Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
jdbcPassword | String | - | The database password for the specified username |
jdbcUrl | String | - | The jdbc connect url |
jdbcUsername | String | - | The database username |
jdbcVendor | String | - | The type of database (mysql, oracle, etc) Default value is: mysql. |
namespace | String | - | Namespace for Rice |
sourceDir | File | - | The directory containing documents to ingest Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources. |
workingDir | File | - | The working directory where the documents to ingest are copied. The
plugin loads them from here, and transitions them from the
"pending" directory to either the "completed" or "problem"
directories. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/ingester. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
excludes | String[] | - | Exclusion patterns. By default, nothing is excluded. |
includes | String[] | - | Inclusion patterns. By default **/*.xml is included |
jdbcDriver | String | - | Jdbc driver to use. This is optional because a default driver for
the specified jdbcVendor is usually the correct one to
use. If a driver is provided here, it overrides the default. |
propsKey | String | - | System property key the plugin uses to locate an external
properties file to load Default value is: ingester.config.location. |
propsLoc | File | - | Location of the external properties file to load Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/ingester/config/ingester.properties. |