The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag Class | Total number of occurrences | Tag strings used by tag class |
FIXME's | 2 | FIXME |
TODO's | 77 | TODO |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurrences found in the code: 2
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.DropDefaultValueGenerator | Line |
this syntax does not supported by MSSQL 2000 | 66 |
liquibase.statementexecute.AddUniqueConstraintExecutorTest | Line |
Syntax for mysql is correct, but exception "Table 'liquibaseb.adduqtest' doesn't exist" is thrown assertCorrect("alter table `liquibaseb`.`adduqtest` add constraint `uq_test` unique (`coltomakeuq`)", MySQLDatabase.class); | 128 |
Number of occurrences found in the code: 77
liquibase.LiquibaseTest | Line |
reintroduce @Test public void isSaveToRunMigration() throws Exception { TestLiquibase liquibase = testLiquibase; | 53 |
liquibase.change.AbstractChangeTest | Line |
reintroduce @Test public void executeStatement() throws Exception { Change change = new AbstractChange("test", "Test Refactorign", ChangeMetaData.PRIORITY_DEFAULT) { public SqlStatement[] generateStatements(Database database) { return new SqlStatement[]{new RawSqlStatement("GENERATED STATEMENT;")}; } | 136 |
liquibase.change.ColumnConfig | Line |
find where this is being called with the tag body and fix the code there. this logic does not belong here because it prevents a column from being the empty string | 97 |
liquibase.change.core.AddLookupTableChangeTest | Line |
this test should reorganized first statement is RawSql to create new (Lookup) Table second - Set Not Null Constraint for the Field in the created Lookup table third - primary key constraint of the Lookup Table forth - add foreign key reference from old (base) table to the lookup table Take into account that different databases could produce different number of the statements. | 32 |
liquibase.change.core.AddPrimaryKeyChange | Line |
} else if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // return special statements for SQLite databases return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); | 86 |
liquibase.change.core.AddUniqueConstraintChange | Line |
if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // return special statements for SQLite databases return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); } | 103 |
liquibase.change.core.DropColumnChange | Line |
if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // return special statements for SQLite databases return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); } | 58 |
liquibase.change.core.DropDefaultValueChange | Line |
if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // return special statements for SQLite databases return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); } | 66 |
liquibase.change.core.DropNotNullConstraintChange | Line |
if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // return special statements for SQLite databases return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); } | 66 |
liquibase.change.core.DropPrimaryKeyChange | Line |
if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // return special statements for SQLite databases return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); } | 55 |
liquibase.change.core.DropUniqueConstraintChange | Line |
if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // return special statements for SQLite databases return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); } | 68 |
liquibase.change.core.LoadDataChangeTest | Line |
test with file opener | 160 |
test with file opener | 165 |
liquibase.change.core.LoadUpdateDataChangeTest | Line |
To change body of overridden methods use File | Settings | File Templates. | 204 |
To change body of overridden methods use File | Settings | File Templates. | 209 |
liquibase.change.core.RenameColumnChange | Line |
if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // return special statements for SQLite databases return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); } | 74 |
liquibase.change.custom.CustomChangeWrapper | Line |
be smarter about handling upgrade | 99 |
liquibase.database.core.InformixDatabase | Line |
Maybe there is a better place for this. For each session this statement has to be executed, to allow newlines in quoted strings | 110 |
dont know if this correct | 186 |
liquibase.database.core.MySQLDatabase | Line |
handle @Override public String getConnectionUsername() throws DatabaseException { return super.getConnection().getConnectionUserName().replaceAll("\\@.*", ""); } | 19 |
liquibase.database.core.PostgresDatabase | Line |
throw? | 144 |
Something? | 310 |
liquibase.database.core.PostgresDatabaseTest | Line |
test has troubles, fix later | 39 |
test has troubles, fix later | 44 |
liquibase.database.core.SybaseASADatabase | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 202 |
Auto-generated method stub | 208 |
liquibase.database.core.UnsupportedDatabase | Line |
reintroduce try { String nowFunction = null; String dateFunction = null; String dateTimeFunction = null; String timeStampFunction = null; | 58 |
reintroduce? @Override protected boolean canCreateChangeLogTable() throws DatabaseException { //check index size. Many drivers just return 0, so it's not a great test int maxIndexLength; try { maxIndexLength = getConnection().getMetaData().getMaxIndexLength(); | 99 |
liquibase.dbdoc.TableWriter | Line |
add foreign key info to columns? | 41 |
liquibase.dbtest.AbstractIntegrationTest | Line |
We need better data diff support to be able to do that Diff diff = new Diff(utf8Snapshot,iso88951Snapshot); diff.setDiffData(true); assertFalse("There are no differences setting the same data in utf-8 and iso-8895-1 " ,; | 756 |
liquibase.dbtest.unsupported.UnsupportedDBIntegrationTest | Line |
find a good way to implement that doesn't require wrapping the connection object. Use to test using Derby, but changing the reported type so Liquibase doesn't recognize it. | 4 |
liquibase.lockservice.LockServiceExecuteTest | Line |
failing on build server: re-enable | 66 |
liquibase.serializer.core.string.StringChangeLogSerializer | Line |
