KEW Configuration

KEW Integration Options

The following integration options are available to applications integrating with KEW:

  • Embedded - The KEW engine is embedded into a Java application. The Standalone Rice Server is required.

  • Bundled - Same as Embedded mode except that the entire KEW web application is also embedded into the Java application. The Standalone Rice Server is not required.

  • Remote Java Client – A Java client is used which relies on the service bus to communicate with a Standalone Rice Server’s KEW services.

  • Thin Java Client - A thin Java client is used which communicates with a Standalone Rice Server over remote service calls.

  • Web Services - Interacts directly with web services on a Standalone Rice Server.

Table 3.1. Advantages/Disadvantages of KEW Integration Options

Integration OptionAdvantagesDisadvantages
  • Integration of database transactions between client application and embedded KEW (via JTA)

  • Performance - Embedded client talks directly to database

  • No need for application plug-ins on the server

  • Great for Enterprise deployment, there is still a single shared Standalone Rice web application but scalability is increased because of multiple Workflow Engines

  • Can only be used by Java clients

  • More library dependencies than the Thin Client model

  • Requires client application to establish connections to Kuali Rice database

  • All the advantages of Embedded Mode

  • No need to deploy a standalone Rice server

  • Ideal for development or "quickstart" applications

  • Application can be bundled with Rice for ease of development/distribution

  • Can switch to Embedded Mode for deployment in an Enterprise environment

  • Not desirable for Enterprise deployment where more than one application is integrated with Rice and KEW

  • More library dependencies than the Thin Client model and Embedded Mode (additional web libraries)

Remote Java Client
  • Relatively simple configuration

  • Client can access more external KEW services from the Standalone Rice Server than the Thin Java Client, and yet the client does not need to have an embedded KEW engine

  • Requires client application to be KSB-enabled, unlike the Thin Java Client

  • Cannot be used by KNS-enabled client applications

Thin Java Client
  • Relatively simple configuration

  • Fewer Library Dependencies

  • No transactional integration between client and server

  • Plug-ins must be deployed to the server if custom routing components are needed

Web Services
  • Any language which supports web services can be used

  • No transactional integration between client and server

  • Plug-ins must be deployed to the server if custom routing components are needed

  • Web Services can be slower than other integration options

Standalone Server

To effectively use any of the KEW integration modes besides bundled, a Standalone Rice Server will need to be deployed.

Embedded Deployment Diagram

Here is a diagram illustrating what a sample embedded deployment might look look.

Figure 3.1. Sample KEW embedded deployment

Sample KEW embedded deployment

Bundling the KEW Application


Bundled mode is the same as embedded mode except that the client application embeds the entire Kuali Rice system within it (including the web application). The embedding of the web application portion is accomplished by utilizing Struts Modules.

Configuration is the same as embedded mode, with the exception of loading the web application portions in the web.xml:




    .. other struts configuration if applicable











org.kuali.rice.kew.web.UserLoginFilter – This filter is used to assist the KEW bundled web application in determining who the authenticated user is. Specifically, the login filter invokes the KIM identity management service to determine the identity of the authenticated user.

Typically, a previously executed filter will challenge the user on entry to a Rice web page for their authentication credentials using CAS or some other form of single sign on (SSO) authentication system.

For development and testing purposes, Rice provides a simple filter implementation that will present a simple sign on screen. This screen displays only a single login entry field and submit button. The user can enter their username (no password) and press the submit button, and the system authenticates the user for entry into the system.

This can be configured as follows in the web.xml:




and in the rice-config.xml:

<param name="filter.login.class">org.kuali.rice.kew.web.DummyLoginFilter</param>
<param name="filtermapping.login.1">/*</param>

org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet - The Struts servlet which loads the KEW Struts module. The module name should be 'en'. Struts only allows a single Action Servlet so if you are using Struts in your application, all of your Struts modules will need to be configured using the init-param elements in this servlet definition.

org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.servlet.KSBDispatcherServlet - A servlet which dispatches http requests for the Kuali Service Bus (see KSB documentation for more details). The servlet mapping here should correspond to the serviceServletUrl configuration parameter for the KSBConfigurer.

org.kuali.rice.kew.export.web.ExportServlet - serves exports of lookup results as XML files

org.kuali.rice.kew.notes.web.AttachmentServlet - serves attachments that have been attached to documents using the KEW Notes and Attachments framework

org.kuali.rice.kew.edl.EDLServlet - The servlet used to interact with eDocLite documents. See eDocLite documentation for more information.

