001    /**
002     * Copyright 2010-2012 The Kuali Foundation
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package org.codehaus.mojo.license;
018    import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
019    import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
020    import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
022    import java.io.File;
023    import java.net.MalformedURLException;
024    import java.net.URL;
025    import java.text.MessageFormat;
026    import java.util.Comparator;
027    import java.util.List;
029    /**
030     * Mojo helper methods.
031     *
032     * @author tchemit <chemit@codelutin.com>
033     * @since 1.0
034     */
035    public class MojoHelper
036    {
038        /**
039         * Add the directory as a resource of the given project.
040         *
041         * @param dir      the directory to add
042         * @param project  the project to update
043         * @param includes the includes of the resource
044         * @return {@code true} if the resources was added (not already existing)
045         */
046        public static boolean addResourceDir( File dir, MavenProject project, String... includes )
047        {
048            List<?> resources = project.getResources();
049            return addResourceDir( dir, project, resources, includes );
050        }
052        /**
053         * Add the directory as a resource in the given resource list.
054         *
055         * @param dir       the directory to add
056         * @param project   the project involved
057         * @param resources the list of existing resources
058         * @param includes  includes of the new resources
059         * @return {@code true} if the resource was added (not already existing)
060         */
061        public static boolean addResourceDir( File dir, MavenProject project, List<?> resources, String... includes )
062        {
063            String newresourceDir = dir.getAbsolutePath();
064            boolean shouldAdd = true;
065            for ( Object o : resources )
066            {
067                Resource r = (Resource) o;
068                if ( !r.getDirectory().equals( newresourceDir ) )
069                {
070                    continue;
071                }
073                for ( String i : includes )
074                {
075                    if ( !r.getIncludes().contains( i ) )
076                    {
077                        r.addInclude( i );
078                    }
079                }
080                shouldAdd = false;
081                break;
082            }
083            if ( shouldAdd )
084            {
085                Resource r = new Resource();
086                r.setDirectory( newresourceDir );
087                for ( String i : includes )
088                {
089                    if ( !r.getIncludes().contains( i ) )
090                    {
091                        r.addInclude( i );
092                    }
093                }
094                project.addResource( r );
095            }
096            return shouldAdd;
097        }
099        public static Comparator<MavenProject> newMavenProjectComparator()
100        {
101            return new Comparator<MavenProject>()
102            {
103                public int compare( MavenProject o1, MavenProject o2 )
104                {
106                    String id1 = getArtifactId( o1.getArtifact() );
107                    String id2 = getArtifactId( o2.getArtifact() );
108                    return id1.compareTo( id2 );
109                }
110            };
112        }
114        static final protected double[] timeFactors = { 1000000, 1000, 60, 60, 24 };
116        static final protected String[] timeUnites = { "ns", "ms", "s", "m", "h", "d" };
118        static public String convertTime( long value )
119        {
120            return convert( value, timeFactors, timeUnites );
121        }
123        static public String convert( long value, double[] factors, String[] unites )
124        {
125            long sign = value == 0 ? 1 : value / Math.abs( value );
126            int i = 0;
127            double tmp = Math.abs( value );
128            while ( i < factors.length && i < unites.length && tmp > factors[i] )
129            {
130                tmp = tmp / factors[i++];
131            }
133            tmp *= sign;
134            String result;
135            result = MessageFormat.format( "{0,number,0.###}{1}", tmp, unites[i] );
136            return result;
137        }
139        /**
140         * suffix a given {@code baseUrl} with the given {@code suffix}
141         *
142         * @param baseUrl base url to use
143         * @param suffix  suffix to add
144         * @return the new url
145         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if malformed url.
146         */
147        public static URL getUrl( URL baseUrl, String suffix )
148            throws IllegalArgumentException
149        {
150            String url = baseUrl.toString() + "/" + suffix;
151            try
152            {
153                return new URL( url );
154            }
155            catch ( MalformedURLException ex )
156            {
157                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "could not obtain url " + url, ex );
158            }
159        }
161        public static String getArtifactId( Artifact artifact )
162        {
163            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
164            sb.append( artifact.getGroupId() );
165            sb.append( "--" );
166            sb.append( artifact.getArtifactId() );
167            sb.append( "--" );
168            sb.append( artifact.getVersion() );
169            return sb.toString();
170        }
172        public static String getArtifactName( MavenProject project )
173        {
174            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
175            if ( project.getName().startsWith( "Unnamed -" ) )
176            {
178                // as in Maven 3, let's use the artifact id
179                sb.append( project.getArtifactId() );
180            }
181            else
182            {
183                sb.append( project.getName() );
184            }
185            sb.append( " (" );
186            sb.append( project.getGroupId() );
187            sb.append( ":" );
188            sb.append( project.getArtifactId() );
189            sb.append( ":" );
190            sb.append( project.getVersion() );
191            sb.append( " - " );
192            String url = project.getUrl();
193            sb.append( url == null ? "no url defined" : url );
194            sb.append( ")" );
196            return sb.toString();
197        }
198    }