--No comment-- | 33 |
liquibase.serializer.core.xml.XMLChangeLogSerializer | Line |
--No comment-- | 65 |
liquibase.snapshot.jvm.JdbcDatabaseSnapshotGenerator | Line |
there are some filters bellow in for loop. Are they needed here too? | 480 |
Informix generates indexnames with a leading blank if no name given. An identifier with a leading blank is not allowed. So here is it replaced. | 730 |
maybe bug in jdbc driver? Need to investigate. If this "if" is commented out ArrayOutOfBoundsException is thrown because it tries to access an element -1 of a List (position-1) | 747 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.AddDefaultValueSQLite | Line |
--No comment-- | 74 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.AddForeignKeyConstraintGenerator | Line |
don't know if correct | 68 |
Informix can handle ON DELETE CASCADE only, but I don't know if this is really correct see "REFERENCES Clause" in manual | 82 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.AlterSequenceGeneratorTest | Line |
assert increment by is 1 } | 25 |
assert increment by value } }); } | 30 |
; assert minValue is 1 } | 41 |
assert min valuevalue } }); } | 46 |
assert initial max value } | 62 |
assert max value } }); } | 67 |
assert order default } | 83 |
assert max value } }); } | 88 |
assert increment by is 1 } | 103 |
assert increment by value } }); } | 108 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.CreateIndexGeneratorTest | Line |
assert that index was created in the correct location. What schema does it go in? // snapshot = new DatabaseSnapshotGenerator(database, TestContext.ALT_SCHEMA); // assertNotNull(snapshot.getIndex(INDEX_NAME)); // assertEquals(COLUMN_NAME.toUpperCase(), snapshot.getIndex(INDEX_NAME).getColumnNames().toUpperCase()); } }); } | 30 |
assert tablespace location } }); } | 49 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.CreateSequenceGeneratorTest | Line |
assert start value } }); } | 60 |
assert increment by value } | 80 |
assert min valuevalue } }); } | 101 |
assert max value } }); } | 120 |
assert max value } }); } | 138 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.CreateTableGenerator | Line |
informixdb | 104 |
ORA-00972: identifier is too long If tableName lenght is more then 28 symbols then generated pkName will be incorrect | 121 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.CreateTableGeneratorTest | Line |
test when tested by diff assertTrue(foundForeignKey.isDeleteCascade()); } | 223 |
actually test for uniqueness when diff can check for it assertTrue(table.getColumn("username").isUnique()); } | 250 |
test that tablespace is correct when diff returns it } }); } | 332 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.DropDefaultValueGenerator | Line |
If dropped from a not null column the not null constraint will be dropped, too. If the column is "NOT NULL" it has to be added behind the datatype. | 98 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.DropIndexGeneratorTest | Line |
issues with schemas on some databases // @Test // public void execute_altSchema() throws Exception { // new DatabaseTestTemplate().testOnAvailableDatabases( // new SqlStatementDatabaseTest(TestContext.ALT_SCHEMA, new DropIndexStatement(ALT_IDX_NAME, TestContext.ALT_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME)) { // // protected void preExecuteAssert(DatabaseSnapshotGenerator snapshot) { // //todo: how do we assert indexes within a schema snapshot? //// assertNotNull(snapshot.getIndex(ALT_IDX_NAME)); // } // // protected void postExecuteAssert(DatabaseSnapshotGenerator snapshot) { // //todo: how do we assert indexes within a schema snapshot? //// assertNull(snapshot.getIndex(ALT_IDX_NAME)); // } // // }); // } | 20 |
how do we assert indexes within a schema snapshot? //// assertNotNull(snapshot.getIndex(ALT_IDX_NAME)); // } // // protected void postExecuteAssert(DatabaseSnapshotGenerator snapshot) { // //todo: how do we assert indexes within a schema snapshot? //// assertNull(snapshot.getIndex(ALT_IDX_NAME)); // } // // }); // } | 27 |
how do we assert indexes within a schema snapshot? //// assertNull(snapshot.getIndex(ALT_IDX_NAME)); // } // // }); // } | 32 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.DropUniqueConstraintGeneratorTest | Line |
assert when isUnique works: assertTrue(snapshot.getTable(TABLE_NAME).getColumn(COL_NAME).isUnique()); } | 10 |
assert when isUnique works: assertFalse(snapshot.getTable(TABLE_NAME).getColumn(COL_NAME).isUnique()); } | 14 |
liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.GetViewDefinitionGeneratorInformix | Line |
owner is schemaName ? view definition is distributed over multiple rows, each 64 chars see InformixDatabase.getViewDefinition | 24 |
liquibase.statement.core.ReindexStatementTest | Line |
remove override once SQLite is back in TestContext.AllDatabases | 11 |
liquibase.statementexecute.AddAutoIncrementExecuteTest | Line |
sqlserver (at least 2000) does not allows add not null column. this type or refactoring should include adding nullable column, updating it to some default value, and final adding primary constraint. assertCorrect(null, MSSQLDatabase.class); | 102 |
liquibase.statementexecute.AddUniqueConstraintExecutorTest | Line |
enable snapshot and assertion when snapshot can check for unique constraints //snapshot = new DatabaseSnapshotGenerator(snapshot); assertTrue(snapshot.getTable(TABLE_NAME).getColumn(COLUMN_NAME).isUnique()); } }); } | 53 |
enable snapshot and assertion when snapshot can check for unique constraints snapshot = new DatabaseSnapshotGenerator(database, TestContext.ALT_SCHEMA); assertTrue(snapshot.getTable(TABLE_NAME).getColumn(COLUMN_NAME).isUnique()); } | 69 |
enable snapshot and assertion when snapshot can check for unique constraints // snapshot = new DatabaseSnapshotGenerator(database); // assertTrue(snapshot.getTable(TABLE_NAME).getColumn(COLUMN_NAME).isUnique()); } }); } | 86 |
liquibase.test.DatabaseTestContext | Line |
re-enable sqlite testing | 210 |
liquibase.test.DatabaseTestTemplate | Line |
find how to get tests to run correctly on SQLite | 25 |
liquibase.test.TestContext | Line |
re-enable sqlite testing | 40 |