For retrieving the most current Rice database, verify that these parameters are set to:
svnroot= svn.module =rice-cfg-dbs svn.base= branches/rice-release-1-0-2-br torque.schema.dir=<root or where you wish to download dev dbs>/${svn.module} torque.sql.dir=${torque.schema.dir}/sql # then, to overlay a KFS/KC/KS database on the base rice database, use the parameters below # If these parameters are commented out, the impex process will only use the information above #svnroot.2= #svn.module.2=kfs-cfg-dbs #svn.base.2=trunk #torque.schema.dir.2=../../${svn.module.2} #torque.sql.dir.2=${torque.schema.dir.2}/sql
and verify that the second set of svn parameters (svnroot.2, svn.module.2) are commented out or deleted for a Rice only/non-Kuali Financials, Kuali Student or Kuali Coeus installation.
For retrieving the most current Rice database, verify that these parameters are set to:
svnroot= svn.module =rice-cfg-dbs svn.base= branches/rice-release-1-0-2-br torque.schema.dir=<root or where you wish to download dev dbs>/${svn.module} torque.sql.dir=${torque.schema.dir}/sql # then, to overlay a KFS/KC/KS database on the base rice database, use the parameters below # If these parameters are commented out, the impex process will only use the information above #svnroot.2= #svn.module.2=kfs-cfg-dbs #svn.base.2=trunk #torque.schema.dir.2=../../${svn.module.2} #torque.sql.dir.2=${torque.schema.dir.2}/sql
Verify that the second set of svn parameters (svnroot.2, svn.module.2) are commented out or deleted for a Rice only/non-Kuali Financials, Kuali Student or Kuali Coeus installation.