KSB Security


Acegi handles the security layer for KSB. Acegi uses remote method invocation to hold the application’s security context and to propagate this object through to the service layer.

Security types

There are four security types you can use to propagate the security context object:

  • Java

  • RMI

  • JMS

  • SOAP : WS-Security + Username Token + more


The CredentialsSource is an interface that helps obtain security credentials. It encapsulates the actual source of credentials. The three ways to obtain the source are:

  • CasCredentialsSource - Username and Cas (Proxy) Ticket

  • KerberosCredentialsSource - Username and Kerberos Ticket

  • TestCredentialsSource - Username and Password

KSB security: Server side configuration

Here is a code snippet that shows the changes needed to configure KSB security on the server side:

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="edu.iu.uis.eden.config.spring.KSBSpringConfigurer">
    <!-- Other properties removed -->
    <property name="registryUrl" value="http://..." />
    <property name="services">
            <bean class="edu.iu.uis.eden.messaging.SOAPServiceDefinition">
                <property name="service">
                    <ref bean="soapService" />
                <property name="localServiceName" value="soapLocalName"/>
                <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI" value="soapNameSpace"/>
                <property name="serviceInterface" value="org.kuali.ksb.examples.SOAPEchoService"/>
                <property name="priority" value="3"/>
                <property name="retryAttempts" value="1" />
                <property name="busSecurity" value="false"></property>
                <!-- Valid Values: BASIC, SecurityContext -->
                <property name="credentialsPropagationStrategy" value="BASIC"/>
                <!-- Valid Values: CAS, KERBEROS -->
                <property name="credentialsSourceType" value="CAS"/>
            <bean class="edu.iu.uis.eden.messaging.JavaServiceDefinition">
                <property name="service" ref="echoService"></property>
                <property name="localServiceName" value="javaLocalName" />
                <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI" value="javaNameSpace"/>
                <property name="serviceInterface" value="org.kuali.ksb.examples.EchoService"/>
                <property name="priority" value="5" />
                <property name="retryAttempts" value="1" />
                <property name="busSecurity" value="true" />
                <!-- Valid Values: BASIC, SecurityContext -->
                <property name="credentialsPropagationStrategy" value="SecurityContext"/>
                <!-- Valid Values: CAS, KERBEROS -->
                <property name="credentialsSourceType" value="CAS"/>
            <!-- Other services removed -->

KSB security: Client side configuration

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="edu.iu.uis.eden.config.spring.KSBSpringConfigurer">
    <!-- Other properties removed -->
    <property name="registryUrl" value="http://..." />
    <property name="credentialsSources">
        <property name="casCredentialsSource">
            <!-- Whatever properties CAS needs -->
        <property name="kerberosCredentialsSource">
            <!-- Whatever properties Kerberos needs -->

KSB connector and exporter code


Connectors are used by a client to connect to a service that is usually exposed through the KSB registry. The Service Connector factory provides a bean that holds a proxy to a remote service with some contextual information. The factory determines the type of proxy to invoke based on the service definition. The service definition used by the server is serialized to the database and de-serialized by the client. There are different types of connectors supported by KSB, most notable are SOAP and Java over HTTP.


Services, when exported, can be secured using standard Acegi methods. A security manager and an interceptor help organize the set of Business Objects that are exported.

Bus Security

Generating the Keystore

For client applications to be able to consume secured services hosted from a Rice server, the implementer must generate a keystore. As an initial setup, KSB security relies on the creation of a keystore using the JVM keytool as follows:

Step 1: Create the Keystore

The first step is to create the keystore and generate a public-private key combination for the client application. When using secured services on the KSB, we require the client applications transfer their messages digitally signed so that Rice can verify the messages authenticity. This is why we must generate these keys.

Generate your initial Rice keystore as follows:


keypass and storepass should be the same.

r1c3pw is the password used for the provided example.

Step 2: Sign the Key

This generates the keystore in a file called "rice_keystore" in the current directory and generates an RSA key with the alias of "rice". Since there is no certificate signing authority to sign our key, we must sign it ourselves. To do this, execute the following command:

keytool  -selfcert -validity 9999 -alias rice -keystore rice.keystore -keypass r1c3pw -storepass r1c3pw

Step 3: Generate the Certificate

After the application's certificate has been signed, we must export it so that it can be imported into the Rice keystore. To export a certificate, execute the following command:

keytool  -export -alias rice -file rice.cert -keystore rice.keystore -storepass r1c3pw

Step 4: Import Application Certificates

The client application's certificate can be imported using the following command:

keytool  -import -alias rice -file client.application.cert.file -keystore rice.keystore -storepass r1c3pw

The keystore file will end up deployed wherever your keystores are stored so hang on to both of these files and don't lose them! Also, notice that we specified a validity of 9999 days for the keystore and cert. This is so you do not have to continually update these keystores. This will be determined by your computing standards on how you handle key management.

Configure KSB to use the keystore

The following params are needed in the xml config to allow the ksb to use the keystore:

<param name="keystore.file">/usr/local/rice/rice.keystore</param>
<param name="keystore.alias">rice</param>
<param name="keystore.password"> password </param>

  • keystore.file - is the location of the keystore

  • keystore.alias - is the alias used in creating the keystore above

  • keystore.password - this is the password of the alias AND the keystore. This assumes that the keystore is up in such a way that these are the same.