002 * Copyright 2007 The Kuali Foundation
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.kuali.ole.module.purap.pdf;
018import com.lowagie.text.*;
019import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont;
020import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
021import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable;
022import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
023import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
024import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
025import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
026import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
027import org.kuali.ole.module.purap.PurapConstants;
028import org.kuali.ole.module.purap.businessobject.PurchaseOrderItem;
029import org.kuali.ole.module.purap.businessobject.PurchaseOrderVendorStipulation;
030import org.kuali.ole.module.purap.document.PurchaseOrderDocument;
031import org.kuali.ole.module.purap.document.PurchaseOrderRetransmitDocument;
032import org.kuali.ole.module.purap.exception.PurError;
033import org.kuali.ole.module.purap.util.PurApDateFormatUtils;
034import org.kuali.ole.select.businessobject.OleNoteType;
035import org.kuali.ole.select.businessobject.OleNotes;
036import org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEConstants;
037import org.kuali.ole.sys.context.SpringContext;
038import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal;
039import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService;
040import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocatorWeb;
042import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
043import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
044import java.io.FileOutputStream;
045import java.io.IOException;
046import java.math.BigDecimal;
047import java.text.NumberFormat;
048import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
049import java.util.*;
050import java.util.List;
053 * Base class to handle pdf for purchase order documents.
054 */
055public class PurchaseOrderPdf extends PurapPdf {
056    private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PurchaseOrderPdf.class);
058    /**
059     * headerTable pieces need to be public
060     */
062    public PurchaseOrderPdf() {
063        super();
064    }
066    /**
067     * Overrides the method in PdfPageEventHelper from itext to create and set the headerTable and set its logo image if
068     * there is a logoImage to be used, creates and sets the nestedHeaderTable and its content.
069     *
070     * @param writer   The PdfWriter for this document.
071     * @param document The document.
072     * @see com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPageEventHelper#onOpenDocument(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter, com.lowagie.text.Document)
073     */
074    @Override
075    public void onOpenDocument(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
076        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
077            LOG.debug("onOpenDocument() started. isRetransmit is " + isRetransmit);
078        }
079        try {
080            float[] headerWidths = {0.20f, 0.80f};
081            headerTable = new PdfPTable(headerWidths);
082            headerTable.setWidthPercentage(100);
083            headerTable.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
084            headerTable.setSplitLate(false);
085            headerTable.getDefaultCell().setBorderWidth(0);
086            headerTable.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
087            headerTable.getDefaultCell().setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
089            Image logo = null;
090            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(logoImage)) {
091                LOG.info(" Logo Image in open document :" + logoImage);
092                try {
093                    logo = Image.getInstance(logoImage);
094                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
095                    LOG.info("The logo image [" + logoImage + "] is not available.  Defaulting to the default image.");
096                }
097            }
099            if (logo == null) {
100                // if we don't use images
101                headerTable.addCell(new Phrase(new Chunk("")));
102            } else {
103                logo.scalePercent(3, 3);
104                headerTable.addCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(logo, 0, 0)));
105            }
106            // Nested table for titles, etc.
107            float[] nestedHeaderWidths = {0.70f, 0.30f};
108            nestedHeaderTable = new PdfPTable(nestedHeaderWidths);
109            nestedHeaderTable.setSplitLate(false);
110            PdfPCell cell;
112            // New nestedHeaderTable row
113            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(po.getBillingName(), ver_15_normal));
114            cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
115            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
116            nestedHeaderTable.addCell(cell);
117            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(" ", ver_15_normal));
118            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
119            nestedHeaderTable.addCell(cell);
120            // New nestedHeaderTable row
121            if (isRetransmit) {
122                cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(po.getRetransmitHeader(), ver_15_normal));
123            } else {
124                cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("PURCHASE ORDER", ver_15_normal));
125            }
126            cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
127            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
128            nestedHeaderTable.addCell(cell);
129            Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
130            p.add(new Chunk("PO Number: ", ver_11_normal));
131            p.add(new Chunk(po.getPurapDocumentIdentifier().toString(), cour_7_normal));
133            cell = new PdfPCell(p);
134            cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
135            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
136            nestedHeaderTable.addCell(cell);
137            if (!po.getPurchaseOrderAutomaticIndicator()) { // Contract manager name goes on non-APOs.
138                // New nestedHeaderTable row, spans both columns
139                p = new Paragraph();
140                p.add(new Chunk("Contract Manager: ", ver_11_normal));
141                p.add(new Chunk(po.getContractManager().getContractManagerName(), cour_7_normal));
142                cell = new PdfPCell(p);
143                cell.setColspan(2);
144                cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
145                cell.setBorderWidth(0);
146                nestedHeaderTable.addCell(cell);
147            }
148            // Add the nestedHeaderTable to the headerTable
149            cell = new PdfPCell(nestedHeaderTable);
150            cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
151            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
152            headerTable.addCell(cell);
154            // initialization of the template
155            tpl = writer.getDirectContent().createTemplate(100, 100);
156            // initialization of the font
157            helv = BaseFont.createFont("Helvetica", BaseFont.WINANSI, false);
158        } catch (Exception e) {
159            throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
160        }
161    }
163    /**
164     * Gets a PageEvents object.
165     *
166     * @return a new PageEvents object
167     */
168    @Override
169    public PurchaseOrderPdf getPageEvents() {
170        LOG.debug("getPageEvents() started.");
171        return new PurchaseOrderPdf();
172    }
174    /**
175     * Generates the pdf document based on the data in the given PurchaseOrderDocument, the pdf parameters,
176     * environment, retransmit items, creates a pdf writer using the given byteArrayOutputStream then
177     * write the pdf document into the writer.
178     *
179     * @param po                    The PurchaseOrderDocument to be used to generate the pdf.
180     * @param pdfParameters         The PurchaseOrderPdfParameters to be used to generate the pdf.
