permissionDetails = new HashMap(); permissionDetails.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME, documentTypeName); return getPermissionService().isAuthorizedByTemplateName( user.getPrincipalId(), nameSpaceCode, KimConstants.PermissionTemplateNames.INITIATE_DOCUMENT, permissionDetails, Collections.emptyMap()); } public final boolean canReceiveAdHoc(Document document, Person user, String actionRequestCode) { Map additionalPermissionDetails = new HashMap(); additionalPermissionDetails.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.ACTION_REQUEST_CD, actionRequestCode); return isAuthorizedByTemplate(document, KRADConstants.KUALI_RICE_WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE, KimConstants.PermissionTemplateNames.AD_HOC_REVIEW_DOCUMENT, user.getPrincipalId(), additionalPermissionDetails, null ); ]]> attributes) { super.addPermissionDetails(dataObject, attributes); if (dataObject instanceof Document) { addStandardAttributes((Document) dataObject, attributes); } } @Override protected void addRoleQualification(Object dataObject, Map attributes) { super.addRoleQualification(dataObject, attributes); if (dataObject instanceof Document) { addStandardAttributes((Document) dataObject, attributes); } } protected void addStandardAttributes(Document document, Map attributes) { WorkflowDocument wd = document.getDocumentHeader() .getWorkflowDocument(); attributes.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.DOCUMENT_NUMBER, document .getDocumentNumber()); attributes.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME, wd.getDocumentTypeName()); if (wd.isInitiated() || wd.isSaved()) { attributes.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.ROUTE_NODE_NAME, PRE_ROUTING_ROUTE_NAME); } else { attributes.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.ROUTE_NODE_NAME, KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getWorkflowDocumentService().getCurrentRouteNodeNames(wd)); } attributes.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.ROUTE_STATUS_CODE, wd.getStatus().getCode()); } protected boolean isDocumentInitiator(Document document, Person user) { WorkflowDocument workflowDocument = document.getDocumentHeader().getWorkflowDocument(); return workflowDocument.getInitiatorPrincipalId().equalsIgnoreCase(user.getPrincipalId()); } } ]]> additionalPermissionDetails = new HashMap(); additionalPermissionDetails.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.ACTION_REQUEST_CD, actionRequestCode); return isAuthorizedByTemplate(document, KRADConstants.KRAD_NAMESPACE, KimConstants.PermissionTemplateNames.TAKE_REQUESTED_ACTION, user.getPrincipalId(), additionalPermissionDetails, null); ]]> > Object getVal(U toConv) { Object o = toConv.getValue(); if (o instanceof DateTime) { return new Timestamp(((DateTime) o).getMillis()); } return o; } //this is unsafe b/c values could be converted resulting in a classcast exception @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static > Set getValsUnsafe(Set toConv) { return (Set) getVals(toConv); } private static Set getVals(Set> toConv) { final Set values = new HashSet(); for (CriteriaValue value : toConv) { values.add(getVal(value)); } return values; } //eliding performance for function composition.... private static Set toUpper(Set strs) { final Set values = new HashSet(); for (String value : strs) { values.add(value.toUpperCase()); } return values; } private String getUpperFunction() { ]]> (getPermissionDetailValues(dataObject)); } return getPermissionService().isAuthorized(principalId, namespaceCode, permissionName, permissionDetails, roleQualifiers); } public final boolean isAuthorizedByTemplate(Object dataObject, String namespaceCode, String permissionTemplateName, String principalId, Map collectionOrFieldLevelPermissionDetails, Map collectionOrFieldLevelRoleQualification) { Map roleQualifiers = new HashMap(getRoleQualification(dataObject, principalId)); Map permissionDetails = new HashMap(getPermissionDetailValues(dataObject)); if (collectionOrFieldLevelRoleQualification != null) { roleQualifiers.putAll(collectionOrFieldLevelRoleQualification); } if (collectionOrFieldLevelPermissionDetails != null) { permissionDetails.putAll(collectionOrFieldLevelPermissionDetails); } return getPermissionService().isAuthorizedByTemplateName(principalId, namespaceCode, permissionTemplateName, permissionDetails, roleQualifiers); } /** * Returns a role qualification map based off data from the primary business * object or the document. DO NOT MODIFY THE MAP RETURNED BY THIS METHOD * * @param primaryDataObjectOrDocument * the primary data object (i.e. the main object instance behind * the lookup result row or inquiry) or the document * @return a Map containing role qualifications */ protected final Map getRoleQualification(Object primaryDataObjectOrDocument) { ]]> criteria.getMaxResults()) { results.setMoreResultsAvailable(true); //remove the extra row that was returned rows.remove(criteria.getMaxResults().intValue()); } results.setResults(transformResults(rows, transform)); return; } private static List transformResults(List results, LookupCustomizer.Transform transform) { final List list = new ArrayList(); for (T r : results) { list.add(transform.apply(r)); } return list; } /** gets results where only the count is requested. */ private GenericQueryResults forCountOnly(final Class queryClass, final QueryByCriteria criteria, final Criteria ojbCriteria) { ]]> queryParameters = new HashMap(); for (Object parameterName : request.getParameterMap().keySet()) { if (parameterName.toString().startsWith(UifParameters.QUERY_PARAMETER + ".")) { String fieldName = StringUtils.substringAfter(parameterName.toString(), UifParameters.QUERY_PARAMETER + "."); String fieldValue = request.getParameter(parameterName.toString()); queryParameters.put(fieldName, fieldValue); } } // retrieve id for field to perform query for String queryFieldId = request.getParameter(UifParameters.QUERY_FIELD_ID); if (StringUtils.isBlank(queryFieldId)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find id for field to perform query on under request parameter name: " + UifParameters.QUERY_FIELD_ID); } ]]> GenericQueryResults forRowResults(final Class queryClass, final QueryByCriteria criteria, final Criteria ojbCriteria, CountFlag flag, LookupCustomizer.Transform transform) { ]]> GenericQueryResults lookup(final Class queryClass, final QueryByCriteria criteria) { return lookup(queryClass, criteria, LookupCustomizer.Builder.create().build()); } @Override public GenericQueryResults lookup(final Class queryClass, final QueryByCriteria criteria, LookupCustomizer customizer) { if (queryClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("queryClass is null"); } if (criteria == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("criteria is null"); } if (customizer == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("customizer is null"); } final Criteria parent = new Criteria(); ]]> (); } /** * The number of property elements in this state object. * * @return */ public int numPropertyElements() { return pathElements.size(); } /** * Adds an additional state element into this object. * * @param elementName * @param propertyType the type of the property when it was serialized */ public void addSerializedProperty(String elementName, PropertyType propertyType) { SerializationPropertyElement serializationPropertyElement = new SerializationPropertyElement(elementName, propertyType); pathElements.add(serializationPropertyElement); } /** * Removes the last added serialized property * */ public void removeSerializedProperty() { pathElements.remove(pathElements.size() - 1); } /** * Retrieves the element name of the state element. A parameter value of 0 represents the first element that was added * by calling {@link #addSerializedProperty(String, PropertyType)} that hasn't been removed, and a value of * {@link #numPropertyElements()} - 1 represents the element last added that hasn't been removed. * * @param propertyIndex most be between 0 and the value returned by {@link #numPropertyElements()} - 1 * @return */ public String getElementName(int propertyIndex) { return pathElements.get(propertyIndex).getElementName(); } /** * Retrieves the property type of the state element. A parameter value of 0 represents the first element that was added * by calling {@link #addSerializedProperty(String, PropertyType)} that hasn't been removed, and a value of * {@link #numPropertyElements()} - 1 represents the element last added that hasn't been removed. * * @param propertyIndex most be between 0 and the value returned by {@link #numPropertyElements()} - 1 * @return */ public PropertyType getPropertyType(int propertyIndex) { return pathElements.get(propertyIndex).getPropertyType(); } } ]]> additionalPermissionDetails = new HashMap(); if (attachmentTypeCode != null) { additionalPermissionDetails.put(KimConstants.AttributeConstants.ATTACHMENT_TYPE_CODE, attachmentTypeCode); } return isAuthorizedByTemplate(document, KRADConstants.KRAD_NAMESPACE, KimConstants.PermissionTemplateNames.ADD_NOTE_ATTACHMENT, user .getPrincipalId(), additionalPermissionDetails, null); ]]>