The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag Class | Total number of occurrences | Tag strings used by tag class |
FIXME's | 56 | FIXME |
TODO's | 708 | TODO |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurrences found in the code: 56 | Line |
should we be closing this connection in a finally block? | 43 |
should we be closing this result set in a finally block? | 50 |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.CoreConstants | Line |
this should be a core config property | 97 |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria.LookupCustomizer | Line |
add wilcards to make predicate transform more flexible ie. EqualsPredicate to AndPredicate | 50 |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.resourceloader.ResourceLoaderContainer | Line |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.collect.ConstantsMap | Line |
make class threadsafe | 33 |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.collect.PropertiesMap | Line |
use generics, make class threadsafe | 46 |
org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.jdbc.sql.SqlBuilder | Line |
wtf - weird! | 205 |
org.kuali.rice.core.impl.config.module.CoreConfigurer | Line |
need to move the ParameterRepositoryService & NamespaceServiceImpl and load it here | 93 |
should only load the DD maintenance docs here | 100 |
org.kuali.rice.core.impl.config.module.ModuleConfigurer | Line |
this class must be put in an API module somehow | 51 |
attempting to see if this fixes the ksb tests... | 103 |
org.kuali.rice.core.impl.resourceloader.RiceResourceLoaderFactory | Line |
RICE MODULARITY hack to not break the hack in ResourceLoaderContainer.moveKSBLoadersDownHack(); | 45 |
org.kuali.rice.core.web.cache.CacheAdminController | Line |
Could optimize this such that specific cache flushes don't execute if a complete CacheManager flush was requested | 100 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionlist.dao.impl.ActionListDAOJpaImpl | Line |
this causes null pointer - actionItemExt.setGroup(actionItem.getGroup()); actionItemExt.setLastApprovedDate(actionItem.getLastApprovedDate()); actionItemExt.setRowStyleClass(); | 121 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionrequest.ActionRequestFactory | Line |
KULRICE-5201 switched rsp_id to a varchar, so the comparison below is no longer valid if (request.getResponsibilityId() != null && request.getResponsibilityId() != 0) { | 679 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionrequest.ActionRequestValue | Line |
KULRICE-5201 switched rsp_id to a varchar, so the comparison below is no longer valid return getResponsibilityId() > 0; | 901 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionrequest.dao.impl.ActionRequestDAOJpaImpl | Line |
should be jpa bulk update? | 67 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.DocumentTypePolicy | Line |
needs docs | 36 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.config.ThinClientKEWConfigurer | Line |
RICE MODULARITY need to fix this class at some point | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.DocumentTypePolicyEnum | Line |
needs docs | 30 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node.dao.impl.RouteNodeDAOJpaImpl | Line |
Can we do this better using just the JPQL query? | 110 |
Not sure this query is returning what it needs to | 122 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.node.var.SetVarNode | Line |
validation should be checked in documenttypexmlparser to start with | 64 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader.DocumentRouteHeaderValue | Line |
we assume there is only one for now | 1145 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader.dao.impl.DocumentRouteHeaderDAOJpaImpl | Line |
Should this check for hibernate LockAcquisitionException | 135 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.GenericRoleAttribute | Line |
ok, this MUST return true, as it IS evaluated (don't know why) maybe investigate only calling isMatch on rule attributes as it doesn't seem that matching is relevant for role it? throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Role attributes do not implement isMatch"); | 67 | | Line |
KULRICE-5201 / KULRICE-5329 : Need to check to see if this makes sense now that ruleId is not a Long anymore | 180 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.dao.impl.RuleAttributeDAOJpaImpl | Line |
This query is returning multiple rows, which one should it return | 96 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.dao.impl.RuleDAOJpaImpl | Line |
nothing uses this, it's not in ruleDAO interface public List findRuleBaseValuesByObjectGraph(RuleBaseValues ruleBaseValues) { ruleBaseValues.setCurrentInd(Boolean.TRUE); ruleBaseValues.setTemplateRuleInd(Boolean.FALSE); return (List) new QueryByObject(entityManager,ruleBaseValues).toQuery().getResultList(); } | 206 |
KULRICE-5201 - This used to be a cast by new Long(l) -- assuming that the Object here in result list is actually a string or is castable to string by .toString() | 472 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.service.impl.RuleServiceTest | Line |
When the operation below throws the expected exception (when JPA/Hibernate is used), it appears to do so while returning from the method call (at which time the expected-to-fail saving operation gets committed by Hibernate). Unfortunately, the exception gets thrown at the wrong time when returning, because any attempts to run subsequent unit tests or unit test methods during the same JUnit test run will fail, due to NOWAIT exceptions during test case startup. | 72 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.superuser.web.SuperUserAction | Line |
KULRICE-5201 required the following refactor since action request ids are no longer numeric (and in any case the assumption that they are strictly ordinal by time of creation may be false) | 394 | | Line |
This does not use the correct error path yet - may need to be moved up so that the error path is known Also, the above code would overwrite messages on the same attributes (namespaceCode) but on different rows | 123 | | Line |
What is up with this!?! | 1343 | | Line |
This should be pulling by the PK, not using another method which pulls multiple records and then finds the right one here! | 2167 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.service.impl.DictionaryValidationServiceImpl | Line |
JLR : Replacing this logic with KS-style validation is trickier, since KS validation requires a DataProvider object that can look back and find other attribute values aside from the one we're working on. Also - the date stuff below is implemented very differently. validator.validateAttributeField(businessObject, fieldName); | 168 |
JLR - this is now redundant and should be using the same code as the required processing elsewhere, but the control definition stuff doesn't really fit it doesn't seem to be used anywhere | 330 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action.KualiLookupAction | Line |
any reason this is inside this "if" instead of the outer one, like above - this seems inconsistent | 308 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Field | Line |
this one definitely seems iffy, could be confused with regular fieldType, is there another better name or can this go away? | 110 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.authorization.PermissionDerivedRoleTypeServiceImpl | Line |
dangerous - data changes could cause an infinite loop - should add thread-local to trap state and abort | 119 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.AttributeDefinition | Line |
JLR - need to recreate this functionality using the ValidCharsConstraint logic | 218 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.capability.LookupConstrainable | Line |
rename to getLookupConstraint() | 27 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.processor.CaseConstraintProcessor | Line |
not sure if the definition and attribute value reader should change under this case | 73 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.processor.DataTypeConstraintProcessorTest | Line |
cannot move to unit test dir b/c DateTimeService needs to be mocked. | 70 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.processor.ValidCharactersConstraintProcessor | Line |
This shouldn't surface label key itself to the user - it should look up the label key, but this needs to be implemented in Rice | 189 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.DictionaryValidationServiceImpl | Line |
JLR - this is what the code was doing effectively already, but seems weird not to throw an exception here if you try to validate something that doesn't have an attribute definition | 179 |
There's got to be a cleaner way of doing this. | 887 |
I think we may want to use a new CollectionConstrainable interface instead to obtain from DictionaryObjectAttributeValueReader | 968 |
It's inefficient to be creating new attribute reader for each item in collection | 987 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.PredicateFactoryLookup | Line |
issues to talk to the group about. | 33 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.SessionDocumentServiceImpl | Line |
Currently using formKey for sessionId | 174 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils | Line |
(laran) This dependence should be inverted. Instead of having a core class depend on PojoPropertyUtilsBean, which is in the web layer, the web layer should depend downward to the core. | 213 | | Line |
it seems that the spring bean isn't available here or something.... LOG.warn("The cache manager " + cacheManager + " was not found for " + (serviceName != null ? serviceName : localServiceName) + ". This service will not have client-side caching."); | 281 |
Number of occurrences found in the code: 708
edu.sampleu.bookstore.maintenance.AuthorMaintainable | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 39 |
edu.sampleu.bookstore.maintenance.BookMaintainable | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 40 |
edu.sampleu.bookstore.rule.AuthorMaintenanceDocumentRule | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 44 | | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 26 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.ConfigNameSpaceBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.ConfigNameSpaceIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.ConfigParameterBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.ConfigParameterIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.ConfigParameterTypeIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityGroupBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityGroupIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityPermissionBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityPermissionIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityPersonBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityPersonIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityResponsibilityBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityResponsibilityIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityRoleBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.IdentityRoleIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationCampusBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationCampusIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationCountryBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationCountryIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationCountyBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationCountyIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationPostCodeBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationPostCodeIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationStateBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.LocationStateIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.ReferenceCampusTypeBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.ReferenceCampusTypeIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.WorkFlowDocTypeBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.admin.test.WorkFlowDocTypeIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.mainmenu.test.LoginLogoutIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.mainmenu.test.WorkFlowRouteRulesBlanketAppIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 29 |
edu.samplu.mainmenu.test.WorkFlowRouteRulesDelegationIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 |
edu.samplu.mainmenu.test.WorkFlowRouteRulesIT | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 30 | | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 28 | | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 26 | | Line |
Shold we throw some kind of exception here if the escape character is different ? | 162 |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria.PredicateUtils | Line |
how to handle different types of data when everything comes in as string.... | 43 |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.resourceloader.ParentChildResourceLoader | Line |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.uif.RemotableAbstractControl | Line |
make ModelBuilder generic so I don't have to do this. | 46 |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.uif.RemotableAbstractWidget | Line |
make ModelBuilder generic so I don't have to do this. | 45 |
org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.ClassLoaderUtils | Line |
why not make this so that it throws ClassNoteFoundException and doesn't return null? this is more standard behavior... | 134 | | Line |
why was this using ConfigContext.getCurrentConfig in the rice BaseConfig | 147 |
can this be moved to default config file | 240 |
why going to currentContextConfig | 241 |
org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.jdbc.sql.Criteria | Line |
Rewrite this class with a better criteria building algorithm. | 44 |
org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.jdbc.sql.SqlBuilder | Line |
What to do here now that the JPA version does not extend platform aware? | 134 |
What to do here now that the JPA version does not extend platform aware? | 333 |
org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.jpa.RiceNumericStringSequenceStyleGenerator | Line |
Make sure this generator works with MySQL, and verify that the correct numeric Hibernate Type is being used in the configure() method override. | 31 |
Should we add a configuration parameter for allowing users to specify a different supported Hibernate numeric Type if desired? | 40 |
org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.jpa.metadata.EntityDescriptor | Line |
Cache by name and probably by class | 142 |
Cache by name and probably by class | 155 |
org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.jpa.metadata.MetadataManager | Line |
Should we add inverse join columns? | 591 |
Implement default name See: | 645 |
org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.TransactionManagerFactory | Line |
what to do here return KSBServiceLocator.getTransactionManager(); | 61 |
org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.platform.DatabasePlatform | Line |
Had to move this down into embedded source because of the OJB dependencies. This probably will go away once we get rid of the embedded plugin. | 26 |
refactor to use a parsed Date object or milliseconds instead of date String | 66 |
This method should be replaced by the "prepared statement" functionality in the future. | 121 |
org.kuali.rice.core.impl.component.ComponentServiceTest | Line |
- for now this test is part of KRAD even though it should be part of the core (pending further modularity work) | 35 | | Line |
consider implementing with iteration instead of recursion, and using the jakarta commons support for parameter expansion | 211 |
org.kuali.rice.core.impl.impex.xml.ClassLoaderEntityResolver | Line |
maybe prefix should be changed from "resource:" to "internal:" or just "workflow:" given that it can be resolved in arbitrary ways other than ClassLoader "resources" | 30 |
revisit making this more sophisticated than just the classloader of this class (thread context classloader? plugin classloader?) | 71 |
org.kuali.rice.core.impl.impex.xml.XmlExporterServiceImpl | Line |
KULRICE-4420 - this needs cleanup | 66 |
org.kuali.rice.core.impl.impex.xml.XmlImpexRegistryImpl | Line |
--No comment-- | 27 |
org.kuali.rice.core.impl.persistence.dao.GenericDaoOjb | Line |
org.kuali.rice.core.mail.EmailContent | Line |
supercede this with Spring framework and/or JavaMail mail classes | 20 |
org.kuali.rice.core.web.format.Formatter | Line |
add registry for non-navigable classes so there's a way to disable formatting selectively for given types contained in arrays or Collections. | 279 |
org.kuali.rice.core.web.format.PhoneNumberFormatter | Line |
foreign phone numbers can be different lengths end Kuali Foundation modification | 36 | | Line |
modify this constructor as needed to pass any required values and invoke the appropriate 'setter' methods"); | 323 |
modify as needed to pass any required values and add them to the signature of the 'create' method"); | 335 |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified"); | 345 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed"); | 364 |
org.kuali.rice.edl.impl.EDLServlet | Line |
Fix this in a better way (reworking the command structure maybe?) fix for KULRICE-4057 to make sure we don't destory docContent on empty command params | 103 |
Do we not want to set the content type for the response? | 115 |
org.kuali.rice.edl.impl.OfficeOfAffirmativeActionTest | Line |
--No comment-- | 105 |
--No comment-- | 109 |
--No comment-- | 113 |
--No comment-- | 117 |
org.kuali.rice.edl.impl.components.ValidationComponent | Line |
in the future, allow this to be pluggable, hardcode for now | 106 |
remove - handled this in the widgets Element edlElement = EDLXmlUtils.getEDLContent(dom, false); Element edlSubElement = EDLXmlUtils.getOrCreateChildElement(edlElement, "data", true); NodeList versionNodes = edlSubElement.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < versionNodes.getLength(); i++) { Element version = (Element) versionNodes.item(i); String current = version.getAttribute("current"); if (current == "true") { NodeList fieldNodes = version.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < fieldNodes.getLength(); j++) { Element field = (Element) fieldNodes.item(j); String fieldName = field.getAttribute("name"); if(fieldName.equals(key)) { field.setAttribute("invalid", "true"); break; } } } } | 117 |
org.kuali.rice.edl.impl.components.WorkflowDocumentActions | Line |
the problem here is that the XML is still updated on a cancel so we end up without any attribute content in the document content | 120 |
org.kuali.rice.edl.impl.components.WorkgroupWorkflowEDLConfigComponent | Line |
add support for namespace here! | 69 |
org.kuali.rice.kcb.api.exception.KCBCheckedException | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 37 |
org.kuali.rice.kcb.service.impl.MessageDelivererRegistryServiceImpl | Line |
we'll need to implement a plugin registry discovery mechanism long term. | 51 |
org.kuali.rice.kcb.web.spring.UserPreferencesController | Line |
does not traverse bus yet | 83 |
org.kuali.rice.ken.deliverer.impl.KEWActionListMessageDeliverer | Line |
move hardcoded web controller actions here... | 108 |
org.kuali.rice.ken.service.impl.NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl | Line |
modify clone recipient list so that: | 406 |
org.kuali.rice.ken.service.impl.NotificationServiceImpl | Line |
implement pessimistic locking on the message delivery | 192 |
implement pessimistic locking on all these message deliveries now, do dispatch in reverse...dismiss each message delivery via the appropriate deliverer | 217 |
locking mark as unlocked messageDelivery.setLockedDate(null); | 243 | | Line |
--No comment-- | 59 |
org.kuali.rice.ken.util.Util | Line |
optimize this | 196 |
org.kuali.rice.ken.util.XslSourceResolver | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 37 |
org.kuali.rice.ken.xpath.XPathTest | Line |
optimize this | 90 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionlist.OutboxTest | Line |
this can no longer be set on the fly and grabbed through the preferences service (default values are set at startup) | 238 |
this is a prime candidate for a mocking tool | 239 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionlist.dao.impl.ActionListDAOJpaImpl | Line |
, merge will not update the outboxitem pointer to the merged entity | 537 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionlist.dao.impl.ActionListDAOOjbImpl | Line |
delyea: add all workgroups here? orCrit.addOrCriteria(userCrit); orCrit.addOrCriteria(groupCrit); crit.addAndCriteria(orCrit); crit.addEqualTo("delegationType", DelegationType.PRIMARY.getCode()); filter.setDelegationType(DelegationType.PRIMARY.getCode()); filter.setExcludeDelegationType(false); filteredByItems += filteredByItems.length() > 0 ? ", " : ""; filteredByItems += "Primary Delegator Id"; filterOn = true; } else if (filter.getDelegatorId().trim().equals(KewApiConstants.ALL_CODE)) { // user wishes to see all secondary delegations crit.addEqualTo("workflowId", user.getWorkflowUserId().getWorkflowId()); crit.addEqualTo("delegationType", DelegationType.SECONDARY.getCode()); filter.setDelegationType(DelegationType.SECONDARY.getCode()); filter.setExcludeDelegationType(false); filteredByItems += filteredByItems.length() > 0 ? ", " : ""; filteredByItems += "Secondary Delegator Id"; filterOn = true; } else if (filter.getPrimaryDelegateId() != null && !"".equals(filter.getPrimaryDelegateId().trim())) { // user wishes to see primary delegation for a single user Criteria userCrit = new Criteria(); Criteria groupCrit = new Criteria(); Criteria orCrit = new Criteria(); userCrit.addEqualTo("delegatorPrincipalId", user.getWorkflowUserId().getWorkflowId()); | 382 |
delyea: add all workgroups here? orCrit.addOrCriteria(userCrit); orCrit.addOrCriteria(groupCrit); crit.addAndCriteria(orCrit); crit.addEqualTo("delegationType", DelegationType.PRIMARY.getCode()); filter.setDelegationType(DelegationType.PRIMARY.getCode()); filter.setExcludeDelegationType(false); filteredByItems += filteredByItems.length() > 0 ? ", " : ""; filteredByItems += "Primary Delegator Id"; filterOn = true; } else if (filter.getDelegatorId() != null && !"".equals(filter.getDelegatorId().trim())) { // user wishes to see secondary delegation for a single user crit.addEqualTo("workflowId", user.getWorkflowUserId().getWorkflowId()); crit.addEqualTo("delegationType", DelegationType.SECONDARY.getCode()); filter.setDelegationType(DelegationType.SECONDARY.getCode()); filter.setExcludeDelegationType(false); Criteria userCrit = new Criteria(); Criteria groupCrit = new Criteria(); if (filter.isExcludeDelegatorId()) { Criteria userNull = new Criteria(); userCrit.addNotEqualTo("delegatorPrincipalId", filter.getDelegatorId()); userNull.addIsNull("delegatorPrincipalId"); userCrit.addOrCriteria(userNull); Criteria groupNull = new Criteria(); groupCrit.addNotEqualTo("delegatorGroupId", filter.getDelegatorId()); groupNull.addIsNull("delegatorGroupId"); groupCrit.addOrCriteria(groupNull); crit.addAndCriteria(userCrit); crit.addAndCriteria(groupCrit); } else { Criteria orCrit = new Criteria(); userCrit.addEqualTo("delegatorPrincipalId", filter.getDelegatorId()); groupCrit.addEqualTo("delegatorGroupId", filter.getDelegatorId()); orCrit.addOrCriteria(userCrit); orCrit.addOrCriteria(groupCrit); crit.addAndCriteria(orCrit); } filteredByItems += filteredByItems.length() > 0 ? ", " : ""; filteredByItems += "SeDelegator Id"; filterOn = true; } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(filter.getPrimaryDelegateId()) && StringUtils.isBlank(filter.getDelegatorId())) { crit.addEqualTo("workflowId", user.getWorkflowUserId().getWorkflowId()); if (filter.getDelegationType() != null && !"".equals(filter.getDelegationType().trim())) { if (filter.isExcludeDelegationType()) { Criteria critNotEqual = new Criteria(); Criteria critNull = new Criteria(); critNotEqual.addNotEqualTo("delegationType", filter.getDelegationType()); critNull.addIsNull("delegationType"); critNotEqual.addOrCriteria(critNull); crit.addAndCriteria(critNotEqual); } else { crit.addEqualTo("delegationType", filter.getDelegationType()); } } } | 407 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionlist.web.ActionListAction | Line |
see DocumentSecurityServiceImpl.checkAuthorizations to see how the Handler replaces the Attribute | 552 |
fill this out - DocumentSecurityServiceImpl.processDocumentRequiringExtensionProcessing | 865 |
fill this out - see DocumentSecurityServiceImpl.partitionDocumentsForSecurity | 875 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionrequest.ActionRequestFactory | Line |
KULRICE-5329 Verify that this code below makes sense and is sufficient | 681 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionrequest.ActionRequestValue | Line |
KULRICE-5329 Verify that this code below makes sense | 903 |
- this javadoc copied from DTOConverter, needs to be updated! | 1041 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionrequest.dao.impl.ActionRequestDAOJpaImpl | Line |
Runtime might not be the right thing to do here... | 265 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionrequest.dao.impl.ActionRequestDAOOjbImpl | Line |
Runtime might not be the right thing to do here... | 118 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actionrequest.service.impl.ActionRequestServiceImpl | Line |
this still won't work in certain cases when checking from the root | 816 |
since we only store the workgroup id for workgroup requests, if the user is in a workgroup that has a request than we need get all the requests with workgroup ids and see if our user is in that group | 1012 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actions.ActionRegistryImpl | Line |
ActionTakenEvent is not an interface so we can't fetch them through the GlobalResourceLoader, for now, just use the ObjectDefinitionResolver | 112 |
the exception handling here is a bit wonky | 116 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actions.AdHocRouteTest | Line |
test adhocing of approve requests | 285 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actions.MoveDocumentAction | Line |
this whole bit is a bit hacky at the moment | 120 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actions.ReturnToPreviousNodeAction | Line |
will this work properly in the case of an ALL APPROVE role requests with some of the requests already completed? | 99 |
might not need this, if so, do role check | 183 |
what if the activeNodeInstance already has next nodes? | 397 |
really we need to call transitionTo on this node, how can we do that? this isn't an issue yet because we only allow simple nodes and split nodes at the moment which do no real work on transitionTo but we may need to enhance that in the future | 407 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actions.RouteDocumentAction | Line |
this will get all pending AR's even if they haven't been in an action list... This seems bad | 98 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actions.SuperUserActionRequestApproveEvent | Line |
this should be checked | 88 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actions.SuperUserApproveEvent | Line |
this is used because calling this code from SuperUserAction without it causes an optimistic lock | 64 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actiontaken.ActionTakenValue | Line |
this stinks to have to have a dependency on UserSession here | 118 |
this stinks to have to have a dependency on UserSession here | 152 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actiontaken.dao.impl.ActionTakenDAOJpaImpl | Line |
perhaps runtime isn't the best here, maybe a dao runtime exception | 120 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.actiontaken.dao.impl.ActionTakenDAOOjbImpl | Line |
perhaps runtime isn't the best here, maybe a dao runtime exception | 110 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.WorkflowDocument | Line |
.. | 44 |
- it is intended that operations against document data on this are only "flushed" when an action is performed... | 46 |
- be sure to mention that once this document is deleted, this api effectively becomes "dead" when you try to execute any document operation | 136 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.WorkflowDocumentFactory | Line |
.. | 34 |
--No comment-- | 58 |
--No comment-- | 76 |
--No comment-- | 95 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.ActionRequest | Line |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 507 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.ActionType | Line |
... | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.RoutingReportCriteria | Line |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 298 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 303 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 308 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 313 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 318 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 323 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 328 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 333 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 338 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 343 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 348 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.WorkflowDocumentActionsService | Line |
finish javadoc | 1090 |
add, annotate, and javadoc the following methods to this service | 1346 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.DocumentTypePolicy | Line |
... | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.DocumentTypePolicyMapAdapter | Line |
... | 27 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.DocumentTypeService | Line |
... | 31 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.ProcessDefinitionContract | Line |
ewestfal don't forget to fill this in. | 22 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.RouteNodeConfigurationParameterContract | Line |
ewestfal don't forget to fill this in. | 22 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.RouteNodeContract | Line |
ewestfal don't forget to fill this in. | 24 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.doctype.RoutePathContract | Line |
ewestfal don't forget to fill this in. | 21 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.DocumentDetail | Line |
modify this constructor as needed to pass any required values and invoke the appropriate 'setter' methods | 122 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.DocumentStatus | Line |
... | 28 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.DocumentStatusCategory | Line |
... | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.DocumentStatusTransition | Line |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 171 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 176 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 181 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 186 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 191 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.DocumentUpdate | Line |
document the fact that this will auto-truncate the title... | 157 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.WorkflowDocumentService | Line |
... annotate for JAX-WS! | 43 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.node.RouteNodeInstance | Line |
modify this constructor as needed to pass any required values and invoke the appropriate 'setter' methods | 214 |
modify as needed to pass any required values and add them to the signature of the 'create' method | 218 |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 226 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 315 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 320 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 325 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 330 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 335 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 340 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 345 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 350 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 355 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 360 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 365 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.node.RouteNodeInstanceState | Line |
modify this constructor as needed to pass any required values and invoke the appropriate 'setter' methods | 98 |
modify as needed to pass any required values and add them to the signature of the 'create' method | 102 |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 110 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 138 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 143 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 148 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.note.Note | Line |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 151 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.peopleflow.PeopleFlowService | Line |
... | 45 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.repository.type.KewTypeAttribute | Line |
verify that the attributeDefinitionID field matches the id field in the builder | 218 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.rule.RuleExpression | Line |
modify this constructor as needed to pass any required values and invoke the appropriate 'setter' methods | 121 |
modify as needed to pass any required values and add them to the signature of the 'create' method | 125 |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 133 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 173 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 178 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 183 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 188 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 193 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.rule.RuleExtension | Line |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 118 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.rule.RuleTemplate | Line |
modify this constructor as needed to pass any required values and invoke the appropriate 'setter' methods | 190 |
modify as needed to pass any required values and add them to the signature of the 'create' method | 194 |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 202 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.api.rule.RuleTemplateOption | Line |
modify this constructor as needed to pass any required values and invoke the appropriate 'setter' methods | 121 |
modify as needed to pass any required values and add them to the signature of the 'create' method | 125 |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 133 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 173 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 178 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 183 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 188 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 193 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.batch.XmlIngestionTest | Line |
beef this up need a reliable way to test if the file arrived in the right date-stamped subdirectory (maybe just pick the last, or first directory?) | 161 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.batch.XmlPollerServiceImpl | Line |
try reading the pending file or stop? | 215 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.batch.XmlSchemaTest | Line |
finish this test when we figure out how to conveniently use namespaces with XPath | 103 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.clientapp.ThinClientTest | Line |
remove when is fixed | 152 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.config.KEWConfigurer | Line |
Because a lot of our lifecycles live behind the embedded plugin and the KEWConfigurer does not, this is a simple measure to load these without having to deal with the removal of the embedded plugin right away. | 109 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.config.ThinClientKEWConfigurer | Line |
this seems like a total hack the way this is happening, see the addModulesResourceLoaders // method RiceConfigurer as well kewConfigurer.getResourceLoadersToRegister(); } | 45 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.config.ThinClientResourceLoader | Line |
we need to add support for other invocation protocols and implementations, but for now... | 184 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.DocumentSearchCriteriaEbo | Line |
map to DocSearchCriteriaBo | 30 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.DocumentSearchCriteriaProcessorKEWAdapter | Line |
- KULRICE-5635 - need to add back in the building of application document status row, commented out for now because this code is weird! If Application Document Status policy is in effect for this document type, add search attributes for document status, and transition dates. Note: document status field is a drop down if valid statuses are defined, a text input field otherwise. fixedDocumentAttributeRows.addAll( buildAppDocStatusRows(documentType) ); | 175 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.DocumentSearchCustomizationHandlerServiceImpl | Line |
... | 46 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.DocumentSearchTest | Line |
Add some wildcard testing for the document type attribute once wildcards are usable with it. | 397 |
finish this test | 497 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.service.impl.DocumentSearchServiceImpl | Line |
- KULRICE-5832 - need to add support for whether or not the saved search is a detailed/advanced search, this was originally stored with savedSearchString in Rice 1.x | 483 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.xml.StandardGenericXMLSearchableAttribute | Line |
- KULRICE-5630 - I'm pretty sure this *won't* work because we don't store lower and upper bound keys in the document attributes | 637 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch.xml.StandardGenericXMLSearchableAttributeTest | Line |
put document content here? | 797 |
this is currently commented out because we can't test this properly through the unit test since the filtering of the column actually happens in the web-tier. Shoudl this be the case? Maybe we need to re-examine when we refactor document search. | 990 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.ApplicationDocumentStatusId | Line |
Finish implementing this method. Compare o to pk and return true or false. | 94 |
Implement this method | 99 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.DocumentTypePermissionServiceTest | Line |
set up actual KIM permissions in DB and verify this permission works | 53 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.DocumentTypePolicyId | Line |
Implement the equals() and hashCode() methods. | 27 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.DocumentTypeTest | Line |
Ignored currently, this method goes into an infinite loop in document type parsing (ick!) when invoked...not good. | 64 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.service.impl.DocumentTypePermissionServiceImpl | Line |
See KULRICE-3490, make assembly of permission details dynamic based on db config | 315 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.document.RoutingRuleMaintainable | Line |
can we just let the locking key be the primary key? (ruleBaseValuesId) | 151 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.document.RoutingRuleMaintainableBusRule | Line |
hook validation of rule data into PreRules | 237 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.BlanketApproveEngine | Line |
document magical join node workage (ask Eric) | 112 |
this has been set arbitrarily high because the implemented processing model here will probably not work for large parallel object graphs. This needs to be re-evaluated, see KULWF-459. | 113 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.CompatUtils | Line |
potential for infinite recursion here if their document type has loops in it. Should this be a concern? If their routing version is really "route level" then there should be no cycles. | 55 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.SequentialRoutingTest | Line |
when we are able to, we should also verify the RouteNodeInstances are correct | 126 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.StandardWorkflowEngine | Line |
throw a new 'RoutingException' which holds the RoutingState | 152 |
update document content on context? | 231 |
more info in message | 269 |
extract this into some sort of component which handles transitioning document state | 390 |
is the logic for going processed still going to be valid? | 408 |
perhaps the policies could also be factored out? | 413 |
what route method name to pass to this? | 480 |
in some cases, someone may modify the route header in the post processor, if we don't save before and reload after we will get an optimistic lock exception, we need to work on a better solution for this! | 565 |
get the routeContext in this method - it should be a better object than the nodeInstance | 568 |
get the routeContext in this method - it should be a better object than the nodeInstance | 596 |
get the routeContext in this method - it should be a better object than the nodeInstance | 604 |
this shows up in a few places and could totally be extracted to a method | 632 |
get the routeContext in this method - it should be a better object than the nodeInstance | 655 |
get the routeContext in this method - it should be a better object than the nodeInstance | 667 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.simulation.SimulationEngine | Line |
set document content | 145 |
delyea - deep copy below | 502 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.engine.transition.DynamicTransitionEngine | Line |
interate the all the nodes and attach the dynamic node as the 'process' don't include the dynamic node instance in the routing structure - require a correctly built graph change dynamic node signiture to next node because of above reconcile branching if necessary | 38 |
implement this feature throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Need to implement support for branch generation!"); | 107 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.framework.actionlist.ActionListCustomizationHandlerService | Line |
Modeled from DocumentSecurityHandlerService, but get a better description | 43 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.framework.postprocessor.DocumentRouteLevelChange | Line |
for now we will include the new node-based routing fields onto this object to avoid an interface change to the PostProcessor interface. | 29 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.action.WorkflowDocumentActionsServiceImpl | Line |
remove this once we stop throwing WorkflowException everywhere! | 314 |
confirm that the initiator is not already there in the actionstaken | 1242 |
- this code is temporary until we get rid of all the crazy throwing of "WorkflowException" | 1307 |
fix this up once the checked exception goes away | 1330 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.actionlist.ActionListCustomizationHandlerServiceImpl | Line |
Iterate through the list of Action Items. Return Action Item Customizations only for those Action Items which... | 53 |
Figure out how to properly load a CAL Attribute Load the CustomActionListAttribute | 55 |
give a better message like attribute name or something | 64 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.document.DefaultWorkflowDocumentProvider | Line |
--No comment-- | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.document.WorkflowDocumentImpl | Line |
.. | 57 |
- it is intended that operations against document data on this are only "flushed" when an action is performed... | 59 |
- be sure to mention that once this document is deleted, this api effectively becomes "dead" when you try to execute any document operation | 391 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.document.WorkflowDocumentPrototype | Line |
--No comment-- | 22 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.document.WorkflowDocumentProvider | Line |
--No comment-- | 23 | | Line |
- KULRICE-5738 - add check here to make sure the searchable attribute should be displayed in result set right now this is default always including all searchable attributes! | 808 |
- comment out for now, not sure we really want to do this... column.setPropertyName(DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTE_PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX + column.getPropertyName()); | 869 | | Line |
- KULRICE-5755 - should probably set as many properties on the document as we can | 290 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.note.NoteServiceImpl | Line |
--No comment-- | 30 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.peopleflow.PeopleFlow | Line |
--No comment-- | 19 |
*/ } | 21 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.peopleflow.PeopleFlowRequestGeneratorImpl | Line |
- KULRICE-5726 - still need to implement support for ignoring built-in kim delegates whenever peopleflow delegate(s) are defined | 101 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.messaging.exceptionhandling.ExceptionRoutingServiceImpl | Line |
is there a reason we reload the document here? | 197 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.notes.web.AttachmentServlet | Line |
This should probably be put into KewApiConstants when contributed back to Rice 1.0.3 | 54 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.notification.service.impl.DefaultNotificationService | Line |
JLR - replace with direct call to ActionListEmailService | 76 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.plugin.HotDeployer | Line |
somehow the code which checks for new plugins and which loads plugins initially needs to be consolidated, maybe with some sort of set of PluginLocators? or something along those lines? | 100 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.plugin.PluginRegistryFactory | Line |
maybe ensure that if these directories are the same, that only one gets through | 38 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.plugin.ServerPluginRegistry | Line |
make the delay configurable | 69 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.plugin.ZipFilePluginLoader | Line |
how to handle locked files under windows?!? This will throw an IOException in this case. | 118 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.preferences.service.impl.PreferencesServiceImpl | Line |
JLR - I'm not sure why this isSaveRequired logic is necessary -- couldn't we do something like the following? if (isSaveRequired) getUserOptionService().save(principalId, optionValueMap); | 138 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.quicklinks.dao.impl.QuickLinksDAOOjbImpl | Line |
Should this happen??? | 137 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.responsibility.dao.ResponsibilityIdDAO | Line |
To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates | 21 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.responsibility.service.impl.ResponsibilityIdServiceImpl | Line |
To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates | 24 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader.AppDocStatusTest | Line |
when we are able to, we should also verify the RouteNodeInstances are correct | 121 |
when we are able to, we should also verify the RouteNodeInstances are correct | 205 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader.DocumentRouteHeaderValue | Line |
the isRouteLevelDocument junk can be ripped out | 287 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader.StandardDocumentContent | Line |
can we have application content without a root node? | 121 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader.dao.impl.DocumentRouteHeaderDAOJpaImpl | Line |
What cache do we clear when using JPA | 148 |
What cache do we clear when using JPA | 169 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader.service.impl.WorkflowDocumentServiceImpl | Line |
As with superUserReturnDocumentToPreviousNode, we allow for the passing in of a document ID here to allow for the document load inside the current running transaction. Otherwise we get an optimistic lock exception when attempting to save the branch after the transition to the 'A' status. | 375 |
As with superUserReturnDocumentToPreviousNode, we allow for the passing in of a document ID here to allow for the document load inside the current running transaction. Otherwise we get an optimistic lock exception when attempting to save the branch after the transition to the 'A' status. | 420 |
remove this implementation in favor of having the SuperUserAction call through the WorkflowDocument object. This method is here to resolve KULWF-727 where we were getting an optimistic lock exception from the super user screen on return to previous node. This allows us to load the DocumentRouteHeaderValue inside of the transaction interceptor so that we can stay within the same PersistenceBroker cache. | 429 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.routing.web.ClientAppDocHandlerRedirectAction | Line |
what should happen here if parms are missing; no proper ActionForward from here | 83 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractWorkflowAttribute | Line |
document these two methods ... what are these for? | 66 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.BSFRuleExpression | Line |
this should really be renamed since it is no longer using apache BSF | 35 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.FlexRM | Line |
really the route context just needs to be able to support nested create and clears (i.e. a Stack model similar to transaction intercepting in Spring) and we wouldn't have to do this | 174 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.GenericWorkflowAttribute | Line |
implement me! | 138 |
this is not fully implemented! e.g. generic property map like StandardGenericXmlAttribute | 154 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.TemplateRuleSelector | Line |
really the route context just needs to be able to support nested create and clears (i.e. a Stack model similar to transaction intercepting in Spring) and we wouldn't have to do this | 87 | | Line |
replace this with new API find method ?? | 288 | | Line |
KULRICE-5201 - verify that this is a reasonable initialization given that ruleId is no longer a Long | 167 |
replace this with new API find method ?? | 275 |
jjhanso - THIS METHOD NEEDS JAVADOCS return super.performLookup(lookupForm, resultTable, bounded); | 374 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.dao.impl.RuleDelegationDAOJpaImpl | Line |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.service.impl.RuleServiceInternalImpl | Line |
if more than one delegate is edited from the create delegation screen (which currently can not happen), then this logic will not work. | 186 |
consolidate this method with makeCurrent. The reason there's a seperate implementation is because the original makeCurrent(...) could not properly handle versioning a List of multiple rules (including multiple delegates rules for a single parent. ALso, this work is being done for a patch so we want to mitigate the impact on the existing rule code. | 231 |
this method ended up being a mess, we should get rid of this as soon as we can | 830 |
FIXME: need to copy the rule expression here too? | 1031 |
this method is extremely slow, if we could implement a more optimized query here, that would help tremendously | 1128 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.xmlrouting.StandardGenericXMLRuleAttribute | Line |
possibly simplify this even further by making WorkflowAttributeValidationError a WorkflowServiceError, and dispense with custom error generators... | 623 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.server.BeanConverterTester | Line |
there is some crossover between this test and the DocumentContentTest, do we really need both of them??? | 122 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.server.DTOConverterTest | Line |
there is some crossover between this test and the DocumentContentTest, do we really need both of them??? | 104 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.superuser.web.SuperUserAction | Line |
As part of KULRICE-5329 this change above needs to be verified and compared with code below // Search the list for the action request with the highest action request value. for (Iterator<?> actnReqIter = superUserForm.getActionRequests().iterator(); actnReqIter.hasNext();) { ActionRequestValue tmpActnReq = (ActionRequestValue); if (tmpActnReq.getActionRequestId().longValue() > latestId) { latestActnReq = tmpActnReq; latestId = tmpActnReq.getActionRequestId().longValue(); } } | 427 | | Line |
we currently can't support xpath expressions that start with .// When we can, uncomment this test code. nodeList = (NodeList)xpath.evaluate(XPATH_GLOBAL_VALUE, node, XPathConstants.NODESET); assertEquals("There should be two value elements.", 2, nodeList.getLength()); // evaluate as xstreamsafe nodeList = (NodeList)xpath.evaluate(wrapXStreamSafe(XPATH_GLOBAL_VALUE), node, XPathConstants.NODESET); assertEquals("There should be three value elements now.", 3, nodeList.getLength()); | 173 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.test.FakeService | Line |
consider merging with {@link TestServiceInterface}/{@link GenericTestService} in KSB module | 24 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.test.FakeServiceImpl | Line |
consider merging with {@link TestServiceInterface}/{@link GenericTestService} in KSB module | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.useroptions.UserOptionsId | Line |
Implement the equals() and hashCode() methods. | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.xml.ClassLoaderEntityResolver | Line |
maybe prefix should be changed from "resource:" to "internal:" or just "workflow:" given that it can be resolved in arbitrary ways other than ClassLoader "resources" | 30 |
revisit making this more sophisticated than just the classloader of this class (thread context classloader? plugin classloader?) | 71 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.xml.DocumentTypeXmlParser | Line |
have a validation function that takes an xpath statement and blows chunks if that statement returns false | 305 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.xml.RuleExtensionXmlParser | Line |
need test case for this | 96 |
org.kuali.rice.kew.xml.export.GroupXmlExporter | Line |
org.kuali.rice.kew.xml.xstream.XStreamSafeEvaluator | Line |
I noticed that the original implementation of this method was not doing the following work so I'm just tacking it on the end, there's probably a more elegent way to integrate it with the algorithm above... | 96 |
we currently can't support expressions that start with .// | 150 | | Line |
Get a better description | 22 | | Line |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 144 | | Line |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 153 | | Line |
modify as needed to pass any required values and add them to the signature of the 'create' method | 400 | | Line |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 240 | | Line |
get extension from country code table | 359 |
append "+xxx" if country is not the default country | 360 | | Line |
modify as needed to pass any required values and add them to the signature of the 'create' method | 148 |
if create() is modified to accept required parameters, this will need to be modified | 156 | | Line |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 229 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 234 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 239 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 244 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 249 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 254 |
add validation of input value if required and throw IllegalArgumentException if needed | 259 | | Line |
- copied this from the core api test module, find a better way to share this code! | 33 | | Line |
remove the default | 62 | | Line |
remove the default | 71 | | Line |
this needs to be changed to use the KimResponsibilityInfo object but the changes are involved in the UiDocumentService based on the copyProperties method used to move the data to/from the document/real objects | 84 | | Line |
this needs to be changed to use the KimResponsibilityInfo object but the changes are involved in the UiDocumentService based on the copyProperties method used to move the data to/from the document/real objects | 85 |
this needs to be changed to use the KimResponsibilityInfo object but the changes are involved in the UiDocumentService based on the copyProperties method used to move the data to/from the document/real objects | 161 | | Line |
get extension from country code table | 170 |
append "+xxx" if country is not the default country | 171 | | Line |
lsymms - THIS METHOD NEEDS JAVADOCS | 50 | | Line |
Need to add check for missing DST (update {@link}) | 32 | | Line |
do not have detail bus rule yet, so just check this for now. | 154 | | Line |
do not have detail bus rule yet, so just check this for now. | 565 | | Line |
do not have detail bus rule yet, so just check this for now. | 591 | | Line |
PRIME example of something for new Criteria API | 312 | | Line |
this should probably return some kind of Future<EntityDefault> if we can find a way to remote that | 89 | | Line |
- now check if these people have the given role build a principal list | 270 |
convert this to the new criteria predicates | 332 | | Line |
Verify that the above behavior is correct. | 62 | | Line |
Verify that the above behavior is correct. | 147 | | Line |
Alter the role/permission service APIs so that finding all the permissions assigned to a role is possible; the current lack of such an API method prevents role permissions from being exported. | 42 |
Use new API method once it becomes available!!!! | 158 | | Line |
This could be made a little better by collecting the role IDs into a set and then processing the distinct list rather than a check for every permission | 198 | | Line |
why is this not using the businessObject parmeter's class? | 76 | | Line |
filter with qualifiers | 332 |
filter with qualifiers | 441 | | Line |
if no role id found that means principalname not matched, need to do something to force to return empty list | 372 | | Line |
pulling attribute IDs repeatedly is inefficient - consider caching the entire list as a map | 511 | | Line |
remove reference to Attributes here and use Attributes instead. | 1137 | | Line |
clean this up. | 79 | | Line |
to let it rendering 'create new' and 'edit'/'copy' button | 43 | | Line |
verify if you want to add && newRoleMember.isActive() condition to if... | 422 | | Line |
in order to resolve optimistic locking issue. has to get identity and set the version number if identity records matched Need to look into this. kimEntity = origEntity; | 182 |
- remove this hack... This is here because currently jpa only seems to be going 2 levels deep on the eager fetching. | 622 |
this should be replaced with the retrieval and storage of that value in the document tables and not re-retrieved here | 1307 |
principalId is not ready here yet ? | 1357 |
verify if you want to add && newRoleMember.isActive() condition to if... | 1431 |
verify if you want to add && newRoleMember.isActive() condition to if... | 2247 |
verify if you want to add && newRoleMember.isActive() condition to if... | 2425 |
implement logic same as role members - do not insert qualifiers with blank values | 2484 |
when a group is inactivated, inactivate the memberships of principals in that group and the memberships of that group in roles | 2637 |
verify if you want to add && newGroupMember.isActive() condition to if... | 2697 | | Line |
add clear principals to clearSesn | 33 | | Line |
change how TimoutHandlers choose fields from ndx to name. | 20 | | Line |
lsymms - THIS METHOD NEEDS JAVADOCS | 33 | | Line |
- getting a SOAPFaultException on this call; fix and un-comment assertFalse(getPermissionService().hasPermissionByTemplateName("entity124pId", "KUALI", "Default", new Map<String, String>())); | 67 |
- jax-ws remoted service returns null; local return empty List. Fix webservice return | 86 | | Line |
property is being appended in the wrong place - fix | 208 | | Line |
how should this forward be handled | 589 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary.LookupDefinition | Line |
catch exception if service locator call fails | 161 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary.exporter.AttributesMapBuilder | Line |
consider whether to export class names from the attribute security | 99 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.document.authorization.MaintenanceDocumentRestrictionsBase | Line |
next block could probably be removed since the superclass would return null for a read-only field | 52 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.inquiry.KualiInquirableImpl | Line |
generics do not match between call to module service and call to lookup service | 98 |
If this is to get a single BO, why using the lookup service? | 126 |
replace with inquiry menu bar | 461 | | Line |
will this work for user ID attributes? | 284 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.AbstractLookupableHelperServiceImpl | Line |
why is this not using the businessObject parmeter's class? | 495 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.KualiLookupableHelperServiceImpl | Line |
Fix? - this does not handle nested properties within the EBO. | 78 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.LookupResultsServiceImpl | Line |
use the other identifier | 165 |
use the other identifier | 186 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.LookupUtils | Line |
chb: that should not be the case -- the relationship object the two rely upon should be established outside of the lookup/quickfinder code | 419 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.maintenance.KualiGlobalMaintainableImpl | Line |
this needs refactoring ... its kind of lame that we have this set of compound list statements, this should all be refactored. This could be moved into a method on all GBOs, like GBO.prepareForSave(), or even better, subclass KualiGlobalMaintainableImpl for each global, since this is all maintainable-related stuff. | 63 |
remove this whole pseudo-assertion code block once this gets moved into a doc-specific maintainableImpl class. | 73 |
Revisit this. Changing since getPrimaryKeys and listPrimaryKeyFieldNames are apparently same. May be we might want to replace listPrimaryKeyFieldNames with getPrimaryKeys... Not sure. | 79 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.maintenance.KualiMaintainableImpl | Line |
rename once 'newCollectionLines' is removed | 88 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.maintenance.rules.MaintenanceDocumentRuleBase | Line |
when/if we have standard support for DO retrieval, do this check for DO's | 765 |
Good suggestion from Aaron, dont bother checking the DB, if all of the objects PK fields dont have values. If any are null or empty, then we're done. The current way wont fail, but it will make a wasteful DB call that may not be necessary, and we want to minimize these. | 771 |
should this be getting labels from the view dictionary use the DataDictionary service to translate field name into human-readable label | 811 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.service.BusinessObjectAuthorizationService | Line |
refactor for general objects | 32 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.service.impl.BusinessObjectAuthorizationServiceImpl | Line |
what is the equivalent of control.isButton in KRAD | 314 |
this requires intimate knowledge of DocumentHelperServiceImpl | 536 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.service.impl.BusinessObjectMetaDataServiceImpl | Line |
four different exit points?! | 192 |
move out to a separate method so that the logic for finding the relationships is similar to primitiveReference | 280 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.service.impl.DictionaryValidationServiceImpl | Line |
