001    package org.kuali.ole.docstore.document;
003    import java.io.File;
004    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
005    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
006    import java.io.IOException;
007    import java.util.Calendar;
009    import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
010    import org.kuali.ole.docstore.OleDocStoreException;
011    import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocFormat;
012    import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.AdditionalAttributes;
013    import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.RequestDocument;
014    import org.kuali.ole.docstore.repository.CustomNodeManager;
015    import org.kuali.ole.docstore.repository.WorkBibNodeManager;
016    import org.kuali.ole.docstore.repository.WorkLicenseNodeManager;
017    import org.kuali.ole.pojo.OleException;
018    import org.slf4j.Logger;
019    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
021    import javax.jcr.Node;
022    import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
023    import javax.jcr.Session;
025    /**
026     * Implements the DocumentManager interface for [Work-License-*] documents.
027     *
028     * @version %I%, %G%
029     * @author: tirumalesh.b
030     * Date: 31/8/12 Time: 7:04 PM
031     */
033    public class WorkLicenseDocumentManager
034            extends AbstractDocumentManager {
035        private static       WorkLicenseDocumentManager ourInstance = null;
036        private static final Logger                     LOG         = LoggerFactory
037                .getLogger(WorkLicenseDocumentManager.class);
039        public static WorkLicenseDocumentManager getInstance() {
040            if (null == ourInstance) {
041                ourInstance = new WorkLicenseDocumentManager();
042            }
043            return ourInstance;
044        }
046        protected WorkLicenseDocumentManager() {
047            super();
048            this.nodeManager = WorkLicenseNodeManager.getInstance();
049        }
051        @Override
052        public boolean isVersioningEnabled() {
053            return true;
054        }
056        @Override
057        protected void modifyAdditionalAttributes(AdditionalAttributes additionalAttributes,
058                                                  RequestDocument requestDocument) {
059            if (!DocFormat.ONIXPL.isEqualTo(requestDocument.getFormat())) {
060                String docName = new File(requestDocument.getDocumentName()).getName();
061                additionalAttributes.setAttribute("dateLoaded", Calendar.getInstance().toString());
062                additionalAttributes.setAttribute("fileName", docName);
063                additionalAttributes.setAttribute("owner", requestDocument.getUser());
064            }
065        }
067        @Override
068        protected byte[] convertContentToBytes(RequestDocument reqDoc) throws OleDocStoreException {
069            String charset = "UTF-8";
070            byte[] documentBytes = new byte[0];
071            try {
072                if (reqDoc.getDocumentName() != null && reqDoc.getDocumentName().trim().length() != 0) {
073                    documentBytes = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(reqDoc.getDocumentName()));
074                }
075                else if (reqDoc.getContent().getContent() != null) {
076                    documentBytes = reqDoc.getContent().getContent().getBytes(charset);
077                }
078            }
079            catch (Exception e) {
080                LOG.info("Failed to convert input string to byte[] with charset " + e);
081                throw new OleDocStoreException(e.getMessage());
082            }
083            return documentBytes;
084        }
086        @Override
087        protected String checkOutContent(Node nodeByUUID, String format, String operation) throws OleDocStoreException {
088            String outputFilePath = null;
089            if (!operation.equalsIgnoreCase("RestWebUser") && (format.equals(DocFormat.PDF.getCode()) || format
090                    .equals(DocFormat.DOC.getCode()))) {
091                try {
092                    FileOutputStream fos = null;
093                    File output = File.createTempFile("checkout.", ".output");
094                    FileUtils.deleteQuietly(output);
095                    output.mkdirs();
097                    String fileNameAndExtension = null;
098                    fileNameAndExtension = nodeByUUID.getIdentifier() + format;
099                    outputFilePath = output.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + fileNameAndExtension;
100                    byte[] binaryContent = nodeManager.getBinaryData(nodeByUUID);
101                    fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFilePath);
102                    fos.write(binaryContent);
103                    fos.close();
104                    LOG.info("path-->" + output.getAbsolutePath());
105                }
106                catch (Exception e) {
107                    LOG.info("Checking out file from JCR" + e.getMessage(), e);
108                    throw new OleDocStoreException(e);
109                }
110            }
111            else {
112                try {
113                    outputFilePath = nodeManager.getData(nodeByUUID);
114                }
115                catch (Exception e) {
116                    LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
117                    throw new OleDocStoreException(e.getMessage(), e);
118                }
119            }
121            return outputFilePath;
122        }
123    }