181     * @param byteArrayOutputStream The ByteArrayOutputStream where the pdf document will be written to.
182     * @param isRetransmit          The boolean to indicate whether this is for a retransmit purchase order document.
183     * @param environment           The current environment used (e.g. DEV if it is a development environment).
184     * @param retransmitItems       The items selected by the user to be retransmitted.
185     */
186    public void generatePdf(PurchaseOrderDocument po, PurchaseOrderTransmitParameters pdfParameters, ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream, boolean isRetransmit, String environment, List<PurchaseOrderItem> retransmitItems) {
187        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
188            LOG.debug("generatePdf() started for po number " + po.getPurapDocumentIdentifier());
189        }
191        this.isRetransmit = isRetransmit;
192        String statusInquiryUrl = pdfParameters.getStatusInquiryUrl();
193        String campusName = pdfParameters.getCampusParameter().getCampus().getName();
194        String contractLanguage = pdfParameters.getContractLanguage();
195        String logoImage = pdfParameters.getLogoImage();
196        logoImage = getImageLocations(logoImage);
197        String directorSignatureImage = pdfParameters.getDirectorSignatureImage();
198        directorSignatureImage = getImageLocations(directorSignatureImage);
199        String directorName = pdfParameters.getCampusParameter().getCampusPurchasingDirectorName() != null ? pdfParameters.getCampusParameter().getCampusPurchasingDirectorName() : "";
200        String directorTitle = pdfParameters.getCampusParameter().getCampusPurchasingDirectorTitle() != null ? pdfParameters.getCampusParameter().getCampusPurchasingDirectorTitle() : "";
201        String contractManagerSignatureImage = pdfParameters.getContractManagerSignatureImage();
202        contractManagerSignatureImage = getImageLocations(contractManagerSignatureImage);
204        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
205            LOG.info("PDF parameters" + "isRetransmit:" + this.isRetransmit + "statusInquiryUrl:" + statusInquiryUrl
206                    + "campusName:" + campusName + "contractLanguage:" + contractLanguage + "logoImage:" + logoImage
207                    + "directorSignatureImage:" + directorSignatureImage + "directorName:" + directorName
208                    + "directorTitle:" + directorTitle + "contractManagerSignatureImage:"
209                    + contractManagerSignatureImage + "isRetransmit" + isRetransmit + "retransmitItems:"
210                    + retransmitItems);
211        }
212        try {
213            Document doc = this.getDocument(9, 9, 70, 36);
214            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, byteArrayOutputStream);
215            this.createPdf(po, doc, writer, statusInquiryUrl, campusName, contractLanguage, logoImage, directorSignatureImage, directorName, directorTitle, contractManagerSignatureImage, isRetransmit, environment, retransmitItems);
216        } catch (DocumentException de) {
217            LOG.error("generatePdf() DocumentException: " + de.getMessage(), de);
218            throw new PurError("Document Exception when trying to save a Purchase Order PDF", de);
219        } catch (IOException i) {
220            LOG.error("generatePdf() IOException: " + i.getMessage(), i);
221            throw new PurError("IO Exception when trying to save a Purchase Order PDF", i);
222        } catch (Exception t) {
223            LOG.error("generatePdf() EXCEPTION: " + t.getMessage(), t);
224            throw new PurError("Exception when trying to save a Purchase Order PDF", t);
225        }
226    }
228    /**
229     * Invokes the createPdf method to create a pdf document and saves it into a file
230     * which name and location are specified in the pdfParameters.
231     *
232     * @param po            The PurchaseOrderDocument to be used to create the pdf.
233     * @param pdfParameters The pdfParameters containing some of the parameters information needed by the pdf for example, the pdf file name and pdf file location, purchasing director name, etc.
234     * @param isRetransmit  The boolean to indicate whether this is for a retransmit purchase order document.
235     * @param environment   The current environment used (e.g. DEV if it is a development environment).
236     */
237    public void savePdf(PurchaseOrderDocument po, PurchaseOrderParameters pdfParameters, boolean isRetransmit, String environment) {
238        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
239            LOG.debug("savePdf() started for po number " + po.getPurapDocumentIdentifier());
240        }
242        PurchaseOrderTransmitParameters pdfTransmitParameters = (PurchaseOrderTransmitParameters) pdfParameters;
244        this.isRetransmit = isRetransmit;
245        String statusInquiryUrl = pdfTransmitParameters.getStatusInquiryUrl();
246        String campusName = pdfTransmitParameters.getCampusParameter().getCampus().getName();
247        String contractLanguage = pdfTransmitParameters.getContractLanguage();
248        String logoImage = pdfTransmitParameters.getLogoImage();
249        logoImage = getImageLocations(logoImage);
250        String directorSignatureImage = pdfTransmitParameters.getDirectorSignatureImage();
251        directorSignatureImage = getImageLocations(directorSignatureImage);
252        String directorName = pdfTransmitParameters.getCampusParameter().getCampusPurchasingDirectorName();
253        String directorTitle = pdfTransmitParameters.getCampusParameter().getCampusPurchasingDirectorTitle();
254        String contractManagerSignatureImage = pdfTransmitParameters.getContractManagerSignatureImage();
255        contractManagerSignatureImage = getImageLocations(contractManagerSignatureImage);
256        String pdfFileLocation = pdfTransmitParameters.getPdfFileLocation();
257        String pdfFileName = pdfTransmitParameters.getPdfFileName();
259        try {
260            Document doc = this.getDocument(9, 9, 70, 36);
261            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, new FileOutputStream(pdfFileLocation + pdfFileName));
262            this.createPdf(po, doc, writer, statusInquiryUrl, campusName, contractLanguage, logoImage, directorSignatureImage, directorName, directorTitle, contractManagerSignatureImage, isRetransmit, environment);
263        } catch (DocumentException de) {
264            LOG.error("savePdf() DocumentException: " + de.getMessage(), de);
265            throw new PurError("Document Exception when trying to save a Purchase Order PDF", de);
266        } catch (FileNotFoundException f) {
267            LOG.error("savePdf() FileNotFoundException: " + f.getMessage(), f);
268            throw new PurError("FileNotFound Exception when trying to save a Purchase Order PDF", f);
269        } catch (IOException i) {
270            LOG.error("savePdf() IOException: " + i.getMessage(), i);
271            throw new PurError("IO Exception when trying to save a Purchase Order PDF", i);
272        } catch (Exception t) {
273            LOG.error("savePdf() EXCEPTION: " + t.getMessage(), t);
274            throw new PurError("Exception when trying to save a Purchase Order PDF", t);
275        }
276    }
278    /**
279     * Creates the purchase order pdf, and pass in null as the retransmitItems List because it doesn't need retransmit.
