
The Maven Wagon Plugin, as the name implies, allows you to use various functions of a maven wagon. It allows you to upload resources from your build to a remote location using wagon. It allows you to download resources from a repository using wagon. It allows to list a content of a repository using wagon. Finally, by combining the upload and download capabilities, it can merge a Maven repository to another in a generic way.

The configuration are similar to FileSet in maven-assembly-plugin, maven-scm-plugin, etc.

However, due some differences in term of provider implementation, not all goals are working as expected. In general, a good way to see a particular wagon implementation would work with this plugin is to run wagon:list goal against its URL.

The following contains a list of known limitations:

  • This plugin uses the wagon providers ( http, webdav, etc) that come with Maven distribution, so it is crucial to use with Maven 2.2+ since Wagon is much more stable than the ones that comes with Maven 2.0.x. Due to this reason, do not add Wagon dependencies to your plugin execution since they are ignored.
  • Since ftp wagon provider is not part of your maven distribution, you will need to copy
    • wagon-ftp-beta-6.jar
    • oro-2.0.8.jar
    • commons-net-1.4.1.jar

    to your $MAVEN_HOME/lib directory.

  • list and download goals do not work with wagon-webdav provider types.
  • list and download goals are very slow since it needs to scan the remote file system. So use includes and excludes wisely to limit the search. For example: includes=**/somefile scans the entire remote source tree.

The following contains a couple of usage examples. Live examples are available under SVN

Configuration example to upload.


Configuration example to download.



Configuration example to merge Maven repositories

  mvn org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-4:merge-maven-repos \
     -Dwagon.source= \$LOGNAME/maven-repo 

Configuration example to copy files under one URL to another URL

  mvn org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-4:copy \
     -Dwagon.source= \$LOGNAME/maven-repo