KEN: Sending a Notification

The Kuali Enterprise Notification system (KEN) provides for a way to programmatically send a notification. An application may construct a notification using the KEN web service API.

Send a Notification Using the Web Service API

To send a notification using the web service API, the notification must be constructed as an XML document that validates against a schema for a specific Content Type. For more detail, see the Notifications documentation.

To validate your notification XML, you must construct the XSD schema filename. To construct this file name, append the Content Type value to ContentType.

For example, if you create a new Content Type for a library book overdue notification, then the contentType element value should be OverdueNotice and the schema file you created for validation of the notification XML should be ContentTypeOverdueNotice.xsd. This XML schema should be declared as a namespace in the content element of the notification XML. Out of the box, KEN comes with Simple and Event Content Types.

Web Service URL

By default, the Notification Web Service API may be accessed at: http://yourlocalip:8080/notification/services/Notification

A WSDL may be obtained using the following URL: http://yourlocalip:8080/notification/services/Notification?wsdl


In the URLs above, replace yourlocalip with the hostname where KEN is deployed.

Exposed Web Services

Initially, KEN exposes a web service method to send a notification. The sendNotification method is a simple String In/String Out method. It accepts one parameter (notificationMessageAsXml) and returns a notificationResponse as a String. For the format of the response, see the Notification Response document in the TRG for KEN.

Calling the sendNotification Service from JAVA

First, create a String that includes the XML content for the notification, as described in the Notification Message document of the TRG for KEN. In the following example code, the XML representation of the notification is read as a file from the file system in the main method, and the code calls the MySendNotification method to invoke the Notification web service.

A SOAP style web services binding stub is available in the notification.jar file, as described above in the Dependencies section.

You may use this code as a template for sending a notification using the web service:

package edu.cornell.library.notification;




public class MyNotificationWebServiceClient   {
  private final  static String WEB_SERVICE_URL = "http://localhost:8080/notification/services/Notification";

  public static void MySendNotification(String notificationMessageAsXml) throws Exception {
    URL url = new URL(WEB_SERVICE_URL);
    NotificationWebServiceSoapBindingStub stub = new NotificationWebServiceSoapBindingStub(url, null);
    String responseAsXml = stub.sendNotification(notificationMessageAsXml);
    // do something useful with the response

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    InputStream notificationXML = MyNotificationWebServiceClient.class.getResourceAsStream("webservice_notification.xml");
    String notificationMessageAsXml = "";
    try {
      notificationMessageAsXml = IOUtils.toString(notificationXML);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error loading webservice_notification.xml");

    try {
    } catch (Exception ioe) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error running webservice");
