Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
excludedScopes | String | 1.0 | A filter to exclude some scopes. Default value is: system. |
includeTransitiveDependencies | boolean | 1.0 | Include transitive dependencies when downloading license files. Default value is: true. |
includedScopes | String | 1.0 | A filter to include only some scopes, if let empty then all scopes
will be used (no filter). |
licensesConfigFile | File | 1.0 | Input file containing a mapping between each dependency and it's
license information. Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/license/licenses.xml. |
licensesOutputDirectory | File | 1.0 | The directory to which the dependency licenses should be written. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/generated-resources/licenses. |
licensesOutputFile | File | 1.0 | The output file containing a mapping between each dependency and
it's license information. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/generated-resources/licenses.xml. |
offline | boolean | 1.0 | Settings offline flag (will not download anything if setted to
true). Default value is: ${settings.offline}. |
quiet | boolean | 1.0 | Don't show warnings about bad or missing license files. Default value is: false. |