Bundled Deployment Diagram

Figure 3.2. Bundled deployment diagram

Bundled deployment diagram

Using the Remote Java Client

Along with the previous embedded configurations, KEW also allows for Remote Java Clients, which communicate with KEW services that are available on the service bus. Configuration of the remote client is similar to that of the embedded client, except that no embedded KEW engine gets set up; instead, the client relies on the service bus for accessing the KEW services of the Standalone Rice Server.


Limitations of Remote KEW Java Clients:

At present, KNS-enabled Java clients cannot be used as Remote KEW Java Clients.

Using the Thin Java Client

In addition to the embedded configurations discussed previously, KEW also provides a thin java client which can be used to talk directly to two KEW services exposed on the service bus.

These KEW services are:

  • WorkflowDocumentService - provides methods for creating, loading, approving and querying documents

  • WorkflowUtilityService - provides methods for querying for various pieces of information about the KEW system

Additionally, access to two KIM services is required, as Principal and Group information is needed to use many of the methods in the KEW services above.

These KIM services are:

  • kimIdentityService - provides methods to query for Principal and Entity information

  • kimGroupService - provides methods to query for Group information

Of course, this configuration requires Standalone Rice Server deployment. The workflow engine deployed within Standalone Rice Server is used for processing documents that integrate using a thin client.

These services are exposed on the KSB as Java services, meaning they use Java Serialization over HTTP to communicate. Optionally, the KEW services can also be secured to provide access to only those callers with authorized digital signatures (note that secure access is required for the KIM services). In order to configure the thin client, the following configuration properties need to be defined.

Required Thin Client Configuration Properties

Table 3.2. Required Thin Client Configuration Properties

Property Description
encryption.keyThe secret key used by the encryption service; Must match the setting on the standalone server
keystore.alias Alias of the application's key within the keystore
keystore.file Path to the application's keystore file
keystore.password Password to the keystore and the key with the configured alias
workflowdocument.javaservice.endpointEndpoint URL for the Workflow Document service
workflowutility.javaservice.endpoint Endpoint URL for the Workflow Utility service
identity.javaservice.endpointEndpoint URL for the KIM identity service
group.javaservice.endpointEndpoint URL for the KIM group service


It is simplest to use an identical keystore file and configuration in your thin client application to that on your standalone server.

Optional Thin Client Configuration Properties

Table 3.3. Optional Thin Client Configuration Properties

Property Description
secure.workflowdocument.javaservice.endpoint true/false value indicating if endpoint is secured (defaults to true); Must match the setting on the standalone server
secure.workflowutility.javaservice.endpoint true/false value indicating if endpoint is secured (defaults to true); Must match the setting on the standalone server

Thin Client Spring Configuration

Here is the Spring configuration for a thin client in ThinClientSpring.xml:


    <!-- point Rice to the file containing your configuration params -->
    <bean id="config" class="org.kuali.rice.core.config.spring.ConfigFactoryBean">
        <property name="configLocations">
                <value>classpath: yourThinClientApp-config.xml</value>
    <!-- Pull your configuration params out as Properties -->
    <bean id="configProperties" 
        <property name="targetObject" ref="config" />
        <property name="targetMethod" value="getProperties" />
    <!-- expose configuration params to Spring -->
    <bean class=
        <property name="properties" ref="configProperties" />
    <!-- The RiceConfigurer that sets up thin client mode -->
    <bean id="rice" class="org.kuali.rice.kew.config.ThinClientKEWConfigurer">
        <!-- inject the "config" bean into our configurer -->
        <property name="rootConfig" ref="config" />

Endpoint URLs

Since KEW and KIM use the KSB to expose their services, the endpoint URLs are the same as those exported by the KSB.

An example configuration for these might be:

<param name=
<param name=
<param name=
<param name=

Thin Client Deployment Diagram

Here is a diagram showing what a thin client deployment might look like.

Figure 3.3. Thin client deployment diagram

Thin client deployment diagram

Picture of an Enterprise Deployment

As can be seen from the various integration options described, a KEW Enterprise Deployment (and Kuali Rice in general) might very well be a distributed environment with multiple systems communicating with each other.

The diagram below shows what a typical Enterprise deployment of Kuali Rice might look like.

Figure 3.4. Typical enterprise deployment of Kuali Rice

Typical enterprise deployment of Kuali Rice

KEW Core Parameters

The display below includes those basic set of parameters for rice-config.xml as the minimal parameters to startup the Rice software. These parameters are a beginning reference to you for modification to your rice-config.xml.


Please verify that your application.url and database username/password are set correctly.

