The priority of a notification indicates its importance. It has no effect on how KEN processes the notification, but KEN can use it when delivering a message to determine how to present the notification.
Each priority has these attributes:
ID – This numeric value defines the order that KEN displays the priorities in the user interface. The lowest ID is displayed at the top of the selection field and is the default value. The remaining priorities are listed in the selection field in ascending ID order. Each priority must have a unique ID, but there is no requirement for the IDs to be consecutive or to start with a particular value.
Name – This is the text displayed to the user in the user interface. Each priority must have a unique name.
Description – This text further describes the priority.
Order – This numeric value determines the relative importance of the priority, with lower order numbers indicating a higher importance. Although not required, each priority should have a unique order value. There is no requirement for the order values to be consecutive or to start with a particular value.
Version – This numeric value lets you perform optimistic locking on the database row. It is initialized to one when the row is created and should be incremented each time the row is updated.
By default, three priorities are defined in KEN: