Graph Maven Plugin
Create customizable dependency graphs for Maven projects using Graphviz. The Graphviz "dot" executable needs to be installed and in your path for the plugin to produce graphs -
There are free, stable, and mature, executables for Linux, Mac, Solaris, and Windows available for download from
Example Graphs
- Graph #1 shows dependencies on logging libraries used by this plugin
- Graph #2 is the same graph drawn in FLAT mode with duplicate dependencies being displayed.
- Graph #3 is the complete transitive dependency tree for this plugin (aka "the transitive closure")
- This is the default type of graph produced by the plugin when no customizations are applied.
- Dependences are styled according to their scope and optional settings.
- Graph #4 is the transitive closure but with conflicts labeled via the "conflicts" option
mvn graph:dependencies -Dgraph.conflicts=LABEL
- Graph #5 is the transitive closure but with conflicts explicitly shown
mvn graph:dependencies -Dgraph.conflicts=SHOW
- The Dependency Graphs report has a more comprehensive set of examples.
Plugin Documentation
- Plugin goals support generating a single graph, multiple graphs, and generating a report during Maven site generation.