# | Url | Application | Version | Build Date | Purpose | SCM | Database | Schema | Java | Server | Tomcat |
1 | http://dev.ole.kuali.org | olefs-webapp | 1.5.0-M1-r17271 | 2014-02-11 12:56 EST | functionalDevelopment - Latest nightly build of trunk | svn:17272 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ole.kuali.org:1521:OLE | OLEENV1 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 167d
v6.0.35 uptime 1d
memory 51% of 4.7g
2 | http://dev.docstore.ole.kuali.org | ole-docstore-webapp | 1.5.0-M1-r17271 | 2014-02-11 12:58 EST | functionalDevelopment - Latest nightly build of trunk | svn:17272 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ole.kuali.org:1521:OLE | OLEENV1 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 168d
v6.0.35 uptime 24h
memory 17% of 1.9g
4 | http://tst.ole.kuali.org | olefs-webapp | 1.5.0-M1-r17238 | 2014-02-07 11:13 EST | functionalTesting - Builds from development are promoted to the testing environment at regular intervals | svn:17239 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ole.kuali.org:1521:OLE | OLEENV4 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 159d
v6.0.35 uptime 2d
memory 85% of 4.5g
5 | http://tst.docstore.ole.kuali.org | ole-docstore-webapp | 1.5.0-M1-r17238 | 2014-02-07 11:20 EST | functionalTesting - Builds from development are promoted to the testing environment at regular intervals | svn:17239 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ole.kuali.org:1521:OLE | OLEENV5 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 159d
v6.0.35 uptime 2d
memory 18% of 1.9g
7 | http://demo.ole.kuali.org | olefs-webapp | 1.0.0 | 2013-12-04 16:24 EST | demoLatest public release | svn:n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
age 99d
v6.0.35 uptime 4h
8 | http://docstore.demo.ole.kuali.org | ole-docstore-webapp | 1.0.0 | 2013-12-04 16:26 EST | demoLatest public release | svn:n/a | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ole.kuali.org:1521:OLE | OLEENV8 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 99d
v6.0.35 uptime 4h
memory 03% of 4.4g
9 | http://qa.ole.kuali.org | olefs-webapp | 1.5.0-M1-SNAPSHOT | 2014-01-20 17:05 EST | functionalQuality Assurance - Builds from testing are promoted to this environment at regular intervals | svn:n/a | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ole.kuali.org:1521:OLE | OLEENV9 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 26d
v6.0.35 uptime 23d
memory 14% of 4.4g
10 | http://docstore.qa.ole.kuali.org | ole-docstore-webapp | 1.5.0-M1-SNAPSHOT | 2014-01-20 17:06 EST | functionalQuality Assurance - Builds from testing are promoted to this environment at regular intervals | svn:n/a | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ole.kuali.org:1521:OLE | OLEENV10 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 26d
v6.0.35 uptime 23d
memory 08% of 4.4g
1 | http://env1.rice.kuali.org | rice-sampleapp | 2.4.0-M4-r44661 | 2014-02-12 02:12 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of trunk | svn:44663 | jdbc:mysql://mysql.rice.kuali.org/RICEENV1 | RICEENV1 | 1.6.0_35 |
age 285d
v7.0.26 uptime 11h
memory 22% of 1.9g
2 | http://env2.rice.kuali.org | rice-sampleapp | 2.3.4-r44639 | 2014-02-11 02:57 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of branch 2.3 | svn:44640 | jdbc:mysql://mysql.rice.kuali.org/RICEENV2 | RICEENV2 | 1.6.0_35 |
age 285d
v7.0.26 uptime 1d
memory 17% of 1.9g
3 | http://env3.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | functionalThis application instance is reset and Selenium tests are run against it after every commit | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
age 2y
n/a |
4 | http://env4.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | functionalKRAD Sampleapp Client using env5 as Rice server | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_27 |
age 2y
v7.0.26 uptime 124d
memory 04% of 0.2g
5 | http://env5.rice.kuali.org | rice-standalone | 2.4.0-M4-SNAPSHOT | 2014-01-24 14:41 EST | functionalStandalone Rice 2.4 | svn:n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 14d
v7.0.26 uptime 14d
memory 37% of 0.9g
6 | http://demo.rice.kuali.org | rice-sampleapp | 2.3.3 | 2014-01-15 17:42 EST | demolatest public release | svn:44126 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.rice.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | RICEENV6 | 1.6.0_43 |
age 274d
v7.0.26 uptime 26d
memory 21% of 1.9g
7 | http://env7.rice.kuali.org | rice-sampleapp | 2.2.6-r43811 | 2014-01-02 02:44 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of 2.2.x | svn:43816 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.rice.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | RICEENV7 | 1.6.0_35 |
age 276d
v7.0.26 uptime 41d
memory 30% of 1.9g