280     *
281     * @param po                            The PurchaseOrderDocument to be used to create the pdf.
282     * @param document                      The pdf document whose margins have already been set.
283     * @param writer                        The PdfWriter to write the pdf document into.
284     * @param statusInquiryUrl              The status inquiry url to be displayed on the pdf document.
285     * @param campusName                    The campus name to be displayed on the pdf document.
286     * @param contractLanguage              The contract language to be displayed on the pdf document.
287     * @param logoImage                     The logo image file name to be displayed on the pdf document.
288     * @param directorSignatureImage        The director signature image to be displayed on the pdf document.
289     * @param directorName                  The director name to be displayed on the pdf document.
290     * @param directorTitle                 The director title to be displayed on the pdf document.
291     * @param contractManagerSignatureImage The contract manager signature image to be displayed on the pdf document.
292     * @param isRetransmit                  The boolean to indicate whether this is for a retransmit purchase order document.
293     * @param environment                   The current environment used (e.g. DEV if it is a development environment).
294     * @throws DocumentException
295     * @throws IOException
296     */
297    private void createPdf(PurchaseOrderDocument po, Document document, PdfWriter writer, String statusInquiryUrl, String campusName, String contractLanguage, String logoImage, String directorSignatureImage, String directorName, String directorTitle, String contractManagerSignatureImage, boolean isRetransmit, String environment) throws DocumentException, IOException {
298        createPdf(po, document, writer, statusInquiryUrl, campusName, contractLanguage, logoImage, directorSignatureImage, directorName, directorTitle, contractManagerSignatureImage, isRetransmit, environment, null);
299    }
301    /**
302     * Create a PDF using the given input parameters.
303     *
304     * @param po                            The PurchaseOrderDocument to be used to create the pdf.
305     * @param document                      The pdf document whose margins have already been set.
306     * @param writer                        The PdfWriter to write the pdf document into.
307     * @param statusInquiryUrl              The status inquiry url to be displayed on the pdf document.
308     * @param campusName                    The campus name to be displayed on the pdf document.
309     * @param contractLanguage              The contract language to be displayed on the pdf document.
310     * @param logoImage                     The logo image file name to be displayed on the pdf document.
311     * @param directorSignatureImage        The director signature image to be displayed on the pdf document.
312     * @param directorName                  The director name to be displayed on the pdf document.
313     * @param directorTitle                 The director title to be displayed on the pdf document.
314     * @param contractManagerSignatureImage The contract manager signature image to be displayed on the pdf document.
315     * @param isRetransmit                  The boolean to indicate whether this is for a retransmit purchase order document.
316     * @param environment                   The current environment used (e.g. DEV if it is a development environment).
317     * @param retransmitItems               The items selected by the user to be retransmitted.
318     * @throws DocumentException
319     * @throws IOException
320     */
321    private void createPdf(PurchaseOrderDocument po, Document document, PdfWriter writer, String statusInquiryUrl, String campusName, String contractLanguage, String logoImage, String directorSignatureImage, String directorName, String directorTitle, String contractManagerSignatureImage, boolean isRetransmit, String environment, List<PurchaseOrderItem> retransmitItems) throws DocumentException, IOException {
322        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
323            LOG.info("Inside createPdf statement" + "PO:" + po + "Document:" + document + "PdfWriter:" + writer
324                    + "StatusInquiryUrl:" + statusInquiryUrl + "Campus Name:" + campusName + "Contract Language"
325                    + contractLanguage + "Logo Image:" + logoImage + "Director Signature Image:"
326                    + directorSignatureImage + "Director Name" + directorName + "Director Title:" + directorTitle
327                    + "Contract Manager Signature Image :" + contractManagerSignatureImage + "isRetransmit"
328                    + isRetransmit + "Environment" + environment + "retransmitItems" + retransmitItems);
329        }
330        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
331            LOG.debug("createPdf() started for po number " + po.getPurapDocumentIdentifier().toString());
332        }
334        // These have to be set because they are used by the onOpenDocument() and onStartPage() methods.
335        this.campusName = campusName;
336        this.po = po;
337        this.logoImage = logoImage;
338        this.environment = environment;
340        NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
341        Collection errors = new ArrayList();
343        // Date format pattern: MM-dd-yyyy
344        SimpleDateFormat sdf = PurApDateFormatUtils.getSimpleDateFormat(PurapConstants.NamedDateFormats.KUALI_SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT_2);
346        // This turns on the page events that handle the header and page numbers.
347        PurchaseOrderPdf events = new PurchaseOrderPdf().getPageEvents();
348        writer.setPageEvent(this); // Passing in "this" lets it know about the po, campusName, etc.
