KEN Configuration Parameters

Table 2.1. KEN Core Parameters

Configuration ParameterDescriptionDefault value
ken.urlThe base URL of the KEN webapp; this should be changed when deploying for external access${application.url}/ken
notification.resolveMessageDeliveriesJob.startDelayMSThe start delay (in ms) of the job that resolves message deliveries5000
notification.resolveMessageDeliveriesJob.intervalMSThe interval (in ms) between runs of the message delivery resolution job10000
notification.processAutoRemovalJob.startDelayMSThe start delay (in ms) of the job that auto-removes messages60000
notification.processAutoRemovalJob.intervalMSThe interval (in ms) between runs of the message auto-removal job60000
notification.quartz.autostartupWhether to automatically start the KEN Quartz jobstrue
notification.concurrent.jobsWhether the invocation of a KEN Quartz job can overlap another KEN Quartz job running concurrentlytrue
ken.system.userThe principal name of the user that KEN should use when initiating KEN-originated documentsnotsys
kcb.urlThe base URL of the KCB (notification broker) webapp${application.url}/kcb
kcb.messaging.synchronousWhether notification messages are processed synchronouslyfalse
kcb.messageprocessing.startDelayMSThe start delay (in ms) of the job that processes notification messages50000
kcb.messageprocessing.repeatIntervalMSThe interval (in ms) between runs of the notification message processing job30000
kcb.quartz.groupGroup name of the KCB Quartz jobKCB-Delivery
kcb.quartz.job.nameName of the KCB Quartz jobMessageProcessingJobDetail
kcb.maxProcessAttemptsMaximum number of times that KCB will attempt to process a notification message3
notification.processUndeliveredJob.intervalMSThe elapsed time, in milliseconds, between runs of the KEN process undelivered notifications job.10000
notification.processUndeliveredJob.startDelayMSThe elapsed time, in milliseconds, between the start of the application and the first run of the KEN process undelivered notifications job.10000


As of Rice 1.0.1, The parameter is no longer used. The smtp server settings that are required for sending email notifications with KEN are documented in the Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) Technical Reference Guide under Email Configuration.