUESTS_INDYFlag to determine whether or not a change to a routing rule should be applied retroactively to existing documents.
ROUTE_LOG_POPUP_INDFFlag to specify if clicking on a Route Log from a Routing Rule inquiry will load the Route Log in a new window.
RULE_CACHE_REQUEUE_DELAY5000Amount of time after a rule change is made before the rule cache update message is sent.
RULE_CREATE_NEW_INSTRUCTIONPlease select a rule template and document type.Instructions for creating a new rule.
RULE_LOCKING_ON_INDYDefines whether rule locking it enabled.
RULE_SEARCH_INSTRUCTIONUse fields below to search for rules.Instructions for the rule search.
RULE_TEMPLATE_CREATE_NEW_INSTRUCTIONEnter a rule template name and description. Please select all necessary rule attributes for this template.Instructions for creating new rule templates.
RULE_TEMPLATE_SEARCH_INSTRUCTIONUse fields below to search for rule templates.Instructions for the rule template search.

Defines a group name (in the format “namespace:name”) which contains members who should never receive notification action requests from KEW. Notification requests in KEW are generated when someone disapproves or blanket approves are exist to notify other approvers that these actions have taken place.

The most common use for this is in the case of “system” users who participate in workflow transactions. In these cases, since they aren’t actual users who would be checking their action list, it doesn’t make sense to send them requests since they won’t ever be fulfilled.