350        document.open();
352        PdfPCell cell;
353        Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
355        // ***** Info table (vendor, address info) *****
356        LOG.debug("createPdf() info table started.");
357        float[] infoWidths = {0.50f, 0.50f};
358        PdfPTable infoTable = new PdfPTable(infoWidths);
360        infoTable.setWidthPercentage(100);
361        infoTable.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
362        infoTable.setSplitLate(false);
364        StringBuffer vendorInfo = new StringBuffer();
365        vendorInfo.append("\n");
366        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getVendorName())) {
367            vendorInfo.append("     " + po.getVendorName() + "\n");
368        }
370        vendorInfo.append("     ATTN: " + po.getVendorAttentionName() + "\n");
372        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getVendorLine1Address())) {
373            vendorInfo.append("     " + po.getVendorLine1Address() + "\n");
374        }
375        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getVendorLine2Address())) {
376            vendorInfo.append("     " + po.getVendorLine2Address() + "\n");
377        }
378        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getVendorCityName())) {
379            vendorInfo.append("     " + po.getVendorCityName());
380        }
381        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getVendorStateCode())) {
382            vendorInfo.append(", " + po.getVendorStateCode());
383        }
384        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getVendorAddressInternationalProvinceName())) {
385            vendorInfo.append(", " + po.getVendorAddressInternationalProvinceName());
386        }
387        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getVendorPostalCode())) {
388            vendorInfo.append(" " + po.getVendorPostalCode() + "\n");
389        } else {
390            vendorInfo.append("\n");
391        }
392        if (!OLEConstants.COUNTRY_CODE_UNITED_STATES.equalsIgnoreCase(po.getVendorCountryCode()) && po.getVendorCountry() != null) {
393            vendorInfo.append("     " + po.getVendorCountry().getName() + "\n\n");
394        } else {
395            vendorInfo.append("\n\n");
396        }
397        p = new Paragraph();
398        p.add(new Chunk(" Vendor", ver_5_normal));
399        p.add(new Chunk(vendorInfo.toString(), cour_7_normal));
400        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
401        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
402        infoTable.addCell(cell);
404        StringBuffer shipToInfo = new StringBuffer();
405        shipToInfo.append("\n");
407        if (po.getAddressToVendorIndicator()) { // use receiving address
408            shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getReceivingName() + "\n");
409            shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getReceivingLine1Address() + "\n");
410            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getReceivingLine2Address())) {
411                shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getReceivingLine2Address() + "\n");
412            }
413            shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getReceivingCityName() + ", " + po.getReceivingStateCode() + " " + po.getReceivingPostalCode() + "\n");
414            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getReceivingCountryCode()) && !OLEConstants.COUNTRY_CODE_UNITED_STATES.equalsIgnoreCase(po.getReceivingCountryCode())) {
415                shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getReceivingCountryName() + "\n");
416            }
417        } else { // use delivery address
418            shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getDeliveryToName() + "\n");
419            // extra space needed below to separate other text going on same PDF line
420            String deliveryBuildingName = po.getDeliveryBuildingName() + " ";
421            if (po.isDeliveryBuildingOtherIndicator()) {
422                deliveryBuildingName = "";
423            }
424            shipToInfo.append("     " + deliveryBuildingName + "Room #" + po.getDeliveryBuildingRoomNumber() + "\n");
425            shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getDeliveryBuildingLine1Address() + "\n");
426            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getDeliveryBuildingLine2Address())) {
427                shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getDeliveryBuildingLine2Address() + "\n");
428            }
429            shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getDeliveryCityName() + ", " + po.getDeliveryStateCode() + " " + po.getDeliveryPostalCode() + "\n");
430            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getDeliveryCountryCode()) && !OLEConstants.COUNTRY_CODE_UNITED_STATES.equalsIgnoreCase(po.getDeliveryCountryCode())) {
431                shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getDeliveryCountryName() + "\n");
432            }
433        }
434        // display deliveryToPhoneNumber disregard of whether receiving or delivery address is used
435        shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getDeliveryToPhoneNumber());
436        /*
437        // display deliveryToPhoneNumber based on the parameter indicator, disregard of whether receiving or delivery address is used
438        boolean displayDeliveryPhoneNumber = SpringContext.getBean(ParameterService.class).getIndicatorParameter(PurchaseOrderDocument.class, PurapParameterConstants.DISPLAY_DELIVERY_PHONE_NUMBER_ON_PDF_IND);
439        if (displayDeliveryPhoneNumber && StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getDeliveryToPhoneNumber())) {
440            shipToInfo.append("     " + po.getDeliveryToPhoneNumber());
441        }
442        */
444        p = new Paragraph();
445        p.add(new Chunk("  Shipping Address", ver_5_normal));
446        p.add(new Chunk(shipToInfo.toString(), cour_7_normal));
447        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
448        infoTable.addCell(cell);
450        p = new Paragraph();
451        p.add(new Chunk("  Shipping Terms\n", ver_5_normal));
452        if (po.getVendorShippingPaymentTerms() != null && po.getVendorShippingTitle() != null) {
453            p.add(new Chunk("     " + po.getVendorShippingPaymentTerms().getVendorShippingPaymentTermsDescription(), cour_7_normal));
454            p.add(new Chunk(" - " + po.getVendorShippingTitle().getVendorShippingTitleDescription(), cour_7_normal));
455        } else if (po.getVendorShippingPaymentTerms() != null && po.getVendorShippingTitle() == null) {
456            p.add(new Chunk("     " + po.getVendorShippingPaymentTerms().getVendorShippingPaymentTermsDescription(), cour_7_normal));
457        } else if (po.getVendorShippingTitle() != null && po.getVendorShippingPaymentTerms() == null) {
458            p.add(new Chunk("     " + po.getVendorShippingTitle().getVendorShippingTitleDescription(), cour_7_normal));
459        }
460        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
461        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
462        infoTable.addCell(cell);
464        p = new Paragraph();
465        p.add(new Chunk("  Payment Terms\n", ver_5_normal));
466        if (po.getVendorPaymentTerms() != null) {
467            p.add(new Chunk("     " + po.getVendorPaymentTerms().getVendorPaymentTermsDescription(), cour_7_normal));
468        }
469        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
470        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
471        infoTable.addCell(cell);
473        p = new Paragraph();
474        p.add(new Chunk("  Delivery Required By\n", ver_5_normal));
476        if (po.getDeliveryRequiredDate() != null && po.getDeliveryRequiredDateReason() != null) {
477            p.add(new Chunk("     " + sdf.format(po.getDeliveryRequiredDate()), cour_7_normal));
478            p.add(new Chunk(" - " + po.getDeliveryRequiredDateReason().getDeliveryRequiredDateReasonDescription(), cour_7_normal));
479        } else if (po.getDeliveryRequiredDate() != null && po.getDeliveryRequiredDateReason() == null) {
480            p.add(new Chunk("     " + sdf.format(po.getDeliveryRequiredDate()), cour_7_normal));
481        } else if (po.getDeliveryRequiredDate() == null && po.getDeliveryRequiredDateReason() != null) {
482            p.add(new Chunk("     " + po.getDeliveryRequiredDateReason().getDeliveryRequiredDateReasonDescription(), cour_7_normal));
483        }
484        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
485        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
486        infoTable.addCell(cell);
488        p = new Paragraph();
489        p.add(new Chunk("  ", ver_5_normal));
490        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
491        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
492        infoTable.addCell(cell);
494        // Nested table for Order Date, etc.
