Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
application | String | 1.0 | This is the name of the Eclipse application that performs the
formatting Default value is: org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCodeFormatter. |
eclipseBinary | String | 1.0 | Full path to the Eclipse executable binary |
formatterPreferences | String | 1.0 | Pointer to an Eclipse "org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs" file. Supports
"classpath:" style notation Default value is: classpath:eclipse.prefs. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
eclipseArgs | String[] | 1.0 | Any arguments specified here are passed to the Eclipse binary as
additional command line arguments. Default values are "-nosplash
-verbose" |
excludes | String[] | 1.0 | Regular expressions for directories to exclude from the formatting
process. |
includes | String[] | 1.0 | Regular expressions for directories that contain Java source code
to format. Default values are **/src/main/java and
**/src/test/java. The Eclipse formatter will recursively inspect
any directories matching these patterns for *.java files |
javaBinaries | String[] | 1.0 | Binaries representing a Java VM. Default values are "javaw.exe",
"java.exe", and "java". This list is searched in order, stopping as
soon as one is found. |
skip | boolean | 1.0.1 | Skip the execution. Default value is: false. |
vm | String | 1.0 | Full path to a Java VM. This gets filled in using the system
property "java.home" unless a value is supplied here. |