8 | http://env8.rice.kuali.org | rice-sampleapp | 2.3.4-SNAPSHOT | 2014-02-12 01:01 EST | functional2.3.x application instance is reset and Jenkins Smoke Test Job run per commit | svn:44661 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.rice.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | RICEENV8 | 1.6.0_35 |
age 276d
v7.0.26 uptime 12h
memory 26% of 1.9g
9 | http://env9.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | functionalCurrently running | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_27 |
age 2y
v7.0.26 uptime 1y
memory 08% of 1.9g
10 | http://env10.rice.kuali.org | rice-sampleapp | 2.3.0-M2-SNAPSHOT | n/a | functionalCurrently running 2.3.0-M2 | svn:n/a | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.rice.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | RICEENV10 | 1.6.0_35 |
age 285d
v7.0.26 uptime 285d
memory 37% of 1.9g
11 | http://env11.rice.kuali.org | rice-krad-sampleapp | 2.3.4-SNAPSHOT | 2014-02-12 01:01 EST | functionalKRAD Sample App (component library) - latest 2.3 branch application instance is reset and Jenkins Smoke Test Job run per commit | svn:44661 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.rice.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | RICEENV11 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 216d
v6.0.35 uptime 12h
memory 12% of 3.6g
12 | http://env12.rice.kuali.org | rice-sampleapp | 2.4.0-M4-SNAPSHOT | 2014-02-12 11:11 EST | functionalTrunk application instance is reset and Jenkins Smoke Test Job run per commit | svn:44666 | jdbc:mysql://mysql.rice.kuali.org/RICEENV12 | RICEENV12 | 1.7.0_07 |
age 280d
v7.0.26 uptime 2h
memory 31% of 1.9g
13 | http://krad.rice.kuali.org | rice-krad-sampleapp-web | 2.4.0-M3-SNAPSHOT | 2013-12-02 00:57 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of 2.4 (krad-sampleapp, bundled) | svn:43153 | jdbc:mysql://mysql.rice.kuali.org/RICEENV13 | RICEENV13 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 93d
v7.0.26 uptime 73d
memory 08% of 5.0g
14 | http://env14.rice.kuali.org | rice-krad-sampleapp-web | 2.4.0-M4-SNAPSHOT | 2014-02-12 12:19 EST | functionalKRAD Sample App (component library) - trunk application instance is reset and Jenkins Smoke Test Job run per commit. (Bundled) | svn:44669 | jdbc:mysql://mysql.rice.kuali.org/RICEENV14 | RICEENV14 | 1.6.0_43 |
age 90d
v6.0.35 uptime 40m
memory 42% of 4.4g
15 | http://env15.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | performancePerformance Testing | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 7d
v7.0.26 uptime 7d
memory 01% of 4.4g
16 | http://env16.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | performancePerformance Testing | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 6d
v7.0.26 uptime 6d
memory 00% of 4.4g
17 | http://env17.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | performancePerformance Testing | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 6d
v7.0.26 uptime 6d
memory 00% of 4.4g
18 | http://env18.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | performancePerformance Testing | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 5d
v7.0.26 uptime 5d
memory 01% of 4.4g
19 | http://env19.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | performancePerformance Testing | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 5d
v7.0.26 uptime 5d
memory 00% of 4.4g
20 | http://env20.rice.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | performancePerformance Testing | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 2d
v7.0.26 uptime 2d
memory 00% of 4.4g
1 | http://env1.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-bundled | 2.1.0-FR1 | 2014-01-06 15:41 EST | demoPassword protected demo environment for official demos | svn:62922 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV1 | 1.6.0_43 |
age 99d
v6.0.35 uptime 37d
memory 15% of 4.4g
2 | http://env2.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-bundled | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-build-668 | 2014-02-11 22:43 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of KS ENR 1.0 FR2 - dev/qa | svn:64936 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV2 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 232d
v6.0.35 uptime 14h
memory 39% of 4.4g
3 | http://env3.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-bundled | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-build-668 | 2014-02-11 22:43 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of KS ENR 1.0 w/ on-demand job configured - SA PDT | svn:64936 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV3 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 232d
v6.0.35 uptime 14h
memory 15% of 4.4g
