Full name:
Convenience mojo for generating multiple graphs.
Name | Type | Since | Description |
direction | Direction | - | The direction for the graph layout. Valid values are TB, LR, BT, RL. Top to bottom, left to right, bottom to top, and right to left, respectively. Default value is: TB. |
outputDir | File | - | The directory graphs are generated into. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/graph. |
outputFormat | String | - | The output format for the graph. This can be any format supported by Graphviz (png, jpg, gif, pdf, ...) Default value is: png. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
cascadeOptional | boolean | - | If true, any dependency marked as optional will have all of its transitive dependencies displayed as optional also. Default value is: true. |
conflicts | Conflicts | - | Determines how conflicts in the dependency tree are displayed. Valid options are IGNORE, LABEL, and SHOW. IGNORE, ignores conflicts and draws the graph without any reference to them. LABEL, draws a red line with the word "conflict" for any spots in the dependency tree where there are conflicts. SHOW, draws a red line, and also shows what version of the artifact was conflicted out of the build. Maven supports the resolution of artifact versions by way of nearest-wins. That is, for any set of dependencies that share the same groupId:artifactId:type:classifier, the one declared nearest to the current project in the dependency tree will be selected for use. Default value is: IGNORE. |
descriptors | List | - | List of graph descriptors For example: <descriptors> <descriptor> <includes>org.slf4j,log4j</includes> </descriptor> <descriptor> <includes>commons-logging</includes> <filterType>PATH</filterType> </descriptor> </descriptors> |
display | Display | - | Controls what dependencies are displayed on the graph by applying different filtering techniques. Valid options are PATH, TREE, and PT (path and tree). NOTE: Support for display types other than TREE should be considered experimental. PATH and PT are not fully implemented or tested. Use at your own risk. TREE prunes the dependency tree from the top down. Recursive traversal of transitive dependencies stops when a dependency does not match the filter criteria. Any further transitive dependencies in that part of the dependency tree are not displayed. PATH searches the entire tree for any dependencies matching the filter criteria. All matching dependencies are displayed. In addition, the dependencies in the path from any matching dependency back to the top of the dependency tree are displayed. Dependencies in the path from a matching dependency to the top of the tree are always displayed, even if they do not match the filter criteria themselves. PT is similar to PATH. The difference between PT and PATH is that PT shows the transitive dependencies of dependencies matching the filter criteria in addition to the dependencies in the path back to the top of the dependency tree. Default value is: TREE. |
executeDot | boolean | - | If true, the Graphviz "dot" binary is executed to produce a graph from the .dot text file Default value is: true. |
generateDefaultGraphs | boolean | - | If true, the default set of graphs is generated in addition to those provided in the descriptors list. Default value is: true. |
ignoreDotFailure | boolean | - | If true, the Maven build will continue even if the "dot" executable returns a non-zero exit value. Default value is: false. |
keepDotFile | boolean | - | If true, the .dot text file Graphviz uses to draw the graph is retained Default value is: false. |
showDuplicates | boolean | - | If true, duplicate dependencies are displayed on the graph. Default value is: false. |
showGroupIds | boolean | - | If true, artifact group id's are displayed on the graph. Default value is: true. |
showLegend | boolean | - | If true, any filters applied to the dependency tree are shown in the legend. Default value is: true. |
showTitle | boolean | - | If true, the title for the graph will be displayed. Default value is: true. |
skip | boolean | - | If true, mojo execution is skipped. Default value is: false. |
skipEmptyGraphs | boolean | - | If true, skip invoking Graphviz if there are no dependencies to graph. Default value is: true. |
title | String | - | The title for the graph Default value is: Dependency Graph for ${project.name}. |
verbose | boolean | - | If true, metadata about the dependency tree is displayed. Default value is: false. |
If true, any dependency marked as optional will have all of its transitive dependencies displayed as optional also.
Determines how conflicts in the dependency tree are displayed. Valid options are IGNORE, LABEL, and SHOW.
IGNORE, ignores conflicts and draws the graph without any reference to them.
LABEL, draws a red line with the word "conflict" for any spots in the dependency tree where there are conflicts.
SHOW, draws a red line, and also shows what version of the artifact was conflicted out of the build.
Maven supports the resolution of artifact versions by way of nearest-wins. That is, for any set of dependencies that share the same groupId:artifactId:type:classifier, the one declared nearest to the current project in the dependency tree will be selected for use.
List of graph descriptors
For example:
<descriptors> <descriptor> <includes>org.slf4j,log4j</includes> </descriptor> <descriptor> <includes>commons-logging</includes> <filterType>PATH</filterType> </descriptor> </descriptors>
The direction for the graph layout. Valid values are TB, LR, BT, RL. Top to bottom, left to right, bottom to top, and right to left, respectively.
Controls what dependencies are displayed on the graph by applying different filtering techniques. Valid options are PATH, TREE, and PT (path and tree).
NOTE: Support for display types other than TREE should be considered experimental. PATH and PT are not fully implemented or tested. Use at your own risk.
TREE prunes the dependency tree from the top down. Recursive traversal of transitive dependencies stops when a dependency does not match the filter criteria. Any further transitive dependencies in that part of the dependency tree are not displayed.
PATH searches the entire tree for any dependencies matching the filter criteria. All matching dependencies are displayed. In addition, the dependencies in the path from any matching dependency back to the top of the dependency tree are displayed. Dependencies in the path from a matching dependency to the top of the tree are always displayed, even if they do not match the filter criteria themselves.
PT is similar to PATH. The difference between PT and PATH is that PT shows the transitive dependencies of dependencies matching the filter criteria in addition to the dependencies in the path back to the top of the dependency tree.
If true, the Graphviz "dot" binary is executed to produce a graph from the .dot text file
If true, the default set of graphs is generated in addition to those provided in the descriptors list.
If true, the Maven build will continue even if the "dot" executable returns a non-zero exit value.
If true, the .dot text file Graphviz uses to draw the graph is retained
The directory graphs are generated into.
The output format for the graph. This can be any format supported by Graphviz (png, jpg, gif, pdf, ...)
If true, duplicate dependencies are displayed on the graph.
If true, artifact group id's are displayed on the graph.
If true, any filters applied to the dependency tree are shown in the legend.
If true, the title for the graph will be displayed.
If true, mojo execution is skipped.
If true, skip invoking Graphviz if there are no dependencies to graph.
The title for the graph
If true, metadata about the dependency tree is displayed.