001package org.kuali.ole.batch.impl;
003import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
004import org.kuali.ole.OLEConstants;
005import org.kuali.ole.batch.service.BatchProcessDeleteService;
006import org.kuali.ole.deliver.bo.OleDeliverRequestBo;
007import org.kuali.ole.deliver.bo.OleLoanDocument;
008import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.client.DocstoreClientLocator;
009import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.BibTree;
010import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.Holdings;
011import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.HoldingsTree;
012import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.Item;
013import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.search.*;
014import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.Response;
015import org.kuali.ole.select.businessobject.OleCopy;
016import org.kuali.ole.sys.context.SpringContext;
017import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService;
018import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocator;
019import java.util.*;
023 * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
024 * User: mjagan
025 * Date: 6/15/13
026 * Time: 4:40 PM
027 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
028 */
029public class BatchProcessDeleteServiceImpl implements BatchProcessDeleteService {
031    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BatchProcessDeleteServiceImpl.class);
032    private DocstoreClientLocator docstoreClientLocator;
034    public DocstoreClientLocator getDocstoreClientLocator() {
035        if (null == docstoreClientLocator) {
036            return  SpringContext.getBean(DocstoreClientLocator.class);
037        }
038        return docstoreClientLocator;
039    }
041    /**
042     * This method performs to delete the bib records by using list of bib UUid values
043     * @param docBibIds
044     * @param profileField
045     * @return
046     * @throws Exception
047     */
048    @Override
049    public int performBatchDelete(List docBibIds, String profileField) throws Exception {
050        int count = docBibIds.size();
051        List<Response> responseList = null;
052        /*if (docBibIds != null && docBibIds.size() > 0) {
053            responseList = getDocstoreHelperService().batchDeleteRecords(docBibIds);
054        }
055        if (responseList != null && responseList.size() > 0) {
056            count = responseList.get(0).getDocuments().size();
057        }*/
058        try {
059            // Remove duplicates from docBibIds
060            List<String> docBibIdList = new ArrayList<>();
061            if (docBibIds != null && docBibIds.size() > 0)
062                for (int i = 0; i < docBibIds.size(); i++) {
063                    String bibIdDelete = (String) docBibIds.get(i);
064                    if (!docBibIdList.contains(bibIdDelete)) {
065                        docBibIdList.add(bibIdDelete);
066                    }
067                }
068            getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().deleteBibs(docBibIdList);
069        } catch (Exception e) {
070            count = 0;
071        }
072        return count;
073    }
075    /**
076     * This method return list of item UUids by using bib UUid value
077     * @param bibId
078     * @return
079     * @throws Exception
080     */
081    public List getItemIdList(String bibId) throws Exception {
082        List itemIdList = new ArrayList(0);
083        List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
084        //itemIdList = getDocstoreHelperService().getItemIdList(bibId);
085        BibTree bibTree = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().retrieveBibTree(bibId);
086        List<HoldingsTree> holdingsTreeList = bibTree.getHoldingsTrees();
087        for(HoldingsTree holdingsTree : holdingsTreeList){
088            items.addAll(holdingsTree.getItems());
089        }
090        for(Item item : items){
091            itemIdList.add(item.getId());
092        }
093        return itemIdList;
094    }
096    /**
097     * This method perform to fetch the record from docstore by using file data and profile field value and validate the bib record is using in any requisition and loan and boundwith
098     *
099     * @param searchMrcFieldData
100     * @param profileFiled
101     * @return
102     * @throws Exception
103     */
104    public Map getBibIdsForBatchDelete(String searchMrcFieldData, String profileFiled) throws Exception {
105        Map batchDeleteMap = new HashMap();
106        BusinessObjectService boService = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService();
107        searchMrcFieldData = searchMrcFieldData.replace("\"", "'");
108        Map batchMap = getBibIdsForBatchDeleteWithSearchData(searchMrcFieldData, profileFiled);
109        String failureInfo = (String) batchMap.get(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO);
110        if (failureInfo != null) {
111            return batchMap;
112        }
113        List bibIdList = (List)batchMap.get(OLEConstants.BIB_SEARCH);
114        if (bibIdList != null && bibIdList.size() == 0) {
115            batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.BIB_REC_NOT_FOUND);
116            return batchDeleteMap;
117        } else if (bibIdList != null && bibIdList.size() == 1) {
118            Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
119            map.put(OLEConstants.BIB_ID, (String) bibIdList.get(0));
120            List<OleCopy> listOfValues = (List<OleCopy>) boService.findMatching(OleCopy.class, map);
121            if (listOfValues.size() != 0) {
122                batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.LINK_REQ_PO);
123                return batchDeleteMap;
124            } else {
125                List<String> itemIdList = getItemIdList((String) bibIdList.get(0));
126                for (String itemId : itemIdList) {
127                    Map<String, String> itemMap = new HashMap<>();
128                    itemMap.put("itemUuid", itemId);
129                    List<OleLoanDocument> oleLoanDocuments = (List<OleLoanDocument>) boService.findMatching(OleLoanDocument.class, itemMap);
130                    if (oleLoanDocuments.size() != 0) {
131                        batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.ITEM_LOANED);
132                        return batchDeleteMap;
133                    } else {
134                        Map<String, String> reqMap = new HashMap<>();
135                        reqMap.put("itemUuid", itemId);
136                        List<OleDeliverRequestBo> oleDeliverRequestBos = (List<OleDeliverRequestBo>) boService.findMatching(OleDeliverRequestBo.class, reqMap);
137                        if (oleDeliverRequestBos.size() != 0) {
