001    /**
002     * Copyright 2004-2013 The Kuali Foundation
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package org.kuali.hr.time.detail.web;
018    import java.math.BigDecimal;
019    import java.sql.Timestamp;
020    import java.util.ArrayList;
021    import java.util.Collection;
022    import java.util.Iterator;
023    import java.util.List;
025    import org.junit.Assert;
026    import org.junit.Test;
027    import org.kuali.hr.test.KPMETestCase;
028    import org.kuali.hr.time.graceperiod.rule.GracePeriodRule;
029    import org.kuali.hr.time.service.base.TkServiceLocator;
030    import org.kuali.hr.time.test.HtmlUnitUtil;
031    import org.kuali.hr.time.test.TkTestConstants;
032    import org.kuali.hr.time.timeblock.TimeBlock;
033    import org.kuali.hr.time.timeblock.TimeHourDetail;
034    import org.kuali.hr.time.timesheet.TimesheetDocument;
035    import org.kuali.hr.time.workflow.TimesheetDocumentHeader;
036    import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocator;
038    import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage;
040    public class ActualTimeInquiryWebTest extends KPMETestCase {
041            private String documentId;
042            private TimeBlock timeBlock;
044        @Override
045        public void setUp() throws Exception {
046            super.setUp();
048            //create current timeshee
051        }
053        @Test
054            public void testActualTimeInquiry() throws Exception {
055                    String baseUrl = TkTestConstants.Urls.TIME_DETAIL_URL;
056            HtmlPage page = HtmlUnitUtil.gotoPageAndLogin(getWebClient(), baseUrl);
057            Assert.assertNotNull(page);
058            Assert.assertTrue("Clock Page contains Actual Time Inquiry Button", page.asText().contains("Actual Time Inquiry"));
060                    String atiUrl = baseUrl + "?methodToCall=actualTimeInquiry";
061                    HtmlPage testPage1 = HtmlUnitUtil.gotoPageAndLogin(getWebClient(), atiUrl);
062                    Assert.assertNotNull(testPage1);
063                    Assert.assertTrue("Actual Time Inquiry page contains close Button", testPage1.asText().contains("Close"));
064                    Assert.assertTrue("Actual Time Inquiry page contains No value found message", testPage1.asText().contains("No values match this search."));
066            this.createTB();
067            this.changeGracePeriodRule();
068            atiUrl = baseUrl + "?methodToCall=actualTimeInquiry&documentId=" + documentId;
069            HtmlPage testPage2 = HtmlUnitUtil.gotoPageAndLogin(getWebClient(), atiUrl);
070            Assert.assertTrue("Actual Time Inquiry page contains One item retrived message", testPage2.asText().contains("One item retrieved."));
071            }
073            public void createTB() {
074                    timeBlock = new TimeBlock();
075                    timeBlock.setUserPrincipalId("admin");
076                    timeBlock.setPrincipalId("admin");
077                    timeBlock.setJobNumber(2L);
078                    timeBlock.setWorkArea(1234L);
079                    timeBlock.setTask(1L);
080                    timeBlock.setEarnCode("RGN");
081                    Timestamp beginTimestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
082                    timeBlock.setBeginTimestamp(beginTimestamp);
083                    Timestamp endTimestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
084                    timeBlock.setEndTimestamp(endTimestamp);
085                    TimeHourDetail timeHourDetail = new TimeHourDetail();
086                    timeHourDetail.setEarnCode("RGN");
087                    timeHourDetail.setHours(new BigDecimal(2.0));
088                    timeBlock.getTimeHourDetails().add(timeHourDetail);
089                    timeBlock.setHours(new BigDecimal(2.0));
090                    timeBlock.setClockLogCreated(Boolean.TRUE);
091                    List<TimeBlock> tbList = new ArrayList<TimeBlock>();
092                    documentId = this.maxDocumentId().toString();
093                    timeBlock.setDocumentId(documentId);
094                    tbList.add(timeBlock);
095                    TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().saveTimeBlocks(tbList);
097                    TimesheetDocument td = TkServiceLocator.getTimesheetService().getTimesheetDocument(documentId.toString());
098                    td.setTimeBlocks(tbList);
099            }
101            public void changeGracePeriodRule() {
102                    GracePeriodRule gracePeriodRule = TkServiceLocator.getGracePeriodService().getGracePeriodRule(timeBlock.getBeginDate());
103                    gracePeriodRule.setHourFactor(new BigDecimal("1"));
104                    KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().save(gracePeriodRule);
105            }
108            public Long maxDocumentId() {
109                    Collection aCol = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().findAll(TimesheetDocumentHeader.class);
110                    Long maxId = new Long(-1);
111                    Iterator<TimesheetDocumentHeader> itr = aCol.iterator();
112                    while (itr.hasNext()) {
113                            TimesheetDocumentHeader tdh = itr.next();
114                            Long temp = new Long(tdh.getDocumentId());
115                            if(temp > maxId) {
116                                    maxId = temp;
117                            }
118                    }
119                    return maxId;
120            }
121    }