495        float[] nestedInfoWidths = {0.50f, 0.50f};
496        PdfPTable nestedInfoTable = new PdfPTable(nestedInfoWidths);
497        nestedInfoTable.setSplitLate(false);
499        p = new Paragraph();
500        p.add(new Chunk("  Order Date\n", ver_5_normal));
502        String orderDate = "";
503        if (po.getPurchaseOrderInitialOpenTimestamp() != null) {
504            orderDate = sdf.format(po.getPurchaseOrderInitialOpenTimestamp());
505        } else {
506            // This date isn't set until the first time this document is printed, so will be null the first time; use today's date.
507            orderDate = sdf.format(getDateTimeService().getCurrentSqlDate());
508        }
510        p.add(new Chunk("     " + orderDate, cour_7_normal));
511        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
512        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
513        nestedInfoTable.addCell(cell);
515        p = new Paragraph();
516        p.add(new Chunk("  Customer #\n", ver_5_normal));
517        if (po.getVendorCustomerNumber() != null) {
518            p.add(new Chunk("     " + po.getVendorCustomerNumber(), cour_7_normal));
519        }
520        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
521        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
522        nestedInfoTable.addCell(cell);
524        p = new Paragraph();
525        p.add(new Chunk("  Delivery Instructions\n", ver_5_normal));
526        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(po.getDeliveryInstructionText())) {
527            p.add(new Chunk("     " + po.getDeliveryInstructionText(), cour_7_normal));
528        }
529        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
530        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
531        nestedInfoTable.addCell(cell);
533        p = new Paragraph();
534        p.add(new Chunk("  Contract ID\n", ver_5_normal));
535        if (po.getVendorContract() != null) {
536            p.add(new Chunk(po.getVendorContract().getVendorContractName(), cour_7_normal));
537        }
538        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
539        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
540        nestedInfoTable.addCell(cell);
542        // Add the nestedInfoTable to the infoTable
543        cell = new PdfPCell(nestedInfoTable);
544        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
545        infoTable.addCell(cell);
547        StringBuffer billToInfo = new StringBuffer();
548        billToInfo.append("\n");
549        billToInfo.append("     " + po.getBillingName() + "\n");
550        billToInfo.append("     " + po.getBillingLine1Address() + "\n");
551        if (po.getBillingLine2Address() != null) {
552            billToInfo.append("     " + po.getBillingLine2Address() + "\n");
553        }
554        billToInfo.append("     " + po.getBillingCityName() + ", " + po.getBillingStateCode() + " " + po.getBillingPostalCode() + "\n");
555        if (po.getBillingPhoneNumber() != null) {
556            billToInfo.append("     " + po.getBillingPhoneNumber());
557        }
558        if (po.getBillingEmailAddress() != null) {
559            billToInfo.append("\n     " + po.getBillingEmailAddress());
560        }
561        p = new Paragraph();
562        p.add(new Chunk("  Billing Address", ver_5_normal));
563        p.add(new Chunk("     " + billToInfo.toString(), cour_7_normal));
564        p.add(new Chunk("\n Invoice status inquiry: " + statusInquiryUrl, ver_6_normal));
565        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
566        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
567        infoTable.addCell(cell);
569        document.add(infoTable);
571        PdfPTable notesStipulationsTable = new PdfPTable(1);
572        notesStipulationsTable.setWidthPercentage(100);
573        notesStipulationsTable.setSplitLate(false);
575        p = new Paragraph();
576        p.add(new Chunk("  Vendor Note(s)\n", ver_5_normal));
577        if (po.getVendorNoteText() != null) {
578            p.add(new Chunk("     " + po.getVendorNoteText() + "\n", cour_7_normal));
579        }
581        PdfPCell tableCell = new PdfPCell(p);
582        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
583        tableCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP);
585        notesStipulationsTable.addCell(tableCell);
587        p = new Paragraph();
588        p.add(new Chunk("  Vendor Stipulations and Information\n", ver_5_normal));
589        if ((po.getPurchaseOrderBeginDate() != null) && (po.getPurchaseOrderEndDate() != null)) {
590            p.add(new Chunk("     Order in effect from " + sdf.format(po.getPurchaseOrderBeginDate()) + " to " + sdf.format(po.getPurchaseOrderEndDate()) + ".\n", cour_7_normal));
592        }
593        Collection<PurchaseOrderVendorStipulation> vendorStipulationsList = po.getPurchaseOrderVendorStipulations();
594        if (vendorStipulationsList.size() > 0) {
595            StringBuffer vendorStipulations = new StringBuffer();
596            for (PurchaseOrderVendorStipulation povs : vendorStipulationsList) {
597                vendorStipulations.append("     " + povs.getVendorStipulationDescription() + "\n");
598            }
599            p.add(new Chunk("     " + vendorStipulations.toString(), cour_7_normal));
600        }
602        tableCell = new PdfPCell(p);
603        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
604        tableCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP);
605        notesStipulationsTable.addCell(tableCell);
607        document.add(notesStipulationsTable);
609        // ***** Items table *****
610        LOG.debug("createPdf() items table started.");
612        float[] itemsWidths = {0.07f, 0.1f, 0.07f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.10f, 0.10f};
614        if (!po.isUseTaxIndicator()) {
615            itemsWidths = ArrayUtils.add(itemsWidths, 0.14f);
616            itemsWidths = ArrayUtils.add(itemsWidths, 0.15f);
617        }
619        PdfPTable itemsTable = new PdfPTable(itemsWidths.length);
621        // itemsTable.setCellsFitPage(false); With this set to true a large cell will
622        // skip to the next page. The default Table behaviour seems to be what we want:
623        // start the large cell on the same page and continue it to the next.
