Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
licenseFile | File | 1.0 | Project license file to synchronize with main license defined in
descriptor file. Default value is: ${basedir}/LICENSE.txt. |
project | MavenProject | 1.0 | The reacted project. Default value is: ${project}. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
bundleLicensePath | String | 1.0 | The path of the bundled license file to produce when
generateBundle is on.
Note: This option is not available for pom
module types. Default value is: META-INF/${project.artifactId}-LICENSE.txt. |
encoding | String | 1.0 | Encoding used to read and writes files.
Note: If nothing is filled here, we will use the system
property file.encoding. Default value is: ${project.build.sourceEncoding}. |
force | boolean | 1.0.0 | A flag to force to generate project license file even if it is
up-to-date. Default value is: false. |
generateBundle | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to copy the main license file in a bundled place.
This is usefull for final application to have a none confusing
location to seek for the application license.
If Sets to true, will copy the license file to
the bundleLicensePath to outputDirectory.
Note: This option is not available for pom
module types. Default value is: false. |
keepBackup | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to keep a backup of every modified file. Default value is: false. |
licenseName | String | 1.0 | Name of the license to use in the project. |
licenseResolver | String | 1.0 | To specify an external extra licenses repository resolver (says the
base url of the repository where the
license.properties is present). |
outputDirectory | File | 1.0 | The directory where to generate license resources.
Note: This option is not available for pom
module types. Default value is: target/generated-sources/license. |
skipUpdateProjectLicense | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to skip the goal. Default value is: false. |
verbose | boolean | 1.0 | Flag to activate verbose mode.
Note: Verbose mode is always on if you starts a debug
maven instance (says via -X). Default value is: ${maven.verbose}. |