Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
args | List | - | Arguments to supply to the new mvn invocation eg "clean install" |
basedir | File | - | The base directory for the new mvn invocation. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/mvn. |
deleteTempPom | boolean | - | If true, any temp pom copied to basedir will be
deleted when the plugin execution is complete Default value is: true. |
failOnError | boolean | - | If true, the original Maven build will fail if the new mvn
invocation returns a non-zero exit value, otherwise the original
Maven build will continue Default value is: true. |
quiet | boolean | - | If true, logging output is reduced to a minimum Default value is: true. |
silent | boolean | - | If true, no logging output is generated. Default value is: false. |
workingDir | File | - | The working directory where the plugin makes a local copy of the
pom (if a pom is supplied) Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/mvn. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
addEnvironment | boolean | - | If true, the current environment is passed to the new mvn
invocation Default value is: false. |
addMavenOpts | boolean | - | If true, the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS (if set) is passed to
the new mvn invocation Default value is: true. |
executable | String | - | The Maven executable. By default, the executable to use is located
via the ${maven.home} system property. This causes the new mvn
invocation to mirror the one that is currently executing (same
version, etc). You can override this behavior by supplying your own
executable |
filterPom | boolean | - | If true, the pom will be filtered using properties from the current
project before being invoked Default value is: false. |
pom | String | - | The pom to supply to the new mvn invocation. This can be a file or
any url Spring resource loading can understand eg classpath:pom.xml |
poms | List | - | POM's to invoke. If supplied, a new Maven invocation is generated
using the same args for each pom |
properties | List | - | List of properties from the current project to propagate to the new
mvn invocation |