Plugin Documentation

Goals available for this plugin:

ec2:createsnapshotCreate a snapshot of a volume. If successful, the project property will contain the id of the snapshot that was created.
ec2:deregisterimagesConnect to EC2, deregister images (and delete their associated snapshots) that have matching tags
ec2:describeimagesConnect to EC2 and list image associated with this account
ec2:describeinstancesConnect to EC2 and list instances associated with this account
ec2:findinstanceConnect to EC2 and find a single instance based on a tag/value pair
ec2:launchinstanceConnect to EC2 and launch a a single instance configured according to user preferences. By default, the plugin waits until the instance reaches the state of "running" before allowing the build to continue. Once an EC2 instance is "running" Amazon has assigned it a public dns name. The public dns name, the instance id, and the value of the tag "Name" (if that tag is supplied) are stored as the project properties ec2.instance.dns,,, respectively. If wait is false, the ec2.instance.dns property will not be set since the instance will not have a public dns name by the time the plugin execution completes.
ec2:registerimageRegister an Amazon machine image (AMI)
ec2:tagConnect to EC2 and tag a resource with name/value pairs. Each resource can have up to 10 tags. resourceId can be an EC2 instance id, volume id, snapshot id, etc.
ec2:terminateinstanceConnect to EC2 and terminate the indicated instance.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

MemoryNo minimum requirement.
Disk SpaceNo minimum requirement.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

For more information, see "Guide to Configuring Plug-ins"