Table 3.4. KEW Core Parameters

Core DescriptionExamples\Values
workflow.url URL to the KEW web module (i.e., ${application.url}/en)  
plugin.dir Directory from which plugins will be loaded  
attachment.dir.location Directory where attachments will be stored  

As a minimum, you must enable the dummy login filter by adding these lines to the rice-config.xml file for default login screen:

<param name="filter.login.class">org.kuali.rice.kew.web.DummyLoginFilter</param>
<param name="filtermapping.login.1">/*</param>

KEW Configuration Properties

Table 3.5. KEW Configuration Properties

Property Description Default
actionlist.outboxDetermines if the KEW actionlist "outbox" (ie, the actions already completed) will be viewable by users of the Rice application.false
actionlist.outbox.default.preference.onDetermines if the KEW actionlist "outbox" is the default mode for viewing the action list.false
base.url Base URL under which Action List and other KEW screens can be foundExample: if your action list URL is http://yourlocalip/en/, set this property to http://yourlocalip/
client.protocol Same as clientProtocol property on KEWConfigurer, this property can be configured in either place embedded
data.xml.root.locationThe temporary location of files being processed by the KEW XmlPollingService/tmp/${environment}/kew/xml
document.lock.timeoutUsed by the Oracle database platform to determine how long database locks on the document header are used 
email.reminder.lifecycle.enabledIf true, turns on timed job to send out regular e-mails to remind users of actions still waiting in their action list 
extra.classes.dirDirectory where classes for KEW plugins are located 
extra.lib.dirDirectory where libraries for KEW plugins are located 
kew.modeThe mode that KEW will run in; choices are "local", "embedded", "remote", or "thin"local
kew.urlThe base URL of KEW services and pages${application.url}/kew
plugin.dir Directory to load plugins from if the Plugin Registry is enabled  
plugin.registry.enabled If set to true, then the Plugin Registry will be enabled and any available plugins will be loaded (see Workflow Plugin Guide) false
attachment.dir.location When using the attachments system, this is the directory where attachments will be stored 
data.xml.loaded.location Directory path where the XML Loader will store successfully loaded XML files  
data.xml.pending.location Directory path where the XML Loader will look for files to ingest  
data.xml.pollIntervalSecs Interval in seconds that the XML Loader will poll the pending directory for new XML files to load 
data.xml.problem.location Directory path where the XML Loader will put XML files it failed to load  
datasource.platform The fully qualified class name of an implementation of the org.kuali.rice.core.database.platform.Platform interface 
default.note.class The fully qualified class name of the default implementation of org.kuali.rice.kew.notes.CustomNoteAttribute to use for the Notes system org.kuali.rice.kew.notes.CustomNoteAttributeImpl
edl.config.loc Location to load the EDocLite component configuration from classpath:META-INF/EDLConfig.xml
embedded.server Indicates if an embedded instance is supposed to behave like a standalone server. See additional notes below under embedded.serverfalse
Identity.useRemoteServices Configuration parameter that governs whether a number of common identity services (user and group service) are exported or retrieved via the bus. If this flag is set to true then:
  1. user and group service will NOT be published the bus, and

  2. CoreResourceLoader will short-circuit the resource loader stack lookup and go directly to the bus to obtain these services, circumventing any beans that may be defined by local modules.

initialDelaySecs Delay in seconds after system starts up to begin the XML Loader polling  
rice.kew.enableKENNotificationDetermines if KCB notifications should be sent for KEW events when Action Item events occurtrue
rice.kew.struts.config.filesThe struts-config.xml configuration file that the KEW portion of the Rice application will use/kew/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
workflow.documentsearch.base.urlThe URL for the document search page${workflow.url}/;returnLocation=${application.url}/;hideReturnLink=true
xml.pipeline.lifecycle.enabledIf set to true, will poll a directory for new Rice configuration XML and ingest any new XML placed in that directoryfalse

The ‘embedded.server’ Parameter

If embedded.server parameter is enabled (set to true), then two additional features will be loaded when KEW is started:

  1. XML Loader

  2. Email Reminders

The XML Loader will poll a directory for XML files to ingest into the system (as configured by the data.xml.* properties).

The Email Reminders will handle sending Daily and Weekly batch emails for users that have their preferences set accordingly.

The ‘datasource.platform’ Parameter

KEW requires and uses the database platform implementation in order to function. These may be be implemented differently for each support database management system.

The current functional implementations of this platform are:

  • org.kuali.rice.core.database.platform.OraclePlatform

  • org.kuali.rice.core.database.platform.Oracle9iPlatform (deprecated and just an alias for the OraclePlatform)

  • org.kuali.rice.core.database.platform.MySQLPlatform

Custom Servlet Filters

When running a Standalone Rice Server, you may want to implement your own filters for authentication purposes. The system comes with a special filter that will read filter definitions and mappings from the configuration system.

