Optional: To run the database completely on your local machine, we recommend installing Oracle 10g Express (XE). Please refer to the Sources for Required Software section of this Installation Guide to find the download location for this software.
By default, OracleXE registers a web user interface on port 8080. This is the same port that the standalone version of Rice is preconfigured to use. To avoid a port conflict, you must change the port that the OracleXE web user interface uses with the Oracle XE admin webapp:
If you prefer, you can use the Oracle SQL tool described here to change the OracleXE web user interface port: http://daust.blogspot.com/2006/01/xe-changing-default-http-port.html
Optional: To connect to the supporting Oracle database (i.e., run scripts, view database tables, etc.), we recommend installing the Squirrel SQL client. Please refer to the Sources for Required Software section to find the download location for this software.
The Rice SQL files use slash ‘/‘ as the statement delimiter. You may have to configure your SQL client appropriately so it can run the Rice SQL. In SQuirreL, you do this in Session->Session Properties->SQL->Statement Separator.
Please edit your hosts file with an entry to refer to your Oracle database. When this Installation Guide refers to the Oracle database host server, it will be referred to in the examples as koracle.
Now edit the hosts file and add this:
<ip address of mysql server> koracle