Parameter Namespace

Namespace Lookup

Kuali uses Namespaces in all Kuali applications. A Namespace is a set of information about the system and groups of information in the system. Everything is tied to a Namespace in some way in Rice. A Namespace provides a way to set boundaries around both Permissions and Entity Attributes. Each Namespace instance is one level of scoping and is one record in that Kuali module.

Use the System Namespace Lookup function to quickly find basic information about a Namespace in Rice.

When you click System Namespace Lookup in the KNS Maintenance Documents section on the Main Menu, Rice displays a screen titled Namespace Lookup, like this:

There are two ways to search for information on a specific Namespace:

  • Enter information about the Namespace you want to find in one or more fields on the Namespace Lookup screen, then click the Search button. This displays a list of Namespaces that match the information you entered, similar to the list in the screen print below.

  • Leave the fields on the Namespace Lookup screen blank and click the Search button. This displays a list of all available Namespaces, similar to this:

You can sort the search results in ascending or descending order by one column by clicking that column’s heading. If you want to save the search results, you can export the entire list in CSV, spreadsheet, or XML format.

Click a Namespace Code in the search results list to display more information about that code.

Namespace Inquiry

Use the Namespace Inquiry screen to find key information about Namespaces.

You can go to the Namespace Inquiry screen from several places in Rice:

  • On the Rice Main Menu, click System Namespace Lookup.

  • On the Parameter Lookup screen, click the book icon after selecting a valid Namespace Code from the dropdown list.

  • On the Parameter Component Lookup screen, select a valid Namespace Code from the dropdown list, then click the book icon.

  • When you do a Parameter Lookup, click the Namespace Code for one of your search results.

  • On the Permission Inquiry screen, click the Template Namespace or the Permission Namespace date field.

The Namespace Inquiry screen and information you see will be similar to this: