001    /**
002     * Copyright 2005-2011 The Kuali Foundation
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package org.kuali.rice.ken.bo;
018    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
019    import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator;
020    import org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter;
021    import org.kuali.rice.ken.util.NotificationConstants;
022    import org.kuali.rice.krad.bo.PersistableBusinessObjectBase;
024    import javax.persistence.*;
025    import java.sql.Timestamp;
026    import java.util.ArrayList;
027    import java.util.List;
029    /**
030     * This class represents an instace of a notification message that is received by the overall 
031     * system.
032     * @author Kuali Rice Team (rice.collab@kuali.org)
033     */
034    @Entity
035    @Table(name="KREN_NTFCTN_T")
036    public class Notification extends PersistableBusinessObjectBase implements Lockable {
038        @Id
039        @GeneratedValue(generator="KREN_NTFCTN_S")
040            @GenericGenerator(name="KREN_NTFCTN_S",strategy="org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator",parameters={
041                            @Parameter(name="sequence_name",value="KREN_NTFCTN_S"),
042                            @Parameter(name="value_column",value="id")
043            })
044            @Column(name="NTFCTN_ID")
045            private Long id;
046        @Column(name="DELIV_TYP", nullable=false)
047            private String deliveryType;
048            @Column(name="CRTE_DTTM", nullable=false)
049            private Timestamp creationDateTime;
050            @Column(name="SND_DTTM", nullable=true)
051            private Timestamp sendDateTime;
052            @Column(name="AUTO_RMV_DTTM", nullable=true)
053            private Timestamp autoRemoveDateTime;
054        @Column(name="TTL", nullable=true)
055            private String title;
056        @Lob
057            @Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
058            @Column(name="CNTNT", nullable=false)
059            private String content;
060        @Column(name="PROCESSING_FLAG", nullable=false)
061            private String processingFlag;
062            @Column(name="LOCKD_DTTM", nullable=true)
063            private Timestamp lockedDate;
064        /**
065         * Lock column for OJB optimistic locking
066         */
067    //    @Version
068    //      @Column(name="VER_NBR")
069    //      private Integer lockVerNbr;
071        // object references
072        @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade={CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.DETACH})
073            @JoinColumn(name="PRIO_ID")
074            private NotificationPriority priority;
075        @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade={CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.DETACH})
076            @JoinColumn(name="CNTNT_TYP_ID")
077            private NotificationContentType contentType;
078        @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade={CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.DETACH})
079            @JoinColumn(name="CHNL_ID")
080            private NotificationChannel channel;
081        @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade={CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.DETACH})
082            @JoinColumn(name="PRODCR_ID")
083            private NotificationProducer producer;
085        // lists
086        @OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL},
087               targetEntity=org.kuali.rice.ken.bo.NotificationRecipient.class, mappedBy="notification")
088        @OrderBy("id ASC")
089            private List<NotificationRecipient> recipients;
090        @OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL},
091               targetEntity=org.kuali.rice.ken.bo.NotificationSender.class, mappedBy="notification")
092            @OrderBy("id ASC")
093        private List<NotificationSender> senders;
095        /**
096         * Constructs a Notification instance.
097         */
098        public Notification() {
099            recipients = new ArrayList<NotificationRecipient>();
100            senders = new ArrayList<NotificationSender>();
101            processingFlag = NotificationConstants.PROCESSING_FLAGS.UNRESOLVED;
102        }
104        /**
105         * Returns when this Notification entry was created 
106         * @return when this Notification entry was created
107         */
108        public Timestamp getCreationDateTime() {
109            return creationDateTime;
110        }
112        /**
113         * Sets the creation date of this Notification entry
114         * @param created the creation date of this Notification entry
115         */
116        public void setCreationDateTime(Timestamp created) {
117            this.creationDateTime = created;
118        }
120        /**
121         * Return value of lock column for OJB optimistic locking
122         * @return value of lock column for OJB optimistic locking
123         */
124     // should discard this method and call super directly
125        public Integer getLockVerNbr() {
126            return Integer.valueOf(super.getVersionNumber().intValue());
127        }
129        /**
130         * Set value of lock column for OJB optimistic locking
131         * @param lockVerNbr value of lock column for OJB optimistic locking
132         */
133     // should discard this method and call super directly
134        public void setLockVerNbr(Integer lockVerNbr) {
135            super.setVersionNumber(lockVerNbr.longValue());
136        }
138        /**
139         * Gets the recipients attribute. 
140         * @return Returns the recipients.
141         */
142        public List<NotificationRecipient> getRecipients() {
143            return recipients;
144        }
146        /**
147         * Sets the recipients attribute value.
148         * @param recipients The recipients to set.
149         */
150        public void setRecipients(List<NotificationRecipient> recipients) {
151            this.recipients = recipients;
152        }
154        /**
155         * Retrieves a recipient at the specified index
156         * @param index the index in the recipients collection
157         * @return the recipient if found or null
158         */
159        public NotificationRecipient getRecipient(int index) {
160            return (NotificationRecipient) recipients.get(index);
161        }
163        /**
164         * Adds a recipient
165         * @param recipient The recipient to add
166         */
167        public void addRecipient(NotificationRecipient recipient) {
168            recipients.add(recipient);
169        }
171        /**
172         * Gets the senders attribute. 
173         * @return Returns the senders.
174         */
175        public List<NotificationSender> getSenders() {
176            return senders;
177        }
179        /**
180         * Sets the senders attribute value.
181         * @param senders The senders to set.
182         */
183        public void setSenders(List<NotificationSender> senders) {
184            this.senders = senders;
185        }
187        /**
188         * Retrieves a sender at the specified index
189         * @param index the index in the senders collection
190         * @return the sender if found or null
191         */
192        public NotificationSender getSender(int index) {
193            return (NotificationSender) senders.get(index);
194        }
195        /**
196         * Adds a sender
197         * @param sender The sender to add
198         */
199        public void addSender(NotificationSender sender) {
200            senders.add(sender);
201        }
203        /**
204         * Gets the autoRemoveDateTime attribute. 
205         * @return Returns the autoRemoveDateTime.
206         */
207        public Timestamp getAutoRemoveDateTime() {
208            return autoRemoveDateTime;
209        }
211        /**
212         * Sets the autoRemoveDateTime attribute value.
213         * @param autoRemoveDateTime The autoRemoveDateTime to set.
214         */
215        public void setAutoRemoveDateTime(Timestamp autoRemoveDateTime) {
216            this.autoRemoveDateTime = autoRemoveDateTime;
217        }
219        /**
220         * Gets the channel attribute. 
221         * @return Returns the channel.
222         */
223        public NotificationChannel getChannel() {
224            return channel;
225        }
227        /**
228         * Sets the channel attribute value.
229         * @param channel The channel to set.
230         */
231        public void setChannel(NotificationChannel channel) {
232            this.channel = channel;
233        }
235        /**
236         * Gets the content attribute. 
237         * @return Returns the content.
238         */
239        public String getContent() {
240            return content;
241        }
243        /**
244         * Sets the content attribute value.
245         * @param content The content to set.
246         */
247        public void setContent(String content) {
248            this.content = content;
249        }
251        /**
252         * Gets the contentType attribute. 
253         * @return Returns the contentType.
254         */
255        public NotificationContentType getContentType() {
256            return contentType;
257        }
259        /**
260         * Sets the contentType attribute value.
261         * @param contentType The contentType to set.
262         */
263        public void setContentType(NotificationContentType contentType) {
264            this.contentType = contentType;
265        }
267        /**
268         * Gets the deliveryType attribute. 
269         * @return Returns the deliveryType.
270         */
271        public String getDeliveryType() {
272            return deliveryType;
273        }
275        /**
276         * Sets the deliveryType attribute value.
277         * @param deliveryType The deliveryType to set.
278         */
279        public void setDeliveryType(String deliveryType) {
280            this.deliveryType = deliveryType.toUpperCase();
281        }
283        /**
284         * Gets the id attribute. 
285         * @return Returns the id.
286         */
287        public Long getId() {
288            return id;
289        }
291        /**
292         * Sets the id attribute value.
293         * @param id The id to set.
294         */
295        public void setId(Long id) {
296            this.id = id;
297        }
299        /**
300         * Gets the priority attribute. 
301         * @return Returns the priority.
302         */
303        public NotificationPriority getPriority() {
304            return priority;
305        }
307        /**
308         * Sets the priority attribute value.
309         * @param priority The priority to set.
310         */
311        public void setPriority(NotificationPriority priority) {
312            this.priority = priority;
313        }
315        /**
316         * Gets the producer attribute. 
317         * @return Returns the producer.
318         */
319        public NotificationProducer getProducer() {
320            return producer;
321        }
323        /**
324         * Sets the producer attribute value.
325         * @param producer The producer to set.
326         */
327        public void setProducer(NotificationProducer producer) {
328            this.producer = producer;
329        }
331        /**
332         * Gets the sendDateTime attribute. 
333         * @return Returns the sendDateTime.
334         */
335        public Timestamp getSendDateTime() {
336            return sendDateTime;
337        }
339        /**
340         * Sets the sendDateTime attribute value.
341         * @param sendDateTime The sendDateTime to set.
342         */
343        public void setSendDateTime(Timestamp sendDateTime) {
344            this.sendDateTime = sendDateTime;
345        }
347        /**
348         * Gets the processingFlag attribute. 
349         * @return Returns the processingFlag.
350         */
351        public String getProcessingFlag() {
352            return processingFlag;
353        }
355        /**
356         * Sets the processingFlag attribute value.
357         * @param processingFlag The processingFlag to set.
358         */
359        public void setProcessingFlag(String processingFlag) {
360            this.processingFlag = processingFlag;
361        }
363        /**
364         * Gets the lockedDate attribute. 
365         * @return Returns the lockedDate.
366         */
367        public Timestamp getLockedDate() {
368            return lockedDate;
369        }
371        /**
372         * Sets the lockedDate attribute value.
373         * @param lockedDate The lockedDate to set.
374         */
375        public void setLockedDate(Timestamp lockedDate) {
376            this.lockedDate = lockedDate;
377        }
379        /**
380         * Gets the title
381         * @return the title of this notification
382         */
383        public String getTitle() {
384            return title;
385        }
387        /**
388         * Sets the title
389         * @param title the title of this notification
390         */
391        public void setTitle(String title) {
392            this.title = title;
393        }
395        /**
396         * This method just uses StringUtils to get at the content of the <message> tag 
397         * that exists in the notification content.
398         * @return String
399         */
400        public String getContentMessage() {
401            return StringUtils.substringBetween(content, NotificationConstants.XML_MESSAGE_CONSTANTS.MESSAGE_OPEN, NotificationConstants.XML_MESSAGE_CONSTANTS.MESSAGE_CLOSE);      
402        }
403    }