138                            batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.ITEM_ONHOLD);
139                            return batchDeleteMap;
140                    }
141                }
142            }
143            }
144        } else {
145            batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.MORE_BIB_RECORDS);
146            return batchDeleteMap;
147        }
149        batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.BIB_SEARCH, bibIdList);
150        return batchDeleteMap;
151    }
153    public Map getBibIdsForBatchDeleteWithSearchData(String searchData, String dataField) {
155        Map batchDeleteMap = new HashMap();
156        List bibIDsList = new ArrayList(0);
157        SearchParams searchParams = new SearchParams();
158        SearchCondition searchCondition = new SearchCondition();
159        SearchField searchField = new SearchField();
160        try {
161            searchField.setDocType("bibliographic");
162            if (OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.CONTROL_FIELD_001.equals(dataField)) {
163                dataField = OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.CONTROL_FIELD_NAME_001;
164            } else {
165                dataField = OLEConstants.PREFIX_FOR_DATA_FIELD + dataField;
166            }
167            searchField.setFieldName(dataField);
168            searchField.setFieldValue(searchData);
169            searchCondition.setSearchField(searchField);
170            searchCondition.setSearchScope("phrase");
171            searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(searchCondition);
172            //List solrHits = QueryServiceImpl.getInstance().retriveResults(solrQuery);
173            SearchResponse searchResponse = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().search(searchParams);
174            if(null != searchResponse && null != searchResponse.getSearchResults()){
175                if(searchResponse.getSearchResults().size() == 0){
176                    batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.BIB_REC_NOT_FOUND);
177                    return batchDeleteMap;
178                } else if(searchResponse.getSearchResults().size() > 1){
179                    batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.MORE_BIB_RECORDS);
180                    return batchDeleteMap;
181                }
182                String bibId = null;
183                for(SearchResult searchResult : searchResponse.getSearchResults()){
184                    List<String> holdingsIdentifierList = new ArrayList();
185                    List<String> eHoldingsIdentifierList = new ArrayList();
186                    List<String> holdingsIdentifierListForHoldings = new ArrayList();
187                    for (SearchResultField searchResultField : searchResult.getSearchResultFields()) {
188                        if (searchResultField.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase("holdingsIdentifier")) {
189                            holdingsIdentifierList.add(searchResultField.getFieldValue());
190                        }
191                        if(searchResultField.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase("id")){
192                            bibId = searchResultField.getFieldValue();
193                        }
194                    }
195                    if(holdingsIdentifierList.size()>1){
196                        //Modified code for jira 5641
197                        for (Object holdingsObject : holdingsIdentifierList) {
198                            String holdingsId = holdingsObject.toString();
199                            Holdings holdings = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().retrieveHoldings(holdingsId);
200                            if ("electronic".equalsIgnoreCase(holdings.getHoldingsType()) && (!holdings.isBoundWithBib())) {
201                                eHoldingsIdentifierList.add(holdings.getId());
202                            } else if("print".equalsIgnoreCase(holdings.getHoldingsType()) && (!holdings.isBoundWithBib())){
203                                holdingsIdentifierListForHoldings.add(holdings.getId());
204                            } else{
205                            }
207                        }
208                    }
209                    //Modified code for jira 5641
210                    if (holdingsIdentifierListForHoldings.size() > 1) {
211                        batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.MORE_HOLDINGS);
212                        return batchDeleteMap;
213                    }
214                    if (eHoldingsIdentifierList.size() > 1) {
215                        batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.MORE_EHOLDINGS);
216                        return batchDeleteMap;
217                    }
218                    // Holdings holdings = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().retrieveHoldings(holdingsIdentifierList.get(0));
219                    BibTree bibTree = new BibTree();
220                    if (bibId != null) {
221                        bibTree = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().retrieveBibTree(bibId);
222                    }
223                    List<HoldingsTree> hodingsTreeList = bibTree.getHoldingsTrees();
224                    if (hodingsTreeList.size() > 0) {
225                        for (HoldingsTree holdingsTree : hodingsTreeList) {
226                            Boolean boundWithBibFlag = holdingsTree.getHoldings().isBoundWithBib();
227                            if (boundWithBibFlag && holdingsTree.getHoldings().getBib() != null) {
228                                batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.BIB_BOUNDS_WITH);
229                                return batchDeleteMap;
230                            }
231                            /*batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO, OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.BIB_BOUNDS_WITH);
232                            return batchDeleteMap;*/
233                        }
234                    }
236                    for (SearchResultField searchResultField : searchResult.getSearchResultFields()) {
237                        if(searchResultField.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase("bibIdentifier")){
238                            bibIDsList.add(searchResultField.getFieldValue());
239                        }
240                    }
241                }
242                batchDeleteMap.put(OLEConstants.BIB_SEARCH, bibIDsList);
243            }
245        } catch (Exception e) {
246            //e.printStackTrace();
247            LOG.error("getBibIdsForBatchDelete Exception:" + e);
248        }
249        return batchDeleteMap;
250    }