624        itemsTable.setWidthPercentage(100);
625        itemsTable.setWidths(itemsWidths);
626        itemsTable.setSplitLate(false);
628        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Item\nNo.", ver_5_normal));
629        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
630        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
631        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Quantity", ver_5_normal));
632        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
633        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
634        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("UOM", ver_5_normal));
635        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
636        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
637        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Description", ver_5_normal));
638        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
639        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
640        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Special Instructions", ver_5_normal));
641        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
642        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
643        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Unit Cost", ver_5_normal));
644        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
645        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
646        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Extended Cost", ver_5_normal));
647        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
648        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
650        if (!po.isUseTaxIndicator()) {
651            tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Tax Amount", ver_5_normal));
652            tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
653            itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
655            tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Total Amount", ver_5_normal));
656            tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
657            itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
658        }
660        Collection<PurchaseOrderItem> itemsList = new ArrayList();
661        if (isRetransmit) {
662            itemsList = retransmitItems;
663        } else {
664            itemsList = po.getItems();
665        }
666        for (PurchaseOrderItem poi : itemsList) {
667            if ((poi.getItemType() != null) && (poi.getItemType().isLineItemIndicator() || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_SHIP_AND_HAND_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_FREIGHT_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_ORDER_DISCOUNT_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_TRADE_IN_CODE)) && lineItemDisplaysOnPdf(poi)) {
668                boolean noteFlag  = true;
669                String description = (poi.getItemCatalogNumber() != null) ? poi.getItemCatalogNumber().trim() + " - " : "";
670                String vendorNotes = "";
671                if (poi.getNotes().size() > 0) {
672                    for(OleNotes oleNotes : poi.getNotes()){
673                        String note = getNoteType(oleNotes.getNoteTypeId());
674                        if ((note != null && note.equals(OLEConstants.VENDOR_TYPE)) && noteFlag) {
675                            vendorNotes = oleNotes.getNote();
676                            noteFlag = false;
677                        }
678                    }
679                }
681                description = description + ((poi.getItemDescription() != null) ? poi.getItemDescription().trim() : "");
682                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(description)) {
683                    if (poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_ORDER_DISCOUNT_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_TRADE_IN_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_FREIGHT_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_SHIP_AND_HAND_CODE)) {
684                        // If this is a full order discount or trade-in item, we add the item type description to the description.
685                        description = poi.getItemType().getItemTypeDescription() + " - " + description;
686                    }
687                }
689                // Above the line item types items display the line number; other types don't.
690                if (poi.getItemType().isLineItemIndicator()) {
691                    tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(poi.getItemLineNumber().toString(), cour_7_normal));
692                } else {
693                    tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(" ", cour_7_normal));
694                }
695                tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
696                itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
697                String quantity = (poi.getItemQuantity() != null) ? poi.getItemQuantity().toString() : " ";
698                tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(quantity, cour_7_normal));
699                tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
700                tableCell.setNoWrap(true);
701                itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
702                tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(poi.getItemUnitOfMeasureCode(), cour_7_normal));
703                tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
704                itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
706                tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(" " + description, cour_7_normal));
707                tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
708                itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
709                tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(" " + vendorNotes, cour_7_normal));
710                tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
711                itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
712                String unitPrice = poi.getItemUnitPrice().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString();
713                tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(unitPrice + " ", cour_7_normal));
714                tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
715                tableCell.setNoWrap(true);
716                itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
717                tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(numberFormat.format(poi.getExtendedPrice()) + " ", cour_7_normal));
718                tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
719                tableCell.setNoWrap(true);
720                itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
722                if (!po.isUseTaxIndicator()) {
723                    KualiDecimal taxAmount = poi.getItemTaxAmount();
724                    taxAmount = taxAmount == null ? KualiDecimal.ZERO : taxAmount;
725                    tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(numberFormat.format(taxAmount) + " ", cour_7_normal));
726                    tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
727                    tableCell.setNoWrap(true);
728                    itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
730                    tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(numberFormat.format(poi.getTotalAmount()) + " ", cour_7_normal));
731                    tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
732                    tableCell.setNoWrap(true);
733                    itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
734                }
736            }
737        }
738        // Blank line before totals
739        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
740        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
741        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
742        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
743        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
744        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
746        if (!po.isUseTaxIndicator()) {
747            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
748            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
749        }
751        //Next Line
752        if (!po.isUseTaxIndicator()) {
754            //Print Total Prior to Tax
755            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
756            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
757            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
758            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
759            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
761            tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Total Prior to Tax: ", ver_10_normal));
