001    package org.kuali.ole.patron.merge.bo;
003    /**
004     * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
005     * User: ?
006     * Date: 10/15/12
007     * Time: 8:28 PM
008     * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
009     */
010    public class OleConfigDocument {
011        private String documentName;
012        private String attribute;
014        /**
015         * Gets the value of documentName property
016         * @return documentName
017         */
018        public String getDocumentName() {
019            return documentName;
020        }
022        /**
023         * Sets the value for olePatronId property
024         * @param documentName
025         */
026        public void setDocumentName(String documentName) {
027            this.documentName = documentName;
028        }
030        /**
031         * Gets the value of attribute property
032         * @return attribute
033         */
034        public String getAttribute() {
035            return attribute;
036        }
037        /**
038         * Sets the value for olePatronId property
039         * @param attribute
040         */
041        public void setAttribute(String attribute) {
042            this.attribute = attribute;
043        }
044    }