The scripts to upgrade from a version of Kuali Rice to version 2.0.0-b1 can be found in the following directory inside of the source distribution:
scripts/upgrades/1.0.3 to 2.0.0
Within this directory, are the following sub-directories:
db-updates - contains the SQL needed to upgrade from a Kuali Rice standalone server service database to 2.0.0-b1. Each of these scripts is dated and that indicates the order in which they should be run. SQL scripts for MySql are prefixed by "mysql". Scripts for oracle have no prefix on their name.
db-updates-client - contains the SQL needed to upgrade a Kuali Rice client application's Rice-related tables to 2.0.0-b1. At this point in time, the only update required is to the KRNS_SESN_DOC_T table.
demo-data - this directory contains updates to the various pieces of Kuali Rice demo data. Chances are that most people performing an upgrade will not have demo data in their local database and will, therefore, not need to execute the scripts located within this directory.
support - this directory contains a groovy script which helps deal with the fact that unique constraints were added to the database for the combination of namespace code and name in both the KIM permission and responsibility tables
xml-ingest-updates - contains XML that needs to be ingested after the database upgrade is completed