reenable when we come up with a strategy to handle fields that are not editable else if (itemDefinition instanceof MaintainableCollectionDefinition) { MaintainableCollectionDefinition collectionDefinition = (MaintainableCollectionDefinition) itemDefinition; Collection<BusinessObject> c = (Collection<BusinessObject>) ObjectUtils.getPropertyValue(businessObject, itemDefinition.getName()); if (c != null) { int i = 0; for (BusinessObject o : c) { String newErrorPrefix = errorPrefix + itemDefinition.getName() + "[" + i + "]."; validateBusinessObjectOnMaintenanceDocumentHelper(o, collectionDefinition.getMaintainableCollections(), newErrorPrefix); validateBusinessObjectOnMaintenanceDocumentHelper(o, collectionDefinition.getMaintainableFields(), newErrorPrefix); i++; } } }*/ } } | 92 |
Formatter for currency? | 268 |
Formatter for currency? | 286 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.util.FieldUtils | Line |
do we need to prefix the universalIdAttributeName in Field as well? | 922 |
assign the correct propertyName to the container in the first place. For now, I'm wary of the weird usages of constructContainerField(). | 1409 |
- KULRICE-5743 - maybe need this to be smaller than the actual attribute's max length? | 1709 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.comparator.CellComparatorHelper | Line |
, do we really need to create so many comparators (1 per each cell)? | 98 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action.KualiAction | Line |
create a method for this to be used by both lookup & inquiry ? | 650 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action.KualiDocumentActionBase | Line |
this should be pulled into a properties file | 303 |
remove this when further testing passed if (form instanceof KualiDocumentFormBase) { UserSession userSession = (UserSession) request.getSession().getAttribute(RiceConstants.USER_SESSION_KEY); // force to recreate formkey in execute method if (document instanceof SessionDocumentService && userSession.retrieveObject(kualiDocumentFormBase.getFormKey()) != null) { userSession.removeObject(kualiDocumentFormBase.getFormKey());; } } | 550 |
remove this when further testing passed if (form instanceof KualiDocumentFormBase) { UserSession userSession = (UserSession) request.getSession().getAttribute(RiceConstants.USER_SESSION_KEY); // force to recreate formkey in execute method if (document instanceof SessionDocumentService && userSession.retrieveObject(kualiDocumentFormBase.getFormKey()) != null) { userSession.removeObject(kualiDocumentFormBase.getFormKey());; } } | 590 |
gah! this is awful | 1391 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action.KualiMaintenanceDocumentAction | Line |
this code should be abstracted out into a helper also is it a problem that we're not calling setGenerateDefaultValues? it blanked out the below values when I did maybe we need a new generateDefaultValues that doesn't overwrite? | 318 |
Cathy remember to delete this block of comments after I've tested. PersistableBusinessObject bo = document.getNewMaintainableObject().getBusinessObject(); Collection maintCollection = this.extractCollection(bo, collectionName); String docTypeName = ((MaintenanceDocument) maintenanceForm.getDocument()).getDocumentHeader().getWorkflowDocument().getDocumentType(); Class collectionClass = extractCollectionClass(docTypeName, collectionName); | 535 |
sort of collection, new instance should be first | 678 |
Should we keep this logic and continue using currentTabIndex as the key in the tabStates HashMap ? | 739 |
Should we keep this logic and continue using currentTabIndex as the key in the tabStates HashMap ? | 866 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.KualiDocumentFormBase | Line |
we should not be referencing kew constants from this class and wedding ourselves to that workflow application This class is the base action form for all documents. | 62 |
is this still needed? I think it's obsolete now | 84 |
Chris - Notes: remove the above and change the below from boNotes when notes are finished overriding note formatter to make sure they post back the full timestamp | 155 |
rk implemented to account for caps coming from kuali user service from workflow | 573 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.KualiMaintenanceForm | Line |
to be persisted in the lookup results service instead? | 89 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.LookupForm | Line |
remove these once DD changes have been made | 469 |
remove these once DD changes have been made | 474 |
remove these once DD changes have been made | 479 |
remove these once DD changes have been made | 484 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.pojo.PojoFormBase | Line |
see KULOWF-194 testForPojoHack(this, keypath); | 180 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.FieldBridge | Line |
St. Ailish says review this. A question was raised on 11-16-2006 Tuscon meeting as to why this is done here and not in the formatter. | 323 |
org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.SectionBridge | Line |
Revisit this. Changing since getPrimaryKeys and listPrimaryKeyFieldNames are apparently same. May be we might want to replace listPrimaryKeyFieldNames with getPrimaryKeys... Not sure. | 762 | | Line |
Add more vendor specific defaults... | 112 | | Line |
need some way of handling types that cannot be instantiated due to module dependencies | 44 | | Line |
Implement the equals() and hashCode() methods. | 28 | | Line |
we should not be referencing kew constants from this class and wedding ourselves to that workflow application Ad Hoc Route Recipient Business Object | 30 | | Line |
Implement the equals() and hashCode() methods. | 28 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.config.KRADConfigurer | Line |
FIXME hack! KRAD should not be loading core! (needed for now to publish core services) | 56 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.criteria.CriteriaLookupDaoJpa | Line |
There has to be a better way to do this. | 143 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.dao.impl.LookupDaoJpa | Line |
What to do here now that the JPA version does not extend platform aware? propertyName = getDbPlatform().getUpperCaseFunction() + "(__JPA_ALIAS[[0]]__." + propertyName + ")"; | 431 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.dao.impl.NoteDaoJpa | Line |
Notes - Chris move remoteObjectId string to constants | 72 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.dao.impl.NoteDaoOjb | Line |
look into avoiding the default empty attachments being added to the note | 55 |
Notes - Chris move remoteObjectId string to constants | 90 |
Notes - Chris move remoteObjectId string to constants | 113 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.AttributeDefinition | Line |
rename to control once ControlDefinition is removed | 73 |
This may not be required since we now use ComplexAttributeDefinition | 92 |
currently requiring a control or controlField, but this should not be case (AttrField should probably do the check) | 313 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DataDictionary | Line |
determine property type using generics type definition | 547 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DataDictionaryIndexMapper | Line |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DocumentCollectionPath | Line |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DocumentValuePathGroup | Line |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.RoutingTypeDefinition | Line |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.mask.MaskFormatterSubString | Line |
MOVE TO UNIT TEST: move this validation into the unit tests | 38 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.ValidationPattern | Line |
UNIT TEST: compile all patterns to test | 92 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.FixedPointPatternConstraint | Line |
delyea don't forget to fill this in. | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.IntegerPatternConstraint | Line |
Administrator don't forget to fill this in. | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.processor.BasePrerequisiteConstraintProcessor | Line |
Does this code need to be able to look at more than just the other immediate members of the object? | 45 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.processor.RangeConstraintProcessor | Line |
decide if there is any reason why the following would be insufficient - i.e. if something numeric could still be cast to String at this point | 82 |
JLR - need a code review of the conversions below to make sure this is the best way to ensure accuracy across all numerics This will throw NumberFormatException if the value is 'NaN' or infinity... probably shouldn't be a NFE but something more intelligible at a higher level | 106 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.document.DocumentAuthorizerBaseTest | Line |
rewrite this test private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DocumentAuthorizerBaseTest.class); | 24 |
the test for preRouteEditAuthorization should be removed GlobalVariables.setUserSession(new UserSession("quickstart")); PessimisticLockTestDocumentAuthorizer lockDocumentAuthorizer = new PessimisticLockTestDocumentAuthorizer(); lockDocumentAuthorizer.USES_PESSIMISTIC_LOCKING = false; | 522 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.document.DocumentBase | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 129 |
Auto-generated method stub | 461 |
better error handling at the lower level and a better error message are needed here | 488 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.document.MaintenanceDocumentBase | Line |
- build out with bo label once we get the data dictionary stuff in place build out the right classname | 175 |
refactor this out into a method | 380 |
need to convert this from using struts form file refreshAttachment(); | 659 |
better error handling at the lower level and a better error message are needed here | 739 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.lookup.LookupableImpl | Line |
delyea: where to take into account the sort ascending value (old KNS appeared to ignore?) | 82 |
force uppercase will be done in binding at some point | 147 |
delyea - is this the best way to set that the entire set has a returnable row? | 151 |
check secure fields if (field.isSecure()) { field.setSecure(false); field.setDisplayMaskValue(null); field.setEncryptedValue(null); } | 409 |
need formatting on default value and make sure it works when control converts from checkbox to radio | 416 |
this will be done by the uif validation service at some point | 441 |
; need hooks for code generated components and also this doesn't have lifecycle which could change fields | 471 |
need to handle returning anchor | 571 |
need to handle returning anchor | 718 |
do not hardcode the _self string | 731 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.maintenance.MaintainableImpl | Line |
should this write some sort of missing message on the old side instead? | 414 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.maintenance.MaintenanceUtils | Line |
implement real authorization for Maintenance Document Save/Route - KULNRVSYS-948 | 135 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.rules.MaintenanceDocumentRuleBase | Line |
when/if we have standard support for DO retrieval, do this check for DO's | 709 |
Good suggestion from Aaron, dont bother checking the DB, if all of the objects PK fields dont have values. If any are null or empty, then we're done. The current way wont fail, but it will make a wasteful DB call that may not be necessary, and we want to minimize these. | 715 |
should this be getting labels from the view dictionary use the DataDictionary service to translate field name into human-readable label | 754 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KualiRuleServiceTest | Line |
commenting thse out for now, need to analyze and see if it still makes sense with new notes"copied from document " + // sourceDocumentHeaderId); | 391 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.BusinessObjectDictionaryServiceImpl | Line |
stupid, change to return int | 325 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.BusinessObjectSerializerServiceImpl | Line |
need to determine view properties to serialize | 63 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.DictionaryValidationServiceImpl | Line |
Implement custom validators | 807 |
Do we need to be able to handle simple collections (ie. String, etc) | 973 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.DocumentHelperServiceImpl | Line |
in krad documents could have multiple views and multiple authorizer classes | 48 |
in krad documents could have multiple views and multiple presentation controller | 108 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.DocumentServiceImpl | Line |
gah! this is awful | 875 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.MaintenanceDocumentServiceImpl | Line |
should we be using ObjectUtils? also, this needs dictionary enhancement to indicate fields to/not to copy | 128 |