762            tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
763            itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
764            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
765            KualiDecimal totalDollarAmount = new KualiDecimal(BigDecimal.ZERO);
766            if (po instanceof PurchaseOrderRetransmitDocument) {
767                totalDollarAmount = ((PurchaseOrderRetransmitDocument) po).getTotalPreTaxDollarAmountForRetransmit();
768            } else {
769                totalDollarAmount = po.getTotalPreTaxDollarAmount();
770            }
771            tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(numberFormat.format(totalDollarAmount) + " ", cour_7_normal));
772            tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
773            tableCell.setNoWrap(true);
774            itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
776            //Print Total Tax
777            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
778            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
779            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
780            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
781            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
783            tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Total Tax: ", ver_10_normal));
784            tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
785            itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
786            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
787            totalDollarAmount = new KualiDecimal(BigDecimal.ZERO);
788            if (po instanceof PurchaseOrderRetransmitDocument) {
789                totalDollarAmount = ((PurchaseOrderRetransmitDocument) po).getTotalTaxDollarAmountForRetransmit();
790            } else {
791                totalDollarAmount = po.getTotalTaxAmount();
792            }
793            tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(numberFormat.format(totalDollarAmount) + " ", cour_7_normal));
794            tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
795            tableCell.setNoWrap(true);
796            itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
798        }
800        // Totals line; first 5 cols empty
801        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
802        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
803        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
804        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
805        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
807        if (!po.isUseTaxIndicator()) {
808            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
809            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
810        }
812        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Total order amount: ", ver_10_normal));
813        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
814        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
815        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
816        KualiDecimal totalDollarAmount = new KualiDecimal(BigDecimal.ZERO);
817        if (po instanceof PurchaseOrderRetransmitDocument) {
818            totalDollarAmount = ((PurchaseOrderRetransmitDocument) po).getTotalDollarAmountForRetransmit();
819        } else {
820            totalDollarAmount = po.getTotalDollarAmount();
821        }
822        tableCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(numberFormat.format(totalDollarAmount) + " ", cour_7_normal));
823        tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
824        tableCell.setNoWrap(true);
825        itemsTable.addCell(tableCell);
826        // Blank line after totals
827        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
828        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
829        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
830        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
831        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
832        itemsTable.addCell(" ");
834        if (!po.isUseTaxIndicator()) {
835            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
836            itemsTable.addCell(" ");
837        }
839        document.add(itemsTable);
841        // Contract language.
842        LOG.debug("createPdf() contract language started.");
843        document.add(new Paragraph(contractLanguage, ver_6_normal));
844        document.add(new Paragraph("\n", ver_6_normal));
846        // ***** Signatures table *****
847        LOG.debug("createPdf() signatures table started.");
848        float[] signaturesWidths = {0.30f, 0.70f};
849        PdfPTable signaturesTable = new PdfPTable(signaturesWidths);
850        signaturesTable.setWidthPercentage(100);
851        signaturesTable.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
852        signaturesTable.setSplitLate(false);
854        // Director signature and "for more info" line; only on APOs
855        if (po.getPurchaseOrderAutomaticIndicator()) {
856            // Empty cell.
857            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(" ", cour_7_normal));
858            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
859            signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
861            //boolean displayRequestorEmail = true; //SpringContext.getBean(ParameterService.class).getIndicatorParameter(PurchaseOrderDocument.class, PurapParameterConstants.DISPLAY_REQUESTOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ON_PDF_IND);
862            if (StringUtils.isBlank(po.getInstitutionContactName()) || StringUtils.isBlank(po.getInstitutionContactPhoneNumber()) || StringUtils.isBlank(po.getInstitutionContactEmailAddress())) {
863                //String emailAddress = displayRequestorEmail ? "  " + po.getRequestorPersonEmailAddress() : "";
864                //p = new Paragraph("For more information contact: " + po.getRequestorPersonName() + "  " + po.getRequestorPersonPhoneNumber() + emailAddress, cour_7_normal);
865                p = new Paragraph("For more information contact: " + po.getRequestorPersonName() + "  " + po.getRequestorPersonPhoneNumber() + "  " + po.getRequestorPersonEmailAddress(), cour_7_normal);
866            } else {
867                //String emailAddress = displayRequestorEmail ? "  " + po.getInstitutionContactEmailAddress() : "";
868                //p = new Paragraph("For more information contact: " + po.getInstitutionContactName() + "  " + po.getInstitutionContactPhoneNumber() + emailAddress, cour_7_normal);
869                p = new Paragraph("For more information contact: " + po.getInstitutionContactName() + "  " + po.getInstitutionContactPhoneNumber() + "  " + po.getInstitutionContactEmailAddress(), cour_7_normal);
870            }
871            cell = new PdfPCell(p);
872            cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
873            cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
874            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
875            signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
877            Image directorSignature = null;
878            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(directorSignatureImage)) {
879                try {
880                    directorSignature = Image.getInstance(directorSignatureImage);
881                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
882                    LOG.info("The director signature image [" + directorSignatureImage + "] is not available.  Defaulting to the default image.");
883                }
884            }
886            if (directorSignature == null) {
887                // an empty cell if the contract manager signature image is not available.
888                cell = new PdfPCell();
889            } else {
890                directorSignature.scalePercent(30, 30);
891                cell = new PdfPCell(directorSignature, false);
892            }
894            cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
895            cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM);
896            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
897            signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
899            // Empty cell.
900            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(" ", cour_7_normal));
901            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
902            signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
903        }
905        // Director name and title; on every pdf.
906        p = new Paragraph();
907        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
908            LOG.debug("createPdf() directorName parameter: " + directorName);
909        }
910        if (po.getPurchaseOrderAutomaticIndicator()) { // The signature is on the pdf; use small font.
911            p.add(new Chunk(directorName, ver_6_normal));
912        } else { // The signature isn't on the pdf; use larger font.