The Bootstrap Filter is a generic filter that is applied to all web requests, which then delegates to any filters and are setup through the default configuration. This mechanism allows registration of institution-specific filters without the necessity of modifying the web application configuration file (/WEB-INF/web.xml) within the standalone webapp.

Filter syntax is as follows:

<param name="filter.filter name.class">class name of filter</param>

filter name is an arbitrary name for your filter:

<param name="filter.myfilter.class">edu.institution.organization.MyFilter</param>

Any number of configuration parameters may be defined for a given filter as follows:

<param name="filter.filter name.filter param name">filter param value</param>

For example:

<param name="filter.myfilter.color">red</param>

<param name="filter.myfilter.shape">square</param>

For custom filters to be invoked, they must first be mapped to requests. That is done via the filter mapping parameter:

<param name="filtermapping.filter name.optional order index">path matching expression</param>

filter name is the name of your previously defined filter, optional order index is an optional integer used to specify the position of the filter in the invocation order, and path matching expression is a Servlet-specification-compatible url pattern.

<param name="filtermapping.myfilter.1">/special/path/</param>

If an order index is not specified, it is assumed to be 0. Filters with equivalent order are ordered arbitrarily with relation to each other (not in order of filter or mapping definition). A full example follows:

<param name="filter.myfilter.class">edu.institution.organization.MyFilter</param>

<param name="filter.myfilter.color">red</param>

<param name="filter.myfilter.shape">square</param>
<param name="filter.securityfilter.class">edu.institution.organization.SecurityFilter</param>

<param name="filter.securityfilter.secretKey">abracadabra</param>

<param name="filter.compressionfilter.class">edu.institution.organization.CompressionFilter</param>
<param name="filter.compressionfilter.compressLevel">5</param>
<param name="filtermapping.securityfilter.1">/secure/</param>

<param name="filtermapping.myfilter.2">/special/path/</param>

<param name="filtermapping.compressionfilter.3">/*</param>

Email Configuration

KEW can send emails to notify users about items in their Action List (depending on user preferences). Email in KEW uses the JavaMail library. In order to configure email, you will need to configure the appropriate JavaMail properties. A list of those properties can be found at the end of the page at the following url:

In addition to these standard JavaMail properties, you can also set the following optional properties to configure simple SMTP authentication.

Table 3.6. Optional Properties to Configure Simple SMTP Authentication

Property Description Examples/Values
mail.transport.protocolThe protocol used to sending mailsmtp
mail.smtp.hostThis is the host name of the
mail.smtp.username The username used for access to the SMTP server  
mail.smtp.password The password used for access to the SMTP server  

Of course, if the authentication required by your mail server is beyond the abilities of the above configuration, it is possible to override the enEmailService loaded by the KEW module and implement a custom email service.

In order for KEW to send out emails, several steps need to be done. In order to have KEW send out any emails, the “SEND_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_IND” KNS System Parameter needs to be set to ‘Y’. For emails to real people, the environment code must be set to ‘prd’. If this is not set to ‘prd’, an email can still be sent out to a test address. This test address is set by the KNS System Parameter, “EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TEST_ADDRESS”. Emails sent in a test system will only be sent to the address specified by the EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TEST_ADDRESS. The “from” address may also be set with a System Parameter. To do this, set the “FROM_ADDRESS” System Parameter to the email address you want the KEW emails sent from. If the FROM_ADDRESS parameter doesn’t exist or isn’t set, it will default to “admin@localhost”.

Periodic Email Reminders

KEW can send emails on a nightly or weekly basis to remind users about items in their Action List (depending on user preferences). The following set of parameters configures whether the processes to send these reminders will run, and at what time(s) of day they will do so.

Table 3.7. Configuration Parameters for Email Reminders

Property Description Examples/Values
email.reminder.lifecycle.enabledEnable periodic KEW reminder emailstrue
dailyEmail.activeEnable daily reminder emailstrue
dailyEmail.cronExpressionConfigures the schedule on which the daily reminder emails are sent – see org.quartz.CronExpression, org.quartz.CronTrigger for information about the format for this parameter0 0 1 * * ?
weeklyEmail.activeEnable weekly reminder emailstrue
weeklyEmail.cronExpressionConfigures the schedule on which the weekly reminder emails are sent – see org.quartz.CronExpression, org.quartz.CronTrigger for information about the format for this parameter0 0 2 ? * 2

Workflow Preferences Configuration

Workflow users have the ability to update their preferences by going to the “User Preferences” page. The default values for many of these preferences can now be configured.

