Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
inceptionYear | String | 1.0 | Inception year of the project.
Will be used as first year of copyright section in new header. Default value is: ${project.inceptionYear}. |
organizationName | String | 1.0 | Name of project's organization.
Will be used as copyrigth's holder in new header. Default value is: ${project.organization.name}. |
project | MavenProject | 1.0 | The reacted project. Default value is: ${project}. |
projectName | String | 1.0 | Name of project (or module).
Will be used as description section of new header. Default value is: ${project.name}. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
addSvnKeyWords | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to add svn:keywords on new header.
Will add svn keywords :
Author, Id, Rev, URL and Date Default value is: false. |
canUpdateCopyright | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to authorize update of the copyright part of the header.
Note: By default, do NOT authorize it since copyright
part should be handled by developpers (holder can change on each
file for example). Default value is: false. |
canUpdateDescription | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to authorize update of the description part of the header.
Note: By default, do NOT authorize it since description
can change on each file). Default value is: false. |
canUpdateLicense | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to authorize update of the license part of the header.
Note: By default, authorize it since license part
should always be generated by the plugin. Default value is: true. |
clearAfterOperation | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to clear everything after execution.
Note: This property should ONLY be used for test
purpose. Default value is: true. |
dryRun | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to test plugin but modify no file. Default value is: false. |
encoding | String | 1.0 | Encoding used to read and writes files.
Note: If nothing is filled here, we will use the system
property file.encoding. Default value is: ${project.build.sourceEncoding}. |
excludes | String[] | 1.0 | Specific files to excludes, separated by a comma. By default,
thoses file type are excluded:
extraExtensions | Map | 1.0 | To associate extra extension files to an existing comment style.
Keys of the map are the extension of extra files to treate,
and the value is the comment style you want to associate.
For example, to treate file with extensions java2
and jdata as java files (says using the
java comment style, declare this in your plugin
configuration :
<extraExtensions> <java2>java</java2> <jdata>java</jdata> </extraExtensions> |
ignoreTag | String | 1.0 | A tag to place on files that will be ignored by the plugin.
Sometimes, it is necessary to do this when file is under a
specific license.
Note: If no sets, will use the default tag
%%Ignore-License |
includes | String[] | 1.0 | Specific files to includes, separated by a comma. By default, it is
"** /*".
Note: This parameter is not useable if you are still
using a project file descriptor. |
keepBackup | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to keep a backup of every modified file. Default value is: false. |
licenseName | String | 1.0 | Name of the license to use in the project. |
licenseResolver | String | 1.0 | To specify an external extra licenses repository resolver (says the
base url of the repository where the
license.properties is present). |
roots | String[] | 1.0 | To specify the base dir from which we apply the license.
Should be on form "root1,root2,rootn".
By default, the main roots are "src, target/generated-sources,
Note: If some of these roots do not exist, they will be
simply ignored.
Note: This parameter is not useable if you are still
using a project file descriptor. |
skipUpdateLicense | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to skip the goal. Default value is: false. |
updateCopyright | boolean | 1.0 | A flag to update copyright application time (change copyright last
year if required) according to the last commit made on the
processed file.
Note that this functionnality is still not effective. Default value is: false. |
verbose | boolean | 1.0 | Flag to activate verbose mode.
Note: Verbose mode is always on if you starts a debug
maven instance (says via -X). Default value is: ${maven.verbose}. |
Author, Id, Rev, URL and Date
<extraExtensions> <java2>java</java2> <jdata>java</jdata> </extraExtensions>