rework for KRAD MaintenanceDocumentRestrictions maintenanceDocumentRestrictions = getBusinessObjectAuthorizationService().getMaintenanceDocumentRestrictions(document, user); | 302 |
make sure we are doing formatting here eventually | 364 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.NoteServiceImpl | Line |
this method seems awfully out of place in this service | 104 |
Why is a deep copy being done? Nowhere that this is called uses the given note argument again after calling this method. | 116 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.PersistenceStructureServiceJpaImpl | Line |
Write JPA Version | 108 |
Write JPA Version | 139 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component | Line |
javadoc | 408 |
this should not be on component interface since it only applies if the layout manager supports it, need some sort of layoutOptions map for field level options that depend on the manager | 425 |
this should not be on component interface since it only applies if the layout manager supports it, need some sort of layoutOptions map for field level options that depend on the manager | 450 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase | Line |
does conditional render have the el placeholder? if so this will not work | 166 |
setting of the control names should probably be done in finalize, and we need KeepExpression on progressiveRender and conditionalRefresh | 173 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.CollectionGroup | Line |
is this necessary to call again? | 206 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.MaintenanceActiveCollectionFilter | Line |
if newly added line, show record If only new and no old add the newline | 76 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.TreeGroup | Line |
set object path for prototypes equal to the tree group object path? | 79 |
hack */ ".rootElement", "root"); | 145 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.ActionField | Line |
possibly fix some other way - this is a workaround, prevents showing history and showing home again on actions which submit the form | 166 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.DataField | Line |
should this check the view#readOnly? | 142 |
Check authorization if (attributeSecurity.isMask() && !boAuthzService.canFullyUnmaskField(user,dataObjectClass, field.getPropertyName(), null)) { | 194 |
format by type | 215 |
format by type | 243 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.ErrorsField | Line |
this may be changed to: if this is set on a field it will attempt show client side validation errors in the closest parent container error container | 394 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.LookupInputField | Line |
what about formatter? | 92 |
delyea: FieldUtils.createAndPopulateFieldsForLookup used to allow for a set of property names to be passed in via the URL parameters of the lookup url to set fields as 'read only' | 113 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout.TableLayoutManager | Line |
implement repeat header | 211 |
remove once we have modifier | 228 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.modifier.CompareFieldCreateModifier | Line |
add script for value changed? | 233 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.ViewService | Line |
remove once can get beans by type | 90 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl.AttributeQueryServiceImpl | Line |
need to apply formatter for field or have method in object property utils | 94 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl.ExpressionEvaluatorServiceImpl | Line |
possibly reflect ExpressionFunctions and add automatically | 131 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl.ViewHelperServiceImpl | Line |
this should handle groups as well, going through nested data fields | 214 |
should check default value | 216 |
need to handle updating client state for component refresh | 227 |
duplicate ID check | 298 |
initialize from dictionary | 325 |
should check to see if there is an add line method on the collection parent and if so call that instead of just adding to the collection (so that sequence can be set) | 1041 |
this should invoke rules, subclasses like the document view should create the document add line event | 1073 |
look into other ways of identifying a line so we can deal with unordered collections | 1096 |
this should invoke rules, sublclasses like the document view should create the document delete line event | 1125 |
need to put this in data object service so logic can be reused | 1170 |
duplicate identifier check | 1195 |
this should go through our formatters | 1271 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl.ViewServiceImpl | Line |
remove once we can get beans by type from spring | 49 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.ClientValidationUtils | Line |
make this show the fields its requiring | 595 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.ComponentFactory | Line |
how to deal with remotable field regexContraintMsg? | 358 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.ExpressionUtils | Line |
In progress, adjusting paths in expressions if (defaultPathSet) { String adjustedExpression = ""; | 80 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.ScriptUtils | Line |
should this go through property editors? | 99 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.UifBeanFactoryPostProcessor | Line |
this only handles one level of nesting | 171 |
this is not handled correctly | 474 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.History | Line |
Possibly move so it can be used for the actual view title, not just history | 388 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.HistoryEntry | Line |
a variety of these settings are not used in the current implementation of breadcrumbs and history, they may be removed later if they prove unuseful in future changes | 25 |
unsure of use | 138 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.LookupView | Line |
need to check lookupForm.isAtLeastOneRowHasActions() somewhere | 139 |
work into view lifecycle LookupViewHelperService lookupViewHelperService = (LookupViewHelperService) getViewHelperService(); Set<String> readOnlyFields = lookupViewHelperService.getConditionallyReadOnlyPropertyNames(); Set<String> requiredFields = lookupViewHelperService.getConditionallyRequiredPropertyNames(); Set<String> hiddenFields = lookupViewHelperService.getConditionallyHiddenPropertyNames(); if ( (readOnlyFields != null && !readOnlyFields.isEmpty()) || (requiredFields != null && !requiredFields.isEmpty()) || (hiddenFields != null && !hiddenFields.isEmpty()) ) { for (Field field : getResultsGroup().getItems()) { if (InputField.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getClass())) { InputField attributeField = (InputField) field; if (readOnlyFields != null && readOnlyFields.contains(attributeField.getBindingInfo().getBindingName())) { attributeField.setReadOnly(true); } if (requiredFields != null && requiredFields.contains(attributeField.getBindingInfo().getBindingName())) { attributeField.setRequired(Boolean.TRUE); } if (hiddenFields != null && hiddenFields.contains(attributeField.getBindingInfo().getBindingName())) { attributeField.setControl(LookupInquiryUtils.generateCustomLookupControlFromExisting(HiddenControl.class, null)); } } } } | 170 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View | Line |
move to VHS initialize if (initializedComponentIds.contains(component.getId())) { throw new RiceRuntimeException( "Circular reference or duplicate id found for component with id: " + component.getId()); } initializedComponentIds.add(component.getId()); | 254 |
fix this generic issue | 945 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget.Inquiry | Line |
need general format util that uses spring | 174 |
this should set base inquiry URL from module service as well, but right now set for KNS | 212 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget.QuickFinder | Line |
--No comment-- | 194 |
displayedFieldnames in org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.LookupUtils.generateFieldConversions(BusinessObject, String, DataObjectRelationship, String, List, String) | 226 |
displayedFieldnames and displayedQFFieldNames in generateLookupParameters(BusinessObject, String, DataObjectRelationship, String, List, String) | 240 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget.RichTable | Line |
does this handle multiple rows correctly? | 148 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.util.KRADConstants | Line |
new krad constants, previous needs to be cleaned up | 591 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.util.KRADUtils | Line |
this method will probably need to be exposed in a public KRADUtils class as it is used by several different modules. That will have to wait until ModuleService and KualiModuleService are moved to core though. | 154 |
need to apply formatting to return value once util class is ready | 435 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils | Line |
The rules about this dot notation needs to be explained in Confluence using examples. | 229 |
genericize collectionContainsObjectWithIdentitcalKey() to leverage this method? | 714 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.bind.UifConfigurableWebBindingInitializer | Line |
do we need this since we are switching to spring tags | 53 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.bind.UifViewBeanWrapper | Line |
clear cache? | 188 |
clear cache? | 195 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.controller.DocumentControllerBase | Line |
authorization on document actions if (KEWConstants.SUPERUSER_COMMAND.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { form.setSuppressAllButtons(true); } | 140 |
prompt user to confirm the cancel, need question framework | 238 |
need to prompt for disapproval note text | 310 |
need question and prompt framework | 357 |
need to get disapprove note from user | 387 |
need to move containsSensitiveDataPatternMatch to util class in krad | 649 |
not ready for question framework yet | 673 |
figure out what to return | 689 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.controller.MaintenanceDocumentController | Line |
getting double view if we call base, not sure how to handle so pasting in superclass code super.docHandler(formBase, request, response); * begin copy/paste from the base | 71 |
set state in view form.setReadOnly(true); | 92 |
should be in the view as permission | 212 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.controller.ModuleLockingHandlerInterceptor | Line |
jawbenne don't forget to fill this in. | 39 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.controller.UifControllerBase | Line |
should use property editors once we have util class | 262 |
this needs setup for lightbox and possible home location property | 302 |
this code still needs to handle reference refreshes | 388 |
lookup anchors and doc number? | 478 |
should call module service to get full URL, but right now it is coded to direct to the KNS lookups Map<String, String> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Enumeration<Object> e = lookupParameters.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String paramName = (String) e.nextElement(); parameterMap.put(paramName, lookupParameters.getProperty(paramName)); } | 509 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.controller.UifControllerHandlerInterceptor | Line |
do we need to clear the messages before this so that formatting and validation errors done during the binding are not cleared out? | 69 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.LookupForm | Line |
replace with check to history | 97 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.UifFormBase | Line |
make sure action parameters are getting reinitialized on each request | 348 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.web.session.NonSerializableSessionListener | Line |
May want to have a way to turn this off that way we aren't incurring the overhead of testing every session object if it is serializable by actually serializing it! | 30 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.workflow.DataDictionarySearchableAttributeTest | Line |
Add the commented-out boolean search expressions back in once KULRICE-3698 is complete. | 179 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.workflow.attribute.DataDictionarySearchableAttribute | Line |
this is a workaround to hide the Field from the search criteria. This should be removed once hiding the entire Row is working | 282 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.workflow.attribute.KualiXmlAttributeHelper | Line |
- enter JIRA below removes wf:xstreamsafe( and ) below separates each wf:xstreamsafe() section into separate 'finds' | 55 |
- Fix the document content element generation | 141 |
org.kuali.rice.krad.workflow.service.impl.WorkflowDocumentServiceImpl | Line |
