Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
buildNumberProperty | String | - | The property where the current build number is stored. Jenkins
automatically sets an environment variable called
BUILD_NUMBER each time a job is run Default value is: env.BUILD_NUMBER. |
checkoutDir | File | - | The directory where the new tag is checked out to Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/checkout. |
createTagMessage | String | - | The commit message for when the new tag is first created Default value is: [externals-maven-plugin] Create tag. |
externalsMessage | String | - | The commit message for when the svn propset command is
used to set externals on the tag Default value is: [externals-maven-plugin] Set svn:externals. |
file | File | - | The location of a text file that contains the svn:externals
definitions Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/checkout/svn.externals. |
ignoreDirectories | String | - | Directories to ignore when examining the file system for Maven
pom's Default value is: src,target,.svn,.git. |
mappings | List | - | These mappings connect the svn:externals definitions with a
property inside the root pom that controls what version each
external is set to |
pom | String | - | Filename pattern used to discover Maven pom's Default value is: pom.xml. |
scmUrlPrefix | String | - | The prefix Maven needs in front of the real SCM url Default value is: scm:svn:. |
tagStyle | TagStyle | - | Either BUILDNUMBER, REVISION, or
RELEASE Default value is: BUILDNUMBER. |
updateTagMessage | String | - | The commit message for when the updated pom's and svn.external file
is committed to the tag Default value is: [externals-maven-plugin] Tag maintenance. |