Kuali Open Library Environment, 1.5 Release Notes

Table of Contents

Known Bugs and Issues
OLE Technical Notes
OLE User Documentation and Links to Test Drive
Future Releases
OLE Acknowledgements
Contact Us


This is a draft.

Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE) 1.5 is the first release that will be implemented by several OLE partners. OLE is delivered with demo and bootstrap data. A switch has been provided that allows an option to load bootstrap, bootstrap and demo, or neither dataset. Data migration plans and best practices continue to be documented, and an additional loader for Serials Receiving records has been created.

A key change in OLE is searching and browsing for records. The previous Describe Workbench and DocStore Search have been replaced by a single Search Workbench interface which allows searching of Bibliographic, Holdings, Item, E-Holdings, and Licenses or browsing by call numbers and titles. This new search will allow library staff to utilize customizable facets along with standard Boolean searching.

OLE includes four core modules: Select and Acquire, Describe and Manage, Deliver, and System Integration.

Select and Acquire Modules includes:

Describe and Manange Module includes:

Deliver Module includes:

System Integration includes:

During the 1.5 development, OLE underwent significant structural changes.

Known Bugs and Issues

Known issues to be addressed in OLE 2.0 include:

Initial import of records continues to need improvement and documentation. It has been noted that OLE needs a standard format separate from the underlying data structure to more easily load the records. Currently doing an initial load of records and documents into OLE requires library financial data to be structured in a very particular way and only with .csv files.

While OLE strives to be compatible with standard browsers, “support” implies that best efforts will be made to ensure that data loss or unusably corrupted displays do not occur with a plugin and extension free instance of the browser software. There have been a few issues with plugins brought to our attention during 1.5 development.

Updating Persons in KIM will cause an exception. This is a known issue for Rice 2.3.6, the Rice version that OLE 1.5 is packaged with. A fix was added in Rice 2.4, which will be available in OLE 2.0. For the work around suggestion, see OLE-5972.

Additional issues can be found in Jira: https://jira.kuali.org/browse/OLE.

OLE Technical Notes

All technical installation notes for Kuali OLE Release 1.5 can be found on the public documentation site at OLE Technical Documentation.

OLE User Documentation and Links to Test Drive

See the OLE Documentation Portal to read throug the Overviews and Manuals, and learn more about the 1.0 release.

Test drive OLE from Kuali.org: http://www.kuali.org/test-drives.


The OLE glossary is available through the wiki.

Future Releases

The Kuali Open Library Environment project team is planning another release, OLE 2.0, for the final quarter of 2014.

OLE 2.0 will be focused on new electronic resource management (ERM) development, which will include subscription and organization information management, GOKb imports, a new platform record, and linking E-Resources to Purchase Orders and other E-Resources. In addition to ERM, 2.0 will include fiscal year rollover basic functionality, upgrade to Solr 4, a major Rice upgrade that includes a conversion from the Kuali Nervous System (KNS) framework to the Kuali Rapid Application Development (KRAD) framework that modernizes the KFS-inherited screens, and additional initial bulk load procedures for data migration (see OLE-6672).

See our timeline (http://www.kuali.org/ole/roadmap) for a big picture of the 2.0 release, as well as what has been developed in the current and past releases.

OLE Acknowledgements


Contact Us

If you have technical questions, please contact our collaboration community at ole.technical.usergroup@kuali.org.

For functional questions, please contact our collaboration community at ole.functional.usergroup@kuali.org.