do we really need to do this or just let the IllegalArgument propogate? | 120 |
make the 1 a constant | 322 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.engine.EngineResults | Line |
- need to determine what goes here... | 22 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.engine.ExecutionEnvironment | Line |
we don't support updating facts, refactor this method | 52 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.engine.Term | Line |
make this pretty | 110 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.agenda.AgendaTreeEntryDefinition | Line |
... | 21 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.context.ContextDefinitionContract | Line |
this java doc is confusing | 67 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.proposition.PropositionDefinition | Line |
change this to field name to id | 76 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.proposition.PropositionParameter | Line |
isBlank or is null ??? | 195 |
check against valid values | 209 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.proposition.PropositionParameterType | Line |
... | 24 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.proposition.PropositionType | Line |
... | 25 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.term.TermResolverDefinition | Line |
proper validation & javadocs | 176 |
*/); | 183 |
*/); | 193 |
*/); | 203 |
*/); | 213 |
*/); | 223 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.api.test.JAXBAssert | Line |
- copied this from the core api test module, find a better way to share this code! | 33 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.TermResolutionEngineTest | Line |
test exception variants: - TermResolver throws TermResolutionException - TermResolutionEngine is passed a null termName | 307 |
what should the TermResolutionEngine do if a resolver throws a RuntimeException? | 312 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.AgendaTreeEntry | Line |
... | 21 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.CollectionOfComparablesTermBasedProposition | Line |
log this appropriately | 57 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.EngineResultsImpl | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 44 |
Auto-generated method stub | 50 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.StringTermBasedProposition | Line |
remove? ComparableTermBasedProposition does this generically | 20 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.TermResolutionEngineImpl | Line |
could cache these plans somewhere, since future agendas will likely require the same plans | 78 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.BinaryOperatorExpression | Line |
... | 21 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.BooleanValidatingExpression | Line |
... | 22 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.ComparisonOperator | Line |
this implementation seems largely incomplete, it seems we are need to have some kind of engine or utility which can coerce types to possible forms for comparision purposes? For now, let's verify they are of the same type | 55 |
not sure what to do about this cast and whether or not it will safe, be sure to hit this in unit testing! | 73 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.ConstantExpression | Line |
... | 21 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.Expression | Line |
... | 21 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.ExpressionBasedProposition | Line |
... | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.FunctionExpression | Line |
... | 25 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.TermExpression | Line |
... | 23 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.result.Log4jResultListener | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 27 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.type.ValidationActionService | Line |
... | 49 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.peopleflow.PeopleFlowActionTypeService | Line |
where should this constant really go? | 62 |
include the ATTRIBUTE_FIELD_NAME in an error message like "The " + ATTRIBUTE_FIELD_NAME + " must be a valid ID for an existing PeopleFlow". Currently the RemotableAttributeError doesn't support arguments in the error messages. | 244 |
include the ATTRIBUTE_FIELD_NAME in an error message like ATTRIBUTE_FIELD_NAME + " is required". Currently the RemotableAttributeError doesn't support arguments in the error messages. | 250 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.peopleflow.PeopleFlowActionTypeServiceTest | Line |
test ActionDefinition w/o the attribute we need | 110 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.provider.repository.LazyAction | Line |
... | 25 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.provider.repository.LazyAgendaTree | Line |
... | 23 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.provider.repository.LazyProposition | Line |
... | 29 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.provider.repository.LazyRule | Line |
... | 25 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.provider.repository.RepositoryToEngineTranslatorImpl | Line |
... | 55 |
log warning when termResolver comes back null? or throw exception? | 107 |
this limits an agenda to a single event. Is that good enough? | 114 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.provider.repository.RuleRepositoryContextProvider | Line |
should have an execution option that throws an error here if a context does not exist? | 44 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.provider.repository.SimplePropositionTypeService | Line |
- need some way to define data type on the prop parameter as well? Not all constants will actually be String values!!! | 87 |
throw an exception if function is null? | 97 |
need to check types here? expression object probably needs a getType on it so that we can confirm that the types will be compatible? | 107 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.ActionTypeValuesFinder | Line |
Only select the actions for the specific context of the agenda Map<String, String> fieldValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); fieldValues.put(KrmsImplConstants.PropertyNames.Context.CONTEXT_ID, form.getAgenda().getContextId); Collection<ContextValidActionBo> contextValidActions = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().findMatching(ContextValidActionBo.class, fieldValues); | 46 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.AgendaBoServiceImpl | Line |
deal with active flag | 39 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.AgendaNamespaceValuesFinder | Line |
this is not efficient -- do a smart 'select distinct' and make sure we have a good index! | 47 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.ContextTypeValuesFinder | Line |
Currently we hardcoded any types named "CONTEXT" to be valid with contexts. | 66 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.RuleRepositoryServiceImpl | Line |
prevent circular, endless looping | 147 |
validate that only either rule or subagenda, not both | 156 |
inject this instead | 241 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.RuleTypeValuesFinder | Line |
Only select the rules for the specific context of the agenda Map<String, String> fieldValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); fieldValues.put(KrmsImplConstants.PropertyNames.Context.CONTEXT_ID, form.getAgenda().getContextId); Collection<ContextValidRuleBo> contextValidRules = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().findMatching(ContextValidRuleBo.class, fieldValues); | 42 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.TermBoService | Line |
javadocs | 32 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.rule.AgendaEditorBusRule | Line |
when/if we have standard support for DO retrieval, do this check for DO's | 89 |
Good suggestion from Aaron, dont bother checking the DB, if all of the objects PK fields dont have values. If any are null or empty, then we're done. The current way wont fail, but it will make a wasteful DB call that may not be necessary, and we want to minimize these. | 95 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui.AgendaEditor | Line |
Determine proper default values of agenda's typeId | 58 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui.AgendaEditorController | Line |
Add a copy not the reference | 132 |
this is confusing, refactor | 987 |
how to add compound proposition. - just add another to the firs simple | 1352 |
do we allow moving up to the root? we could add a new top level compound node, with current root as 1st child, and move the node to the second child. | 1550 |
determine edit mode. boolean editMode = (SimplePropositionEditNode.NODE_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(child.getNodeType())); | 1668 |
handle edit mode | 1696 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui.AgendaEditorMaintainable | Line |
change this, it makes more sense for MAINTENANCE_EDIT_ACTION String agendaId = agendaIds[0]; | 263 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui.SimplePropositionEditNode | Line |
enhance to get term names for term type parameters. | 49 |
use termBoService | 63 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui.SimplePropositionNode | Line |
enhance to get term names for term type parameters. | 48 |
use termBoService | 62 |
org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui.ValidTermsValuesFinder | Line |
get the list of valid terms for this context. (currently gets all) | 43 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.config.xfire.XFireWSS4JInHandler | Line |
Replace this class with cxf wss4j in interceptor | 30 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.config.xfire.XFireWSS4JOutHandler | Line |
Replace this class with a cxf wss4j out interceptor | 29 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.impl.bus.ServiceBusImpl | Line |
- would be better to return an Endpoint that contained an internal proxy to all the services so fail-over would be easier to implement! | 261 |
- this should also probably check the current status of the service? | 265 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.impl.registry.LazyRemoteServiceRegistryConnector | Line |
... | 41 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.impl.registry.diff.LocalServicesDiff | Line |
... | 26 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.impl.registry.diff.RemoteServicesDiff | Line |
... | 25 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.impl.registry.diff.ServiceRegistryDiffCalculator | Line |
... | 25 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.DelayedAsynchronousServiceTest | Line |
this isn't the best test ever because it's relying on waits and timing which is most likely doomed to occasional failure in the CI environment. If this occurs than I may need to yank this. A better long term solution would be to allow for the use of callbacks for delayed asynchronous services but that's not something I wanted to try to tackle at the moment | 74 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.JmsMessagingNoRun | Line |
renable this test | 25 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer | Line |
redo this once we're back to JPA springFileLocations.add("classpath:org/kuali/rice/ksb/config/KSBJPASpringBeans.xml"); | 116 |
hack 'cause KSB used KNS - this needs to be fixed!!! | 134 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.serviceconnectors.HttpInvokerConnector | Line |
we need to add support for other invocation protocols and implementations, but for now... | 102 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.serviceconnectors.ServiceConnectorFactory | Line |
switch this to use serviceConfiguration.getType() at some point in the future and allow for this to be easily "pluggable" with new connector types | 85 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.servlet.KSBDispatcherServlet | Line |
this just seems weird as this controller is initially null when it's created, does there need to be some synchronization here? | 105 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.web.MessageQueueAction | Line |
better error handling here | 392 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.web.ServiceRegistryAction | Line |
is this what really constitutes a "refresh" of the service registry? | 61 | | Line |
Replace this class with cxf wss4j in interceptor | 40 |
org.kuali.rice.ksb.testclient1.JaxWsEchoServiceImpl | Line |
Will Gomes - THIS METHOD NEEDS JAVADOCS | 52 | | Line |
Come back and add the JPQL equivalents | 42 |
org.kuali.rice.test.lifecycles.SQLDataLoaderLifecycle | Line |
may way to do something with the dataLoader | 58 |
org.rice.krms.test.RepositoryCreateAndExecuteIntegrationTest | Line |
custom functions too. | 160 |
do this fur eel | 202 |
org.rice.krms.test.ValidationIntegrationTest | Line |
do this fur eel | 257 |