Plugin Documentation

Goals available for this plugin:

liquibase:changelogSyncMarks all unapplied changes to the database as applied in the change log.
liquibase:changelogSyncSQLGenerates SQL that marks all unapplied changes as applied.
liquibase:clearCheckSumsClears all checksums in the current changelog, so they will be recalculated next update.
liquibase:dbDocGenerates dbDocs against the database.
liquibase:diffGenerates a diff between the specified database and the reference database.
liquibase:dropAllDrops all database objects owned by the user. Note that functions, procedures and packages are not dropped.
liquibase:listLocksLists all Liquibase updater locks on the current database.
liquibase:migrateDeprecated. Use the LiquibaseUpdate class or Maven goal "update" instead.
liquibase:migrateSQLDeprecated. Use LiquibaseUpdateSQL or Maven goal "updateSQL" instead.
liquibase:releaseLocksRemoves any Liquibase updater locks from the current database.
liquibase:rollbackInvokes Liquibase rollbacks on a database.
liquibase:rollbackSQLGenerates the SQL that is required to rollback the database to the specified pointing attributes 'rollbackCount', 'rollbackTag'
liquibase:statusPrints which changesets need to be applied to the database.
liquibase:tagWrites a Liquibase tag to the database.
liquibase:updateApplies the DatabaseChangeLogs to the database. Useful as part of the build process.
liquibase:updateSQLGenerates the SQL that is required to update the database to the current version as specified in the DatabaseChangeLogs.
liquibase:updateTestingRollbackApplies the DatabaseChangeLogs to the database, testing rollback. This is done by updating the database, rolling it back then updating it again.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

MemoryNo minimum requirement.
Disk SpaceNo minimum requirement.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

For more information, see "Guide to Configuring Plug-ins"