913            p.add(new Chunk(directorName, ver_10_normal));
914        }
915        p.add(new Chunk("\n" + directorTitle, ver_4_normal));
916        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
917        cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
918        cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP);
919        cell.setBorderWidth(0);
920        signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
922        // Contract manager signature, name and phone; only on non-APOs
923        if (!po.getPurchaseOrderAutomaticIndicator()) {
925            Image contractManagerSignature = null;
926            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(contractManagerSignatureImage)) {
927                try {
928                    contractManagerSignature = Image.getInstance(contractManagerSignatureImage);
929                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
930                    LOG.info("The contract manager image [" + contractManagerSignatureImage + "] is not available.  Defaulting to the default image.");
931                }
932            }
934            if (contractManagerSignature == null) {
935                // an empty cell if the contract manager signature image is not available.
936                cell = new PdfPCell();
937            } else {
938                contractManagerSignature.scalePercent(15, 15);
939                cell = new PdfPCell(contractManagerSignature, false);
940            }
941            cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
942            cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM);
943            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
944            signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
946            // Empty cell.
947            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(" ", ver_10_normal));
948            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
949            signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
951            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(po.getContractManager().getContractManagerName() + "  " + po.getContractManager().getContractManagerPhoneNumber(), cour_7_normal));
952            cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
953            cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP);
954            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
955            signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
956        } else { // Empty cell.
957            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(" ", ver_10_normal));
958            cell.setBorderWidth(0);
959            signaturesTable.addCell(cell);
960        }
961        document.add(signaturesTable);
963        document.close();
964        LOG.debug("createPdf()pdf document closed.");
965    } // End of createPdf()
967    /**
968     * Determines whether the item should be displayed on the pdf.
969     *
970     * @param poi The PurchaseOrderItem to be determined whether it should be displayed on the pdf.
971     * @return boolean true if it should be displayed on the pdf.
972     */
973    private boolean lineItemDisplaysOnPdf(PurchaseOrderItem poi) {
974        LOG.debug("lineItemDisplaysOnPdf() started");
976        // Shipping, freight, full order discount and trade in items.
977        if ((poi.getItemType() != null) && (poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_SHIP_AND_HAND_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_FREIGHT_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_ORDER_DISCOUNT_CODE) || poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_TRADE_IN_CODE))) {
979            // If the unit price is not null and either the unit price > 0 or the item type is full order discount or trade in,
980            // we'll display this line item on pdf.
981            if ((poi.getItemUnitPrice() != null) && ((poi.getItemUnitPrice().compareTo(zero.bigDecimalValue()) == 1) || (poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_ORDER_DISCOUNT_CODE)) || (poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode().equals(PurapConstants.ItemTypeCodes.ITEM_TYPE_TRADE_IN_CODE)))) {
982                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
983                    LOG.debug("lineItemDisplaysOnPdf() Item type is " + poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode() + ". Unit price is " + poi.getItemUnitPrice() + ". Display on pdf.");
984                }
985                return true;
986            }
987            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
988                LOG.debug("lineItemDisplaysOnPdf() Item type is " + poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode() + ". Unit price is " + poi.getItemUnitPrice() + ". Don't display on pdf.");
989            }
990            return false;
991        } else if ((poi.getItemType() != null) && poi.getItemType().isLineItemIndicator()) {
992            if (poi.getItemQuantity() == null && poi.getItemUnitPrice() == null) {
993                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
994                    LOG.debug("lineItemDisplaysOnPdf() Item type is " + poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode() + " OrderQuantity and unit price are both null. Display on pdf.");
995                }
996                return true;
997            }
998            if ((poi.getItemType().isAmountBasedGeneralLedgerIndicator() && ((poi.getItemUnitPrice() != null) && (poi.getItemUnitPrice().compareTo(zero.bigDecimalValue()) >= 0))) || (((poi.getItemType().isQuantityBasedGeneralLedgerIndicator()) && (poi.getItemQuantity().isGreaterThan(zero))) && (poi.getItemUnitPrice() != null))) {
999                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
1000                    LOG.debug("lineItemDisplaysOnPdf() Item type is " + poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode() + " OrderQuantity is " + poi.getItemQuantity() + ". Unit price is " + poi.getItemUnitPrice() + ". Display on pdf.");
1001                }
1002                return true;
1003            } else {
1004                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
1005                    LOG.debug("lineItemDisplaysOnPdf() Item type is " + poi.getItemType().getItemTypeCode() + " and item order quantity is " + poi.getItemQuantity() + " and item unit price is " + poi.getItemUnitPrice() + ". Don't display on pdf.");
1006                }
1007            }
1008        }
1009        return false;
1010    }
1013    public String getImageLocations(String existingLocation) {
1014        LOG.info("In Get Image Location");
1015        String filesPathAndName = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/").getPath();
1016        filesPathAndName = filesPathAndName.replace("WEB-INF/classes/", "static/images/");
1017        try {
1018            String[] imageNameList = existingLocation.split("/");
1019            LOG.info("File Name" + imageNameList[(imageNameList.length - 1)]);
1020            filesPathAndName = filesPathAndName + (imageNameList[(imageNameList.length - 1)]);
1021        } catch (Exception e) {
1022            LOG.info("Exception when getting the Image Location" + e.getMessage());
1023        }
1024        return filesPathAndName;
1025    }
1027    public String getNoteType(Integer noteTypeId) {
1028        Map criteriaMap = new HashMap();
1029        criteriaMap.put(OLEConstants.NOTE_ID, noteTypeId);
1030        OleNoteType oleNoteType = KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getLegacyDataAdapter().findByPrimaryKey(OleNoteType.class, criteriaMap);
1031        if (oleNoteType != null) {
1032            return oleNoteType.getNoteType();
1033        }
1034        return "";
1035    }