4 | http://env4.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-bundled | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-cm-krad-build-221 | 2014-02-11 23:59 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of KS CM-KRAD branch - CM GWT->KRAD Team | svn:64946 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV4 | 1.6.0_35 |
age 282d
v6.0.35 uptime 13h
memory 58% of 1.9g
5 | http://staging.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-bundled | 2.0.0-M8 | 2013-10-31 14:07 EDT | demoEnd of Sprint Demos | svn:59202 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV5 | 1.6.0_27 |
age 2y
v6.0.35 uptime 93d
memory 34% of 1.9g
6 | http://env6.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-bundled | 2.0.2-cm-krad-SNAPSHOT | 2014-02-03 12:00 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of KSAP - KSAP Devs | svn:n/a | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV6 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 120d
v6.0.35 uptime 9d
memory 16% of 3.6g
7 | http://env7.ks.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | functionalCM Product Manager | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 248d
v6.0.35 uptime 112d
memory 21% of 1.9g
8 | http://env8.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-bundled | 2.1.0-FR1 | 2014-01-06 13:39 EST | functionalPre-rice 2.3.2 upgrade build - dev/QA Rice Upgrade Env | svn:62916 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV8 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 184d
v6.0.35 uptime 30d
memory 35% of 1.9g
9 | http://demo.ks.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | functional2.0.0-CM20 - IUG | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_35 |
age 1y
v6.0.35 uptime 297d
memory 22% of 1.9g
10 | http://env10.ks.kuali.org | ks-rice-standalone | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-SNAPSHOT | 2014-02-12 11:40 EST | functional? | svn:n/a | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV10 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 218d
v6.0.35 uptime 1h
memory 08% of 1.9g
11 | http://env11.ks.kuali.org | ks-rice-standalone | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-build-668 | 2014-02-11 22:55 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of KS ENR 1.0 (Rice for KS on env12) - dev/qa | svn:64936 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV11 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 274d
v6.0.35 uptime 14h
memory 10% of 1.9g
12 | http://env12.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-embedded | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-build-668 | 2014-02-11 22:49 EST | functionalLatest nightly build of KS ENR 1.0 (connected to Rice on env11) - dev/qa | svn:64936 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV11 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 274d
v6.0.35 uptime 14h
memory 52% of 1.9g
13 | http://env13.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-embedded | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-SNAPSHOT | 2014-02-12 11:37 EST | functionalks-with-rice-embedded connected to ks-rice-standalone on env 10 - CI | svn:n/a | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORACLE | KSENV10 | 1.7.0_21 |
age 218d
v6.0.35 uptime 1h
memory 56% of 1.9g
14 | http://env14.ks.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | performance2.0.2-cm (Rice for KS on env15) - CM2 perf testing QA | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 239d
v6.0.35 uptime 112d
memory 13% of 1.9g
15 | http://env15.ks.kuali.org | n/a | n/a | n/a | performance2.0.2-cm (connected to Rice on env14) - CM2 perf testing QA | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1.6.0_43 |
age 239d
v6.0.35 uptime 112d
memory 17% of 1.9g
16 | http://env16.ks.kuali.org | ks-rice-standalone | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-build-668 | 2014-02-11 22:55 EST | performanceLatest nightly build of KS ENR 1.0 (Rice for KS on env17) - QA perf (Laura's team will own turning AppDynamic's off and on for these) *KS can only have 2 servers being actively monitored by AD at any given time | svn:64936 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oraperf.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORAPERF | KSENV16 | 1.6.0_43 |
age 58d
v6.0.35 uptime 14h
memory 18% of 1.9g
17 | http://env17.ks.kuali.org | ks-with-rice-embedded | 2.1.1-FR2-M1-build-668 | 2014-02-11 22:49 EST | performanceLatest nightly build of KS ENR 1.0 (connected to Rice on env16) - QA perf (Laura's team will own turning AppDynamic's off and on for these) *KS can only have 2 servers being actively monitored by AD at any given time | svn:64936 | jdbc:oracle:thin:@oraperf.ks.kuali.org:1521:ORAPERF | KSENV16 | 1.6.0_43 |
age 57d
v6.0.35 uptime 14h
memory 37% of 1.9g