
Permission Lookup

The Permission Lookup screen allows you to search for and view existing permissions. It displays summarized information about the permission detail values as well as the roles that are currently associated with this permission.


This table is display-only. Technical assistance is required to modify permissions.

You get to this screen by clicking Permissions in the Identity section of the Administration menu.

Enter information in one or more fields on the Permission Lookup screen and then click the search button to display permissions that match your information.

Table 4.27. Permission Lookup Fields

Field NameDescription
Template Namespace Optional. The code identifying the application and module the template pertains to. Because templates tend to be general categories, they are often associated with system-level namespaces.
Template NameOptional. The template the permission is based on. A template usually defines, in a broad sense, what the permission controls. Similar types of permissions use the same template.
Permission NamespaceOptional. The code designating the application and module this permission is associated with.
Permission NameOptional. The name of this permission. In most cases, the permission name is the same as its associated template name.
Role NamespaceOptional. An indicator that associates the role with a particular application and module.
Role NameOptional. The common descriptive name by which this role is known.
Principal NameOptional. The principals that currently have this permission through their association with a role
Group NamespaceOptional. The namespace of groups that have this permission through the groups’ association with a role
Group NameOptional. The name of a group that has this permission through its association with a role
Permission Detail ValuesOptional. Detailed information that, in combination with the permission name, defines the permission’s function For example, if the permission name is Initiate Document, the Permission Detail Values field indicates the specific type of document the initiate permission pertains to. Permission detail values can include many different types of data. Some common permission details:
  • documentTypeName: The name of the document Type associated with this permission.

  • routeNodeName: The point in a document’s workflow routing at which this permission becomes relevant.

  • routeStatusCode: The routing status that a document must be in for this permission to apply.

  • propertyName: A field or document element that the permission pertains to.

When you click the search button for a Permission Lookup, KIM displays your search results in a table like this:

The information in the search results table is display-only and is defined above. New field:

Table 4.28. 

Field NameDescription
Granted to RolesLists the namespace and name of roles that have this permission. Click on a linked name to view its Role Inquiry screen.

Permission Inquiry

To view the Permission Inquiry screen for a Permission, click the Permission Name in the search results from a Permission Lookup. The Permission Inquiry screen contains the same information as the Permission Lookup search results, but in a slightly different format:

The fields on this screen are documented above in the Permission Lookup section.

Permission Template Inquiry

This screen provides detailed information about a Template Namespace. To display it, click a Template Name on the Document Configuration screen or the Permission Inquiry screen.

Information related to the fields on this screen can be found above, in the Permission Lookup section of this document.