For example, institutions will commonly override the default action list email preference. By default it’s set to “immediate,” but it can be configured to “no”, “daily”, “weekly”, or “immediate.” The user will still be able to override the defaults on their User Preferences screen.

Here a list of workflow preferences that can be configured:

<!-- Default Option for Action List User Preferences. -->

<param name="userOptions.default.color">white</param>
<!-- email options: no, daily, weekly, immediate -->
<param name="" >immediate</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.notifyPrimary" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.notifySecondary" >no</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.openNewWindow" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.actionListSize" >10</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.refreshRate" >15</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showActionRequired" >yes</param>

<param name="userOptions.default.showDateCreated" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showDocumentType" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showDocumentStatus" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showInitiator" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showDelegator" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showTitle" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showWorkgroupRequest" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showClearFYI" >yes</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showLastApprovedDate" >no</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.showCurrentNode" >no</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.useOutBox" >yes</param>
<!-- delegatorFilterOnActionList: "Secondary Delegators on Action List Page" or "Secondary Delegators only on Filter Page" -->
<param name="userOptions.default.delegatorFilterOnActionList" >Secondary Delegators on Action List Page</param>
<param name="userOptions.default.primaryDelegatorFilterOnActionList" >Primary Delegates on Action List Page</param>

Outbox Configuration

The Outbox is a standard feature on the Action List and is visible to the user in the UI by default. When the Outbox is turned on, users can access it from the Outbox hyperlink at the top of the Action List.

The Outbox is implemented by heavily leveraging existing Action List code. When an Action Item is deleted from the Action Item table as the result of a user action, the item is stored in the KEW_OUT_BOX_ITM_T table, using the org.kuali.rice.kew.actionitem.OutboxItemActionListExtension object. This object is an extension of the ActionItemActionListExtension. The separate object exists to provide a bean for OJB mapping.

The Workflow Preferences determine if the Outbox is visible and functioning for each user. The preference is called Use Outbox. In addition, you can configure the Outbox at the KEW level using the parameter tag:

<param name="actionlist.outbox">true</param>

When the Outbox is set to false, the preference for individual users to configure the Outbox is turned off. By default, the Outbox is set to true at the KEW level. You can turn the Outbox off (to hide it from users) by setting the property below to false:

<param name="actionlist.outbox.default.preference.on">false</param>

This provides backwards compatibility with applications that used earlier versions of KEW.

Notes on the Outbox:

  • Actions on saved documents are not displayed in the Outbox.

  • The Outbox responds to all saved Filters and Action List Preferences.

  • A unique instance of a document only exists in the Outbox. If a user has a document in the Outbox and that user takes action on the document, then the original instance of that document remains in the Outbox.

Implementing KEW at your institution

In addition to the previous discussion of KEW configuration, there are a few other aspects relevant to implementing KEW at your institution.

Bootstrap data

Because the operation of parts of KEW is dependent on a set of Document Types and Attributes being available within the system, there is some bootstrap XML that you will want to import. The easiest way to do this is to import the files in the following locations using the XML Ingester:

  • kns/src/main/config/xml/RiceSampleAppWorkflowBootstrap.xml

  • kew/src/main/config/bootstrap/edlstyle.xml

  • kew/src/main/config/bootstrap/widgets.xml

These files include the following:

  • Application constants: cluster-wide configuration settings

  • Core document types and rules: a few primordial document types and rules are required for the system to function

  • Default "eDocLite" styles: these are required if you wish to use eDocLite

  • Default admin user and workgroup: these are depended upon (at the moment) by the core document types and rules, as well as referred to by the default application constants

Application constants you may want to change:

  • Config.Application.AdminUserList: this should be set to a space-delimited set of administrative user names

  • Workflow.AdminWorkgroup: this should be set to an institutional admin workgroup; if the default KEW workgroup service is used, this can be left to the default, WorkflowAdmin

  • Config.Mailer.FromAddress: this should be changed to an address specific to your institution, e.g.

  • HelpDeskActionList.helpDeskActionListName: set to an workgroup at your institution

  • ApplicationContext: set to the context path of the KEW application, if it differs from the environment default, e.g. "en-prod" instead of "en-prd"

In the core document types and rules config, you will need to change:

  • superUserWorkgroupName, blanketApproveWorkgroupName, and exceptionWorkgroup: should be set to the administrative group at your institution. If you are using the default workgroup service, this can be left as WorkgroupAdmin

  • ensure all docHandler elements, if they specify a URL, specify: "${base.url}/en-dev/", and ensure that the base.url config parameter is specified in your configuration (as mentioned above)